Hi!Hope you enjoy it!

Tris POV

It's been two days since Uriah woke up. We are leaving for Chicago in fifteen minutes, and everyone thinks that it's just another city. I'm waiting outside security, and Tobias is walking towards me.

"Hey," he yells from across the room


"Let's do this!"

"Chicago here we come!"

Just then everyone who's coming home ( including Matthew ) comes down the hall to security.

"We're going home!" Uriah yells

"Yah!" Zeek screams, they're totally Dauntless

Everyone else is running, but in the back Hana is walking with her arms crossed, shaking her head and saying "Will you ever not yell?"

"Oh, Mom you know that's never going to happen!" Uriah yells

Tobias POV

I sit in the bed of a truck next to Tris on the way to Chicago. I don't know what will happen when we get back. I'm worried too, some of Evilyn's supporters might not like Johana being in charge.

"What are you thinking about?" Tris asks

"Do you want the truth?"


"Okay, then you."

"Owwww, but what are you really thinking about?"

"The future of Chicago."


"I think you should lead."



The rest of the ride I sit back and listen to everyone talk. I like this, everything seems so chill. It's boring though, and not running from people or making plans to destroy someone is a hobby now.

Sorry this chapter was so short =(