OMG! I can't believe we're here already. I'm so excited, even though I won't have anymore chapters to post. :/ I hope you all love the last installment and I'm very happy that you all have stuck with me through this massive story. Haha! Thank you all for being so lovely and for leaving such nice reviews.

Damon waited outside her room, lounging against the wall while she walked into her room wearing his shirt. He slapped her bottom, admiring its small jiggle as the red-head yelped and shot him a playful glare over her shoulder.

As soon as she closed the door she almost screamed as turned to see Meredith standing in her room, having halted in making her bed. The long-legged brunette gave her a suggestive smile, having seen her and Damon's flirtatious interactions.

"Have fun with Damon?" she quipped, looking over the petite girl swallowed in Damon's black t-shirt.

Bonnie, one hand over her chest, felt a blush creeping onto her cheeks, "Maybe…"

Meredith snorted amusedly as she fixed Damon's teddy bear cutely onto Bonnie's bed.

"Sounded like a lot more than a maybe last night…"

Bonnie's eyes went wide. Meredith glanced over at her and then straightened herself up, standing tall as she leaned her weight onto one foot and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I came to make sure Damon hadn't attacked you, and well, it sounded like you were having a pretty good time. You never told me you were a screamer!" Meredith teased.

Bonnie threw her hands over her face and groaned, "Oh my God!"

Meredith's high-pitched laugh rang around the room—almost maniacally.

"Oh, lighten up. I'm not judging. You and Damon are hot together!" she winked at the embarrassed red-head.

Bonnie dropped her hands from her face, remembering her mission, and began to gather a quick outfit.

"Glad you think so. Elena will probably have him hanged after what happened this morning." She clued her friend in.

Meredith's laughter vanished, a serious aura overtaking her demeanor, "What do you mean?"

Bonnie didn't have to answer when Meredith's eyes widened in realization and she spoke again.

"Ohhhh! Oh no!" she rushed over to Bonnie and hugged her, "She walked in on you guys!"

She released Bonnie from her hold and held her at arm's length, "And she got upset again?"

A look of conflict masked Bonnie's features as she contemplated how to explain. It wasn't like Meredith was fond of the blood thing they did either.

"It wasn't really that—it was more the, um, blood, I think…"

Bonnie hung her head shamefully as she peaked up at Meredith's reaction beneath long lashes.

Meredith let her hands fall from Bonnie, "Wow! So you guys really went for it last night, huh?"

Bonnie's porcelain skin went bright red.

"She wants to talk to me and Damon." She muttered.

The brunette girl pulled her back in for a tight hug, "Things will calm down. I'm sure Elena is just overwhelmed. That's a lot to walk in on for anyone, let alone someone who cares about you."

Bonnie nodded.

Giving her one last squeeze of reassurance, Meredith stepped back, "I'm here for you if you need me."

Bonnie hugged her friend one last time, and then threw on some high-waisted bike shorts and knotted Damon's top at one side. She brushed her hair and ran out of the door. Meredith watched as Damon appraised his girl with a smirk, clearing enjoying how she wore his clothes. He threw his arm around her shoulders, tugging her into his side. Bonnie nuzzled there, one slender arm circled around his back.

"I'm not helping you clean the blood off the bed!" Meredith sneered at Damon.

Damon threw a cocky half-smile at her over Bonnie's head of curls, "The blood is the least of the problems. You should see the mess this one ma—"

"Damon!" Bonnie shouted incredulously.

Damon laughed as he led Bonnie down the stairs and Meredith was left to digest what he had said. Even she hadn't expected that response!

Managing not to hold Elena up long enough to be suspicious, Damon walked into the living room with Bonnie's hand entwined in his. He groaned audibly, turning his head to the ceiling as he saw Stefan standing beside Elena, the couple looking like disappointed parents ready to scold their misbehaving children.

Damon sighed loudly and rolled his eyes as he plopped down onto the couch. Grabbing Bonnie by the hips, he guided her down on top of him, settling her onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around her waist as she leaned back against his chest. Her hand slid into his and he eagerly tangled their fingers and gave her hand a supportive squeeze.

I'm right here, he sent to her through their inaudible connection.

Damon turned narrowed eyes on Stefan, a cocky smirk plastered across his face. He challenged his brother to say something, anything to piss him off. Bonnie was his and there was absolutely nothing Stefan could say to keep her from him. It just wasn't going to happen…

"Elena told me what happened." Stefan began.

