The Vengeful Flames are a Salamanders Successor Chapter of the 26th founding. Originally titled the Flames of Nocturne, the Chapter underwent a dark change after a horrifying encounter with the Tyranids of Hive Fleet Krakan.

The Chapter fought as proud Sons of Vulkan to defend a besieged Hive World and it's civilian populace, but alas, that populace would reveal itself in it's near entirety to be a Genestealer Cult... Only 153 of the thousand strong Chapter survived.

This devastation froze the hearts of the surviving Sons of Vulkan, who have since been untrusting of any mortal human.

The Vengeful Flames, as they renamed themselves, have vowed to completely annihilate the Tyranid threat, and often work together with the Inquisitors of the Ordo Xenos to seek out and destroy Genestealer Cults with extreme prejudice.

Of the original survivors, the majority of the Vengeful Flames were Assault Marines. This has led to the Vengeful Flames having an above average amount of Assault Marines: which seems to fit their vengeful nature, as they are prone to throwing themselves into the midst of their enemies. Not only to inflict great amounts of damage, but also for their unwillingness to trust those at their rear. They feel safer knowing beyond doubt that they besieged on all sides, and have only themselves to rely on.

In spite of themselves, the Vengeful Flames are still the sons of Vulkan, and they often fear that their father would be disappointed in them for the path they have chosen.

Though they remain untrustworthy of the commonfolk of the Imperium, the Vengeful Flames are just as unwilling as any Salamander to sacrifice civilians and Guardsmen needlessly. Though any who have been protected by them will note that they quickly depart as soon as they are able, and always make an effort to keep an eye on those they are protecting.

The Vengeful Flames have recently received Primaris reinforcements to their Chapter, their younger brothers being more like minded to common Salamanders than the paranoid Astartes of the Vengeful Flames.

For now, they are tasked with holding defensive lines while their brethren throw themselves into battle. But in time, the Flames of Nocturne may warm its wayward sons frozen hearts.

Author's Note:

I know I've been absent for a long time, but I've been busy IRL and haven't had time to update any of my stories.(I'm sure you've all already noted how short this is compared to my usual works)

The idea just came to me as "what if there was a Salamander chapter that was like the Flesh Tearers or Black Templars" and it grew from there. I'm still thinking about a color scheme for these guys. If you have a suggestion, leave it below.

That's all for now.