Sorry that I went a month without posting the next entry in the series, everyone. Needless to say March was a very…trying month, and sadly it won't be the last. Spring and summer (and arguably fall) are not going to be what any of us thought they'd be this year, but there are ways we can keep on going. Continuing this lemon series is one of them for me. This lucky lady isn't a Servant, but she definitely left quite an impression and proved you don't need to be a Servant to make an impact! And even kings need damn good secretaries, scratch that, they especially need them.

I do not own anything.

It was sudden to say the least, but not entirely unwanted. As a priestess to the goddess of war, Siduri was quite used to physical contact with people, of all ages. Towards the younger scale it was more innocent, but on the opposite end, well, it wasn't that hard to figure out. The person hugging her currently sat between that those extremes, that precious balance between youth and maturity. Or at least he did on an age indicator.

He was out there, fighting tooth and nail with the heroes of humanity, and doing a damn fine job of holding his own.

Just like before. A voice in the back of her head spoke. It startled her, but not as much as the tears that touched her shoulder. The tears of the boy squeezing her so tightly she might as well have been a lifeline. Her arms acted on sheer impulse, rising up and encircling his sides.

Shutting her eyes, she allowed herself to sink into the ethereal warmth that the teenager provided with his mere presence. It went against what one could call logic, but matters of the heart weren't bound by logic or reason. They simply were, just like she was in this moment.

She was here, right in front of him. Originally, she was there to offer him the services of her shop, but following several tense seconds of hard looking and the realization that she was real, here they were. Siduri had never gotten the chance to hold him in her arms back in Babylonia, for several reasons. Some of those reasons were still there.

But they didn't matter anymore. None of what had happened before mattered, not even her death.

"It's good to see you again, Ritsuka." At last whispered the brunette, having fully sunk into the embrace. The chaos outside of her door faded into obscurity, as did the companions that he'd brought with him. Siduri was only vaguely aware of them, including Mash, whose shield lay on the floor. Beside her, Cú Chulainn was groaning in discomfort as he examined his injured foot, which had been right in the way of Mash's shield when it came toppling down. Siduri made a small mental note to get him some ointment for it. Which would of course come afterwards.

Explosions rocked the shop and the block it sat on. Were the glass not reinforced, the shock-waves of air would have blown them to pieces. That said, they could only withstand so much, the same went for the walls around them as well.

"Um, not that this isn't a happy reunion and all, but-" Swiftly, Brynhildr's hand came over Mordred's mouth, silencing her. The blonde looked to the Valkyrie ready to tear her hand away and verbally unload on the Lancer. She was further muffled when Arash's hand fell over her mouth as well. Beneath them, she grumbled in annoyance acceptance. Even she could understand the significant of what was happening in front of her, as could everyone else.

Especially Mash, who watched the embrace with tears in her eyes. She was looking ready to cut a path and join in the hug. When Siduri looked up at her with a grateful smile, that's exactly what she did. The two-way hug became a three-way, not that she was minded.

Siduri welcomed the Shielder's Embrace, just as she did the human's. It was an unexpected reunion of old allies, old friends, but a very welcome one. Especially since she got the opportunity to see the Japanese teenager who'd gone on to win her king's respect.

Internally, she mused on the fact that she was happy to see Ritsuka first more so than her king or Enkidu. At heart, she knew exactly why.

"It seems even the laws of the World are capable of recognizing excess cruelty when it is seen. As well as realizing that for it to survive, it must supply us with the proper tools we need." Commented the King of Heroes taking a sip of his ale.

Siduri couldn't help but laugh at the word choice that her king had chosen to use. It was exactly him, proud and commanding, but letting hints of his affection show through. "I'm pleased to find that I am still considered so valuable to you, my king."

"Siduri, there is no need to tap-dance around the core of this discussion." Spoke the ancient king with his crimson eyes boring into her coppery brown. It did the trick in grabbing her attention. Gilgamesh stat up straight, eyes shut and mouth bent in a straight frown that betrayed no emotion. It was a pose that the wine brewer was rather used to; she'd learned how to read it even with so little hints of what was going on behind his stoic façade. "When this fiasco is over with, you will return with us to Chaldea and resume your duties…and your life."

On the surface, it came out like a command, a command from a hard-edged, but noble king. It was…but it was also, some a very hidden level, a plea.

She took the bait. "I…I…I see." Feeling courageous, she boldly met her king's eye. "Is there…anyone in particular that you wish for me to return to?"

This was usually the point where the poor soul was either blasted in oblivion or hurled off the nearby ledge to meet a gory end upon connecting with the ground down below. What happened instead was Siduri got an affectionate laugh in while her king straightened himself up again as if he were on his throne instead of a simple metal and wooden chair. Thousands of years ago, during their time, she never would have expected something like this.

"Your death…had an effect on Ritsuka, just as it did on the rest of us. Even me as much as I hid it." Spoke the King of Ur in his usual commanding tone. His gaze moved away from her to the stars beyond them, the stars that shined even over the lights of the urban metropolis they now found themselves in. Even Gilgamesh had to admit, man had come far to create such a splendid urban city, one that put the ancient glory of his home to shame at times. It also affirmed their cause had been just in the battle against Tiamat. "You two…well, I can't exactly say that you're both one-hundred percent alike. Once upon a time, you stood in the heavens with the gods, then you came down to the mortal plain and lived a relatively simple life. One that you were deeply content with. A life that had you encountering the extraordinary, things far bigger than yourself…and you stayed true to your core and values. Much like him."

The brunette leaned forward and laced her hands together atop the table, her heart quietly beating in her ears. She thought back to when she first met Ritsuka Fujimaru, a strange youth from a land on the other side of the planet a land that she at her original time alive had little idea existed. In the time between battles, between work, he told her of his homeland of Japan. He told her of their drink of choice, sake.

She'd longed to try it for herself, Ritsuka promising her if he could find the ingredients, he'd take a crack at brewing some so she could have a taste. Hollow laughter slipped past her lips as she looked at how things had ultimately ended up turning out. They both had been rather optimistic about what awaited them in Babylonia. Day by day, that optimism was broken, but rather than break down in despair, they hardened themselves. It was all they could do in the face of the mounting terror of demonic beasts and the mother goddess of Mesopotamian mythology. To say that the odds they were facing were monstrous had been an understatement.

And victory for humanity had been claimed, albeit she hadn't been there to see it. She hadn't been there for the victory toasts, which were held at Chaldea of course, not that she could have gone there if she wanted to. Now, however…

"Did he…Ritsuka…"

"He never forgot about you." Answered the Caster in a casual tone. "We have a…memorial wall if you can call it that. To save Pan Human History requires the efforts of more than a single man or woman, even my more impulsive Archer self knows this. To not give credit to those hundreds who sacrifice themselves, to forget about them as if they were grains of sand scattered by the wind…heh, Chaldea seems full of sentimental fools. Myself passing for one of them from time to time. Your face occupies a place on the wall, one that Ritsuka has been seen visiting. He prays to you." The reaction he'd been waiting for appeared, a pair of wide-eyes that nearly made his lips curve upward into a smile. "You were an inspiration to him. When you were taken from us and warped into one of those wretch abominations, the boy's soul raged…as did mine."

Siduri knew her king's rage had been private; he wasn't the type to show his emotions so nakedly, not even in solitude. Still, to hear the confession was…heart-warming. Speaking of which, her right hand found its way to her chest, laying over it and by extension her heart.

"You could always hear him in some way, couldn't you?" Gilgamesh questioned.

"It's…not often that a former goddess like me receives prayers. Then again, I highly doubt many would pray to a wine-brewing goddess for help in staying alive." Laughed the now mortal woman.

Gilgamesh gave out a rare, humorous laugh. "The boy considers you an expert. After all…you put up with being my advisor."

For a few seconds, Siduri was stunned into silence. Filling up the vacuum was the hum of the crowd of people beneath the two of them. People carrying on in spite of the fact that a major battle between Servants had torn through the streets not six hours ago. Truly, human beings were a tenacious bunch.

And that was, by her own admission, one of their best qualities. In some, that quality burned bright as the sun.

The King of Uruk quietly sated his taste buds while his advisor first began to snicker, then broke into full-blown laughter. He didn't blame her…he'd gotten a chuckle in when Ritsuka uttered that phrase directly to his phase, then added it up with saying he was a king who was worth her devotion. The exchange had once more reaffirmed his belief that this seemingly ordinary human being was indeed the one meant to save humanity from destruction. He'd been right.

Such a man didn't deserve to go unrewarded, and apparently the World agreed with him.

"So…if another woman were to offer himself to him…"

"Surely such a thing has already happened."

"Several, but he has turned them all down." He saw the flicker in her eyes. "There aren't too many men like him, and I say that full considering his young age. Then again," Rising to his feet, he walked over to the railing and directed his gaze upward. "What he's seen has turned him from a boy into a man. Even if he's still physically below what I believe is the drinking age."

