After months and months, I've finally got myself a decent computer though I'll be upgrading even this one. Anyways, I've decided to rewrite Eternal Chosen due to many, many mistakes and errors I have come across. This gives me a chance to improve this story with more information and details. It will mainly remain the same in terms of duels, story and characters with a few improvements and changes. So I hope you all enjoy this retelling of Eternal Chosen.

Chapter 1: The Beginning of Destiny! Enter Keenan Kalos

In a far off land stood a massive castle made of stone with gargoyles perched on every corner and pitch black crows circling the structure as if a pile of dead corpses were buried below. Inside the castle, in one of its many rooms occupied 6 hooded figures. They were sitting at a long medieval table, 3 on each side and one at one of the ends. All were taken except for one and the chair at the end held the leader of the hooded figures. He had his hands interlocked with his chin resting. He spoke.

"It is almost time gentleman. We must find the Chosen One."

"And how are we to do that? We don't even know who this person is." One of the other hooded figures debated.

The leader raised his arm, causing the sleeve to fall and reveal a purple mark.

"Our marks will do that for us. When the Chosen One is near, it will glow. That is when we all capture him. Kalka."

"Yes sir." Kalka had a deep, brooding voice that would put fear into anyone with a faint of heart.

"Search for the Chosen One. Go to Heartland City."

"Sir." Through his sleeve, you could see Kalka's mark faintly glow. That allowed him to disappear, off to search for the Chosen One.

"Should I accompany him sir?" Another one of the hooded figures asked.

"That wont be necessary. Kalka is strong. I am confident he will not fail us. I will get what I desire and no one will stop me!"

"Mommy don't go!" cried out a young kid, around 5 years old. He was pulling on a young woman's dress in an attempt to stop her from leaving. The woman kneeled to the young boy's eye level and smiled. "I'm so sorry sweetie but I have to. I have to protect our country but I promise I wont be gone forever."

"Honey, is there no other way?" An adult male pleaded.

The woman smiled and looked at the man. "You know the answer to that sweetie."

The woman walked over to a bookshelf and grabbed a gold container. She handed it to the young boy. "I know you wanted me to help you finish your dueling deck. But you've done an amazing job creating it. You picked out the cards all by yourself. I promise when I return, we'll have an amazing duel."

"But mommy!" The young boy cried again.

"I'll be home soon honey." The woman said before giving the man a kiss on the cheek. She waved goodbye to the two males and walked out of the house.

The male having that dream awoke to the ringing of his cellphone. Slowly he answered it. "Hello..." He said groggily.

"Dude! Where are you at!?" The caller asked.


"Dude! Did you forget!? The store tournament! The finals are next and you aren't here yet."


"YOU'RE in the final match! Everyone is waiting on you! If you don't get here on time, you'll be disqualified!"

Managing to hear that, the male's eyes shot open. "Oh shoot! Really!?"

"Really! You worked too hard to be disqualified just for oversleeping!"

"I totally forgot! Give me 15 minutes!"

"You better hurry! I'll try and get Jim to extend the time for you."

The male hung up the phone and jumped out of bed and got dressed. 5 minutes later, he was ready. The boy had plain dirty brown hair. He wore a red shirt with a custom design embedded on it with black baggy pants being held with a black belt with a Duel Monsters deck holder. He wore white and blue sneakers. He picked up his cellphone, his dueling deck and his Duel Gazer from the desk next to his bed and pocketed all three items. He looked at the watch he was wearing and it read 8:50 AM.

"Alright, I have 10 minutes to get to the Raga Shop for the finals before I'm disqualified."

The male ran outside, locking the door behind him, and pulled out the roller wheels that were built into his shoes. He began skating to the local card shop for the tournament that was being held. Believing he was cool and couldn't get hurt, the male began doing all sorts of seemingly impossible tricks, like jumping over cars and messing with the pedestrians.

"Magical Android, attack directly!" A futuristic-clothed woman equipped with futuristic Sci Fi weaponry shot at him with her gun, defeating her opponent.

Opponent: Winner
Opponent: 0

"And the winner is Blake Carson!" A middle aged man announced. The Augmented Reality disappeared as the spectators erupted in cheer for the boy known as Blake.

"Blake is so cool!" A boy yelled.

"He is SO dreamy!" A girl cried.

"No one can defeat Blake!" Another boy said with a smile.

