Author's Note: Hellooooo Everyone! How are you all doing! As Promised, I'm working on a Pure MHA Fanfiction, and thanks to the help of my friend, D3lph0xL0v3r (or simply Delphox), I've been able to work out the bugs for the Quirk I wanted to give Mikumo in this case! So before we begin I want to clear up what the Summary didn't cover. First off, I'm planning on taking inspiration from MatPat's Film Theory "Film Theory: All Might's SECRET Quirk" in which he theorized that One For All's stockpiling ability stockpiled excess Metabolic Energy, Converts it into Kinetic Energy, and then unleashes that energy outwards through the body. I decided to take this to the next level by having it that, with Toshinori being Mikumo's Father, Inko's Quirk would combine with the Stockpiling Ability, creating a new quirk reminiscent of One For All but with a very… Very Hefty Drawback…

That Drawback is the Metabolic Energy that is required to be stockpiled, and when I mentioned this, Delphox went nuts and suggested that we use this to give him, and i quote, "Shonen Protagonist Bottomless Pit Appetite Syndrome", or basically the trope in which every Shonen Protagonist actually has a bottomless pit for a stomach, and when he mentioned that, I remembered a game i always wanted to play that could make this work: Team Fortress 2! In Team Fortress 2, every class gets a Primary Weapon, a Secondary Weapon, and a Melee Weapon, and from what I can dig up, the Primary Weapons, generally, have less ammo than the Secondary, but deal tons of damage, and the Secondaries are, for the most part, the polar opposite, lots of ammo, less damage, and the Melee Attacks do low damage but have no ammo cost, but have the drawback of being up close and personal. As such, I tried looking up, for hours mind you, on the Superpower Wiki for any sort of power that could work for this, and then I came across it: Kinetic Strike.

In general, Kinetic Strike can allow the user to enhance their physical attacks by charging it with Kinetic Energy, and two of the applications that work best are Propulsive Strike and Shockwave Generation. Propulsive Strike is pretty much Mikumo's strikes being supercharged by One From Many's Kinetic Energy and landing powerful blows onto his opponent, in a similar way to Tenya Iida's Reciprico Burst, and this is just the Melee Application, but aside from this, Mikumo can use this match Tenya in Speed by charging his legs and launching himself ahead of him. Look up the video "Mace Windu gameplay Star Wars Battlefront 2" by AdiGames on Youtube and watch how Mace Windu's Force Speed and Force Jump Animation are used between 4:07-4:16 to get an idea on how I envision Mikumo's One From Many Running and Jumping Style while using this Quirk. (Oh and btw, that's the Star Wars Battlefront 2, 2005 Version, not the the 2017 Version)

Now for his long ranged attacks, that is where Shockwave Generation Comes in, it turns out it has 5 different ways to apply shockwaves at a range: Shockwave Clap, Shockwave Stomp, Shockwave Snap, Shockwave Flick, and Focused Shockblast… I won't go into details or we'll be here all day, but suffice it to say these are all very good ranged options, but to keep with the formula, the Stomp, Clap, and Shockblast will be the Primary Weapons, aka high damage/low ammo, and the Snap and Flick will be Secondary, Low Damage/High Ammo. And how does the ammo tie into this? Metabolic Energy, which is pretty much the chemical reactions of your food being processed to keep your body alive, and when you add in the SPBPAS, you can see where it goes… Mikumo has to eat a lot of food to stockpile massive amounts of ammo for his long ranged attacks, in which his "Primaries'' will consume a lot of ammo quickly, while his "Secondaries'' will consume less but lack the amount of power the "Primaries" provide. To get a scale on how powerful Mikumo's Secondaries are, the best prime example would be Izuku Midoriya's battle against Shoto Todoroki during the UA Sports Festival, who used One For All to release Shockwaves via flicking his fingers. That's about what Mikumo can do if he were to use a Punch-Variation of the Shockwave Flick, while his normal Flicks are about half that.

