A/N: I didn't really expect to make a follow up chapter, but I was asked to, so, why not?

A week had passed in the Siren base, and the commander had begun to settle into a routine.

He would wake up, be given a fair breakfast, and then spend most of the rest of the day with Observer Zero. They had covered several subjects in the past few days, but they always seemed to cycle around to how he took care of the girls back on the base. For some reason, Observer Zero was obsessed with shows of affection, particularly of those of a parental nature. She seemed to have little interest in romance, though I'm not sure if that's from lack of human contact or one of the precious few differences between Sirens and Kansen.

After he has his meal, he would be escorted to his room/cell, where he would spend his time alone with his thoughts. He was honestly thankful for the time alone, heaven knows he had little time to himself back on the base. He chuckled to himself, he signed up for Kansen duty, expecting a professional fighting force, and the girls, while exceptional at their job, were just that, girls. He spent less time strategizing and commanding, and more time acting the surrogate father and confidant. He had spent more time these last couple years playing games, assisting in studies, and consoling heartbroken girls in all 37 of his years on this planet.

There was a sharp rap on the door and it opened to reveal Purifier, her usual sadistic grin on her face.

"You ready to go for your next session?" she asked, gesturing out of the room.

"Of course." he said, standing up, and walking out of the room, Purifier beside him.

"So, how is your wound?" he asked her, noting the bandages wrapped around her waist.

"Oh, just dandy! Soon I'll be able to get back out there and terrorize locals again!" she said, a gleeful tone to her voice.

"Well that's good to hear. I'm simply glad you are okay." He said, not noticing the slight flush on Purifier's cheeks as he said this.

"Y-yeah, whatever. Though, if a slimy human like you had tried to touch me under any other circumstances I'd slay you and your whole family!" she said, trying to change the subject.

The Commander rolled his eyes at this statement. Purifier was much friendlier than she had been when he arrived, and he had become somewhat annulled to her statements of casual violence. He supposed that's what happened when you save someone's life after all.

A couple days after his capture, Purifier had begun to report to Observer Zero about her observations on human combat psychology. Just another topic Observer Zero had become enamored with during their sessions. However, one day she came in with a large, bleeding gash across her side, seeming caused by a propeller or perhaps a sword.

"Good to know my girls can still win battles without me being there" The commander had thought to himself.

To her credit, Purifier had managed to deliver her report without flinching or falling over, but just as she finished, she collapsed, green blood oozing from her side. To the Commander's surprise, Observer Zero didn't even make a call for medical attention, and instead returned to the topic they were on before Purifier entered the room. He waited almost 30 seconds before realizing help wasn't going to come. He simply couldn't let anyone, even a Siren, die by bleeding out on the floor, so he rushed to Purifier's side, and began applying basic first aid.

"What are you doing?" Observer Zero had asked in her typical monotone, watching him with curiosity.

"Trying to assist her since apparently you nor anyone else feel inclined to do so." He said, ripping a large portion of his undershirt, (he had left his coat in his cell) off to make bandages.

"What is your purpose?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Well to save her from dying, what other purpose would there be?" he said, tearing the cloth into strips.

"Why?" she asked, her confusion evident.

"Because I don't wish for Purifier to die, why else?!" he said, beginning to wrap the bandages around the unconscious Siren's waist.

"Why?" she asked, confusion growing.

"Because!" He explained, exasperated finishing the bandaging, tying the cloths in a knot.

"I fail to understand. Why would you attempt to save her?" she asks again, thoroughly befuddled.

"Because it is the right thing to do!" he said, detaching Purifier's rigging, picking her up, and putting her over his shoulder, "where is the closest medical center?"

"Through these halls, 12th door on the right." Observer Zero asked, "why?"

"Thanks" he said, not answering, before jogging down the hall with purifier on his shoulder.

Purifier woke up on a medical bed a few hours later, confused and disoriented. The medics on duty explained how the Commander had brought her into the med-bay unconscious and covered with primitive bandages. They explained that the blade had broken several ribs, in addition major blood-loss, and that if it hadn't been for the captive's timely intervention, she likely would have died. A day later, after she had been released, she made an effort to track down the Commander and thank him for his assistance. Even though he waved it off, and told her "It was the least he could do", it was a big deal to her.

However, back in present, the Commander and Purifier had reached the doors to Observer Zero's room, and he and Purifier had to go their separate ways. The Commander gave her a casual wave goodbye. Purifier looked at him confused, unsure what the gesture meant, before he entered the double doors.