"We got a lead, come on" Gibbs told them. The agents soon followed him to the elevator.

They arrived at an old storage building. Three lab rats were responsible for the dead of a navy lieutenant. They were looking for them for two weeks. They were hiding but now they found them.

"Kate you take the left. Tony the back door. McGee your with me." Gibbs told them and was soon followed by an 'on it boss'.

"Kate here. I'm in position".

"DiNozzo here also in position".

"Okey on my count. 3,2,1..."

They let themselves know. "NCIS HANDS IN THE AIR!"

"Noo noo this can't be happening" one of the lab rats said and took off for a run.

"DiNozzo, Kate.." Gibbs said. He and McGee had handcuffed the other two lab rats.

"I'm on it..." Tony quickly took off after him.

They saw him right in the front of them.

"Kate you take the left, I take right." Kate nodded and did what Tony told her to do. The lab rat was trapped.

What they didn't knew was that the lab rat stopped suddenly and had Tony at gunpoint.

Kate quickly took out her gun she would take the shot if needed.

"Drop your weapon. You can't go anywhere." Kate said.

"You think so huh missy. I don't think so." The lab rat quickly turned around pushed a button at the same time Kate took a shot. Seconds later he was dead on the ground. They heard an alarm goes off. They looked around confused.

"Aaahhh" Kate looked around when she heard Tony's yell.

Water was coming from a sprinkler right above Tony's head.

"Hahaha. Only you Tony."

"Haha very funny Kate. Why aren't you wet? And why did he pushed that button? What was he thinking? That he could get away if we were wet?"

"I don't know Tony. Maybe the button wasn't working that well. And well he was crazy. But hey see it at the positive side."

"And what's that Kate?"

"You don't have to shower anymore." She said smiling.

"Yeah well I was more thinking of a warm shower without my clothes. Why does this happen in the middle of the day?"

"Well maybe..." Kate begins to say.

"HEY!" Gibbs and McGee were walking to them.

"What happened?" McGee asks when he saw the dead body.

"He held Tony at gunpoint. He tried to do something that's when I shot him." Kate told them.

"And why are you all wet DiNozzo?" Gibbs asks.

"That doing something was apparently pushing a button and the sprinkler above my head went off. That's why I'm wet."

Gibbs shook his head and McGee laught.

"Yeah Probie laugh wait till I get..."

"Okey enough. Pacci's team is already here. They took the lab rats to NCIS. Time to process the scene so we can go. Tony put something dry on." Gibbs said before walking away.

"Yeah right. Were does he think I can find dry clothes." Tony mutters.

"You don't have any spare clothes in your bag?" Kate asks.

Tony shook his head. "Remember yesterday Kate?"

"Oh yes you and McGee got..."

Tony held up his hand to stop her and McGee sighs. "Don't want to talk about it" they said at the same time.

Kate held up here hands. "Okey guys. Sorry I... never mind. The sooner we are done the sooner we get back."

They both nodded. "Yep let's go" Tony said and McGee soon followed.

They parked the car in the parking garage of the NCIS building. Kate and Tony were driving the van while McGee drove with Gibbs. Tim looked at bit nauseous.

"Haha had a nice drive Probie?" Tony asks when they stepped out of their vehicles.

"Shut up Tony."

They followed Kate and Gibbs to the elevator. When they were in, Gibbs gave Tony a head slap.

"Oww what was that for?"

"For teasing McGee" Gibbs said and looked curiously at Tony.

Tony looked uncomfortable. "Something wrong boss?"

"Why are you still wearing the same clothes? I thought I told you to changed."

"Haha yeah well funny story actually, Uhmm remember yesterday?"

"Yes So what, you decided to wait to put something dry on?"

"Yeah boss I forgot to put some clean clothes back in my bag."

"You forgot??? You forgot that you had the plague a couple of months ago??? Tell you what, I didn't forget."

"Of course I didn't forget".

"Gibbs.." Kate tried to interrupt when she saw how uncomfortable Tony looked. But Gibbs gave Kate a deadly glare and the elevator was deadly silent.

Soon to everyone's relief the elevator doors opened.

"You two take the evidence back to Abby and write your reports. Tony and I need to see Ducky."

"WHAT! Boss I don't need to see... it was just a little bit of water." Tony looked helpful at Kate.

"Gibbs you are being a little bit over..." Kate said.

"Over what Kate? Get back to work. Come on DiNozzo" Gibbs said and took Tony's arm to lead him to the other elevator.

Kate and McGee looked helpless after them.

"Kate what just happened?" Tim asks.

"I Uhmm I think Gibbs is a little bit overreacting and losing his mind. Come on Tim we better get something done before they come back." McGee nodded.