Anyway I'm getting sidetracked… The Linchpin in this Quirk is how much Mikumo eats to stockpile metabolic energy for later use, and it will also be the reason why Mikumo has a utility belt that carries drinks and snacks with him at all time should he ever run out of ammo in the middle of a fight, due to his metabolism being high enough that he can process food into metabolic energy rather quickly. However I'll go further into the details in later chapters. For now I hope you all can enjoy the Prologue for the Valiant Hero: Yamikumo! Catch ya on the Flipside! SMAAAAASH!

Prologue: One From Many

Sitting in the Pediatrician's office, Mikumo Yagi is anxiously waiting for the results of his Quirk Test, to find out what his Quirk is, the little boy trying to remain calm as the Doctor comes in with the results. Mikumo is with his parents the #1 Hero, All Might, aka Toshinori Yagi, and his mother Inko Yagi, the retired Pro-Hero who is aiming to get back in the game in just a few weeks, the Former #3 Hero, Attraction. The two parents wait on pins and needles as they look at the doctor, who goes over the results one more time before breathing in. "Well I believe I've figured out what is wrong with your son…!"

"W-What's the problem, Doctor?" Toshinori asks, looking at the Pediatrician.

"Well the Good News first… Mikumo-kun does have a Quirk, and I can say that it's something of a combination between your two Quirks!"

"R-Really?" Inko asks, smiling hopefully.

"Yes, from what our tests can understand, is that it draws upon excess metabolic energy and then stockpiles it before converting it into Kinetic Energy, and then unleashing it, using the motion of the body as a medium!" The Pediatrician says, "The only reason why Mikumo can't manifest his Quirk's power is because of one big thing, his Metabolism… You said that since he turned 4 years old, his appetite, instead of decreasing as any normal child would at this stage, it only got worse, well that is one of the side-effects of his Quirk… In order to activate his Quirk, he needs to stock up on, for the lack of a better term, ammo. His ability to stockpile metabolic energy requires tremendous amounts of calories and nutrition… Nearly Nine Times the amount any child his age would require…!"

"Then all we've been doing is stifling his Quirk by trying to get him to control himself…" Inko explains, looking down. "This is my fault…"

"No, Inko-chan… It's alright, you didn't know…!" Toshinori says, taking his wife's hand.

"That's right!" Mikumo says, looking to his mother with a smile on his face. "I don't blame you, mom!"

"Honey… Miku…" Inko says before her eyes erupt into a water fountain from happiness. "I LOVE YOU BOOOOTH!" Toshinori laughs while Mikumo simply giggles, the Doctor smiling as he looks at the family dynamic, and then clears his throat to get their attention.

"Now to get to the point where Mikumo-chan can manifest his quirk, he'll need to eat at least 13,000 calories a day!"

"That's as much as an average horse!" Inko says, shocked, her eyes bugging out.

"Well the good thing about your son's quirk is that he can not only stockpile metabolic energy, but he can also store it for later use without turning it into body fat. After about, say, maybe a year of this diet, Mikumo should be able to go back to a regular diet!" The Doctor explains, "All Might, I know you need to eat a lot of food in order to maintain your strength, so maybe you can help your son keep his hunger in check and guide him towards foods that don't cause fat to build up?"

"Certainly!" All Might explains, smiling at his boy. "I have a question, will his Quirk grow stronger with his physical body?"

"Yes, from what I can see! As Mikumo grows physically stronger and eats more food, his caloric intake will increase, but his quirk will grow stronger with it." The Doctor explains, "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"No thank you, Doctor, you've done more than enough…!" All Might says, standing with his family as they bow. "Now to celebrate, let's go to an all-you-can-eat buffet!" Mikumo shouts for joy as he bounces up and down, Inko finding it adorable as the two Pro Heroes lead their son out of the hospital and to the nearest buffet. Before they do though, his parents get dressed in their hero suits and bring Mikumo in, smiling as a serving woman smiles.

"Welcome! Oh it's All Might and his Wife Attraction! How might we serve you today?"