"My king, are you attempting to tempt me?"

"Me? Tempting a priestess of Ishtar? What a foolish thought." Chuckled the blonde king. "Besides, I seem to recall you possessing some curiosity regarding him."

Looking down at the table, Siduri pressed her lips together. She had felt something…different about Ritsuka when first meeting him. It was an odd feeling; she wasn't standing before a great warrior, a blood-thirsty butcher, a scholar of sorcerer, or even some fantastical beast tamer. All he was…was a boy, a young man who'd risen to the call and had done his best to survive and carry humanity through on his shoulders.

"He is indeed a remarkable young man. One who is still…pure."

Another chuckle left the King of Uruk. "How long that will remain the case, I do not know, though if I were to venture a guess, not for much longer."

Siduri's lips curved into a mischievous smile. "My king, have you been gambling recently?"

She didn't have to see his face to know that he was smiling. Siduri could only wonder what sort of mayhem her king had gone up to in the time she'd been away. She'd be finding out one way or another, as her life took another unexpected turn.

"So…what do you think?" Asked the teenager, his face that of a fearful child in spite of all that he'd been through. There was something charming in the fear that was able to be wrested out of him with the simplest of actions. Something about it was humbling.

And to Siduri, it was cute, surprisingly cute and endearing.

The suspense was the kind that could nerve wrecking. Ritsuka had to work in order to make time for the two of them to do this. Even when night fell, Chaldea was still an incredibly active place, something that Siduri was rather thankful for. In some ways, it reminded her of home, of her past. This wasn't the past though; it was the present.

Taking another sip of the sake, she let the Japanese teenager in front of her hang in suspense for just a few more seconds, then she gave her response. "I'd like some more, if you don't mind, Ritsuka." Spoke the Mesopotamian woman with a warm smile. It was the fuse that lit off a series of fireworks in the heart of the teenager, his smiling face illuminating Siduri's own heart.

As he poured her a refill, his smile became lax. "You're not just saying this for the sake of my pride, are you? I'm a grown-up, I can take criticism, ya' know."

"The only criticism I can give is that it's a tad bit on the sweet side. I can help you with that." Commented the brunette before enjoying her refill. As she drink, she pondered on the effects of time and her revival. It seemed her curiosity had only been yesterday…but how long ago was it really? A year? Four thousand years?

"Thinking about the mechanics of time travel and death?" Quipped the black-haired teenager across from her.

Siduri blinked in naked shock. "I-It seems your powers of insight have grown since our last encounter." Laughed the brunette.

"Maybe, besides that…I've talked with some other Servants who'd have chronal whiplash."

She blinked again. "Chronal…whiplash?"

He sat back and shrugged. "That's what I've taken to calling it, and the term's started to spread. When I say that I mean…time's weird, a whole lot weirder than I ever thought it could be. I mean, I've seen time travel done on TV shows and stuff…but living through it, and seeing people who've basically been pulled across time…it gets confusing sometimes." In that moment, his physical age showed itself to be secondary to his mental age. Ritsuka had been forced to grow up in ways few would envy, and even fewer would willing choose for themselves. It showed on his face, and in his hands when one watched him go about a number of tasks with such expertise it was startling. That array now included wine-making.

"How do you feel about it? Traveling through time…meeting humanity's greatest…and it's…"

"Not-so-great, but still capable and entertaining?" Jabbed the Japanese youth.

"Entertaining? Is that how you'd describe them, even in the presence of one such as myself who is used to keeping things in confidence?" Replied the older woman with a knowing smirk. Two weeks in and she'd gotten a general beat of most of Chaldea's residents, Servants and general staff. Without a doubt, it was a colorful collection of men and women who'd come together to save humanity, and it now included her, if only for the tail-end of the adventure. "You feel somewhat out of place, don't you? Even now?"

"A little…but not so much, not anymore."

Silence was her first response, but in that silence, he felt her asking the invisible question as to why that was. Around them was a familiar cocoon of blissful silence, a stark contrast to the constant hum and roar of the facility's in-built cafe during its "working hours". Siduri had been subtly impressed with it when first guided to it by Ritsuka and Mash, both of whom had been quite eager to show her a place they believed would provide some sense of familiarity to her. They'd been right to do so.

Truly, it felt like a life time had passed since she worked to her beloved tavern, built from the ground up by her and managed by her. Even in this resurrected life, she could vividly recall the number of bar-goers that had come to her door, both seeking a drink and wisdom from her, including the King of Heroes himself. Now, here she was in a similar place, but one frequented by heroes and legends and ordinary people, all looking for a chance to unwind and relax and even contemplate as she and Ritsuka were doing. Such a thing, such a life, it was almost too good to be true, and yet here she was. Across from her sat Ritsuka, a person arguably responsible for making it all possible.

Scratch that, he was entirely responsible for making it all possible. It seemed that he'd realized that on some level.

He looked to his left, out to the frozen wastes surrounded Chaldea's primary HQ; at one point they'd been all that was left of the world. "Everything, everyone here in Chaldea has a part to play, no matter how big or small. That includes me. Some Servants have flat out told me that without me, they wouldn't lift a finger to help, or be able to work up the strength they needed to in order to get things done. I know that's the sort of thing that a person can become arrogant over…but…I take it as proof that I've got a responsible that I can't ignore. People that I can't let down. For their sake…I've learned how to do things, things that I never in my wildest dream would have thought of doing."

She could tell that such truths weren't entirely pleasant ones; Siduri believed Ritsuka was right to feel that way. Yes, he had gained things, talents and knowledge that would no doubt benefit him in life…but the costs they had come at, the struggles he had endured to gain them, and the usage that some of them were put to. Letting sentiment take control, she reached forward and laid her hand atop of his. Within seconds, he'd turned it around and was now gripping her palm; she returned his grip. It was the most intimate physical contact they'd shared since that hug in New York City, itself an unexpected but wanted interaction.

"Rarely are we ready when fate calls upon us, and rarely do we expect the call to be of such tremendous magnitude." Solemnly spoke the ancient advisor. "Compared to you…Ritsuka, personally, I don't believe it's fair that all you have had to shoulder. You possess no divine blood or great heritage…but because you possess none of those things, you have the drive to compete and even surpass those that do."

His free hand rose and scratched at his cheek. "Um, I don't think I'd say surpass-"

"But you have. You've made it this far by doing everything your own way…making your own legend." Siduri chimed with a sweet smile that caused his blush to grow even more. "Heh, no need to be modest. After all that you've been through and done…Ritsuka, I believe you can be a little boastful of your accomplishments. Lesser men would have given up far, far, before this."

Briefly, his smile was warm, then it fell into a melancholic light. "Lesser man…I keep looking back and realizing that's what I started out as."

"That's what everyone starts out as, a lesser man and a lesser woman, because we are all born into this world bare and naked. It's only as we grow up, as we struggle and endure, do we gain the things that turn us into what you can call 'great'." Explained the alewife, now lightly rubbing her thumb across the teenager's hand. She could tell he was enjoying the feeling. "Some people have an innate drive to become great, others stumble into it. One or the other…I don't believe there's anything wrong with neither." Reaching forward with her other hand, she placed it atop the teenager's, now it was sandwiched between her two palms, palms that had brewed ale and wine fit for the King of Heroes and his royal court. "Possessing the blood of man or a god…when fate calls upon us, none of these things matters. All that does is the strength of our will, and those of us who possess the willpower to rise, are those who may achieve greatness. Heh, of course, all that is just my opinion, just the thoughts of a former goddess turned alewife."

"…Who served as the sectary to the King of Heroes and kept him on the straight and narrow, most of the time." Commented the turquoise-eyed teen with a giddy smile that made Siduri's heart flutter. His smile regained its peaceful glow, a glow that she had heard had smitten quite a few. "What I've done with my life…they're all things that I'm proud I've gone through."

"You speak as if when dawn breaks, your time alive will be at an end. Ritsuka, that isn't the proper to think about." Siduri softly retorted. Strong as he was, there were still moments of self-doubt, weakness. It wasn't illogical to think about; it showed the humility that still rested within him. Ritsuka knew in spite of all he'd been through, he wasn't invisible, to think so would have been an insult. "You have a family beyond these walls…and you have skills to be put to the test in the outside world, a world that you saved. Albeit, you're probably not going to be receiving any thanks for it, not even from the Magus Association."

"I'm fine with that." He laughed. "Just being able to go back to a mostly normal doesn't sound so bad, especially being able to see my family again." There was a beat as he looked into the coppery eyes of the older woman. "What about you?"


"You're alive." Declared the Japanese teen, joy evident in his voice. "You're alive…just like me and everyone else. Not a Servant…but…a living, breathing person. You've got a second chance…so…any plans?"