"No way! My friend Keenan will defeat whoever stands in his way!" The boy who called Keenan earlier said with a clenched fist and smile.

"Yeah right dude!"

The male who defended Keenan looked at the entrance and frowned. "Don't make me wrong Keenan."

The clapping and cheering stopped and the MC continued. "Alright! With that out of the way, we will move on to the final duel of the Raga Shop Tournament! We have on my left side, the winner of the last duel, Blake Carson!"

Blake Carson was of Caucasian descent with medium-length black hair that was tied into a ponytail. He was wearing a white shirt with a black vest over it and blue pants. The spectators cheered again but were soon settled down. Blake smiled. "Who is the chump who made it to the finals?"

"And on my right side, we have a duelist who I know pretty well. Admittedly he doesn't know a lot about the cards duelists use but he has shown a lot of skill in this tournament. Help me welcome…."

The middle aged man gestured to where Keenan would be, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"…it seems as if Blake's opponent is not here yet!"

The audience began yelling and booing.

"Calm down everyone! I will give our finalist 5 minutes. If he is not here in that amount of time, he will be eliminated!"

"Come on Keenan…" Keenan's defender said.

Keenan was still skating towards the card shop, dodging people and obstacles.

"Oops sorry!" Keenan was looking back to see how the woman was after he almost ran over her but he didn't see the man with the corndog in front of him and he skated right past him with such speed that it made the man drop his corn dog. "Oops! Sorry sir!"

"Watch where you're going! Grr…kids these days…" Keenan looked back in front of him and smiled as he saw the card shop ahead. "Yes! I'm here! Whoa…uh-oh!" Keenan suddenly found himself going too fast and he tried to warn everyone.

"Watch out! I can't stop! Everyone, move!" The people heard Keenan and moved out of the way, but Keenan was still going too fast and couldn't stop in time and because of that, he collided with the kids inside the shop. "Ahhhh!"

The male who called Keenan earlier was lucky enough to get out of the way and he sweat-dropped. "…You made it Keenan."

"Ugh…g-get off of me!" A kid cried. The other kids who were caught in the collision began to bicker too. Keenan reverted his shoes back to normal and stood up and faced the male who escaped the collision. The male was of African-American descent with black, curly hair, who was wearing a black jacket with a white logo shirt underneath, white and black shorts and tan sneakers. He had a pair of goggles on his head.

"Hey man!" Keenan said with an embarrassed smile.

"Dude! What took you!?"

Keenan rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. "Sorry. I overslept."


"Y-yeah. But I had the dream again. About my mom leaving."

"You did? Well, you almost got disqualified."

"Yeah. I got to be more careful next time huh? Haha."

Keenan looked around, like he was looking for someone though that was because he was looking for somebody. "Hey, where's Harper?"

"With her brother, in the bathroom."

"Oh yeah, her brother's scared to go to the bathroom alone."


"Can we start the duel now Keenan?" The middle aged man asked with a raised brow.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Sorry Jim. I'm ready! But I don't want Harper to miss my awesome victory!"

"Don't worry, I won't miss it." A voice said. Keenan and his friend turned their heads and saw a girl standing there with a little kid. Harper was of Caucasian descent and had long, curly crimson hair. She wore a pink blouse and had a red flower in her hair. She had a very curvaceous figure with a large bust which usually gained Keenan and his friend bumps on their head due to their stupidity, stupidity being Harper's personal favorite word.

"Dang girl! You fine!" Keenan's friend jokingly said. But all he experienced next was a hit to the head, making him fall to the floor.

"O-ow! Ow! That hurt Harper! What was that for?!"

"You just don't learn, do you? Your stupidity is starting to take over again."

"I'm just being a guy. Ow, that hurt!"

He rubbed the bump to make the swelling go down as Keenan just laughed at his two friends. Harper glared at him. "You want to be like Xavier?"

"No. No, I'm fine."

"Keenan, we don't have all day!" Jim reminded.

"Oh, sorry. Let's start this! Who's my opponent!?"

"Hold on, you're my opponent? Keenan Kalos?"

"Oh man. Blake."

"This might be bad. Blake is one of the best duelists in Heartland City." Xavier explained.

"Don't worry Xavier. That may be but I'm sure Keenan will win." Harper said.

"Let's start!" Blake announced.