"We're here actually to celebrate!" Toshinori says, "We learned of the reason why our son's quirk isn't activating, and it turns out we were missing a piece of the puzzle! So we're going to fill in that piece, and that's to eat our hearts out! So if my son runs up a huge bill that our admission fee can't handle, then we'll pay it!"

"Of course, All Might! Right this way to the VIP area!" The woman says, taking the family to a special VIP Room, where Toshinori smiles and the group sits down to eat, and over the next several Minutes, Mikumo stuffs his face at a rapid pace, burning through full course meal after full course meal, much to the shock of everyone in the VIP Room. As hungry as Mikumo is, he uses his best table manners to stuff his face, which the VIPs look in shock as they see such a little boy, with impeccable manners, eating full-course after full-course. It's almost as if he has a black hole for a stomach! Even Inko is shocked at Mikumo's appetite, and realizes just how much she was holding back the beast in her son, her eyes bugging out, whilst Toshinori just chuckles as he shakes his head at his son. Nearly an hour later, Toshinori pays the bill for the restaurant, which is now so much richer thanks to this one little kid, while Toshinori is just shocked at how much this cost.

'It's a good thing we're filthy rich or we'd be eaten out of house and home!' Toshinori says, thanking god for his mercy and favor. Mikumo smiles, for the first time since birth, he actually feels full, after 23 Full Course Meals, the boy is smiling big and he can't control his lips as the curl into a satisfied grin. Inko is just absolutely floored with her son's unrestrained appetite, but she can't help but smile at her son's satisfaction, bringing a similar feeling to herself as well. In his Elementary School, Mikumo smiles as he sits at lunch, eating a massive meal his mother had packed for him, nearly 3 times the of what the other kids are eating, and even the teachers are shocked to see how much the boy is eating, wondering the reason to why he is eating so much. However as Mikumo finishes eating, Katsuki Bakugou walks over to him.

"Hey, Yamikumo!" Katsuki says, walking up to the only boy who is willing to stand up to him. "You seem to be bulking up a lot! Finally got your quirk?"

"Yeah, and the reason why I couldn't activate it was due to having no fuel for it…" Mikumo eats a bit of rice he noticed is stuck to his thumb and smiles as he tastes the salt. "But I can still beat you in a fight if you force me to…"

"Oh yeah!?" Katsuki shouts, smiling as his fists crackle with small explosions.

"Yeah…" Mikumo says, glaring at Bakugou, standing up as the two of them glare at each other, slamming their heads against one another, growling angrily at one another. The teachers look terrified as the two boys glare at one another, Mikumo's hands creating veins that glow bright red on his body, his sclera turning black as his emerald green eyes become more prominent. The two boys glare at each other, but the teachers pull them apart, and quickly their days at school pass, but Mikumo does his best to avoid Katsuki, not wanting to deal with him, and through these years, his appetite gets more and more prominent, to the point he actually brings massive lunches to school, and starts to eat rather fast and sloppily to get through his lunch breaks on time. However, on the Last Year of Middle School, when everyone gets excited about their last year, and their plans for the future, Mikumo is simply munching on a brownie he bought, ignoring everyone's excitement. 'Just ignore them and the day will be over before it starts…"

"Oh, and from what I've heard, Mikumo Yagi is going to UA as well!" One of the teachers says.

"Ah…!?" Katsuki asks turning to Mikumo, who slams his head on the table.

'THIS… IS THE WORST!' Mikumo shouts in his head.

"SO YOU THINK UA WILL ACCEPT SOMEONE LIKE YOU WHEN THEY HAVE SOMEONE LIKE ME!?" Katsuki shouts angrily, glaring at Mikumo as he slams his explosion infused palm on the desk, Mikumo pulling his head back before the impact lands.

"Oh will you shut up, Kacchan!" Mikumo says, "We both know you are I both got the best scores in our school!"

"Well you've never used that dumb quirk of yours! And if you had one, I doubt it'd be as awesome as your dad's!"

"Are you challenging me?" Mikumo asks, glaring at Katsuki.

