Intro music: watch?v=Fu_U8nTIXhs&t=87s

BlackHat: Listen newcomers since that this is just an empty world that has nothing you must all work together to reach lv 100 in order to go home

Kirito: So you are saying that is max lv watch?v=Fu_U8nTIXhs&t=87s

JP: Not just max lv my freind but

Kelsy: Climax 100

Craig: It's simple you just gotta reached to 100

Ginny: What do we get when we got up to lv 100

Campscout Jason: It simple then your name will be on top of that leaderboard

Deku: What Leader board

All of them turns their heads around and saw a godly divine board that looks so cool

Soul: Wow look their is also the leader board of souls

Maou: I think this is a city where all of our fame and working progress gets put in look Ichigo is in 68 place of the Soul Resonance LeaderBoard


Tom: Yes it is really low

Ichigo: Wait that character overthere looks familier wait he is Tom from Tom and Jerry wait how calm Tom and Jerry talk they are speechless

Tom: Idiot Jerry and I could talk so as Butch,Spike,Tuffy me and Jerry just thought that we cannot talk but turns out we can

Iruma: 2 famous Cartoon characters that has exist from the year 1800 til today I am suprise when you guys have even way higher Qualities

Jerry: Yeah know for the Jobs

Deku: Jobs?

Mandy: That's right you guys must have jobs in order to reach lv 100 cause sometimes your job could go intense,hard working and sometimes You could go 100 like what did Mob just say

Kirito: Oh ok so what our jobs

Mandy: That we need to think

A moment of thinking

Black Hat: Listen up newcomers here is the list of your jobs in City 100

Shizuo and Izaya: City Monitors (Go around and make sure menacing actions are solved by any kinds of methods)

Grizzly,Gin,Cyborg, Inuyashiki: Security Guards of the City (During the daytime)

Shinra and Soul Eater: Night Patrollers( See if there is anything unusual like wrongway souls)

Deku and Iruma: Night Guards of the city(Securities that work during night shifts)

Touma,Mob: City Rebuilders( Fix the damaging parts,areas,places that were been wrecked)

PowerPuff Girls, Saitama, Superman, Goku, Saiki: Professional Guard(Pro Hero that fights alone and against the strongest Boss that are unbeatable)

Ainz,Russia,Kirito: System Watchers (The peoples who guards the system that hold balance between Virtual and Reality)

Akira Fudo and Maou, Nomoto Yuuya: City watchers(Observes daily activities),

Tom and Jerry including Conan: patroller of the City (Peoples who goes and patrols the areas on the ground)

Ainz,Tanya: Student Council( one of the highest roles in schools)

Nomura Fudo, Oga Tatsumi, Kurosaki Ichigo: Violence dealers (Deals with problems from normal to high).

Subaru Natsuki, Satou Kazuma, Naofumi: Supporters (Those who goes and becomes the shield or create 1 for others).

Black Hat: And all the rest of the Job of Cartoon Networks are just students and anyone that doesn't have there name on here means they are just regular students that could stop evil or fight them I don't care as long as the threat was been removed

Shizuo: Me and that punk working in a job together

Izaya: Let's see if this job could make us be friends or one of us will Grind each other to number 0

Shizuo: If you there you choose the Grind option I will make sure it is not just 0 for you BUT -100 FOR YOU IZAYA

Kazuma: It hasn't been a day but the whole City and school are on panic because of job

I know I'm suck at Grammar but I'll try my best.