She stared at him in naked shock, and even slight embarrassment. Her revival had been unexpected, a gift granted to her and thousands of others due to the sheer wrongness of their death. Blessing was definitely the term that came to mind, the greatest blessing one could receive.

Except now she was being forced to look at the full extent of that blessing. Once the Grand Orders ended and the World was properly restored…what happened next? There would be no need for her to remain at Chaldea, in fact, Gilgamesh would no doubt subtly demand she explore the modern world and make a place for herself in it. What would that place be, though? It wasn't like she could go back to being a priestess for the goddess Ishtar.

"If I…were to…start up a business of my own…would you support me?" Asked the tan-skinned woman looking out to the window just as he had done.

"Yes, I mean, you supported me back in Uruk, and…well…I don't think I'd feel right just up and leaving you alone in the modern world. Granted you showed back in New York that you can make it on your own." There was a beat. "That means you're asking me because…"

"I like your company, yes, I do, Ritsuka." Her direct answer seemingly caught the teenager off-guard. Again, she found it cute how flustered he could get. To think, you've received so many advances, but turned them all done…for me. Then again, I suppose I still have my charms. Quietly gloated the brunette. "Ritsuka, promise me that come what may, you'll make it back, alright?"

Silently, he gripped her hand. "I promise, I'll try. I plan on living until I'm at least able to make it to legal drinking age."

"Please do, I'd like to be able to serve you and not have to worry about legal repercussions." She replied.

Both humans laughed at the irony of their statement. It wasn't like underaged drinking was the worst thing for Ritsuka to fear, nor was it something that Siduri would let stop her. What it was, was a benchmark, something for the two of them to strive towards.

She drunk up the rest of the sake he'd brewed, the teenager being sent off before her. It was done so with a laugh considering that he was technically her senior. Siduri watched him go, his every step seemingly echoing in her ears until she sat alone in the café. Almost alone.

Her presence became detectable about a minute after Ritsuka had left, after he was most likely out of sensory range. It was just as the goddess wanted. Though stealth wasn't entirely her forte, she was good enough at it.

Immediately, Siduri rose to her feet and bowed in respect to her patron goddess. "Lady Ishtar."

Visibly pleased to being referred to with such a title, the Archer flicked her head to the side. "You know, you're not the only one interested in him. Practically half the residents of this nut house are…including yours truly." Out of the corner of her eye, she saw it. Brief as it was, there was unmistakably a flash of worry, horror, and finally acceptance, in the woman's coppery brown eyes. Chuckling, Ishtar trotted across the floor, her bare feet hardly making a sound as she came within arm's length of her priestess. Reaching up, she stroked her chin with a single finger. "So, get off your ass and go take the first bite out of him, lay claim to him."

Siduri looked like she'd just be slapped in the face. "W-What?"

"You heard me. Go get him. I am not as ungrateful as to deny one of my followers a pleasure she has earned…or for that matter…a former colleague." Cooed the goddess of war and love with a seductive glint in her eyes. Siduri was rather used to seeing it, but no longer than it invoke the same spark as it once did. Ishtar was actually impressed by that, it was further confirmation of what she'd seen in the alewife's heart, a heart that now yearned for another. Looking directly into her eye, she saw a flash of caution that caused the goddess to chuckle. "Come now, even my cruelty and desire for amusement can only stretch so far." She sat down in the seat previously occupied by the human Master. "Siduri, you've lived one hell of an interesting life. Once upon a time, you brewed wine for the gods and goddesses such as myself, being a deity of it. Then you stepped down to become a mere mortal, and assistant to that gold-totting moron."

"But I kept peace between the two of you, didn't I?" Quipped the brunette showing a bit of her near legendary wit and backbone. Even to her patron goddess, she wasn't afraid to be up front with the truth. Speaking of which, she did derive some amusement in stirring the conversation back to her king. "Stepping down as a goddess and living as a mortal…I don't regret the decision."

"I doubt you ever will, it's one you made…and you made the most out of the life you chose." Ishtar commented, doing everything in her power to avert her eyes from the alewife. "Just like how he chose to live this life…and keep living life. It's going to be hectic for him, rather he realizes it or not."

"Then I will be there to help him manage it, in Chaldea and beyond." Siduri immediately spoke up. Rather it was the presence of her patron goddess or her own heart, the feelings within her were now rising up. "Even if there are other, perhaps more deserving women out there-"

"One of them sitting right here." Ishtar quipped causing the former goddess to laugh.

"I'm still going to take a shot at it." She continued.

Briefly, the pig-tailed Archer was silent, then she began to laugh. "You say that like there's a chance he's going to reject you." If there was anyone who knew the truth of such matters, it would have undoubtedly been a goddess of love. Then again, such beings could be rather fickle and manipulative.

Still, Siduri looked back toward the moon outside. Her king had been a very upfront and affirmative man. Maybe it was time she learned from that.

"Ritsuka, Ritsuka!" She called, not caring that her voice was no doubt echoing through the halls of Chaldea.

"Huh? Siduri? What is it? Is something on your mind?" Questioned the teenager turning back to face the green-clad woman.

"Yes, there is. You gave me a taste of your country's liquor, so I feel obliged to do the same." Without missing a beat, she began to tug him along, noting with glee the growing warmth in his hand. Stealing a backward glance, she could tell he was trying hard to fight off the urges running through him, but it was a futile effort. She'd had him in her grasp, and she wasn't going to let him go. Her grip became solidified upon entering her room, the room that she had taken to customizing to fit her personal tastes.

It was a first time seeing it for Ritsuka.

Immediately the smell of scented candles hit his nose, in fact, he noticed quite a few of them scattered about in the place of the lights, which had been turned off. The glow of the candles caste a near mystical light over the spacious room, especially the bed which sat on a somewhat elevated platform. To the right of him lay what he could only describe as a home-made office, a desk and computer surrounded by bookshelves, all of which were fully stacked. He chuckled upon seeing it, noting that each book had no doubt either been read or skimmed through. Further evidence lay in the somewhat messy clutter on the desk. Against his better knowledge, he found himself drawn to it, his eyes scanning over the list papers, folders, books, and pens that lay about in an unorganized heap.

"Embarrassing, I know." Called the ancient woman, humor evident in her voice.

"Not really, I mean I've seen the same from my parents, especially my dad. Not to mention I can't argue that I haven't made a mess of things myself in my own room."

"Your room…would it be alright if you allowed me to visit it some time?"

Blushing, he turned around and found her occupied on the other side of the room. Which was, fittingly, a kitchen-like area that she was getting full use out of. She was brewing a drink of the two of them. Siduri looked as at home as she had been in her own private tavern back in Uruk. Briefly, Ritsuka wondered if when everything was over with, Chaldea could pull some strings to get her set up in a similar place.

He took up space on the couch and waited for her. She thanked him for his patience, and willingness to serve as a cost "taster" for her drinks. The teenager looked to her and laughed, citing how lucky he was to be able to sample the creations of a former wine goddess. Siduri remembered how he never asked her about why she gave up her divinity to become a mortal, and serve a demigod who chose to lay the foundations for the Age of Man. It was quite a paradox, but Ritsuka had come to a conclusion-human existence was full of paradoxes; that wasn't a bad thing, and from interacting with some divine beings, he'd learned that paradoxical nature was at times outright intriguing.

He was happy that intrigue had led humanity to gaining one such as Siduri.

As he drunk, he found a presence on his shoulder. "Siduri," Ritsuka whispered.

"When I was reborn…I was incredibly confused as to what had happened and why. The World doesn't usually give second chances at life, not without a grave cost." Whispered the ancient woman. She enjoyed it, the hearth-like warmth that emitted from Ritsuka's body. It was easy to understand why such an oddball collection had been drawn to him, what they had seen in him. He was an ordinary young man, but one capable of showing compassion to all, and rising above his "mediocrity" to achieve great feats. "Strange times, this are…but also wondrous times. Never would I ever think I'd see multiple versions of my king running about, and some being outright friendly to others."

"The more you live, the stranger things you see, or that's how I've come to categorize it. And enjoy strange things." Offered the turquoise-eyed teenager leaning back into the couch, Siduri following him. In spite of the hot blush on his face and his thundering heart, he felt…calm, relaxed even. Either it was a side effect of the wine she'd offered him, or he'd gotten better at controlling his emotions. "Here I am, sitting here in the room of a beautiful woman indulging in underage drinking…I'd say I've done amazingly well for myself."

Giggling, she turned about, resting her head upon the young man's chest. Siduri could hear his heart pounding, and if she moved her hand down south, she was sure that she would feel a certain hardness straining against his pants. "And here I am, in the embrace of one of the greatest heroes humanity has ever had…after already dying twice. Once in Pan Human History, and a second time after being warped into an abominable monster."