"Hell yeah I am!" Katsuki shouts, glaring at him. "I'm going to crush you beneath my heel, rich boy!"

"Oh really?" Mikumo asks, "Well then how about this then, terms and conditions of this duel!" He smirks at this, "If I win, you leave me the hell alone and never challenge me again until conditions at UA, like school sporting events, conspire to put us against each other!"

"And what if I win, HUH!?"

"If you win, I'll go to another Hero School, no complaints…" Mikumo then smirks, "But if events conspire to end our fight before one of us gives up or a clear winner is decided, then we keep going as we are!" Katsuki smiles maliciously, and slams his fist into his opposite palm, a small explosion coming from it, and then extends his hand out.

"Deal…!" He says with a malicious and malevolent undertone, to which Mikumo shakes his hand, the two of them squeezing as hard as they can. "Today, after school!"

"Fine!" Mikumo says, the two of them growling at each other and soon rumors quickly spread around the school about a duel taking place afterschool, and it has everyone on edge, half of the school populace is voting for Katsuki, mostly due to the raw power of his Quirk, but not only that, a majority of the school is terrified of Katsuki due to his volatile personality, and his willingness to beatdown everyone who stands up to him, save one. The other half of the debate is that of Mikumo, who is a really nice guy, who helps others who ask for his help, and has more than once saved several students from Katsuki's beatdowns by acting as a magnet for trouble, and then beating Katsuki at his own game, all without using his Quirk. Add to that, Mikumo is often willing to share his huge lunches with those who don't have any without asking for anything in return…!

Everyone is divided on this decision, but on the roof, Mikumo is plowing through his massive lunch, eating as fast as he can, trying to fill up on as many calories as he can. 'I just can't calm down! This is the first time I'm going to be using my quirk in an actual fight, and not just a training battle with dad!' Mikumo thinks, becoming completely terrified at the prospect of using his Quirk against someone. He has been training with his parents for years to improve the power and his control of his Quirk, One From Many, and the truth is he's ever brought it to bear on somebody weaker than All Might before, and that fact alone terrifies him. If he doesn't hold back, he could end up killing people without intending to, but what's more, his father has warned him of Shota Aizawa, the teacher who will most certainly expel him if he gets into UA.

However, that is when Mikumo calms down and looks to the clouds, wondering what his father is doing now. His last training session was 5 years and a month ago, and that was before his father had to face off against All For One, the Supervillain that had been plaguing Japan for years… He had seen his father right after the battle, and he was afraid he'd lose him. He remembers that day well…

"All Might! You can't keep going like this!" Sir Nighteye pleaded to his father. "You need to retire!"

"No…" Toshinori said, pulling himself up, using the wall to support him, Mikumo rushing to him. "I will keep going as long as my body allows me to, and not a moment sooner!"

"Dad!" Mikumo shouted to him, rushing to him.

"My son…" All Might said, looking to Mikumo.

"I'm telling you to stop! If you keep going then I won't help you!" Sir Nighteye shouted, "If you keep going like this, then in 5 to six years…!" All Might looks to Sir Nighteye, knowing what he is going to say next, knowing how Mikumo will react to hearing it.

"Nighteye, don't say it!"

"YOU'LL FACE A VILLAIN MORE POWERFUL THAN YOU, AND YOU'll DIE!" Sir Nighteye says, but then feels the ground shaking. "What the…?"

"Die…?" Mikumo asked, looking at Nighteye. "My dad's… Going to…" Sir Nighteye then looks at the boy, seeing the despair and pain in the boy's eyes, and recognizes the woman behind him, covering her mouth with horrified eyes, covering her mouth with tears in her eyes. "Dad's… Going to…"

"No…" Toshinori says, looking at his son, "Mikumo!"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Mikumo shouted, jumping to Nighteye, his fist cocked, and his sclera turning black as night, and black markings flowing across his body. Gran Torino and Recovery Girl saw Mikumo aiming his punch directly for Nighteye, the source of his despair, and Nighteye realized he had done the opposite of his life's mission, to bring smiles and joy to those around him, for he had brought despair and hatred to this one boy who loved his father. The entirety of that hallway was destroyed as a result as Mikumo tried in vain, and irrationally, to kill Nighteye, the one he believed wanted his father dead. It was this point that broke the two partners up, for All Might had to restrain his son, even after just going through surgery, and the boy, and his mother, cried into Toshinori's arms, despair filling their beings.

