A/N: I tried to keep this in character, but I'm not sure how in character Iino asking Shirogane for love advice is anyway, so oh well. This is all just for fun regardless, hahaha.

Shirogane sighed contentedly, setting aside the last of the paperwork he'd been working on for the past half-hour. He couldn't completely relax, though. The culprit? One eerily silent kouhai sitting across from him.

I know I never said anything, but why has she been sitting there the whole time?! Shirogane wondered frantically, already experiencing a sense of déjà vu. His awkward attempt at conversation and her indecipherable poetry still shone clearly in his mind. Oh, well, I guess I better say something. She didn't give him the chance, however.

"Oh, President, are you done?" Iino asked, gesturing to the papers in front of him.

"Ah, yeah. What's up, Iino?"

She slipped her earbuds out and set them down on the table, along with her phone. Her mouth opened for a moment and closed the next. Twiddling her thumbs, she became bashful and looked down at her hands. That would have been all well and good until a blush flourished across her face, tripling Shirogane's nerves. Eh? Huh? What? What's going on with her?

"Uh, Iino?"

"Oh!" she yelped, shaking her head. A nervous giggle followed, and words poured out from her mouth in a torrent. "I'm sorry, it's just that I wanted to get some advice and, well, it's kind of weird. I kind of can't believe I'm even bothering you with this, actually..."

Shirogane gulped. Aaahh, what could it possibly be? In contrast to his thoughts, no traces of unease could be detected on his face. "It's no problem," he waved a hand. "Shoot."

"I kind of heard that you give out love advice."

Those very words, had they had come out of anyone's mouth a few months ago, would have sent Shirogane into a state of anxiety. Now that he had some experience under his belt, he brightened. "Ah, is that so? Well, I guess I can see why that rumor spread around."

Iino deflated slightly. "Oh, so it's just a rumor then?"

"No, no. It's, well, uh, what was it you needed advice on? A guy, I'm assuming?"

"Y-yeah," she nodded, her gaze planted on the floor. Shirogane still felt somewhat awkward about giving his female underclassman relationship advice, but she'd also piqued his curiosity. It never occurred to him that a stickler like Iino Miko had the capacity for love, as sorry as he was to admit.

"Is… Is it someone I know?"

Reluctantly she nodded, still not lifting her eyes up to meet his.

Shirogane cleared his throat, wondering what approach to take next. He wanted her to relax, but he didn't want to force her into sharing anything that made her uncomfortable, intrigued as he might have been. He absently wished that Kaguya were here right now to help him out.

"It's a little hard to offer advice if I don't know what's going on…"

The girl seemed to consider his words, finally looking up at him. Following a deep breath, she sat up straight. Shirogane steeled himself for whatever information she intended to disclose.

"This is actually about a friend of mine." It's about her, mused Shirogane. "Back in middle school, there was a guy who constantly got on her nerves. He still does," she added abruptly. "But for some reason, she's starting to think that he might not be so bad..."

"Mm," Shirogane hummed, waiting for her to continue.

"He was seeing someone older. They broke up since she wasn't interested in long distance, and she—my friend, I mean—really wants to...well, she doesn't know what she wants to do. So she needed a bit of help, I guess."

Shirogane leaned forward, cradling his chin within his thumb and index finger as he ruminated over her story. A boy who Iino disliked, knew in middle school, and dated an older girl? The bulb in his mind lit up, but he maintained his composure in light of this revelation. Iino really does like Ishigami then, huh? He had a tiny suspicion, but never dared to make any assumptions.

"I see," he sat up, dropping his hands beside him. "So this friend of yours likes this guy, right?"

She gawked at him like a deer in headlights. "I wouldn't say like, exactly."

"Are you sure? It seems that way to me."

"It does?"

He shrugged. "It sounds like she likes him, and maybe even wants to console him after his breakup."

"W-well, any normal person would, right? It's just the nice thing to do, right? Being there for someone after a break up."

"Mm, mm," Shirogane nodded. "But it can be awkward, and even scary, right? Suddenly being friendly towards someone you once treated coldly?"

"Exactly!" Iino beamed. In a flash, she retreated back into her shell. "I-I mean, that's probably how she feels, I would guess," she shrugged nonchalantly. Shirogane bit back a chuckle. He'd never harbored any resentment toward Kaguya in the way Iino seemed to with Ishigami, but he could relate in his own way. Being afraid to make a move, getting stuck inside your own head. Who didn't feel that way sometimes?

"I think she should go for it."

"Huh?" she asked.

"The friendly approach," he clarified. "Your friend should forget about her pride and talk to him." Iino began to speak, but Shirogane interrupted. "Of course, overcoming pride is easier said than done. I know that better than anyone."

"You do?"

He shook his head dismissively. "Never mind that. What do you think, though? Can your friend at least try to melt the ice, just a little bit?"

Iino sat in deep thought, twisting her lips to the side. Just as she began to respond, the door to the student council room flew open. Her head shot up while Shirogane twisted around to take a look.

Speak of the devil.

"Oh, am I interrupting something?" Ishigami asked, one hand lingering on the knob just in case they wanted him to leave. Shirogane started to answer, but this time Iino cut him off.

"Not at all!"

Shirogane whipped back around, surprised to find a smile on her face.

"I was discussing some council-related issues with the President, but I was just leaving," she continued, standing up from her seat. She gathered her phone and earbuds, bidding Shirogane a quiet thank you and goodbye. He told her it was no problem at all and turned to watch her leave.

On the way out she paused in front of Ishigami, flashed him a small smile, and strode out into the hall. Ishigami walked across the room and sat opposite Shirogane in bewilderment.

"Did she seem off to you?"

Shirogane's head fell back in laughter.

"What?" Ishigami prodded.

"Oh, it's nothing," he explained as his laughter dwindled. "You'll know soon enough. Anyway, what's up?"

Ishigami could only gape at Shirogane before ultimately dropping it and moving on.