"That kept her humanity." Added the Japanese Master. "Siduri…I…when you…I…you kept your humanity after being turned into a Lahmu."

Already knowing where things were going, she placed her glass down, then threw her arms around Ritsuka's neck. The act greatly caught the teenager off-guard, but he took it in strides. It opened up the hidden yearnings within him; he returned her embrace, holding onto her as he'd done when they were reunited in New York City.

"I was…scared, yet I struggled to assert some form of dominance. I suppose I succeeded, but…that state of being…that wrongness, I couldn't help but reject it." She whispered, her voice near trembling. It was clear the monstrous transformation had left its share of mental scars, scars that she trusted Ritsuka to help heal.

He would do so, even if it took him the rest of his life. "Siduri…there's nothing wrong with feeling scared, and in spite of that, you were able to reassort control, enough to keep from attacking us.

Laughter slipped from her seeing the encouraging smile that was so simple, yet so charming. "I don't think I would have been able to enduring slipping into whatever end awaited me should I harm the friends I had made the hopes of mankind, or…such a man like yourself." Admiring the glint in his eyes for a brief moment, she gave a moment's pause before leaning downward. The kiss felt near instantaneous for the both of them. Through it, both felt the sparks of life run through them. Near a second later and she felt Ritsuka's hands encircling her waist; it pushed her to deepen the kiss and hold it until they were forced to break apart for air. She watched his rapidly inhalation of breath for a few seconds before standing up, her hands gripping at his and pulling him with her. "Ritsuka, you're a man, a good one. One that…deserves a reward…and I can think of no greater one I can offer than myself, my life."

Fittingly, he looked shocked at her statement. A full minute passed, then he looked away. "Siduri, you don't have to do this for me. Look, I know that-ah!" It wasn't quite a slap, but it certainly caught his attention, the harder than expect feel of her palm touching his face.

"I am doing this not out of any sense of obligation, Ritsuka." Commanded the brunette in a stern tone that silenced him, just as it did the King of Heroes. "I am doing this…because you are a man worthy of my devotions…worthy of my affections." Quickly as they'd hardened, the coppery brown eyes softened. "That is…if you'll have me as your woman."

At first stunned by her words, Ritsuka stared at the alewife in slack-jawed awe. Gradually, he regained his composure; leaning forward, he bumped his head against hers. "And…if I were to choose you as my woman?"

Wrapping her arms around his waist, she giggled, "You'd have me, all my wisdom and womanly charm."

"Hm, I can't think of any reasons not to." Ritsuka laughed tightening his hold on her. "So then…"

She was close enough, her alcohol-tinged breath was heavy on his face. "Bed." That was all she whispered before beginning their second kiss. This one took them from the couch over to the bed. How they avoided tripping over their feet or any of the furniture was a mystery; perhaps it was the blessings of Chaldea's goddess of love, secretly watching them, guiding them. If so, she was in for quite a show.

Somewhat surprisingly, Siduri needed a quick breath to steady herself just as Ritsuka did. The teenager hadn't exactly clued in on it yet, but the excitement and slight anxiety swirling within him was somewhat mirrored in the tan-skinned woman. While she was without a doubt the experienced one, what she was feeling now…it was different, it was special. Ironically, it fueled her, as evident in the way she moved her hands from Ritsuka's shoulders to his face. The act served as a minor wakeup call to him. His turquoise eyes flashed causing Siduri's heart to race. That thumping echoing in her ears, she began the second kiss, more passionate than the previous one. Ritsuka's body responded automatically, his arms going for her waist like a pair of vipers. It felt so good to have them wrapped around her body again; her brain was temporarily overridden by the euphoria that surged within her from the embrace. A part of her found it a tad embarrassing that she was feeling like that, she, a priestess of Ishtar feeling like smitten little girl.

But then again, perhaps this was the goddess showing favor to her. To feel this way…it meant that this embrace was going to be something special. Naturally, given the boy, no, the man she was currently making out with was perhaps one of the finest potential lovers to ever walk the earth. The very same earth he had fought tooth and nail to save. Ritsuka was a hero, he was a hero to Chaldea, he was a hero to countless people who'd never know his name.

Most importantly, he was a hero to her. He deserved to be treated as such, rewarded as such. Siduri had decided on that, and she was going to carry out such actions. For his sake…and perhaps a little for hers.

He separated from her to catch a quick grasp of air. His shining blue eyes looked into hers, his breath husky. Ritsuka asked her for permission; she gave it with a silent smile. Her resulting moan was swiftly silenced by him pressing his lips against hers while he groped her behind. The moans returned, albeit muffled and dripping with even greater ecstasy as he filled her up while hungrily having his fill of her mouth. The revived woman more than welcomed him to do so, her tongue stretching out and greeting his. Still connected by the lips, they laughed, crimson coloring their faces. It bloomed in full when they broke for air, their faces completely igniting. As the laughter died down, the pair bumped foreheads. Feeling the other's heat wash over them.

"So, um, just so we're clear…you're…letting me do this? It's not the booze or anything?" Nervously asked the teenager, his eyes glittering.

Siduri giggled. "I am letting you do this and…I'm…to be honest, Ritsuka, I myself am being a little selfish." One of her hands drifted from its place on his cheek down to his side, where it wrapped around his waist as his were doing to hers. Looking up to him with her shimmering brown eyes, his heart beat quickened. "I…as I said, I would be lying if I denied the fact that you caught my eye…and arguably my heart, which I believe I'd sworn to my duties." She felt him instinctively grip at her buttocks, a soft reminder of what once was. Reaching up, the Mesopotamian woman caressed his warm cheeks. "On one hand, you can argue that I'm still fulfilling my duties…but I'm also…indulging myself, doing something that I want. What I want is you, dear Ritsuka Fujimaru."

Stirred by her words, the teenager leaned forward engaging the next kiss, which Siduri happily recuperated. As best she could, she grinded against him, generating a glorious invisible blaze between the two of them. It ate away at them, burning away whatever vintages of self-control remained while they hungrily devoured one another's mouths in a lustful haze. Said haze had sipped into their eyes, turning coppery brown and turquoise-blue glazed over with lust and desire. Hands moved across bodies, one pair groping a rather shapely rear through green-colored fabric and the other gliding across exposed skin and eventually jet-black hair. Fingers occasionally dug in, moans muffled and exposed ringing out. A break for air came, marked by a thin trail of saliva that connected the two new lovers.

Yes, in that moment, that's what the pair realized they were.

Ritsuka's heart felt like it was going to explode in joy at the realization, which was thankfully mutual as he could see in Siduri's eyes. Giggling, the usually veil-faced woman reached up with her fingers and wiped away the tears that slipped from his eyes. It was the second time that he had cried for her. Seeing those tears always stirred something in Siduri, a desire to wipe them away as well as ensure that they never fell again. Alternatively, if tears were to fall, they'd be tears of joy, just as she'd shed silent tears of relief when he returned alive from his latest life-threatening venture. Fueled by those moments of sweet relief, Siduri began the next kiss, almost desperate to have her fellow human's lips back on hers.

In actuality, she was. While Ritsuka may have had his doubts, he was indeed turning out to be a good kisser. A great kisser.

And Siduri wanted to have as much of him to herself as she possibly could, arguably even to the exclusion of her patron goddess.

Maybe said goddess heard her innermost wish and decided to indulge her.

A fire lit within her, Siduri pulled back, if only to give the two of them a few seconds to grasp for air. Afterward, she slid her hands from his face down to his cheeks. Her breath husky, the older woman began to charge at him, pushing him back. Between the two of them, his physical strength exceeded hers by a good margin in spite of his young age. He was letting her do this, taking pleasure in her now naked lust. Siduri was happy for that, her heart racing and damn near exploding as he hit the edge of the bed and toppled onto its surface. The revived woman pounced on the teenager, her lips descending upon him like a lioness' jaws upon its prey. This time, however, the prey was ready and waiting for her. In a heartbeat, Siduri found herself on her back, Ritsuka greedily stealing kisses away from her. Her painted nails dug into his shirt-covered backside.

Rushing through her was a surge of heat and life energy that temporarily overwhelmed, all curtsy of the devoted young man on top of her. She cradled him as he moved from her face to her exposed neck. As his kisses came, a strong desire to caress his bare skin once more boiled up within Siduri. Her nails dug into the cloth of his shirt, deeply wishing they possessed the power to tear it to shreds. For all she knew, they did, or that's what she felt like in the brief moment when Ritsuka's teeth nervously bit down into her flesh. A throaty moan flew from the priestess' lips. Hearing the sound filled the teenager with a mixture of shock and unease; the latter won out as he pulled away, doubt swirling in his eyes. Giggling, Siduri reached out and caressed his cheeks, her eyes silently communicating with his.