After that incident, Mikumo has been doing his best to stay in contact with his father, knowing that Sir Nighteye's Foresight is never wrong, though part of him wishes to change his father's fate. Still, Mikumo hates Sir Nighteye with every fiber of his being… He wish he never found out at all, and if he was supposed to, not from him… However, Mikumo puts it aside, and holds onto the hope that he can change his father's future, and to start things off… Mikumo has a bully to put down… Finishing his massive meal, the young man heads downstairs, and continues with the day, keeping his head in the game as the lessons continue. Eventually though, the time comes as everyone gathers on the track as Mikumo and Katsuki stand about five paces apart from each other, and the Gym Teacher stands between them, the two boys glaring at each other.

"Got any last words, you damned nerd?" Katsuki asks, smiling wickedly.

"Only that you should check your life insurance policy…" Mikumo says, darkly, "Because I'm not going to be showing you any mercy at all…" The teacher looks at the two boys and the crowd that has gathered to watch, some of them even bringing out their phones to record this.

"Alright you two, you may begin on the count of three…" The PE Teacher calls out, "One… Two…" Both boys tense up as Katsuki's hands begin to glow and spark with small explosions, whilst Mikumo's apple green hair becoming a brighter shade of color, almost chartreuse in color, whilst his eyes, a dark cerulean in color transform to bright aquamarine, with his white scleras turning black. "THREE!"

*Cue "It Has To Be This Way" From "Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance"*

"DIE!" Katsuki shouts as he charges forward, swinging his arm, to which Mikumo does as he always does, and uses his wrist to knock aside Katsuki's first attack, which sends an explosion flying off to the side, whilst Mikumo pulls his arm back concentrating.

'One From Many: 2%...' Mikumo thinks, "RHODE ISLAND SMAAASH!" Mikumo calls out as he slaps Katsuki across the face. This slap is loud, resounding, and it sends Katsuki flying with a sonic boom towards, causing him to roll across the ground like a ball until he crashes into one of the supply sheds. Katsuki steps up with a bright red slap mark across his face, the young man gritting his teeth at how much it hurts.

"Did you just bitchslap me!?" Katsuki asks.

"You got a problem with that?" Mikumo asks, smiling proudly.

"YaaaamiiiikuuuuumOOOOOOOO!" Katsuki shouts, launching himself forward in a violent explosion.

'2%' To which Mikumo then bends backwards as Katsuki flies over him and rapidly jabs his fingers into Bakugou's torso 8 times. "Hawaii…" Katsuki flies past him and crashes to the ground, to which Mikumo smirks. "...Smash…"

"Take... this…" Katsuki says, pulling himself up despite being in pain. "FUCKING SERIOUSLY!"

"Oh fine…" Mikumo says, looking at Katsuki and then vanishes and appears in front of him with his finger in a flick position. '2%...' Mikumo looks at him, "Delaware Smash…" He flicks Katsuki in the forehead, and while he tilts his head back from the initial hit, what happens next shocks everyone… As the Finger strikes Katsuki's forehead, there is the sound of a sonic boom, and as it erupts, Katsuki is sent flying again, only this time through a window and three walls, along with any lockers along the way. "I can pay for the damage…"

*Song Ends*

Nearly an hour later, Inko Midoriya is in the Principal's Office, the man looking at the Pro-Hero, who came out of retirement a few years back, who looks at her son and just smirks. "Let me guess, Katsuki Bakugou again?"

"Yes, only this time, the damage was more serious, not to the boy himself, but to the school…"

"So Mikumo finally used his quirk in a fight?" Inko asks, her eyes almost gleaming.

