We are Heroes CHAPTER 1

After the war Annabeth figured she would have a break, then again life of a demigod did not know the meaning of breaks. She is thrown on a new quest on the request of her mother. She comes across allies and makes new ones, the only difference is these new ones are heroes in their own way. Will they be able to work together? Or are they just to different?

The war against Kronos was over they had won. The summer was now coming to an end...Annabeth had spent her summer-break up in Olympus working alongside her mother redesigning and building everything that was destroyed. She and Percy had also gotten closer when Annabeth got the chance to spend time with him. Before she knew it Summer was over and she was thinking about school again. She was up in her study (she still found it weird that she had her own room at her mothers place) sorting through the last of the designs she did not think she was going to be back here. She felt someone behind her and turned to see her mother standing in the doorway watching her. She had gotten close to her over the Summer well as close as one could get with a goddess.

"You have done well." Athena stated she was never one to beat around the bushes when speaking with her always straight to the point.

"Thank you, it has been quite the experience...learning from you." Annabeth replied giving her mother her attention.

"I have enjoyed your company." Athena stated surprising Annabeth. "You seem disappointed." She stated seeing how Annabeth looked down

"Things will be returning back to the way they were before right? Back to being ignored. It is just... I have loved being here...with you, learning from you it was a dream come true." Annabeth continued before her mother could get angry. That was why Annabeth was currently looking at her feet. Athena moves over to her and placed one hand her shoulder the other under her chin guiding it up so she looked at her.

"I am proud of you Annabeth. I always have watched over you, guided you where I could. You know why it is this way."

"I know it is just..." Annabeth stopped

"It is just?" Athena prompted but could guess what she was wanting to say.

"Is it selfish of me wanting to spend time with my mother?" She asked looking into her grey eyes that held wisdom and intelligence. "I will be alright. Beside I will be heading back to dad, going to try and make it work." She had already had this conversation with her mother before.

"That is actually why I am here." Athena stated moving so she was looking over the books in the bookshelf. Annabeth's interest was officially peeked. She waited for her mother to continue.

"There is a school here in New York I wish for you to attend." Athena stated this made Annabeth freeze and stare at her mother.

"You want me to transfer here to New York? Why?" Annabeth asked making Athena turn to look at her.

"Is it not sufficient that I have asked this of you?" Athena asked back

"I would not be your daughter if I did not ask why?" Annabeth pointed out Athena looked away as a small smile pulled against her lips. "I take it you are not meaning Goode." Annabeth asked

"Absolutely not. It is Midtown school of Science and Technology." Athena stated

"And my dad is okay with me moving to New York?"

"Yes I have set up an apartment for you it is not far from the school." Athena replied

"I get an apartment to myself?" Annabeth asked she wasn't sure how she felt about transferring to a new school or moving to New York then again she would have more time to spend with Percy. She could not help a small smile appear on her face at the thought.

"No boys, bare in mind I will be watching over you." Athena stated knowing exactly why Annabeth was smiling. Annabeth looked away from her mother at that comment. She did not say anything about her going to his place. No doubt Sally would watch out for her when she found out about this. Annabeth knew that this was happening either way so figured not to fight it.

Athena ended up taking her to show her where she will be staying then walked her to where the school was giving her the route she will take in mornings it was so mundane she could not stop the smile gracing her lips. As they walked through the late traffic as mortals headed home from a busy day of work. They went back to her apartment Annabeth was surprised to find the apartment stocked with everything she would need including some personal belongings.

"What would you have done if I said no?" Annabeth asked

"You are my daughter you would not have said no." Athena replied "it has everything you will need, your father will be here tomorrow to see that you have settled in nicely and help with your transfer."

"What is the other room for?" Annabeth asked noting the spare room.

"It is a spare room. Use it wisely." Athena stated with that said she flashed away. Without even a goodbye.

Things moved rather quickly after that her father did come and seemed happy with the accommodations he settled things with the school that when they started on the Monday she would be attending. He had left returning home after giving her his credit card only for emergencies and making sure that she was fine with what was happening. She had gotten in contact with Percy and informed him of everything he was happy that they were in the same city. She had spent time with him after getting everything ready for Monday. She had stayed for dinner at his place Sally making sure she had plenty to eat and reminding her of the offered open invitation for her anytime. That night she had somewhat of a restless sleep mainly nerves of starting a new school. In the morning she got ready picking out a simple outfit jeans and a blue tshirt eating breakfast before heading out the door and walked to school she was in a good mood she loved learning she was not going to let her nerves affect her. Getting her schedule she made her way through the busy halls as kids grouped together with friends discussing everything that happened over the summer break. She made her way to her home room finally finding it just as the bell went off. She entered the class to see that everyone had stopped talking to stare at her she scanned the crowd before her attention was diverted to the teacher Mr Harrington it being clear this class knew everyone seeming he pointed out that she was a new transfer student.