The fear drained out of him with the speed of lightning. Sucking in a breath, he found her lips again, cradling her by the waist as she did the same to her. As best she could, she rose her right leg, sensually grinding it against her young lover's side. She could feel his dick poking at her through the fabric of his pants. If only he knew just how aroused she was beneath her clothing as well. Had Ritsuka reached beneath her dress, he'd have found out, and no doubt the flame burning within him would have exploded into an even greater blaze.

Evidently, the blaze was already going strong as the younger male somewhat aggressively humped the older woman. A jolt of raw ecstasy ran through the two of them. Siduri nearly muttered a pray to Ishtar begging for her to rid the two of them of their clothing so they could freely grind and caress one another's bodies freely and as they desired. Instead, that duty, that pleasure was reserved for them. She remembered how, with almost impish delight, she realized that stripping one's self and one's partner personally was one of the best parts of lovemaking. Surely Ritsuka was deserving of such pleasures, and maybe so too was she.

She was.

So enthralled in the kissing and massaging of her body, the usually alert woman was blind to the slow working of her lover's hand. His fingers found scuff of her dress and began to pull while he never once let up in his oral assault. By the time Siduri realized what had happened, his hands were clawing at the bandages that held back her breasts. An erotic hush escaped her when those came loose and her upper body was exposed to the view of Humanity's Last Master.

Womanly pride swelled within her at the way he visibly gaped at her chest, a chest she was admittedly proud of. It wasn't like her breasts were the melon-sized mounds of a few other women, namely Lancer Artoria and even Raikou, but they were slightly above average. They'd always been enough to please men, including her own honorable king.

Not to mention, though it was heresy to think so, they were bigger than her goddess' current mortal incarnation.

Her hands gently moved up to find his mane of black hair. For a few precious seconds, Siduri indulged herself in running her hands through it, enjoying the soft feel of his black strands. Every so gently, she pushed down, directing his face towards her chest. She shut her eyes and breathed out feel his heavy breathing on her exposed nipples. A cry of absolute ecstasy left her when she felt his lips finally make contact. Lightning raced up her spine, empowering her, opening her eyes for the first time. Her grip on him tightened, but only just a little. She was encouraging him to have his way with her chest, her breasts. They were his now. Taking that message to heart, Ritsuka began to lick and caress the twin mounds that had quietly occupied some parts of his mind. His actions bore fruit in the thinly veiled moans and cries that escaped from the ancient secretary.

Ritsuka realized from deep within him, he wanted to make her howl.

Drawing on what knowledge he knew of, he ran his tongue and fingers across the woman's nipples. His ears buzzed with the throaty moan that followed, then came another as he repeated his actions. Both of her nipples were now his playthings, and he got all he could out of them. He spent several minutes doing this, only giving a brief pause to look up to examine the results of his work so far.

W-Where did you learn how to do this? That was the silent question the tan-skinned woman asked as she looked down at him, her face covered by a nice stretch of red that was growing by the second.

Following a quick kiss to her right-side nipple, he gave a verbal answer. "Beginner's luck? Me wanting to make sure you're treated right?"

The answer was apparently one she hadn't been expecting, but it was one that made Siduri's heart race in jubilation. A hearty smile adorned her face, which in turn made Ritsuka immensely happy. So happy that he leaned up and stole a kiss from her while keeping his hand on her breast. As the kiss grew longer and more erotic, he moved his left hand up so that it could tend to her right breast. He kissed her and massaged her, their lustful moans echoing through the room alongside the quiet whisper of the candles around them. It was the epitome of a romantic embrace, the sort of thing that Ritsuka had secretly dreamed of, but never imagined would happen to him. This night, Siduri had fulfilled those dreams, and promised that she would continue to do so while staying by his side.

As she'd originally intended, he ended up on his back and her atop of him. The teenager now had a front row seat to the glory of her exposed chest. As it had been the case before, he was utterly captivated by her sensual beauty, the same beauty that had caught the eye of the goddess of love and war herself. Mere seconds ago he'd been ravishing her to his, and her, heart's content, but having taken a little break, having stepped back and truly looked at her, Ritsuka was completely mesmerized by the grandeur of the ancient woman atop of him. Likewise, it was clear from the glow in her eyes that she was equally smitten with him. Heart beating fiercely inside of her chest, she stretched her arms out, mouth split open allowing several pants to slip outward. Like a jolt of lightning striking a tree, he responded.

This kiss was sloppy and wild, filled with lustful feelings that had been further ignited by the brief pause. Yet again, fingers bent and nails dug in as the two made out with one another as if it were their last moments on Earth. Knowing what they'd been through, perhaps the vigor wasn't so surprising. Mouths and tongues hungrily went at each other, fleshy moans rising from the mating pair like a never-ending column of steam. Through it all the candles around them continued to tranquil burn, counting away the minutes of the night. By the time they finished burning, the two humans would have without a doubt lain claim to one another. Ritsuka was already hard at work at that, slowly moving his kisses from Siduri's mouth to her cheeks and then down her exposed neck. Each one further fueled the erotic desire within the Mesopotamian woman. As it grew, she felt a sensual energy filling her up, empowering her with the very essence of life.

Using that energy, she finally made her move in snaking her fingers down to the bottom of his shirt. Her breath quickened; her mind raced with images of her ripping the black-colored shirt to shreds. She nearly did so until a soft bite on her shoulder temporarily dispelled the haze of lust she'd slipped into. When she looked back, she saw that Ritsuka had removed his arms from around her and instead raised them upward. He was smiling. Siduri couldn't help but laugh; let it never be said that the Japanese teen was lacking or slow-witted, even when in the throes of passion. Taking his lead, she pulled upward, finally relieving him of his upper body clothing leaving him exposed from the waist up, just like her.

Now free to do so, she ran her gentle hands across the young man's surprisingly chiseled body. It was that of a warrior's, hard and strong, matted with fading and prominent scars whose stories the secretary could only guess at. All of it was undeniable proof that Ritsuka Fujimaru had gone from a mere boy to a man, one who had shouldered the weight of many burdens. Running her fingers along them, Siduri couldn't help but muse how cruel the fates could be, thrusting such responsibilities onto one so young. As she did so, his hands found her waist yet again; he caught her by surprise in pulling her into a deep kiss that pressed their naked bodies together. Siduri eagerly threw herself into the embrace, pushing away her previous thoughts of melancholy. All that remained was the ephemeral joy that came with having such a noble man in her arms, and lying in his.

Not that either of them cared, but they fell backwards into the softness of the mattress. Ritsuka held as their kiss ended and they found themselves merely basking in one another's presence. It was seeming minuscule blessing that they were both eternally grateful for. On his end, it was the first time he'd ever done something like this with a woman he held romantic feelings for…and it was arguably the same for Siduri, who felt a light urge to close her eyes and drift off with the knowledge that Ritsuka would be there in the morning when she woke. She had to look back rather far to remember a time when such a thing had happened to her.

Had it been that long? When she tried to look at the flow of time, confusion set in upon realizing that much like her king, she'd pulled across the temporal stream in ways that no human was meant to be, especially someone as…minuscule as her. She was no great heroine whose name had been carved into the records of human history, she a simple servant who devotedly served her king with no blade or magic to her name.

And yet here she was, lying in the arms of one of the finest men the world had ever produced. It seemed almost fairy tale-like, but Siduri knew that was part of the charm.

At some point, their lips found each other once again, tongues lavishly grinding against one another in yet another reunion. Naked chests pressed together as the flame within the two spurred them into acting, into joining as one. Ritsuka sat up taking Siduri with her, her arms wrapping tightly around his neck to bring them further together. For sure, she could feel his member poking at her through his pants. Quietly, she wondered if with his honed senses, he could smell the arousal seeping through her undies. He'd see soon enough, perhaps in the next five minutes or. For now, he was content with the sweet taste of her lips and tongue, as was she.

At least until the young man unknowingly rocked his hips upward, causing his obscured cock to brush up even harder against her folds. Siduri's mind raced, her heart beat several times faster, her lungs pumping flaming oxygen in and out of her. Her fingers dug in, her kiss grew hotter and more passionate, before she knew it, the revived woman was intentionally grinding against her young lover. Though surprised, he wasn't at all detoured, in fact, something in Ritsuka roared in approval at her actions. His own head now a tempest of lust, he repeated his actions, rocking his hips forward and back. Before long, between the short breaths for air, the famed tavern owner was moaning in euphoric delight. Her normally calm and composed eyes were rapidly glazing over, the spread increasing when her coppery brown eyes met Ritsuka's turquoise blue.

One of the sparks finally caught fire.

Without warning, Siduri pulled herself away, a bridge of saliva connecting her lips and Ritsuka's for just a few seconds at best. The Japanese teenager had just enough time to catch the glint in her eyes, in that moment, he knew what was coming next.