"Yes, and it was a sight to behold, he even claims he was holding back the majority of his power…"

"It is true, Mikumo doesn't like to use his full power, and if it's against Bakugou, you can understand why based on the damage just a small fraction of his might can do…"

"Yes, we saw, and that brings us to the damages done to the school… To be honest the school has been needing some repairs done to it, and your son gave us the perfect window of opportunity to start getting them set up... " The Principal says, "Though you may still need to pay for the damages, we will let the felony slide, as the teachers were the ones who actually encouraged the fight and let it happen while keeping me in the dark…"

"We appreciate this…!" Inko says.

"Yes, thank you sir, I promise, this won't happen again…!" Mikumo says, "At least I hope it won't…"

"Knowing Bakugou, he's not likely going to let that happen…" The Principal says, "You're our model student, Mikumo, and I know you'll have a bright future as a Hero, and you'll make your parents proud!"

"Thank you, sir!" Mikumo says, smiling and the two leave after figuring out what the bill will be as Inko writes a check to pay for the damage, as well as put down some money to fund their renovations. Everyone leaves the school as everyone heads their separate ways home, in which Mikumo and Inko head home through a shortcut under a bridge, but as they pass by a manhole, something appears out of the holes, and it grapples Mikumo.

"MIKUMO!" Inko says, turning to her son, whose eyes dark as they begin to spark. Inko growls as she calls up stones and dust around her with her quirk, but then the Manhole cover bursts off.

"Be at ease, son!" A Familiar voice reaches them. "FOR I AM HERE!"

'Dad!' Mikumo thinks, looking to his father, who swings his fist and sends the slime monster flying off his son's body.

"SMAAAASH!" Mikumo, feeling the force of the blow reverberate through him, passes out with a smile on his face.

"You're finally… Home…" Mikumo says, and several minutes later, he wakes up to his father slapping him awake. "DAD!" Mikumo says, launching himself at his father, who laughs as the father and son hug for the first time in over 5 years. "You're finally home!"

"Yeah! And not a moment too soon, eh?" Toshinori asks as he starts laughing, but then holds up an empty bottle of soda in which the villain is contained in. "Now I need to get this bottle to the police right and quick before my transformation runs out! I'll be home soon!"

"Take care honey!" Inko says as Toshinori nods and launches off. "Now Miku-kun let's… Go…" She notices Mikumo's bag on the ground, and then her mouth opens wide as her eyes bug out. "MIKUMOOOOOOOO!"


"Mikumo!? You were clinging onto me!?"

"Dad can we land somewhere, please!? I'm losing my grip!"

"Oh shit!" Toshinori says, finding a building for them to land on, the two of them panting as they try to catch their breath. "Why didn't you let go!?"

"I didn't get a chance to let go! By the time the thought came into my head, you had already jumped, old man!" Mikumo shouts back indignantly, "Besides, I don't know how to use my shockwaves to break my fall!"

"Well it seems you have been lacking training since I got injured!" Toshinori says, but then he smirks at his son, but then grabs his chest. 'No not now!' His body begins to steam and Mikumo rushes to his father.

"Dad! Whats wrong!?" Mikumo says, only for Toshinori to erupt into a cloud of vapor, and Mikumo gets the shock of a lifetime, his father rapidly degenerates from the musclebound idol he always knew him as, to a scrawny, emaciated travesty of the Hero he grew up knowing. "EEEEEEEH!? What the!? Dad is that really you!?"

"Yeah it's me…" Toshinori says, blood flowing from his mouth. "This is the extent of the damage my battle with All For One did to me, son… It was far greater than any of us could have expected it to be, so I'm not in the top physical form I used to be…"

"Dad…" Mikumo says, looking at his father, but then hugs him. "It's still you! And I don't care what you look like, you're still my hero!" Toshinori smiles at his son, petting his head.

"Thanks son… That… means a lot…" Toshinori says, "It really does, though to be honest, I've been losing my confidence a lot recently due to how limited my Quirk has become…"

"Well limits are meant to be either broken or worked around, right?" Mikumo asks, smiling at his father.