Blake threw his Duel Disk into the air and it extracted, revealing the Monster, Spell/Trap card zone, graveyard and deck area. Keenan did the same thing except as his Duel Disk was in the air, he pulled out his deck and when his Duel Disk fell back down, in perfect synchronization, Keenan inserted in his deck and then armed his Duel Disk. The duelists, the spectators and the shopkeeper activated their Duel Gazers and Duel Tattoos and the area was replicated except now everyone now in Augmented Reality.

"Augmented Reality Vision Link Established." A computerized voice said.

"DUEL!" The two yelled. They drew 5 cards.

Blake: 4000
Keenan: 4000

"The better duelist takes the first turn. I draw!" Blake drew his 6th card and smiled. "I summon Pandaborg (Level 4) in Attack Position." A mechanical panda bear appeared. (ATK: 1700/DEF: 1400)

"I'll give you a chance. I end my turn."

Keenan placed his fingers on the top card of his deck and smiled. "Okay mom. Let's win this. I draw!" Keenan drew a card and looked over his hand. It contained Grey Condor, Instant Linger, Grave Warrior and three other cards.

"I summon Grey Condor (Level 3) in Attack Position." A grey-head bald eagle with black feathers appeared. (ATK: 800/DEF: 800-Tuner)

Grey Condor
Level 3/EARTH
ATK: 800/DEF: 800

When this card is Normal Summoned, you can Special Summon a Level 4 or lower monster from your hand.

Blake smirked. "You're kidding. 800 attack points? You could have at least summoned him in DEF position. But if you want to lose quicker, that's fine with me."

"I'm aware of that. But check this: when Grey Condor is Normal Summoned, I can Special Summon a Level 4 or lower monster from my hand. Say hello to Grave Warrior (Level 3)!" A zombie wrapped with bandages around its body and rotten teeth appeared. (ATK: 1000/DEF: 400)

Grave Warrior
Level 3/DARK
ATK: 1000/DEF: 400

Banish this card from your graveyard. If you do, you can Special Summon a Level 3 or lower monster from your graveyard but its effects are negated.

Xavier smiled since he knew what was going to happen next. Keenan also smiled. "Okay Blake! Next, I build the Overlay Network and Overlay Grey Condor and Grave Warrior to Xyz Summon Grenosaurus (Rank 3) in Attack Position." The two monsters turned into orange and purple particles and disappeared into a portal that appeared and a half-machine, half-orange-red dinosaur appeared. 2 orbs of fire appeared and started floating around Grenosaurus. (ATK: 2000/DEF: 1900)(OLU: 2)

"Grenosaurus, attack Pandaborg!" The former monster ran up to the latter and destroyed it with its fire breath.

Blake: 3700

"300 Life Points is nothing, I hope you know." Blake said.

"That's fine because Grenosaurus isn't finished dishing out the damage. When it destroys a monster by battle, I detach an Overlay Unit to inflict 1000 points of damage to you."

"Oh no!" One of the floating fire orbs disappeared and Grenosaurus breathed fire at Blake, making him guard himself with his arms. "Ahhhh!"

Blake: 2700
Keenan: 4000

Keenan began jumping for joy. "Aw yeah! I'm in the lead now! I dominated that turn! No one can defeat my Grenosaurus!"

Xavier held his head as he shook it. "He won't learn, will he?"

"This duel is far from over." Harper said.

"You're stupid." Blake said, making Keenan stop. "Stupid? Who are you calling stupid?"

"You destroy one of my monsters and deal damage to me and you celebrate? When Pandaborg is destroyed through battle, for 800 Life Points, I get another Psychic monster summoned to my field."

Blake fanned his deck and summoned a familiar monster. "This is Pandaborg, just in case you weren't paying attention. I know you know I'm the best in the city so why accept this challenge?"

"I know. But we never dueled so you'll be surprised."

Blake: 1900

"I'm sorry but I highly doubt that. I'll show you why I'm the best." Blake drew a card.

Nearby, Kalka, still hooded, as his leader's orders, was searching for the Chosen One. However it had been a few days with no success and Kalka was getting annoyed. "I was told my mark would show me who the Chosen One is but so far I am not anywhere close to finding them."

Kalka continued searching and was attracted to a group of people standing outside the Raga Shop watching the duel between Blake and Keenan. Kalka wasn't going to pay attention to the commotion however, chatter among the spectators intrigued Kalka.

"Dude, this Keenan kid is doing really well against Blake." A spectator said.