His heart thundered so hard that Ritsuka believed for a hot minute it was going to explode inside of his chest. It certainly came close when Siduri's hands went to his waist, undoing his belt and the zipper. He blinked once, and when he opened his eyes back up a second later, his pants and underwear were half-way down. Needless to say, he'd never seen anything like it, but he wasn't quite surprised given who he was in bed with.

Siduri, on the other hand, was a little blown away by what was presented in front of her.

Her mouth hung open in a slight gap as her eyes focused on the seven-inch tower of erect manliness before her. She prepared to be accepting of whatever size Ritsuka was…but he turned out to be a tad bigger than she'd expected. Not that the ancient secretary was complaining, especially as she stretched her hands out to fill up the vein-covered member. Her cold touch sent a shiver up Ritsuka that jolted her out of her lust-induced stupor.

Catching his eye, she smiled while working her fingers up and down his dick. "Lucky seven…that's indeed what you are, Ritsuka." She whispered before leaning forward and planting a tender kiss on the masculine blade. Her ears heard the sharp gasp that slipped from his lips, and her heart danced with joy. "I am going to lay claim to this, I shall be the first woman to do so." Siduri continued in a voice of firm declaration.

In spite of his racing heart, Ritsuka managed to get the words out of his mouth. "Y-You're the only woman I-I'd ever want to do that. M-My dick…no matter what, it's yours, Siduri!"

Emboldened by the declaration, the wine brewer let loose with a barrage soft and tender kisses that dotted the teenager's cock. All too quickly, he began to fold under her assault, his breathing becoming as wild and uncontrollable as a summer storm. Her kisses were like a never ending swarm of bee stings, each one a small injection of pure erotic pleasure that all came together to leave him primed and defenseless before her. Siduri could practically hear her own heart as well as his racing a mile a minute while she continued to sprinkle the male organ with butterfly kisses. Fueled by the growing lust, she made one longer and sweeter than the others, dragging it out by lashing the vein-covered member with her tongue. The results of her actions rung in her ears, a luxurious masculine groan that was accompanied by Ritsuka's entire back arching off the bed. As if caught in a trace, she older woman pulled her lips away and repositioned the directly in front of his cock. Cheeks burning bright red, she leaned down and planted a gentle kiss on the tip.

It was the straw that broke the camel's back. Having felt it was coming, the dark-haired woman opened her mouth and caught the short but sweet jet of cum that shot out of her lover's tip. Even if only for a moment, his self-restraint had broken and out had come the masculine nectar that she secretly longed for. Just as with Ritsuka's size, she wasn't disappointed by the taste of his manly juices.

Seconds after cumming, Ritsuka put a clamp down on his body in an effort to control himself. Try as he might, he was unable to fabricate any meaningful words in the face of the gorgeous secretary, who'd just masterfully caught and swallowed a sudden burst of cum he'd accidently let loose. The sight had been nothing short of amazing, like watching a shooting star across the night sky. So great was it that Ritsuka felt a growing urge within him, an urge that he wasn't sure he could fully suppress.

Siduri's seductive smile and laughter told hm he didn't have to. "As I said, my dearest, relax and allow me to show you the full extent of my abilities." First, she ran her tongue along the side of his cock, licking up the traces of white nectar that had begun run down his tower. Ritsuka sat his head back and groaned in sexual delight, his vision once more glazing over. His mouth was thrown open into a wide scream when he felt the tip of his member fully enclosed by the Mesopotamian woman's sweet lips. That was it, Siduri knew he would break yet again with the simplest of actions, and taking the tip of his member into her mouth was anything but that. Her heart bounced with joy as she was met with another surge of creamy cum shooting directly into her mouth. The fire between her legs grew as she basked in a full taste of her lover's juices.

His body having turned traitor on him, Ritsuka gave into the lustful impulses. His penis was already inside of her mouth, but he wanted more. Sweat pouring down his brow, he began to aggressively thrust his hips back and forward, his dick rushing in and out of her mouth while it continued to erupt; it was an earthquake crossed with a volcanic eruption, and yet Siduri withstand it all, she welcomed it. Feeling her sultry lips tighten around his dick only served to motivate Ritsuka, it was as if she were telling him to let go completely and go full steam all the way. The boyish desires within him sung in joy as they were let loose into the wild, or more accurately, into the inviting cavern of Siduri's mouth. All around him raged a maelstrom of lustful fire that rushed up Ritsuka's abdomen into his heart and brain. Satisfying his urges was all that mattered.

And likewise, satisfying him was all that Siduri could think of doing, it was all she desired to do. Her fingers which had once been idle, were now running the length of his hips, waist, and finally his cock. Every now and then, she glanced up to catch a glimpse of the lust-addled face of her young admirer, each time taking pride and pleasure in it. While a supremely confident woman in her sex appeal, it was still nice to see that she truly hadn't lost her touch. She still had it, ands he was going to use it to push this young man, this young hero, to the heights of pleasure he so richly deserved.

Already, he was basking his reward, his head leaned back and throaty moans escaping his lips. The Japanese teen's cheeks were as red as ripe cherries, practically the same shade as Siduri's were at the moment. There was no shame in his blush or hers, they were both thoroughly enjoying themselves; between the two of them, it might have been a little tough to tell who was deriving greater joy from the experience. No doubt Ritsuka was having the time of his life getting his cock blown by a woman as beautiful and capable as Siduri, but the act itself was also arousing something within the assistant to the King of Heroes.

It was the pride that came with doing her "job" so to speak. Since her revival, she hadn't had intercourse with one man or woman. In the deepest corners of her heart, the reason why was always written in glowing neon lights. She wanted no other but the youth who'd braved the horrors of hell to save Pan Human History. She'd go and beg to her king if she had to, she'd beg her patron goddess for just as much as one night with him. To live up to the some of boasting that she did back in Uruk. In no way had she been lying when she said she was experienced, but now that life had returned to her, she wanted to use that experience on someone.

As she took in more and more of his dick, Siduri concluded that someone would be Ritsuka Fujimaru, it would always be him. His cock was slathered with her saliva and her fingers were diligently on massaging his vein-covered mast and balls, she was making him a man as well as marking him as her own. That was surely the thought in her head as she suddenly gripped the bottom portion of Ritsuka's dick while taking the top half entirely into her mouth. Mere seconds later, she felt a rough hand grab her head, followed next by the sudden jerking of a pair of hips.

"S-Siduri!" Screamed the seventeen-year-old, his eyes sealing shut and his masculine vigor pouring out.

One could drive themselves mad trying to figure out how the mechanics of resurrection worked across the time stream. Siduri could have tried, but she wasn't going to. What she was going to do was enjoy the sweet nectar that once more flooded her mouth, this time in even greater force than before. Moaning in delight, she broke off and seized Ritsuka by the hips, pushing his gushing penis deeper into her mouth. Ritsuka himself did his fair part as he rocked his hips forward, his lustful screaming echoing through the room and in Siduri's ears. It was the sound of the heavens as far as she was concerned. Rope after rope of white cum was blasted down her throat and into her; not once did she fall back and gag or break away to catch a breath of air, not yet anyway.

She was experienced, and that experienced finally showed in how she took in her lover's masculine load, shot after shot. Her eyes fluttered up catching sight of her rising admirer; it may have been the haze of her own feelings, but she could have sworn that Ritsuka had gained a truly magical glow about him, a glow that was near divine.

What was divine was the euphoria that the Japanese teenager was experiencing. This is…this is…masturbation won't ever top this. Nothing will. I…I'll need her…her mouth…her tits…her body…her eyes…her…her… Looking down caused his train of thought to go off the rails into the great unknown. The sight of Siduri continuously blowing him while he came in her mouth was more than enough to leave him at a loose for words. Then the dark-haired woman pulled back, cum running down her lips and her cheeks blazing red. Her eyes fluttered at him, lips curling into a sultry smile that caused another rope of cum to burst from his member. All Siduri did was close her eyes and let it douse her, like water from a fresh spring.

It was so invigorating that Siduri wanted more, so much more.

Her breathing husky, she moved her hands toward Ritsuka's dick, which had stopped gushing but remained hard none the less. "Good." She let slip from her mouth. Glancing up, she saw the confusion on the teenager's face. In seconds it melted away into realization at what she was about to do. Pulling her hands back, she moved them to her breasts, moderately sized and not a blemish to be found on them. "Enjoy, my love." Spoke the ancient wine brewer before moving to sandwich Ritsuka's cock in-between her mounds. Once more, the rich sound of ecstasy filled her ears. Ritsuka's voice wasn't alone as even Siduri let out a gratifying moan of delight in filling her womanly valley being occupied.

