Realization Of Mistake Ash's New Journey

Chapter 1 : what am doing wrong?

Disclaimer : I don't own pokemon it belongs to pokemon company

The kanto region beginning of young teen raven haired trainer . he has traveled many places four regions kanto , jhoto , Hoen , and sinnoh . he is none other than our hero ash ketchum .( ash is wearing his classic sinnoh outfit) .

It had been a week since sinnoh league has ended . Brock and Dawn has separated their ways from him .Brock got apprenticeship under the nurse joy of viridian and dawn went back to the Twinleaf town her home . Brock gave company to the ash until viridian city . after the farewell to the Brock Ash is now walking all alone in the woods between pallet and viridian . he reached to the place where he first meet Misty his first travelling companion . he stared at the waterfall for few seconds , " Pikachu do you remember this place their misty fished us out " Pikachu pika' pi (yeah how could I forget) .

Suddenly a large 'ROAR' Attracted his attention . he saw that a Gyarados is trying to attack on a little fish pokemon ." Pikachu use your strongest volt tackle" ash ordered . Pikachu jumped from his shoulder and attacked on gyarados with the speed of lightning . gyarados got paralysed and fell . ash quickly grabbed a pokeball and threw on the gyarados. Pokeball sound one… two and DING!

We captured a gyarados! Ash stood in his winning position he went towards another pokemon and approached it. "hi, little friend now your all safe I am ash ketchum and he is my friend Pikachu. He scanned pokemon with his pokedex feebas a fish pokemon . it is consider as a ugly pokemon . but it evolve in a milotic this pokemon appreciate true beauty of trainers heart and evolve. This feebas is female. Known moves splash, watergun and tackle note : its unusual colour shows that it is shiny.

Wow! Your amazing pokemon feebas and sorry about dexter it called you ugly but your beautiful for me as you look. Pikachu (yeah ash is correct your beautiful) . Feebas(really do you think am beautiful) .suddenly a white light envelops feebas and few seconds later a golden Milotic appeared in front of ash . he just smiled and started to farewell her but milotic pulled back ." Do you want to join me on my journey milotic ". She nodded , ' so I take it yes' ash threw a pokeball on milotic . red light sucked her inside the ball. Since both the pokeballs of milotic and gyarados got locked as he already crossed his pokeball carrying limit. He thought to scan them later.

Ash continued walking towards pallet. 'pikachu I am very excited to meet mom and all our friends but I am feeling some regret about losing another legue. I think I am doing something wrong Pikachu I am sorry we lost again it's my fault ' Pikachu stared at his friend and said , (No don't think like that it was not your mistake that tobias guy used legendries and knock two of them) Thank you! Pikachu but I need to think about my future we can't live our life in this way but for now lets continue our journey. They keep walking towards pallet until a fearow used hyper beam towards them ash and Pikachu doged that thanks to their reflexes .

Three pigeots chased the fearow and attacked on it. " Pikachu do you remember this is the same fearow that attacked us as an spearow on our first day, Pikachu let's end this forever attack that fearow with thunderbolt". Pikachu's thunder hit perfectly on fearow it cried in pain .Ash took an opportunity and throw pokeball on it. Pokeball sound one… two…three and DING! Yeah Pikachu we captured an fearow. A familier pigeot comes near to the ash he recognized her as his old pokemon that he left before his orange island journey .he forgot his promise to come back for her. Beyond her many pigeys and pigetto looking at them eagerly .pigeot chirrped happily by seeing ash. Ash rubbed her feathers and said " pigeot I am sorry I didn't keep our promise and come here earlier but now the spearow's problem is ended so I want to ask you will you join me" . she looked back to her flock they all nodded affirmatively . pigeot ( yes I will my flock is now strong enough to take care of itself) . Ash took pigeot's old pokeball return her to her pokeball

After walking few miniutes they reached near his house . 'pikachu I think mom is waiting for us let fast ' . he started running to his house the door was open was sweeping the floor he become happy by seeing ash . "Hey Mr. mime do you know where is mom ?" he nodded and pointed towards large windmill like building. "oh so mom is at Oaks lab" Okay mimey I am going to professor oaks lab . After running few miniutes he reached to the professor's house he pressed doorbell and a teen of amber red hair opened door . Hey Ashy-boy so your return from your sinnoh journey. " yeah Gare-bare it's me now tell me if my mom is here." She is here with gramps now come in .Ashy-boy your match with tobias was amazing you kock out legendries .

Ash sat on the couch in hall and his mom tracey and professor oak came from inside (Delia) "oh ash my little boy came back" mom… I can't breath . everyone there chuckled by seeing mom-son interaction . they talked about his last match . " Gary when did you come back I thought you are researching in sinnoh" . 'my research project is finished in sinnoh and I have published some research papers too and now I am here for little vacation after that I am going to orange islands for learning under professor Ivy' . " wow gary your sure working a lot". Ash I Think you would like to tell me something about your new catch its shiny so lets head towards ranch. 'yes professor I I am also eager to see my pokemon'

Pikachu lets race towards corral, 'pikachu you used quick attack its not fair' Pikachu(but still I won ha) . Bulbasaur came close to him and greet with solarbeam as he used solar beam all Ash's pokemon gather around him. Before he tried to say anything his bayleef use slam on him showing her affection. After when bayleef leaved him he released his sinnoh team buizel,staraptor,gible,infernape,torterra came out . "guys today while coming back to home me and Pikachu stumble on some pokemons which are our new friends" all his pokemon cried happily . he tossed four pokeball white light come from the pokeball and a shiny milotic, a gyarados ,fearow and prideful pigeot appeared . bulbasaur quickly recognized her and started introduce everyone.

While his meeting with his pokemon ash realized how much he had neglected his pokemon training . he should trained all of them properly. Tears started flowing from his eyes he kneel down . his all pokemon come close to him trying to figure out what happened to their trainer. "guys we lost again , I even lost few times to paul who hadn't accomplished as much as me it was my fault that I didn't train you properly if I had then most of you could atleast in your second stage of evolution or far more we could not have lost to a rookie trainers I am sorry". All his pokemon hug him to comfort him even his newly cached joined after few moments new determination was inside him "everyone listen now I will train each of you but also I realized that I need more variety of pokemon such as psychic ones, so from tomorrow we will find new in friends in our quest. All of his pokemon has the same determination as their trainer.

When he finished his speech he realize that his mom, professor oak, gary ,and tracy has arrived their. Everyone was smiling when he asked the reason to professor , 'well ash I know that you would like to know about new region so there are unova and alola , alola is a group of islands pokemons of kanto found there but with different types due to its wheather and my brother lives there , and one is kalos but the most itresting one is unova it has very different pokemons . I prefer you to go unova.

(Delia) "so ash can you stop here at least for a week as you always leave immediately after professor tell you about new region" . yeah ashy-boy it would be a fun if stop for few days. "Mom actually I was planning to stay here two months and train my all pokemon" this decision shocked everyone as ash never had done anything like that.

I want to travel all the places back so I can catch few more pokemons and design new training regima. Interrupted (gary) ash but you always said quality over quantity .I haven't finished yet gary ' also I will learn from different books and people from various parts of world . "professor oak can I use your library for study please" 'yes you can do it'

So from tomorrow many things are going to change!