Chapter : 4 : Unexpected
Ash had changed cyndaquil and squirtle for riolu and gible respectively.
time skip
ash is currently on the flying charlizard and they are heading towards the mount silver. Charlizard ( hey ash I think we reached to the mount silver, with my amazing speed no one can beat me) Pikachu (oh so who was that in valley that lost to charla) . charlizard send dead glare towards Pikachu, now you two don't start fighting and charlizard land near rangers house said ash
charlizard followed instruction and landed near a small house. 'hey is anybody is here' shouted ash .A man in his mid twenties came out 'are you ash Ketchum' asked mason . hi ranger mason you remembered me that's great said ash. Not many people return pokemon like larvitar so how could we forget you.
Well mason I was wondering if you where is larvitar I want to ask him if he could join me, said ash
Sure I know where he is and you will be happy to know that he wants to join you he evolved in pupitar few weeks and constantly looking towards pokeball when I found him
WOH! Larvitar evolved now I want meet him as quickly as possible said ash in very excited tone
Ash and mason reached to the rocky areas they saw a pupitar with two larvitar's and tyranitar. Pupitar approached ash excitedly ( daddy look now I am strong now I waited for you long) said pupitar and jumped on ash. Hey pupitar do you want to join us? Asked ash. Pupitar nodded but looked at Pikachu and his pokeballs on belt.
So you want a battle? Asked ash Pupitar nodded, alright so I choose gible .
Both of pokemon stand infront of each other,gible use bite commanded ash , gible's mouth shine like silver as he charge towards pupitar. Pupitar used harden to lessen the damage. Pupitar used stone age attack , gible use dragon claw commanded ash gible's dragon claw break all the stones . pupitar shot hyper beam towards gible , gible shot his dragon rage both the attacks collide each other causing smoke clouds. When smoke cleared both the pokemons were panting heavily
A white light enveloped both the pokemon. Ash is now familier to that lights they both are evolving . when light fade away new forms of his pokemons standing in front of him. Both the pokemons looked towards their amazed trainer ash went towards both of them and hugged tightly tears of joy splashed in his eyes. Pikachu also joined them.
Ash scanned his newly evolved pokemons
Gabite , the cave pokemon gabite habitually digs up hoard gems in its nest . gabite is a ground/ dragon type pokemon , it is pseudo legendary . this gabite is male and knows moves : Dual chop , tackle, sand attack, dragon rage, take down , sand tomb ,dragon claw, dig ,dragon rush ,roar and earthquack.
Tyranitar is large dinosaurian Pokémon . it has heavily armored body that can withstand powerful attacks and is able to crush a mountain. It is a pseudo legendary pokemon. This tyranitar is male and knows moves : iron defence, hyper beam , stone edge , bite, scary face , thunder fang , rock throw , mega punch and earthquack.
You both are amazing gabite tyranitar said ash . tyranitar waved back to his family . ash pulled out old pokeball of tyranitar and return him it teleport back to the lab he perform the same process for gabite .
Mason its getting dark already we should go to the pokemon centre nearby said ash . did you forget that I am a ranger so I don't need pokemon center . oh yeah I forgot a bit thank you for helping me to find tyranitar said ash. He farewell good bye to mason and left for pokemon centre.
Time skip in Pokémon centre
Pikachu we got our one friend today , said ash polishing the egg in his room. We have take care of eggs because our friend inside can get infection by dust. Oh that's why they need extra attention, I wish you could understand my words said Pikachu. Well Pikachu I can understand you but I don't know your language . you know back in safari riolu had communicate with me using aura. You remember our rota's adventure Pikachu I can use aura so I think I can learn to communicate with you. Said ash and released riolu from pokeball
Master what can I do for you ? asked riolu .riolu I want to know more about aura I can use aura but can't control it and stop calling me master we are friends you can just call me ash. Master I know how to use aura it's a energy form that every living creature posses in some amount when I first met you I sensed very strong aura if you unlocked it you can get various abilities like to communicate with all sorts of pokemon , forming aura sphere , sensing emotions etc.. and I can teach some about it to you but I am not fully aware of its origin because my family outcast me due to my colour said riolu looking sad. Riolu don't be upset your colour doesn't matters to me your very special and we are now your family your going to have many brothers and sisters just like Pikachu. Thank you master it means a lot we can start training from tomorrow. Okay we will start tomorrow now lets sleep ash switch off the lights and fell on the bed Pikachu lying on his chest while riolu sleeping besides him.
Morning 5 o'clock I should take a shower first I am feeling drowsy yawned ash and disappear in bathroom .after twenty minutes he came out , pikachu and riolu appears meditating think ash .master good morning ,good morning ash Pikachu what are you doing ? master I am teaching Pikachu to meditate it will increase his focus and calmness in battles and also helps in enhancing aura . it is the basic step ,master I want you to join. Ash smiled and joined them for meditation.
After thirty minutes of meditation ash opened his eyes he isn't used to do meditation everyday but felt very calm inside himself his thoughts are now clear and feel relaxed. Riolu I never felt like that I think we need to expand our thoughts and training. As you say master.
Now lets go we have to do our training said ash Pikachu jumped on his shoulder while riolu walk beside. Ash released all his pokemons in the clearing near centre there they can train . ' everyone start stamina training' all the pokemons know what its mean so they started running laps and weightlifting rocks . after three hours training constantly everyone is exhausted . ' everyone return' said ash all the pokemons returned to their pokeballs except Pikachu who jump on his shoulder.
Ash feed his pokemon in center .now he is sitting in the pokemon center cafeteria with Pikachu . pikachu is dancing with ketchup's bottle , I think you are obsessed of ketchup buddy give it me I need it on my toast said ash and take the bottle from his hands. Pikachu is looking ash with teary eyes.
After finishing his breakfast ash went out of the center. 'Riolu come out' white light flashed and riolu appeared . 'riolu would you like to walk with me today we will explore this place and find new friends' .riolu nodded and they started to walk. As they walk they come across many little pokemons but nothing caught ash's eyes . most of them are common pokemons .
They reached under the high cliff after walking for hours they saw a small pokemon shadow on the cliff but unable to recognize it . that pokemon jumped from the cliff . ' charlizard go save him' shouted ash charlizard catched that pokemon on time it was a blue bipedal pokemon that ash recognized as bagon its skin was darker than normal ones that indicate it is near evolving.
' bagon why did you jumped from the cliff you could have hurt if charlizard was not on time' bagon just jumped and shouted on ash. Master he jumped from the cliff because he wanted to fly ,he want to know how charlizard can fly told riolu. 'bagon you cann't fly until you evolve in salamance you know charlizard was once small charmander but he work hard and train then he evolved that's why he can fly and if you want to fly then I can train you to help to evolve' said ash.
Bagon stared ash for few seconds then he jumped on his lap. 'so you want to come with me' bagon cheered happily. First I will scan you okay ash pulled out his pokedex.
Bagon, the rock head pokemon . bagon dreams of being able to fly through the air. When frustrated from not flying bagon uses its head to smash rock. It is dragon and steel type .this bagon is male. And knows moves : flamethrower ,crunch ,dragon breath ,zen headbutt , dragon claw and hidden power.
your very powerful bagon welcome to the team said ash and tossed one pokeball on it. I caught bagon ash stand in his signature pose and behind him riolu and charlizard , pikachu jumped from his shoulder.