
Reborn arrives at the Sawada household long before the sun has risen.

The past week has been full of meetings with the local Vongola branch, familiarizing himself with all legal and illegal businesses in the area, and memorizing the layout of the town alongside all neighboring plots of land. The blueprints of Tsunayoshi's school are pinned to the walls of the lavish hotel room they provided for him upon arrival.

Reborn spent the week before that going over grades, teachers' notes and comments, and Tsunayoshi's school file. He already has some preliminary lesson plans written up, but those will have to wait until he sees how far along Tsunayoshi is in every area or subject. Then he can adjust accordingly.

Iemitsu's personality overview of his son brings Dino to mind. If they are as alike as Reborn suspects, perhaps he could reuse some of his previous lesson plans.

Reborn doesn't expect Tsunayoshi to be as fit nor experienced as Dino had been. Dino at least had already had the foundational lessons learned by the time Reborn was hired, he had already taken and passed the beginner kidnapping courses set up for young heirs. He had already memorized all the big names in the mafia world and knew how to address them so as to not offend.

Dino, at least, had grown up in the culture of the mafia.

Tsunayoshi, on the other hand, had none of that. He was a one hundred percent, in-the-flesh Civilian. With a capital C.

He had none of that same foundation, and that's where Reborn would come in.

No doubt, Tsunayoshi would take one look at Reborn and see a child. Disrespect was to be expected, at least in the beginning. It might take a few days - weeks at most - to get the boy to follow Reborn's guidance.

But he would learn.

Reborn looks up at the suburban residence. The nameplate says Sawada, but Reborn never doubted he was at the wrong house.

He opens the mailbox and sets his own letter at the top of the pile, where it won't be missed. He had written and edited the letter on the plane to Japan, so it would be one less thing to worry about once he set foot on Japanese soil.

It was worded to read as trustworthy, based on the mother's demographic. And even if that wasn't enough, the thick paper was saturated in Sky Flames which just oozes trustworthiness. Courtesy of Iemitsu, of course.

Reborn jumps into the tree that grows near Tsunayoshi's bedroom window, but he instead sneaks into one of the hidden rooms in the household.

The surveillance equipment is already on when he arrives, as he had left it the day before.

He doubts the civilian members of this residence know of the secret rooms in their own home. Civilians rarely look at their own blueprints after they buy their home, if they ever do at all. And if they don't look, they won't notice that the walls and measurements don't quite add up.

Reborn hasn't physically stepped into Tsunayoshi's room, hasn't needed to. The surveillance room has both visual and audio, and it's almost as good as if Reborn was in the room with them.

At the moment, Tsunayoshi is still snoring away in his bed, but it's about time for his mother to stir.

He walks to the coffee machine in the far corner and brews himself a cup of coffee. Just how he likes it.

Reborn takes a sip and he glances through Iemitsu's notes again.

Most of the report is concordant with his own observation. He's had surveillance videos running in the background as he worked for the past week and Reborn can agree with the description provided.

Lazy. Unmotivated. Antisocial.

Very few amiable acquaintances and none he can call actual friends. None of the teachers hold a good opinion of him either.

It's hard to determine if this means Tsunayoshi will welcome him with open arms after receiving the first bit of positive attention, or if he will lash out in suspicion.

Reborn is prepared for any scenario. Whichever way this introduction goes, he will get the job done.

And at the end of it, Reborn will walk away with another major accomplishment under his belt and a favor he can call upon if he ever needs it. A favor owed from Vongola is something most freelance hitmen only dream about. Reborn holds several.

Movement draws his attention.

Ah, Mrs. Sawada has woken up.

Reborn settles into the cushy office chair and watches her go through the same motions as the day before.

He watches her pick up the mail.

She barely glances at the actual contents of the letter and she heads up the stairs to her son's room, deviating from her morning schedule. The Sky Flames are doing their job.

Iemitsu's wife barges into the room and gives a rousing speech about wanting her son to live life happily.

And she keeps going. And going.

Reborn casts a glance at a nearby clock.

...Perhaps the Sky Flames were a bit much.

But that's his cue.

Reborn slips out of the surveillance room and steps through Tsunayoshi's open door. He takes in the room now that he's actually inside it. Scans the entrances and exits.

Reborn notes the bookshelf full of shoujo manga and romance novels. He raises a brow but doesn't let it slow him down.

"I arrived three hours early, but as a service, I'll evaluate you now, "Reborn says, cutting into the ongoing sermon. He sets down his suitcase.

Iemitsu's wife blinks.

"Hey… Who's kid are you?"

"I'm Reborn, the home tutor, "he tells her.

Fortunately, the Sky Flames temporarily make her more susceptible to accept new ideas. It makes shooing her out of the room that much easier.

The door clicks shut and he turns to Tsunayoshi, who's still staring in confusion.

"Wait-" he tries to say.

"My true line of work is assassination, "he cuts off the boy, "My real job is to make you a mafia boss."

"Wha- Wai-?!"

He ignores the questions for now. Reborn needs to lay out the important information first.

"I was assigned by a certain man to train you to become an astounding mafia boss."

Reborn watches Tsunayoshi's face cycle through various levels of confusion.

"Wait then- you are-"

"Yes, I'm your new tu-"

"You're my fiancé?!" He demands.

Reborn freezes.