"No kidding. Blake better not lose. He's supposed to be the best in the city and he gets defeated?" Another spectator said.

Kalka grew a look of curiosity. "This is interesting. Someone is winning against the best in the city?" Kalka walked up to the window and saw the two duelists. No more than a few seconds later, Kalka's mark started to glow though faintly. "My mark...who is it glowing for though?"

Blake studied his hand with the new card and played a card. "I send Pandaborg to the graveyard to Tribute Summon Final Psychic Ogre(LV 5) in Attack Position." The former disappeared and a colorful creature with tentacles coming from its holes appeared. (ATK: 2200/DEF: 1700)

"Final Psychic Ogre, attack Grenosaurus!" Psychic Ogre used its tentacles to grab and destroy the fiery dinosaur.

Keenan: 3800

"And just like your monster, my own monster has an effect. I can pay 800 Life Points to add one of my Pandaborgs to my hand." Blake grabbed the card but threw another down. "I set 2 cards and end my turn."

Blake: 1100

"Guess I'll give it a shot. I draw!" Keenan drew a card and smiled sheepishly. "Yes! First, I use Grave Warrior's effect. By banishing it, I can Special Summon 1 level 3 or lower monster from my graveyard, but its effects are negated this turn. Grey Condor, reappear my eagle!" The proud bald eagle reappeared and spread its wings. "Next, I Normal Summon Instant Linger (Level 1) in Attack Position." A totem pole with face paint on each head appeared. (ATK: 0/DEF: 0)

Instant Linger
Level 1/DARK
ATK: 0/DEF: 0

When this card is Special Summoned, you can Special Summon 1 Level 5 or lower monster from your hand.

"Next, I'll Tune Grey Condor with Instant Linger to Synchro Summon Tiny Riveter (Level 4)." Grey Condor turned into three green rings. The rings passed through Instant Linger, which in turn, turned into one green ring. A beam of light then enveloped Instant Linger, passing through the rings and a little girl with long black hair, wearing silver armor and carrying a small sword appeared. (ATK: 1100/DEF: 800)

Tiny Riveter
Level 4/EARTH
ATK: 1100/DEF: 800

Once per turn, you can target 1 face-up monster on the field. Halve the ATK of that monster and increase this card's ATK by the same amount until the End Phase.

Blake smiled. "Ooh so close! I bet you suck at math because she doesn't have enough attack points."

"That's why monsters have special abilities. Tiny Riveter!" She nodded and raised her small sword skyward. The sword started absorbing Final Psychic Ogre's power. (ATK: 2200)(FPO: 1100)

"What the….what just happened!?" Blake asked.

"Not so weak now, is she? That's her effect; she absorbs half of your monster's ATK, while your monster loses that amount. I'm pretty sure once I destroy your monster, you lose. Though I may be wrong since I "suck at math". Tiny Riveter, attack Final Psychic Ogre!" Tiny Riveter, powered up, jumped up and downward slashed Final Psychic Ogre, destroying it

The explosion as a result of it knocked Blake back into the wall. "Augh!"

Blake: 1000

"Wait, what!? How do you still have 1000 Life Points left!? When Tiny Riveter destroyed your monster, you should have taken 1100 points of damage!" Keenan cried out.

"Relax, don't cry a river," Blake said as he recovered from the attack. He held up a card he grabbed from his graveyard. "This is Metaphysical Rejuvenation. For each Psychic-Type monster I control, I gain 1000 Life Points. I used it before my monster was destroyed."

"Aww man! I thought I had him! It would have been so cool! I end my turn." (ATK: 1100)

Blake angrily drew a card from his deck. (Hand: 5) "I activate Emergency Teleport! I can Special Summon Psychic Commander(LV 3) from my deck!" Blake fanned his deck and a military creature riding on a UFO-like vehicle appeared. (ATK: 1400/DEF: 800-Tuner)

"Next, I Normal Summon Psi-Beast(LV 2) in Attack Position." A white-furred best with a large, green mane and a mark on its chest appeared. (ATK: 700/DEF: 500)

"Next, I Tune Psychic Commander with Psi-Beast to Synchro Summon Magical Android (Level 5)." The Synchro Summoning ritual occurred and the female android with futuristic weapons appeared. (ATK: 2400/DEF: 1700)

"But you think I'm done?! Oh no! I activate my face-down Spell, Future Glow. I banish Pandaborg and Magical Android gains 800 ATK." (ATK: 3200)

"This'll teach you to mess with me! Magical Android, attack Tiny Riveter!" Using one of her futuristic weapons, she attacked and destroyed Tiny Riveter. "Ahhh!"