"Too True, though I've decided to take it easy for a while before I try anything!" Toshinori explains to Mikumo, "In fact, I've just finished my training to become a Teacher at UA Highschool!"

"Wait, are you going to retire?"

"I want to find a successor to One For All before I do that, but yes, I am going to retire, possibly at the end of my first Year, or even at the beginning of the Second Year…" Toshinori explains, "I'm even going to go in for an Interview to announce my retirement and reveal some of the details of One For All to the World…"

"Then you're taking Sir Nighteye's advice?" Mikumo asks.

"I have taken it to heart, and while I know you won't like it, he warned me that if I don't retire within the next year or two, I will be killed in action…" He hugs his son, "And I don't know what will happen if I do… It's best that I go out on my own terms while I still have time left before someone kills me and causes the world to be overrun by fear and chaos.…"

"Dad…" Mikumo says, not liking this, but looks on the bright side, he gets to spend more time with his father, and if it means he would avoid the fate that Sir Nighteye had prophesied by ending his career, then he wouldn't argue with him. He hated Sir Nighteye with every fiber of his being, but he could now feel grateful for what he has done for his father. "I didn't want to see you die… I was so scared when I had attacked Nighteye…" He confesses to his father hiding his eyes in his chest. "I was so afraid and so angry that I lashed out without thinking, and because of it, I put several people in danger…"

"Miku-kun…" Toshinori says, petting his son's yellow-green hair. "It's alright now… Everything will be just fine… So how about we go grab ourselves a soda before we go home? I bet your mother's going nuts right now since I launched off before you could let go!"

"Yeah…!" Mikumo says, the two of them leaving the building, chatting and smiling, but then Mikumo notices something. "Uh… Dad, one of your pockets is inside out…!"

"Huh?" Toshinori says, and then looks into his pocket, horror dawning on his face. When he launched himself, Mikumo must've been thrashing around so much from the force that the bottle containing the villain must've fallen out. "Oh no!" That is when they hear an explosion reverberate nearby and the two of them rush to the scene, finding the Sludge Villain, free once again, and from what they can here, he has a teenager with a powerful quirk in his grasp, and is using him to channel the explosions outwards.

"Oh no… It's Kacchan!" Mikumo says, looking at his rival, and something snaps in him, in which the people talking nearby start talking about All Might, Toshinori growling as he holds his chest. "Dad?"

"Due to the damage I sustained from All For One… I can only maintain my Muscle Form for a limited amount of time, perhaps an hour at most…" Toshinori says, "I can't push it any further or I'll put a huge strain on my body!" Mikumo looks at his father, shocked, and then looks at Katsuki, their eyes meeting as the Blonde Bomber's face becomes one of sheer, hopeless terror… This one moment causes a spark to resonate within Mikumo as his body begins to spark with lime colored electricity, his scleras turning black, his hair glowing, and markings appearing on his body. 'Mikumo?' Toshinori thinks, but then the kid begins rushing foward, past the heroes, and everyone looks in shock as the boy does so.

"NO YOU IDIOT GET BACK HERE!" One of the Heroes calls out, to which Mikumo's mind is going a mile a minute as he tries to figure out what he is doing and what he should do. However, that is when his body begins reacting on pure instinct as it moves and launches a Delaware Smash at the Sludge Villain, aiming the blasts at it's eyes, temporarily blinding and stunning it. Once it let's go Mikumo begins to grab for Katsuki.


"What the hell!? What are you doing here!?"

"Don't ask me! My body is acting on it's own accord!" Mikumo shouts, clawing at the Villain as he charges his hands with kinetic energy. "But I know one thing… I CAN'T JUST STAND HERE AND LET YOU DIE!" Toshinori hears his son, and suddenly the same spark erupts through him as One For All Activates once more, getting a second wind.

"GET THE HELL OFF MEEEEEEE!" Katsuki shouts, to which the Villain growls and lashes it's hand at Mikumo, only for the impact to never hit.

