"Once Upon a Time, there was a kingdom of happy creatures called 'trolls'. They lived in a beautiful tree where they made flower pods their homes and they lived a merry life of singing, dancing, and hugging. But one day, dreadful creatures called the Bergens found out about the trolls and began to eat them for a horrible holiday called Trollstice. But luckily, the great King Peppy took the trolls away from that life, and the trolls made a new home where they could sing and dance to their heart's content!

Twenty years later, the great King Peppy's young daughter Princess Poppy wanted to hold a massive celebration to remind the trolls of their freedom. A grumpy mean survivor troll named Branch warned her that she shouldn't throw the party, but she did anyway. A scary Bergen chef showed up and kidnapped all of Poppy's friends! She and the grumpy troll Branch went on a mission to save them, and in the process, made friends with a lonely Bergen scullery maid named Bridget who was in love with the King Gristle. With the help of Poppy and her friends, they got Bridget and the king to feel true happiness, without eating a troll!

But one of Poppy's friends, a mean troll named Creek, double crossed the trolls and got them all thrown in a pot! Princess Poppy was devastated, and lost her colors...and soon all of the trolls followed behind her and lost their colors too. Hope was lost...until Branch, the grumpiest troll of all, sang to them to lift their spirits, and brought Princess Poppy's colors back by dancing with her. Rejuvenated by Branch's song, the trolls escaped with the help of Bridget, but they returned to show all the Bergens that true happiness isn't something you put inside you, it's something you feel. Poppy became Queen, Branch found his true colors, and everyone lived happily ever after…

Until! 3 months after Poppy became Queen, she became aware that there were different kinds of trolls out there! She and her kingdom were Pop trolls, but there were all sorts of trolls out there like Techno, Rock, Classical, Funk, Country, Smooth Jazz, and Hip-Hop trolls. Queen Barb, the leader of the Hard Rock trolls, wanted to take all the strings for herself and only allow Rock to be music! Queen Poppy misunderstood her invitation as a big party to reunite the types of trolls, and set out to join the party with Branch in tow. After discovering that Barb's intentions were bad, Poppy set out to stop her, putting her own kingdom at risk…

After being captured by Barb, Queen Poppy was saved from becoming a rock zombie by Branch, who jumped in the way to save her. The brave queen faked turning into a rock zombie to save her friends, but when she destroyed Barb's guitar with the strings, she destroyed all music. With the help of her friends, Queen Poppy made everyone realize that music didn't come from the strings, but all of them. After all the trolls regained their color, Queen Barb and Poppy became friends, and Branch professed his love to Poppy, who loved him right back.

And they all lived happily ever after…"

No sooner had she showed off the last page of the huge homemade sketchbook that her husband smirked from the doorway, shaking his head in amusement at the last page which had a beautifully crafted scene of their wedding from only six months ago.

"Do you have to tell them that story every day?" He pulled the crown over her forehead and eyed the circle of younger trolls, a mix of all the music types eagerly listening to the Queen's story.

"It's their favorite story!" Poppy insisted, fixing her crown. "And it's mine too. How you serenaded me into happiness and then saved me from becoming a zombie. It's our love story…"

Branch couldn't help but laugh at his wife's silly attempt to make him blush. Just seeing her pretty face was enough to make him blush. He felt a little hand tug at his cape and saw a young blue haired Techno troll and picked him up when he reached his arms upwards.

"King Branch, is it true you saved the entire Pop kingdom and then saved Queen Poppy's life?"

Branch nervously chuckled and set him down. He wasn't quite used to being called "king" yet. But he didn't let it bug him too much. He and Poppy worked as a great team in keeping the kingdom safe and happy.

"That's right, kiddo, the wholeee kingdom."

As Branch talked to the kids, Poppy smiled at her husband. It was good practice for him. After all, their egg was developing nicely and was only a few days off from hatching. She knew he was both nervous and excited, but his constant overprotectiveness of her was starting to get slightly annoying. Not that she would ever tell him that though.

Just as she expected, one of the young ones asked the question she was waiting for. It was asked every day.

"When's your egg gonna hatch?" A little red Funk troll asked.

Branch gave a nervous smile. "Hopefully soon. It's already been several weeks and it should be ready soon."

"How do trolls make eggs?" A yellow Classical troll asked.

It was Poppy's turn to give a nervous smile. "Well...when two trolls love each other very much, they perform a "special hug" that's just for adults. They use their love to create a life together. The mother troll then becomes 'pregnant' with symptoms like nausea and swollen feet until an egg pops up in her hair and develops there for several weeks before hatching!"