"Care to explain why your bed was drenched in my best friend's blood?!" Elena skipped Stefan's nice intro and jumped straight into an accusatory tone.

Bonnie looked at Damon, who glanced at her before looking to his brother, who had a suspicion on his face already. Inhaling deep, the oldest Salvatore brother confessed to his crimes.

"I feed from her, and she drinks from me," Damon twirled his fingers through Bonnie's ringlets idly, "it's a nice give and take."

Elena's eyes bulged and Stefan let his head drop as he sighed long and hard. The blonde beauty turned to Stefan in confusion.

"What? Did you know about this?!" she questioned his reaction.

Stefan shook his head and then pinched the bridge of his nose, "Damon, do you have any idea how dangerous that is for humans?"

Damon rolled his eyes, "It's dangerous if they die. Otherwise…" he turned his seductive irises on the girl in his lap and she was instantly lost in their darkness, "it just makes them feel really good. Doesn't it?"

Elena bit her lip as she looked between the touchy couple and Stefan. Stefan had let her drink his blood before—quite a few times actually. And he had taken hers. Just never at the same time. Except for once, for a second. It had just been bad timing, and Stefan had pulled away almost as soon as it had happened. But Elena could remember the rush of pleasure that washed through her like a tidal wave…it had been so fleeting.

Stefan sighed, and rose his voice, "That's not the point, Damon! If something were to happen to her—"

Damon rolled his head back on the couch exasperatedly, "Then I get her for eternity! How terrible…"

Stefan furrowed his brows, astonished by his brother's absolutely inconsiderate words.

"How could you say that?! You'd wish such a thing on the girl you love?!"

"Yes, Stefan! Because unlike you, I'm not afraid to be selfish. I love her and I want her by my side forever. There's only one way to make that happen." Damon spat the chilling truth that Stefan could never seem to.

Bonnie's mind drifted, picturing her future with Damon. Of course she had thought about it before. If she were going to be with him forever, that would mean becoming a vampire within the next few years before she became too old for him. Thinking of herself as such an undead creature scared the life right out of her, ironically enough. Yet, there was something about it that intrigued her more than it should. Being a vampire at Damon's side—something about it was so appealing. She already drank his blood anyway; only, when she became a vampire, they could blood share without her having to drink from him to stay alive. And she would feel pleasure from just that bite, without sharing. Then she could bite him. The mere thought of it pushed a million butterflies through her stomach.

"And have you even bothered to ask Bonnie if she wants this?" Stefan inquired, gesturing to the dazed girl, lost in all her thoughts of the future.

Bonnie, startled from her mind at the sound of her name, turned to Damon, whose eyes bore into hers intensely.

"We haven't talked about it. But it's not happening anytime soon. And besides, she'll want it when the time comes…" his voice trailed off as one corner of his lips turned up knowingly.

"Bonnie, is this true? Would you want to be what Damon is?" Elena asked, concern reeling in her deep blue pools.

Never breaking eye contact with Damon she answered confidently, surprising even herself.

"I want to be with him. So yes, I would do it," she took up his hand in hers again, "it might be scary, but I'd rather that than have to give him up because I'm too old. I'm not stupid. I know what he is and what it means for a human to be with a vampire. It's not really possible unless I'm willing to make sacrifices. Haven't you thought about this before, Elena?"

With the question suddenly turned on the unsuspecting blonde, she faltered, unsure of what to say. The right words couldn't seem to make it to her mouth. Sure, she and Stefan had discussed it, and she was aware of the impending decision she would have to make, but she could never fully say being a vampire is what she wanted. It was more like her humanity was a sacrifice she would have to make for Stefan. But that was a steep price to pay, even for love…

"I mean, yes, I have. But—"

"I would never make her choose this life." Stefan cut in, giving Elena a wholehearted smile.

Damon shrugged, "Then you'll lose her."

Stefan shot a glare at his nonchalant brother. How could he take such a serious topic so lightly?!

"Look little brother, you can be upset all you want, but fact is fact and I'm not afraid to admit what I want. So the choice for me is simple. I would never force Bonnie into this, but I sure as hell wouldn't just let her choose humanity without putting up a fight. You can call me selfish or inconsiderate or terrible, but don't hate me for accepting what you can't. I'm just choosing not to let her go." Damon stated, earning a conflicted stare from Stefan and a sad one from Elena.