"I am so pathetic…!" Toshinori says, blocking the attack/


'What!?' Katsuki mentally shouts.

"To think my own kid would begin acting recklessly, it looks like I need to discipline you…!" He pulls away from the villain and grabs Katsuki, "BUT YOU HAVE MADE ME PROUD TODAY, SON! NOW GIVE HIM HELL!"

"DAMN YOU ALL MIGHT!" The Sludge Villain shouts, preparing another attack as Mikumo growls.

"KODIAAAAAK!" Mikumo shouts, performing thrusting his palm at the villain. "SMAAAAAAASH!" The resulting concussive shockwave causes the weather to change as everyone looks in shock of Mikumo having such a powerful Quirk, Toshinori holding onto Katsuki as the winds begin to blow past everything. Once everything settles down, the civilians look to All Might, who sets Katsuki down as he is taken to be seen by paramedics, and then Mikumo, who smiles at his father before he is admonished for acting so recklessly.

"Mikumo…" Toshinori says, stepping in front of his son, "I am so proud of you, son!" He offers his son a hand, the boy taking it and the two standing in front of the press, smiling at each other.

"All Might! All Might!" One of the reporters asks, "Is what you're saying true, this teenager is your son!?"

"Yes he is…!" All Might says, placing his hands on Mikumo's shoulders, "This is Mikumo Yagi, my son, and my pride and joy! I hope to groom him into someone capable of taking my place as the Symbol of Peace when I retire within the next few years!"

"So the rumors are true!?" Another Reporter asks.

"Yes, they are, but I will explain everything thoroughly during an interview within a few days, so please don't ask me anymore questions about it now!"

"Mr. Yagi!" One of the Reporters says, walking to Mikumo, "Are you truly hoping to take your father's place as the Symbol of Peace?"

"W-Well I haven't gone through any formal training yet, but I hope that one day I will be able to become a Symbol like my father is now! However, I know I can't do it alone… Though I will say this, if I cannot bear the burden of the Symbol of Peace on my own, I will seek out a support system of other heroes who can help me…" He then gives a glance to Katsuki Bakugou, "Like my classmate, Katsuki Bakugou, or as I like to call him, Bomberman…"

"Bomberman?" One of the Reporters asks, "Did you just come up with that name yourself?"

"Yeah, knowing Katsuki, he'll more than likely choose an overly violent Hero Name, but the name Bomberman is actually from a Retro-Game whose main protagonist is that of a bomb wielding intergalactic police officer!" Mikumo says, to which Katsuki looks at Mikumo, about ready to pounce on him. "So a more friendly face and name would not only help him out in the long run, but-!"

"SHUT UP, YAMIKUMO!" Katsuki shouts, to which Mikumo chuckles, and then gets an idea.

"Yamikumo, huh?" Mikumo asks.

"Oh did you come up with a Hero name for yourself?" All Might says, smiling at his son.

"Yeah… When I graduate the Hero Course at whatever Hero Academy I go to… I will be recognized by this name…" Mikumo says, everyone looking at him and focusing their cameras on him. "I will be… The Valiant Hero: Yamikumo!" All the reporters take pictures and for the next few days, the headlines around the city begin to circulate with this as the headline.

Behold the Son of All Might!

The Valiant Hero: Yamikumo!

Author's Note: Holy crap, I'm finally done! I hope you guys all enjoyed this first chapter of The Valiant Hero: Yamikumo! Big shout-out and thanks to Delphox for helping me work out the kinks in the Quirk I had created, and for suggesting the Shonen Protagonist Bottomless Pit Appetite to act as the Linchpin in Mikumo's Quirk! I don't have much to say in this part of the chapter, this time at least, but I would really like it if you guys left a review, follow and favorite both me and this story! I am so happy to finally be working on this, and don't worry, after I finish my break, I'll get back to KR Gadget and Viral Toxin soon, don't you worry about that! Anyway, i think I've said enough! Catch ya on the Flipside! SMAAAAASH!