Keenan: 1700

"Keenan! Are you okay!?" Harper cried out.

"I-I'm…okay." Keenan said as he stood up.

"I set 1 card face-down. Try to defeat me now." 1 card appeared. Then, Magical Android rejuvenated Blake, to which he smiled. "Just to let you know, Magical Android gives me 600 Life Points for every Psychic monster I control, including her." (Blake's Hand: 2)

Blake: 1600

Keenan drew a card (5) and looked at Magical Android. "Hmm…that Magical Android will dig me into a hole if I don't destroy it. But I know those face-downs of his will protect her." Keenan took a look at his hand. "Oh sweet! I have Mine Mole. I set 1 monster and a face-down and end my turn."

Blake drew a card. "I summon Destructotron (Level 4) in Attack Position." An alien in a robot suit appeared. (ATK: 1600/DEF: 400)

"And don't forget, I have Future Glow active, so Destructron gains 800 ATK." (ATK: 2400)

"Next, I'll use its effect to destroy that face-down of yours. All I need is to lose 1000 Life Points." Destructron conjured an energy ball and destroyed Keenan's Trap with it.

Blake: 600

"Destructron, attack that face-down monster! Once this attack hits, there's nothing to save you!" Destructron conjured another energy ball and shot it at the unknown monster. It was revealed to be a mole with a pink flower on its nose, wearing a yellow digging hat and carrying a pickaxe. It shielded itself by digging underground. (ATK: 1000/DEF: 1200)

"I'm not out yet! It's Mine Mole, and once per turn, it's not destroyed by battle." Mine Mole surfaced.

"You must have forgotten. I still Magical Android, attack!" Using her weapons, Magical Android attacked and destroyed Mine Mole. "Next, I end my turn with a face-down and I gain 1200 Life Points."

Blake: 1800

Keenan looked at his hand with a frown. "I guess there's a reason Blake is the best duelist in town. He keeps 1-uping me."

"You got this dawg! Don't let Blake get to you!" Xavier encouraged.

Keenan looked at his friends and smiled. "You know what Xavier? You're right! Blake, let's get this duel rolling!" Keenan drew a card, looked at it and smiled. "Just what I needed. Thanks deck. To begin, I discard 1 card to Special Summon Hurricane Warrior (Level 4) in Attack Position." A man in green armor wearing a green cape with a tornado symbol on his chest with mini hurricanes as hands appeared. (ATK: 1800/DEF: 1200-Tuner)

Hurricane Warrior
Level 4/WIND
ATK: 1800/DEF: 1200

You can Special Summon this card from your hand by discarding 1 card. If you do, if this card is used for a Synchro Summon, you can destroy 1 Spell or Trap card your opponent controls.

"Next, I Normal Summon Lashing Warrior (Level 3) in Attack Position." A western-clothed man holding a whip and wearing a cowboy hat appeared. (ATK: 1200/DEF: 900)

"But wait, I activate Lashing Warrior's ability. Once per turn, you lose 500 Life Points." Lash Warrior twirled his whip in the air and struck Blake. "Oww!"

Lashing Warrior
Level 3/EARTH
ATK: 1200/DEF: 900

Once per turn, you can inflict 500 points of damage to your opponent.

Blake: 1300

"That hurt!"

"Just wait. I'm not done. I Tune Hurricane Warrior with Lashiing Warrior!" The Synchro Summoning ritual occurred and a brown armored, muscled warrior appeared. He threw a couple of jabs as a taunt. (ATK: 2700/DEF: 2500)

"Say hello to Ground Striker, Blake."

Ground Striker
Level 7/EARTH

ATK: 2700/DEF: 2000

1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuners

Once per turn, you can destroy 1 face-up non-Dragon-Type, non-Winged Beast-Type, non-Fairy-Type or non-Insect-Type monster your opponent controls.

Blake looked up in awe at Keenan's monster. "Wow, that's powerful...but it's not strong than my Magical Android."

"Hold on, that's what his ability is for. In fact, I have two abilities to use. First, when Hurricane Warrior is used for a Synchro Summon after he was Special Summoned with his own effect, I can destroy 1 Spell or Trap card to your hand. Future Glow works."