The teenager was just barely keeping himself prompted up on his arms. Arms that had held weapons, grappled with men and monsters alike, scaled the most daunting of obstacles, and finally punched out the Demon King Goetia, were seconds away from giving out. What sapped their strength were the womanly orbs that were Siduri's breasts, the two grinding against his dick, which had seemingly discovered a new level of hardness. Along with that, he was learning that there existed a flame that could burn so brightly and passionately than even what the sun gods could muster. His fingers dug into the mattress sheets, his mouth opened for quick inhalations of air that were expunged as quickly as they were taken in.

"S-Siduri…Siduri…so hot…I-I…I feel like I'm going to…like I'm going to…ahhh!"

Passing out was what he was going to say, but the sudden and tender lick to the tip of his penis jolted Ritsuka awake. It kept him awake. New life blazed through him, empowering his arms while at the same time leaving cracks in them. It was a paradox, one that could not go on, especially with the constant massaging and licking of the Mesopotamian woman at his hips. She was now using her hands to manually massage his cock, whose tip continuously perched out. Seeing it, Siduri did what was natural and licked and suckled on the tip. Continuously looking down on her didn't help.

Her coppery brown eyes found his turquoise blue, their cheeks flushing with the same shade of growing red.

The teen's back arched again, the euphoric surge running through him growing stronger by the minute. Each one was an entire fantasy unto itself that had been fulfilled. Growing within was a shout that he fought back with all that he could, but his resistance had limits. Siduri's seductive abilities might not have had any.

His heart danced with glee that those abilities were being used on him.

"SIDURI!" Screamed the Japanese youth, another long burst of cum ejecting from his tip and directly into her face.

Just like the last time, she welcomed it. Shutting her eyes and allowing almost the whole of her face to be doused in the Master's creamy white substance. After several seconds, she opened her mouth getting another mouthful of her lover's juices. They tasted great the third time around.

Leaning back, the teenager breathed in and out, his heart feeling like it was going to explode from all the newly released pressure. He simply enjoyed himself, eyes fluttering open and shut as he came down from the orgasm Siduri had induced within him. If his future held more of this, he was all the more determined to survive.

"So…how was it?" Chimed in the alewife, her face directly above him.

If she looked down, she would have seen his spent cock involuntarily twitch. "Better than masturbation." They both laughed at his blunt honesty.

As the laughter ended, Ritsuka watched as Siduri laid down beside him, naked as a newborn. In her hand was a small jug of similar design to the ones he'd seen on the back racks of her old tavern. In a heartbeat, he knew what it was, and she saw his recognition. Sitting up, he watched as she moved her arm down and poured the contents of the jug over her lower body. Her free hand quickly began to the sweet context across her body, including her vagina. His eyes practically bulged out of their sockets as she began to pump herself using her wine-covered hands. Within seconds, Ritsuka's dick hard again, and screaming for him to plunge his cock into her pussy, now soaked in near heavenly nectar.

The private show continued for who knew how long, throughout it all, Ritsuka somehow remained perfectly still. Like a predator, he watched it come to an end as Siduri magically dismissed the jug then turned to him with a sultry smile.

"Now, Rit~su~ka, come over here and have a taste. You've more than earned it." Giggled the woman splayed out beside him him.

Ritsuka's exposed cock practically pulled him forward, his mouth sealed shut in spite of the heavy thirst that had been developing within him. It was about to be satisfied.

Seconds before his lips came down on her pussy, he took a minute to enjoy the sweet fragrance of the wine that she'd poured over her vagina. It truly added to the taste as what he ended up sampling was the essence of heaven itself. As he had done, Siduri arched upward and moaned. Immediately, he could tell that she'd been longing to have his lips and fingers on her silt. He briefly pondered if she'd fingered herself at some point in the day or night, thinking of him. All of her previous actions led Ritsuka to the conclusion that she did; he was going to ensure she never had to fantasy about such carnal pleasures ever again.

"Y-Yes! T-That's it! O-Ohhhh…I-I knew…t-t-that you were a natural." Moaned the brunette in never-ending bliss. Her hands were moving above her and to the side, vainly grasping at the pillows before making their way down to his head. She wanted to keep him there, glue his tongue to her womanly folds so that the euphoric feeling rushing through her could never leave. Siduri threw her head back and cried out feeling one of Ritsuka's fingers jabbing into her womanly opening. It served as a good enough substitute as the teenager began to move his mouth away from her vagina and onto the rest of her waist.

It was only natural as she'd poured liquor all over herself, not to mention it was still fresh.

The revived woman simply couldn't stop from thrashing about as her pussy was fingered and the surrounding area tended to by a Ritsuka's lips. He ran his tongue along her wine-soaked skin sending a never ending wave of ecstasy racing through her. Side to side her head turned, her brain nearly shutting down from the overload. It was a combination of it being far too long and sheer joy at having Ritsuka be the one to eat her out.


And it got even better when he added a second finger to the mix. He rose up, his fingers still rocking in and out of her crouch. Siduri's hands went to his shoulders, her nails digging into his skin in an effort to keep him there. She didn't even care that his tongue was no longer propping her pussy, penetrating as far deep as her clitoris, his fingers were doing a good enough job of that. Pockets of air slipped between them in the seconds' long breaks they took. Their tongues melded against one another, saliva covering their lips. It was most evident when Siduri pulled back to let out a moan of sexual delight she simply couldn't keep quiet about.

Taking it as his cue, Ritsuka moved back down to her crouch. With the force of a spear, he thrusted his tongue into her folds, his fingers now providing support as he greedily ate her out. Siduri's world became a blurry haze of scented candles, fleshy licking, and her own frantic breathing. She was the experienced one, and yet here she was being overwhelmed. It wasn't particularly a bad thing, especially since she could hear Ritsuka's moans of delight coming through. His delight, her delight, their pleasure.


Her end came in a flood of feminine nectar and liquor that Ritsuka opened his mouth as far as he could to enjoy. He wasn't disappointed in the slightest with the taste. Siduri's juices mixed with the wine's, there could be no finer a mixture even if he searched the realms of heaven.

And it was a mixture that was now his from this moment onward.

Siduri's juices were a white wave that washed away everything in Ritsuka's mind, everything except for her. Her essence, her life, her smile, all of it came pouring out of her and all of it was accepted by him. The teenager's hands had to clap down on her hips to keep the woman from bucking too wildly, not that she wasn't already completely dousing his face already. Siduri's fingers dug into the sheets and her legs hooked around the teenager's head. Ritsuka accepted it, and continued to bask in the creamy flood of her juices. Such a thing was all Siduri could ask for, all that she wanted.

"Hehe, you wouldn't be able to just lie back and enjoy, like I tell you to, would you?"

His laughter was sweet. "Being in this kind of position, I honestly don't think I could if I wanted to. I mean, you really can't blame me." Ritsuka said casting a stray glance down at his dick, fully erect and waiting to impale. He could almost hear it calling to him, demanding him, to cut the small talk and impale the brunette beauty above him on his dick.

Said beauty had similar thoughts. Her fingers stretched out over his chest, her breathing husky as she stared down at him. One distinctive husk breath escaped her, proving to be the signal that Ritsuka had been waiting for.

Shockingly, they moved in unison, her coming down as he thrusted upward. It was halves coming together to make one perfect whole. Joint cries of bliss flew from the respective lips of the humans. Sweet euphoria rushed through the two of them, their hearts literally slamming against their chests, then temporarily stopping. A second later and they picked back up again, racing more frantically than they had before. They were a matching rhythm to the way their bodies began to move. Barely five seconds had passed since they connected with one another, and in that time, they decided they would be bound forever.

Ritsuka's animalistic urges came out in full force leading him to thrust upward, his hands clapped down on Siduri's bouncing hips. Amidst the storm of lust, he could perfectly make out the older woman's tan-skinned figure, it was the only thing his eyes could see, her moans and shouts the only thing his ears could hear, and the squeezing of his dick the only sensation he could register. He loved them all and wanted to hold onto them forever, the best way to do was to continue to thrust his hips upward, push his cock deeper and deeper into the tavern owner's pussy. That's exactly what he did, and his actions were responded to with gusto.

It was impossible to accurately tell how much time had passed since she'd had a man's penis thrusting into her vagina. Siduri didn't dwell on the thought as she now had one inside of her, one nice and big and attached to a man she held on the same level as her beloved king. Surely such a thing never seemed possible to her, but it did, by the gods, it was possible, and it was happening. And she was enjoying it. Each one of Ritsuka's thrusts felt like it was lifting her through the ceiling and into the starry sky beyond them. She shut her eyes and turned her gaze south, where the real stars lay.

Twin pools of turquoise that shined with lust and admiration, both for her. Those precious orbs glistened brighter than any gemstone, the face on which they sat was more detailed and vibrant than any sculpture, no matter how fine the craftsman had been. "Yes…yes…more! Ritsuka, more!" She cried out reaching down and caressing his face.