"Class we have a new student, Annabeth Chase. Where are you from Miss Chase?" He asked much to Annabeth's horror she would much rather go and sit down.

"San Fransisco." Annabeth replied

"You can sit with Miss Jones." He stated as much as Annabeth had wanted to sit on the empty desk at the back she moved to the seat he told her to go to. Annabeth assessed the girl she would be sitting next to dark hair brown eyes that held an intelligence but the way she was slouched in the chair it was like she did not care with how she looked. Annabeth sat next to her.

"Michelle Jones." She stated holding out her hand Annabeth shook it not wanting to seem rude and not needing to introduce herself seeming the class knows her name she then turned her attention back to Mr Harrington as he continued on with what the plan for the year was going to be. Half an hour into the lesson the door opened and Annabeth like most of the others turned to see who it was. Annabeth not helping to stare longer as she recognised the person who entered.

"Glad you could join us Miss Bishop late on the first day...Not a great start to the year." Mr Harrington stated

"Sorry sir, won't happen again." She replied

"Believe that when I see it." He retorted

"Me too." Sam stated turning and scanning the crowd her gaze landed on Annabeth she seemed surprised but it did not stop her from walking to the back of the room and claiming the desk at the back. Annabeth had met Sam previously when she helped out on a quest later only to be revealed having ties to Athena. She was the daughter of Apollo but was Athena's charge. Annabeth still did not know her story when she asked her mother she responded by saying it was complicated. Sam had helped in the war against Kronos and seemed to have disappeared after the party she had told Annabeth that she was in trouble for interfering and that her mother was creative in her punishments but had no idea what had happened to her.

"So do you need a tour of the school?" Michelle asked her after their class was over. She went to refuse as she wanted to talk with Sam but Sam was already up and gone out of the room so Annabeth looked back at Michelle.

"Sure that would be great." Annabeth responded as Michelle showed her around school ending with their next class Annabeth was a little upset that Sam was not in this class she ended up sitting with Michelle who introduced her to her friends Peter and Ned. Annabeth looked them both over instantly not liking Peter but not sure why, she ended up listening to the teacher rattle on about history.

At lunch Annabeth went in search of Sam but was stopped by a group of girls Annabeth could tell that this group would be classed as the popular group. They surrounded her and asked many questions trying to get her into the group but she was simply not like them. She managed to get away from them as she made her way towards the cafeteria looking around the many kids but not seeing the person she was after.

"You know you should get something to eat." A voice stated behind her making Annabeth tense as she turned on her heel. "Easy, don't go attacking." Sam stated making Annabeth relax as she looked her over. "I was serious about getting something to eat the food is...edible." Sam stated

"Sam what are you doing here?

"I was going to ask you the same thing. Come on." She said leading her out of the cafeteria walking past Michelle, Peter and Ned as they left. Sam led her to a music room where she turned around and faced Annabeth. "Some form of privacy."

"Did you not know I was coming here?"

"No, she did tell me I should expect a surprise though. It is ironic though she wants me to stay away from her kids and ends up sending me to the same school as one of them." Sam mumbled pulling out an apple and handing it to Annabeth.

"I haven't seen you since the party. What happened? You said..."

"I know what I said. I would like to think that this was punishment in itself...highschool. Gods do you know how many highschool diploma's I have? Enough to fill a wall." Sam stated "Here is the run down my name is Samantha Bishop my parents are dead I live with my aunt. I also own a multi million dollar architectural and science company. It legally becomes mine when I turn 18. I was born and raised in DC moving here 5 years ago to live with my aunt after my parents died." Sam stated

"How did they die? How do we know each other?" Annabeth asked

"They were killed and summer camp we started a band." Sam stated

"Okay where are you staying?"

"My penthouse...only joking I live in my building. The top four floors." Sam stated

"Who is your aunt?" Annabeth asked

"Her name is Greta and if you see you don't react. She is my aunt." Sam stated and Annabeth figured what she was not saying Athena was clearly her aunt.

"Do you know why she wants me here? Why you are here?"

"To torment me...I honestly do not know. If I did I would tell you. What about you? Where are you staying?"

"I have an apartment. She gave it to me." Annabeth replied. "Did you start this year? The way the others react around you it is like they know you."

"They think I have been here for four years this is my final year." Sam stated

"That answers my next question how old are you. 17?"

"Yeah. Same as you...ok other things you need to know I built up a rep that keeps me isolated I'm a loner and I like it that way. I have a feeling that is going to change. Let me see your schedule." Sam stated and Annabeth handed her it as Sam checked it over "the only classes we do not have together is history and English. Do you know where the library is?" Sam asked

"Yeah Michelle showed me, speaking of other kids that kid Peter what is your take on him?"

"Peter Parker bright kid but lately has been slacking off ever since he got an Internship with Stark industries. Your average nerd...why?"

"I just don't like him." Annabeth states she had hoped she was not the only one to feel it but apparently she was.

"It is your first day." Sam point out which Annabeth agreed to she would give him time but would keep a close eye on him.