Rose Quartz and Greg Universe have been together for around 8 years now. Since her arrival on Earth, Rose had not met anyone or anything that ever made her as happy as when she is with Greg. He has taught her so much about being human and the beauty of Earth, all without even really meaning to.
After Greg looked after baby Sour Cream for Vidalia, Rose had a lot more on her mind. She was thinking about how humans change and why they choose to create smaller humans to take care of. After thousands of years on Earth she still learns more new and confusing things every day. She eventually decided to talk to Greg directly about it.
"Greg," she said, "Have you ever wanted to make your own tiny human?"
"What, you mean have a kid?" Greg replied. "I mean… I can't say I've never thought about it-"
"Then let's make one!" Rose exclaimed.
"What?!" Greg jumped a bit at the sudden suggestion. "Rose, I don't know if I could take care of a kid. You saw what happened with Sour Cream, I couldn't even keep an eye on a baby that didn't wanna move."
"But that's what I love about you, Greg. You can change and learn from every experience, and you can improve. I've seen what you can accomplish, I think you could be great at caring for a tiny human."
"I'm sorry Rose, but I don't think it's such a simple decision. There's so much that would go into having a kid. I live in a van, I don't know if I could afford to take care of one. And Rose, you're from space, how could we even have a kid?"
"Well, you have told me before that humans aren't grown at kindergartens like gems, they just learn new things there. For me to create a new being I would have to grow a new gem somehow or… use my own."
"What do you mean?"
"Well since we don't have the resources to grow a whole new Rose Quartz gem, I would most likely have to repurpose my own. Giving up my own physical form to bring new life onto Earth. Oh that sounds so wonderful, doesn't it Greg?"
Greg just sat there, extremely confused and slightly worried about what he just heard. Gears were turning in his brain as he tried to wrap his head around what Rose just said.
"…You mean you would have to disappear for us to have a kid?"
"Yes, we could combine a part of you with my gem and I would reform as someone entirely new! Someone like you and me, that could have brand new experiences and learn and grow! It would be beautiful!"
"Rose! What are you saying? I wouldn't want you to just disappear. I understand that you love stuff like that and you'd be willing to do a lot to bring something new into the world, but I don't know what I'd do if I lost you. I can't agree to something like that."
Rose was disappointed, but she understood, at least somewhat. She knew that Greg cared about her and that her leaving would affect him. Plus, as long as she's with him she would get to learn so much more about being human. At least for now, she was perfectly content staying as herself as long as Greg was around. They continued with their normal lives. Greg started working at It's a Wash while Rose and the Crystal Gems occasionally went on missions to recover corrupted gems and ancient gem artifacts. Things were basically the same as they have always been. Greg and Rose were as loving as ever, and she would help out at the wash whenever she had time. Because of this, Greg learned much more about gem history and Rose learned even more about how humans function. Greg usually parked the van outside the temple when he wasn't working so he would be closer to Rose, much to Pearl's distaste.
Aside from Pearl, the other gems came to like Greg more and more, Amethyst especially. Amethyst loved to mess with Greg by shapeshifting and pulling all sorts of pranks, and eventually he started to play around with her and pull pranks back. They would have a great time laughing and playing around, and Rose found it incredibly endearing.
Garnet didn't directly interact with Greg much, but she greatly appreciated the joy he brought to Rose and Amethyst. When Greg and Rose performed songs together, she loved playing the keytar and seeing Amethyst go wild on drums.
Greg had now been working at the wash for a couple years, and his relationships with Rose and the gems had improved a ton. He was at a very good point in his life, and he's had something on his mind for a while now. He's been with Rose for around 10 years now, and hasn't had a single ounce of regret in all those years. The words he said to her all those years ago still rein true today.
"You're everything I want!"
While Greg and Rose were walking along the beach one day, Greg stopped. Rose kept walking for a second and then looked at Greg, confused.
"Do you remember when we first met, Rose?"
"Of course I do. I was the only one in the audience at one of your concerts here on the beach, and you came after me with one of your shirts in my size. You were so cute, even back then."
Greg blushes lightly "Aw shucks, you really got a way with words there." He shakes it off and continues. "Anyway yeah we were actually right here when we met, come check this out." He grabs her hand and brings her over to a small area on the beach covered by a small blanket with an umbrella sticking out of the sand. Behind the umbrella was Greg's van with its back doors open and facing the blanket. There was a shirt with the words "Mr. Universe" written on it hung on one of the doors, and Greg's guitar was leaning against the other door. Greg went to grab his guitar and sat in the back of the van, gesturing to the blanket.
"Come on, have a seat. I have something I really need to tell you."
She was standing there starstruck at this setup. She gladly walked over and sat gracefully in front of Greg as he began to strum his guitar strings.
"I know I'm not that tall…"
After the song was over, Rose and Greg just looked into each other's eyes. Both of them were teary-eyed and smiling as big as they could. Greg then got on the blanket with Rose and held her hand.
"You wanna know something about humans that you've never heard before?"
Rose wiped a tear from her cheek and nodded.
"When humans share love for each other for a really long time, they can choose to do something special to commemorate that. It doesn't exactly compare to a gem fusion or anything, but I'd like to think that it's even more personal. Basically it's a way of saying you and the other person want to be with each other forever because you love them that much."
"That's… fascinating. How does it work?"
"Well one of them usually gets down on one knee in front of the other person. Like this." Greg awkwardly shuffles and moves in front of Rose and kneels like he described. "Then they ask the other person something like this..."
"Rose Quartz, will you make me the happiest man in the universe and marry me?"
Rose, confused, just sat there for a minute and chuckled, finally asking, "What does marry mean?"
"What? Oh man I didn't think about you not knowing what that part meant!" Greg puts his palm to his face for a second before laughing and looking back at Rose. "Okay, it works like this…
Greg took the next few minutes to explain marriage as best as he could, from the cake to the "I do"s. Rose paid very close attention, nodding along as he spoke and absorbing every detail.
Once Greg was finished, Rose's eyes were shining with joy and she spoke up. "Yes! Of course! That sounds fantastic, I would love to! Greg Universe, I will marry you! But… aren't you worried about how short your life is? I'll live on much longer than you will, are you sure about this?"
"As mortifying as that is, I would love nothing more than to spend the rest of my comparably short life with you! You've made me happier than I've ever felt in my life, Rose. I love you!"
"Oh Greg… I love you too!" She picks him up off of the ground and spins him around in a big bear hug for a few seconds. "So, how should we prepare?"
"Well I don't really have the money for a big wedding or anything, and my family most likely won't be coming."
"I could invite the Crystal Gems! This sounds like just the break they need after working so hard recently!"
"Ha, yeah. They've been workin' their butts off, huh?"
"Greg this is going to be fantastic! Where should we start?"
"We can look at some stores for wedding stuff, and maybe the gems could help us plan everything."
"That sounds perfect!"
The two of them sat there until sundown that day, and as the sun went down over the horizon the newly-engaged pair sat content and ready for the future.