In doing so, she sent several jolts of euphoric pleasure circulating through the teenager's already fizzled brain. While it was in no way needing a jumpstart, Siduri's touch and words certainly succeeded in giving him a surge that had him doubling the speed and intensity of his thrusts. Ritsuka felt himself hitting home, and heard it in the way that the revived woman let loose with a bombastic scream of bliss. Grinning, Ritsuka pushed upward again and again, prolonging the scream and giving rise to another as he slowly but surely came to dominate the lovemaking he and Siduri had begun. Judging by the dreamy smile on her face, the older woman didn't seem to have any complaints; that meant that Ritsuka had a green light, and he took it.

Originally, Siduri's plan was to be the one in charge, but one look at her lover and she knew she could pass the reigns onto him. In fact, a part of her honestly wanted to. Perhaps it was the part of her that loved being tendered to by her lovers; if so, it was one urge that would always be satisfied with Ritsuka, who often put the desires and safeties of others before his own. It was such an admirable trait, but one that warranted rewarding. Her patron goddess had informed her that relationship had to be take and give, at least the most entertaining and meaningful ones. As she received, Siduri made sure that she gave back.

A channel had been set up between the two humans, one in which pleasure was given and received, again and again like a gear in constant motion. It was a cog in the great wheel of lust that had been spinning between the two of them, now rotating at high-speeds. From it came the glorious, lustful friction that swept over their bodies and souls. Seconds turned to minutes which seemed to blur into hours, all of which the wheel never slowed down, somehow gaining speed as the two humans put all of their heart into making love to one another.

Siduri's hands went from Ritsuka's chest to his back when he shot up to lunge at her bouncing breasts. The coppery-eyed woman threw her head back and shouted in ecstasy as her pussy and breasts were now lavished with attention. "Ritsssukaaa…m-more…h-harder! Y-Yes, j-just like…just like…ahhh!" Credit had to be given to her admirer, he was a quick-learner, already deducing the finer points of her body and acting on them, ensuring she never came down from the euphoric cloud she'd risen to.

The teenager was beyond grateful to hear the words. He gripped at her backside, his hold on keeping her steady and in prime position for him to cut loose and fuck her to his, and her, heart's content. Coordinating his hips and mouth, he kept up the two-pronged assault, his cock thrusting in and out of her pussy and her breasts being tended to by his mouth. Ritsuka alternated between sensual licks and bites, the latter left Siduri either taking a sharp inhale or screaming in ecstasy. Grinning against her bouncing boobs, he rocked his hips against hers with more force, no doubt hitting her core.

"RITSUKA!" She cried, tears collecting at the edge of her eyes.

"I love it when you say my name like that, Siduri." Whispered the teenager, his grip on the brunette tightening as he gave another thrust.


"You're mine, Siduri." The Master growled heeding her instructions.

"More! More! MORE!" Begged the Mesopotamian woman clenching even harder at his sides. "MORE, GIVE ME MORE, RITSUKA!"

Happily obliging her request, Ritsuka bit down harder against her right-side nipple. "MINE!" He growled again.

"YES! YOURS! YOUR WOMAN! ONLY YOURS, MY LOVE!" It was a declaration made at the height of euphoria, yet also with a completely clear mind. Siduri knew what she wanted in her heart. Over the last few hours, she'd reached out and took it for herself. In turn, she had been taken as well.

She'd reached down and cupped his cheek, bringing him into a series of fiery kisses that marked the seconds in which their ecstasy grew. Tongues slammed against one another again and again, fingers digging into flesh and bodies squishing together.



One final kiss followed, one that took all the air the couple had out of them, then they separated and inhaled just enough for one final declaration each.



Who came first was impossible to tell, not that it ultimately mattered. The brunette felt her inner sex quickly filling up with the masculine juices of her Japanese lover, meanwhile, he felt his cock being bathed in her sweet nectar. They mixed together inside of her, forming a sensual cocoon around the teenager's dick that sent jolts of ecstasy surging up his spine and into his brain. Siduri had a similar feeling, near celestial warmth sparking within her, then fanning out to the rest of her body like a flame. She held tightly onto him as the flame washed over her, just as it was doing to him. Ritsuka held onto her as well, his penis continuously throbbing as he subconsciously pumped more of his cum into her welcoming core. Amidst the flaming haze, they looked to one another, their lips connected a second later and stayed connected as their kiss marked the ending of their orgasmic release.

After what felt like hours, it ended, but only to signal the start of the next step. The alewife propped herself up on her hands and knees, her rear end presented to the teenager, who hovered behind her with predatory breathing.

"Doing you like this…it's…well…" Ritsuka pattered off, nervously scratching the side of his cheek. It was nothing short of adorable to the older woman.

"Go on ahead, I enjoy a dominant man, a good man, and a strong man." With a giggle, she slapped her butt cheek causing Ritsuka's harden dick to throb. "And you, Ritsuka, happen to be all three."

His hands gripped her hips as a grin stretched across his face. "Then don't mind if I help myself to this." Her short laugh turned into a fiery shout as he pushed his penis back into her. Siduri's entire body shook as his cock once again took up residence in her womanly cavern. It had now become its "natural place" as she'd once called it. The fact that it was, the realization that it was, drove Ritsuka to rock his hips forward and back, pride blooming on his face.

"HARDER! HARDER!" Chanted the wine brewer, her eyes quickly gaining a heart-shaped glow in them.

Ritsuka held onto her hips while he attempted to rock the beautiful secretary's body into pieces. She was begging for it, he could hear it, feel it. In spite of the tempest-like wave of bliss pouring over her, Siduri was still able to control her body, just enough to push her hips back and invite him to thrust deeper into her. He more than happily obliged, a masculine shout escaping his lips.

Yes, without a doubt. I…will never have any need for another in this life! None but him, none but this heroic youth, this man! Declared the Mesopotamian woman, fingers practically tearing at the bed sheets. Her face went down, her ass now sticking up proving an ideal opportunity for Ritsuka to continue fucking her. It was heavenly, a divine blessing that she would treasure to the end of this second life, a life that would be spent with Ritsuka Fujimaru.

As his right-hand, as his wife, as the mother of his children.


She was only bent over for a few minutes at best. Ritsuka's right hand darted out and seized her breasts, he used it as leverage to pull her back up. A rain of kisses followed; Siduri opened herself up to them, practically spreading her spiritual arms out. In reality, she wrapped them around Ritsuka's neck, her passion quickly growing to rival his. Though she wanted to maintain some ounce of control, she gradually surrendered it to Ritsuka. His vitality had truly caught her off-guard, but oh, how thankful for that she was.

"YES! OOOOHHH, YES!" Screamed the seventeen-year-old feeling his climax approaching.


His dick hit her womanly core, over and over like a spearman's rapid-fire thrusts. Finally, one thrust hit home, proving to be the final blow.


For the second time, the teenager's cum shot straight up into the womb of the seductive priestess. Siduri shook in the arms of her beloved, her back grinding against his chest as he held her up. One arm lay wrapped around her waist while the other clung to her breast; only for a few seconds, did she keep her lips off of him, then she slammed into him again. Ritsuka responded with more thrusts from his hips, pushing his gushing member deeper into her gushing folds. Streams of white liquid started to pour down their waists onto the bedsheets beneath them.

They both decided they'd go to sleep above the sheets, which had been stained by their sweat and love nectar. It was going to be a recurring occurrence so they might as well get used to it. Besides, so long as they had each other, nothing else mattered.

"Ritsuka, you'll keep your promise to stay alive…won't you?" She whispered. One look at him and she could tell that he was drowsy, close to shutting his eyes for good for the night. Siduri knew she wouldn't be far behind him.

He leaned forward and kissed her, his answer, his resolution to survive, being transmitted through his lips. It was enough of a response, but he still found it in him to speak. "Back to your arms? Always."

Content in that answer, she beckoned him to shut his eyes for good, she'd following close after him into the land of dreams. Before long, he was off, his light snoring sweet music to her ears. Siduri knew she'd wake up to that same light snoring, or better yet, his laughter and see his smile.

Those things had been the first thing she'd thought of when she awoke to this new life. They'd brought her joy, and somehow, she'd found her way back to them. Siduri knew Ritsuka would make sure to come through on his end, and when he returned to her, she'd always be there waiting for him. She was a devoted woman, and that devotion would never change, especially now that she had a man to truly call her own.

So, little mythological fact, in myth, Siduri was actually a wine goddess, or something close to it. She owned a tavern that our dear King of Heroes stopped by (which I can see happening) when he was in need of some worldly wisdom. I'd say Fate's interpretation wasn't too far off as she's probably one of the few people whose advice Gilgamesh will take…and can get away with ranting to him when she gets just a little fed up with his antics. Got to respect a woman like that. Siduri was one of the best parts about Babylonia and I was quite happy to see her return.

Now then, I'll hopefully be able to continue with my next installment in a few weeks. Until then, keep safe and healthy, everyone!