The talk of the process didn't help Branch's nerves. Poppy had been careful of course, but he still worried and sometimes wished he was the one carrying the egg. She was particularly annoyed with him right now because he begged her to let someone else plan and throw the big party celebrating the one year anniversary of the union of music type trolls. But her mood had gotten better upon receiving congratulation notices from all the other music type kingdoms about the egg.

A gray Rock troll piped up. "Can we see the egg?"

Branch was about to protest, but Poppy had already split her hair open carefully to show the kids the egg that was inside her hair safe and snug. It was pink and blue, a mix of their colors, with a tiny tuft of purple hair sticking out of the top. Once the kids got a good look, she put her hair back to let it rest. She saw her husband giving her a nervous look.

"Don't worry." She gave him a smile, walking over and kissing his cheek. "It's perfectly safe. Nothing is going to happen to it."

Branch smiled at his wife's reassurance, wrapping her up in his arms. "Thanks honey…"

The younger trolls retreated at the gross affection, which was perfectly fine by the lovestruck troll couple.

Poppy nuzzled into her husband's arms, smiling in content. "You're going to be a daddy…"

"And you a mommy...I'm so excited."

Branch glanced back up at Poppy's hair momentarily before just focusing on his wife. The egg was fine, there was no need to worry.

A few days had passed when Branch heard his wife's frantic cry.


He dropped the whittling sticks he'd prepared, swinging his hair as fast to his wife as possible, who was sitting on a mushroom looking extremely nervous but extremely excited all at once.

"Poppy! Honey, what is it?! Is it the egg?!"

"Yes! I'm having our baby!" She yelled loudly, summoning the attention of everyone in the kingdom. Normally Poppy loved the attention, but birth was a serious matter, and she was already getting stressed.

Branch noticed immediately. "Alright, hey! Close friends and family only please! You're stressing out the Queen!"

Once the group had been narrowed down to the Snack Pack and King Peppy, Branch held his wife's hand as she took deep breaths, her hair puffing out a bit as the egg was prepared to pop up and hatch.

"You can do this, Poppifer...I believe in you. And I love you…"

Her husband's reassurance was all she needed, and with a little gasp, the egg popped out of the Queen's hair into the sky, and hatched. Everyone gasped in awe as the little baby floated back down into Queen Poppy's arms, a little girl. Her skin was pink and freckled like her mother, but she had purple hair as a mix of her parent's hair, and Branch's ice blue eyes. She was perfect.

"Oh Branch…"


Branch was quick to grab the hand-knit blanket from his pocket that he prepared for this moment, watching Poppy wrap up the baby as the Snack Pack cooed and Peppy teared up with pride.

Poppy smiled at her newborn daughter, happiness filling her entire body like it never had before. "What should we name her…?" She looked at Branch, offering to let him hold the baby.

As Branch cradled his new daughter, the Snack Pack rang in with their suggestions.

"Princess Flower!"


"Princess Happy!"


"Princess Sparkle!"


"Princess Rainbow!"


After several suggestions, Poppy cleared her throat. "What about...Princess Song?"

Branch looked at his wife, smiling softly. "Song…?"

Yeah...she set a hand on her baby's head, who was still in Branch's arms. "A song is what saved us...what saved all the kingdoms. And I want to name her after the moment we fell in love…"

Branch kissed Poppy's head, smiling widely. "I think it's perfect...Princess Song."

The Snack Pack and Peppy awed, and Poppy got up to make her announcement to all of the trolls, not just her friends. She stood up in the tree, calling for everyone as Branch stood beside her.

"The name of your new princess is...Princess Song!"

As everyone cheered, Branch used one of his hands to hold Poppy's, squeezing it as he cradled their sleepy daughter. Once the crowd settled down, they disappeared into their home, setting Song in the crib that Branch had made himself.

"See? I told you she'd be safe."

"That she is...and so beautiful, just like her mother." Branch rested his head on his wife's.

"And we'll always love and protect her…"

Branch smiled at that. "That's right...we will."

They stood there for several minutes, looking at their precious newborn. Branch kissed his wife's cheek, overwhelmed with all the happiness. His wife was beside him. His baby was in her crib.

Princess Song.

His sweet perfect little princess.


The reboot is here! I hope you all enjoy! And yes, the original will be kept in the archives as nostalgia and the people who still love it. I hope everyone likes the story and please leave a review if you can!

- Rosewater