Stefan sucked in a long breath and opened his mouth, ready to respond. Elena's hand came up to his chest, flat and gentle over his bicep. He faltered and looked to her; she shook her head gently. Stefan let out the breath he inhaled with a long-winded sigh and turned back to the united-couple lounging on the couch.

"Are we done here?" Damon asked with a raise of his brows.

Stefan, conflicted between letting Damon hear it and obeying his girlfriend's wishes, reluctantly dropped the conversation and nodded.

"Yeah, I guess." He retorted defeatedly.

"Fantastic!" Damon exclaimed and Bonnie hopped off his lap as he stood up behind her.

"Damon." Elena called.

His coal eyes looked into her deep blue depths, expecting some sort of dramatic statement that he would then have to defend, or combat.

"Take care of her." The pale blonde girl offered, giving him a small smile as Stefan circled his arm around her shoulders possessively and pulled her close into his side.

A small smile lifted the corners of Damon's lips and he nodded gratefully at her before taking Bonnie's small hand in his and letting her lead him from the living room.

Stefan turned to Elena, "You're really ok with this?"

Elena shrugged, "No, but if I know Damon at all, I know he'll keep her safe. So, I trust him."

Stefan sighed but let go of his anger of the situation, and his jealousy over Elena's attachment to his brother. She had chosen him, and his priority was paving a future for them, whatever that future may hold.

With that as a focus, Stefan nodded at Elena, choosing to trust her, and pulled her into his chest for a long hug. She moaned contently as she breathed him in and let her head rest just beneath his chin. They stayed like that for a moment, just relishing in one another's presence, letting their heightened emotions calm as they melted into each other. Until Elena pulled back just slightly to look up at Stefan's beautiful green orbs. His thick brows furrowed.

"So…what is blood sharing like?" she asked shyly, interest piqued.

Stefan was baffled as he stared down at her with widened eyes, "Um…"

Heading towards the stairs, Matt walked towards the front door, interrupting Bonnie's giddy mood. Matt's baby blue eyes landed on Bonnie's hand, nestled firmly in Damon's as he stepped unlocked the front door of the house. He stiffened, feeling awkward and unsure as he gave the couple a friendly smile and let his hand drop from the door's locks.

"Hi Matt." Bonnie greeted softly. Damon's hand squeezed tighter around hers.

"Hi." He returned, scratching the back of his head.

Damon stood confidently at his girl's side, eyes narrowed in scrutiny as he looked over Matt and was surprised to find deep red love bites along the side of his neck. A mischievous smile spread across his lips.

He gestured to Matt's neck with his free hand, "You have fun last night, Mutt?"

Bonnie looked up confusedly at Damon and then back to Matt, who had a prominent blush coloring his cheeks. She squinted, trying to see what Damon was gesturing at, but came up blank.

Matt rubbed at his neck, "Um, I was actually on my way to meet her for lunch…"

Bonnie's eyes widened and she smiled brightly, "You were on a date?! With who?!"

"Suzie Greenwell." Matt mumbled, knowing full well what Bonnie's reaction would be.

"Sicky Suzie?! You went out with her?!" Bonnie uttered in pure shock.

Last time she had seen Suzie, she was a very nerdy girl with braces and few social skills. People had given her that nickname in the early days of high school because she had many allergies and had projectile-sneezed snot into the back of Meredith's hair one day. Bonnie had been very grossed out, as had many of the kids in the lunch room that day, but Meredith, being the amazing woman she is, had calmly cleaned herself up and repeatedly told Suzie not to worry about it. Suzie, however never spoke to any of them again. She assumed the girl had been too embarrassed to hang around them after that incident.

More color poured into Matt's cheeks as Damon looked down at Bonnie, brows pulling together in amusement, "Who?"

"She's takes allergy medicine now, ok?! And we had a class together last semester." he defended, feeling an inch tall as he stood under a microscope.

"I'm not judging." Bonnie corrected, "I'm just surprised is all. I never thought you had any interest in her."

"Well, Meredith pushed me to go out with her actually and we just…clicked."

Damon snorted a laugh, "Clearly."

Matt shot him a glare, but Bonnie just smiled wholeheartedly at her best guy friend.

"I'm happy for you, Matt." She told him sweetly.

Matt's glaring eyes softened as they turned on Bonnie. He offered her a small smile in silent thanks before gesturing to her and Damon's interlocked hands, "I see you two made up?"