The spirit of Twist Warrior appeared and caused a tornado that shattered Future Glow to a thousand pieces. (MA: 2400)(DT: 1600)

"Now for Ground Striker. I can destroy any non-flying monsters; basically it means all Dragon, Insect, Winged-Beast and Fairy-Type monsters are safe."

Blake gasped as he looked at his two monsters. "But…mine are psychic…"

"That's right, so say goodbye to Magical Android!" Ground Warrior punched the ground and created a fissure that Magical Android fell into, getting destroyed.

Blake: 3300

"What?! Your Life Points went up!"

Blake smiled and pointed next to him. "Yeah, I think you'll remember this card. I activated a second Metaphysical Rejuvenation. That means I gained 2000 Life Points before Magical Android was taken out."

"I can still attack. Ground Breaker, attack Destructron!" Ground Breaker ran up to the latter, punched and destroyed it.

Blake: 2100
Keenan: 1700

"I end my turn."

Blake drew a card from his deck. (2) "Oh look at this. It seems like I've won. To help me, I summon Pandaborg in Attack Position." (ATK: 1700)

"Next, I activate Psychokinesis. Because I control Pandaborg, I can destroy your Ground Warrior, but I take 1000 Life Points." Pandaborg destroyed Ground Warrior, but attacked Blake too.

Blake: 1100

"Are you ready to lose Keenan?"

Keenan was shocked as he looked at his side of the field. "No…I don't have anything to protect myself with."

"Looks like Pandaborg has just enough attack points to wipe you out. Attack Keenan directly!" Pandaborg attacked Keenan, knocking him down.

Blake: Winner
Keenan: 0

The Augmented Reality disappeared as Xavier and Harper ran up to Keenan. "Keenan! Are you okay?!" Xavier asked.

Keenan took off his Duel Gazer. "Yeah…I'm okay."

"And the winner is…Blake Carson!" Jim announced. Blake Carson fans cheered and clapped for him.

"This sucks…I almost had him." Keenan said.

"You did great Keenan!" Harper said.

"I did didn't I?"


Blake then walked up to the trio. "That's why I'm the best in this city."

"Hey, you don't have to rub it in!" Xavier said.

Blake smiled. "Hey, it's not my fault he lost."

"It's alright Xavier." Keenan said standing up.

Keenan held out his hand and smiled. "Nice duel. I almost had you though."

Blake looked at Keenan's extended hand for a while. Then he scoffed. "I don't shake hands with my defeated opponents. They should have tried harder."

With another scoff, Blake took his leave. Outside, he almost bumped into Kalka, saying "Ugh…move out of the way," before walking off.

Kalka was about to follow Blake and figure out if he was the Chosen One due to his amazing dueling ability but the mark started glowing again. But Blake had already left from view. Kalka turned back to Keenan with a surprised look. "Is that so? It seems that kid Blake isn't the Chosen One. But my mark seems to be reacting to this kid Keenan. But he lost..."

Kalka decided to let his master know about the events that just occurred and he disappeared after his mark glowed.

Back in the Raga Shop, Jim gathered everyone's attention. "Okay everyone. Thanks for all of the participants that entered this little tournament I decided to host! I had fun watching all of the action and cards battling!"

"Hey Keenan. You want to go get something to eat?" Xavier asked. Keenan nodded and the two were about to leave, but something stopped them: Keenan's cell phone.

"Aw man, whose calling?" Keenan pulled out his cell phone and checked the caller ID. "Oh, it's dad. Hello, dad? Uh-huh. Yeah, I'll be there."

Keenan hung up and pocketed his phone. "Harper, Xavier, I gotta jet. Later." Keenan reverted to his skate shoes and tried to skate out, but he wasn't looking where he was going and ran into the window.

"Ouch." Xavier said, trying to look away.

Harper shook her head. "Oh boy..."

"Oops, later." After looking where he was going, Keenan skated out of the shop.

Author's Note: Alright, first chapter complete. As you all have read, everything was mostly the same. I did however change a bit of what cards were played, the names of a couple cards and the banter. The outcome was still the same. As you could tell, I also changed Keenan's surname from Serpentine to Kalos. I didn't like the former to be honest. I'm going to be talking about the changes before and after the next few chapters just to let you all understand what's going on. I understand if you don't want to read it again because this redux will be very similar to the original, just with some changes and fixes as I've said before. Please R&R.