Jack Frost was very well known

Maybe not much in the mortal world, but was indeed in the immortal one

He was not only known for his fun and mischievous attitude, or his snowy white hair and icy blue eyes, nor was it because he was a seasonal and guardian, the creation of Man in Moon and Mother Nature put together.

No, as shocking and mighty impossible as it may sound, Jack Frost was also known for his temper. And a dangerous one that was

It was hard to tick him off, but once the strings were pulled, well, whoever pulled them God bless them.

Even if the 'Winters Rage' as many called it, was pulled only a few times, and even though it was rather horrifying to have yourself be frozen and a blizzard be send your way, Mother Nature would always smile proudly, and shed a few tears.

You see, Jack would never admit it or say it out loud but Winter could be harsh, with the snowstorms and all ("Heat can be dangerous too you know, yet somehow nobody complains about that" Jack had pointed out once, which followed by a silence where people's eyes widened as big as dinner plates) and while Mother Nature wanted someone to see 'fun' in Winter, she also needed the said person to have a temper similar to his season (like the fiery temper Eric Heat had)

Ice would dance in his eyes, frost would bloom, blizzards would be made thanks to his emotions, the wind would rage itself (herself) and 'Winters Rage' would be realesed

Of course, our favourite oblivious guardians had to learn that the hard way.

He was late! Again! E Aster Bunnymund grumbled out loud as the first four guardians waited patiently (minus Bunny) for their youngest member

It was the beginning of Winter, but surely no country needed that much snow today "Whe' 'he heck is tha' bloody show'pon'" Bunny yelled in frustration

"Now, now Bunny Winter here, so Jack iz buzy, we wait da?" Boomed North seemingly not losing his jolly attitude even though it was 3 weeks before Christmas, Sandy nooded his agreement as pictures flashed above his head, yet no one seemed to notice, The Guardian of Dreams huffed, where were the elves and bells when you needed them?

Suddenly the window snapped open, Winter itself standing on the window sill.

"Jack! Good you come, sit, sit, meeting start now" North opened his arms wide in greeting

"Woah, woah, woah, yeh just gonna let 'im get outta troubl'? 'He meetin' starte' one hour ago North!" Kangaroo broke the warm atmosphere by butting in.

It wasn't the grumpy old rabbit really, it was Sandy and Sandy only who noticed Jack's cold glare on the Easter Bunny, he was the only one to notice the frost that appeared under his feet and the way his hand tightened around his staff, Sandy was the only one who realized what was happening.

The elves were no where in sight, and his golden pictures went to the trio's blind eyes, it was as if the elves knew what was going on (they probably did) and quickly hid away from the Spirit of Winter, leaving Sandy with nothing to attract the guardians attention

"Vhat do you suggest ve do? Punish him" North questioned, not expecting an answer

"Yea' mate punish 'im" The Easter guardian shouted

Sandy still tried to warn them, how they didn't notice the massive temperature drop, was beyond him. The 14 year old Winter Spirit's eye twitches, as Norty huffed a 'fine'

"North maybe-" Tooth who had only now noticed the coldness in the room, shivered, catching up with the scene behind them

"No, no Bunny iz right, Jack iz late,needz to be punished so" The giant man waved his hands in a dismissive manner

"Jack hand over ze staff" North said not turning around, all he wanted was to start the meeting, was it that hard?

"No" the response was cold and rather threatening yet only the Dream Maker and The Tooth Fairy noticed, Bunnymund's smirk dropped, he already came up with a scenario where they'd take Jack's staff and the kid won't ever be late again.

North and Bunny turned around slowly "Vhat?"

"I said NO" Jack spoke angrily

"No? Mate we have wor' and yeh mess them up wit' bein' late, hand ove' the staff"

Jack shot them a glare, the probably scariest one they have seen so far, shivers went down their spines, they weren't sure if it was being of the icicles that started forming on the ground and floor or the glare itself

"And you think I don't have a job?" He hissed, the wind pounded on the window, eager to get in "You really think all I do is make a couple of snowflakes and play with kids, huh?" He didn't give anyone a chance to answer, as he continued completely ignoring his friend that kept howling outside "Well let me break the oblivious, your wrong" "Whatda ya mean-" another cold glare shut Bunny's mouth immediately "Oh I'll tell you what I mean Kangaroo, what do you think I am? A simple sprite? What if I'd tell you that your wrong?" The confused silence angered him further "Idiots" Jack hissed startling them(minus Sandy)"I'm The Spirit of Winter, surprise suprise. I am in charge if every snowstorm and blizzard, and you should have known by now since everyone knows that sprites are hardly powerful" he shouted the last part at Bunny referring to the blizzard of '68

The floor was now frosted over, the fire completely gone, icicles from the ceiling grew, threatening to come closer, Jack's eyes were cold, and harsh- like Winter itself

"Us seasonals have enough work to do every single day. Do you think it's easy to make sure Antarctica, The North and Soutg Pole are in check every day, if it wasn't for me your yetis would have been as good as dead" Jack screamed at North, whose eyes were wide with shock, he turned around sharply to face his main yeti Phil who nodded, it was true "And I've got no helpers at all, no seasonal spirit does. I was in a seasonal meeting before I came here, which FYI is none of concern. Later on Manny decides to shower me with more work, he wanted me to help you, I agreed, but that doesn't mean that I'll am going to abandon my job to come to your little meetings, you never helped us when we needed your help. Why? Because you say your work is hard!"


"Well let me break it to you. It's not! Tooth only has to tell her fairies where to go, and they do the job." The Guardian of memories was crying by now, tears streaming down her cheeks like a waterfall, the temperature dropped even further, and the guardians trembled uncontrollably "Sandy... well I gotta admit his job is hard, and unlike you he helped me when I rose out of the lake" Jack shot the best small smile he could through his cold eyes, despite the situation the Sandman grinned and gave him a thumbs up "North" Jack started again, the man in red's head snapped up "Your yetis do everything for you, all you is travel around the world, one time a year while I do that every single day! And Bunny... Bunny bunny bunny" he chuckled bitterly "All you do is color eggs, all year round and then hide them, wait wait don't they actually paint themselves and hide themselves?" The Winter Spirit could already feel the blizzards forming but he didn't stop

Bunny flinched his eyes widened comically, the window banged open the wind soared over to her friend and curling around him "And you want to take away my staff, the piece of me? You are the most selfish people I have ever met! And believe me when I say I have met a lot of those" he ranted furiously, the three guardians (yes yes three) bowed their heads down in shame

"What kind of guardians are you?" Jack Frost hissed, he was out before they could blink. The atmosphere warmed tight away but no one took notice

The guardians were left to stand there full on shock, regret, realization, and shame, they were left with a sobbing Tooth Fairy, a guilty Santa Claus and an Easter Bunny, and a disgusted Sandman, he wasn't disgusted in Jack, no, he was disgusted at the people who neglected him for so long

Yes, what kind of guardians were they?

There! Like it or not? I'm 13 and familiar with writing but if I do have some mistakes, don't judge, kapish?

alisafury2007 OUT!