Bonnie blushed and tucked her curls behind her ear. Damon smirked and tugged her closer.

"So, are you guys dating now or what?" Matt asked, unsure of how to feel about it.

Damon waited for Bonnie's response, curious to hear what she'd say.

Nerves wracked her small form, not because of Matt's feelings, but because of Damon's. They hadn't gotten a chance to talk about this yet, and she didn't want to scare him off. But then, a thought replayed in her head. His words to her, how much he had done to get her back, the love he showed her. A small boost of confidence filled her core and she spoke up.

"Yes." She looked up to Damon, gauging his reaction, "He's my boyfriend."

Damon's eyes seemed to melt as they stared down into hers, and tingles spread through her limbs as she took her lower lip between her teeth.

Matt didn't grumble nor did he smile. He simply seemed to have expected as much as he let out a small sighed and looked to Damon.

"Just do me a favor…"

Damon steeled himself, bracing for an argument.

"Don't ever eat her waffles."

The stiff vampire relaxed a bit and chuckled, "Vampire, Matt. I don't want waffles."

Matt pointed a finger at him, "You heard what I said!"

Then he opened the door and left, smiling to himself as he reminisced about his night with Suzie.

Damon shook his head and started to walk forward, but Bonnie remained glued in place. He looked back at her, his inky eyes questioning her frozen state.

A sudden mischief swirled in Bonnie's brown orbs as she looked to him, "Did you just call him Matt?"

Damon thought back for a moment and almost smacked himself as he realized the slip up. God! Now Mutt would never let him live it down! Maybe he hadn't noticed though, his hormones too hopped up on whatever he and Suzie had done. But the chatty little bird at his side had heard, and yeah, that would be a problem. This was definitely going to come back to haunt him…

He groaned with a hard roll of his eyes, "Come on!"

He tugged Bonnie along as she laughed at him almost all the way to her room. Stepping inside, he was satisfied to see Puffers in the corner while his yet unnamed bear was neatly sitting on her bed, roses twisted around the bed posts.

Bonnie flopped down onto the bed, barely making it sink in. Damon chuckled at her as he watched her snatch the bear from above her and hug it tightly in her arms.

"So what's his name?" he asked, plopping down beside her on his back.

"Wafers." She answered.

Damon rolled to his side, propping his head up on his hand and staring at her.


"Yes! Because he looks like the color of vanilla and it reminded me of the cookie. He's also chubby and he looks like he'd eat a lot of them! So…Wafers!" she defended her name.

Damon laughed, throwing an arm around her and pulling her close, "I like the name, Redbird."

Bonnie smiled up at him, but then a sadness painted her features as she looked down at Wafers lying on her chest.

"What is it?" Damon inquired, running his fingers through her hair.

"I just—I didn't really know what to say when Matt asked if we were dating. I mean, we haven't talked about it and it's not like you've asked me to be yo—"

Damon cut her off as he jumped to his feet and yanked her upright. Kneeling before her on one knee, he took her small hand in his, grabbing one of the plush roses from her bed post in the other. He held it up in front of him and playfully cleared his throat.

"Miss Bonnie McCullough…"

He paused watching a beautiful smile bloom on her rosebud lips, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Without a hitch, Bonnie leapt from the bed and jumped into his arms. Damon caught her and twirled them around, laying her giggling form gently onto the floor as he hovered over her.

"Yes!" she said in the most cheerful voice Damon had ever heard from her.

Unable to erase the smirk from his mouth, the older Salvatore leaned down and captured her lips in his, kissing her breathless. Right then he was positive, right then there was no doubt in his mind, that she was permanently his and he was never leaving her side. It had been over a month since it happened. That one week where everything between them had changed. That one fateful week where he since will never be able to get enough…

I hope you all loved this story! I'm so glad I got to write a big story like this. Thank you for reading! Look for me in the near future. Haha! (Also, Suzie is just someone I made up, and no, I am by no means making fun of anyone with allergies/braces/etc. She just seemed like someone that would fit into the story that way. Haha!)

Also, if any of you happen to be interested in FF7 Remake and the characters of Cloud & Aerith, who happen to be the only other fictional couple I've ever done fanfics for, check me out on Archive of Our Own's website under the name "writerbyheart." I have this story posted on there too, but its way behind. Lol!

Until next time… 3