Requested by lovelypolkadotbunny: Mizuki! I hope you enjoyed your holiday. Anything new regarding your life? It's going to be a slight bummer when school starts again (especially waiting for your spectacular updates but life does come first). Hm, for a scenario how would Kagome react to Takeo if she was Rinko's friend/classmate first? (First Ore Monogatari request!)
Anime: Ore Monogatari! x Inuyasha
Pairing: Takeo Gouda/Kagome Higurashi/ Rinko Yamato
"Kagome-chan, this is Takeo-kun."
The miko blinked as she stared at the giant standing before her. When Rinko spoke of her boyfriend, she had pictured him entirely different from what she was seeing right now, but something had immediately caught her attention.
His aura; so pure and innocent was the aura surrounding the male.
"N-Nice to meet you, Kagome-san!" Takeo exclaimed with a huff as he felt his heart race with nerves. Rinko had wanted him to meet her new friend and after all the wonderful things she would talk about Kagome, it was only natural he wanted to make a good first impression. After all, the first impression with Rinko's other friends hadn't gone so well.
What if he scared her off, too? Would Rinko be embarrassed of him now? Keeping his eyes closed, Takeo could feel the sweat run on the back of his neck as his nerves accumulated.
Kagome had to admit she was surprised by his appearance, but not in a negative way. Not at all. She was amazed how someone as fragile and shy as Rinko could get a guy like this. If anything, their auras matched perfectly. The stories Rinko would tell her about how strong he was, how much he loved her sweets, and just the kind things he would do for her made the miko envious, but she felt joy at the same time.
Rinko deserved someone like him, and if Rinko said he was as kind and sweet as he was, then he deserved Rinko just as much.
"May I call you Takeo-kun?"
Hearing the soft voice of the miko, Takeo opened his eyes. He blinked, taken back by her sudden smile being presented. This was the first time a stranger ever greeted him with such a gesture.
"H-Hai." He nodded slowly.
"Rinko-chan told me so much about you, Takeo-kun." Kagome spoke, "I am glad someone like you is staying by her side. If you ever need anything, you can ask me, okay?"
A friendship? That quickly?
Looking over at his smiling girlfriend, a small blush erupted over his cheeks. Rinko had blessed him with her life and a new friend.
MizukixTsukiyomi's Notes: Please leave a review (it updates every 3 reviews), and thank you for reading!
Next: Shokugeki no Souma x Inuyasha