''I'm doing errands!'' Sunset Shimmer groaned as she put her face on the front of a carriage.''I'm her errand foal now!''
''Relax, Sunset.'' A claw rested on the unicorn's shoulder. ''This shows that Princess Celestia has good faith in you to complete this task.''
''Spike, I'm supposed to be her pupil, but stupid me, I'm a gofer!'' She shouted as she slammed a hoof down. ''My talents are supposed to be used for more than just overseeing events!''
''Did you even read anything past that?''
''I didn't need to,'' Sunset rolled her eyes at the dragon. ''Because as long as I am told what I'll be doing, that's all the information I'll need.''
Blinking, Spike reread the end of the letter. ''It says here that we're heading to Ponyville and that a far more important task for you is to make some friends.''
The sheer thought of it made the mare's eyes twitch as they descended upon the outskirts of the town, The two occupants getting off of the carriage with Sunset not even acknowledging the two guards that transported them there.
''What I want is to get this over with and get it over with now.'' Spotting a pink pony approaching her Sunset trotted past her, only for the pink pony to gasp and zip away, causing some wind to fly in Sunset and Spike's faces.
Opening her mouth to yell, she stopped herself, deciding to not want to make a scene. Instead, she merely walked off with Spike to find the next one on the list.
''Summer Sun Celebration's official Overseer's checklist,'' Spike said as they walked past a bunch of trees. ''Number one. Banquet preparations: Sweet Apple Acres.''
''Yeehaw!'' A voice shouted as a mare galloped, bucking a tree and causing apples to fall out and into multiple buckets perfectly.
''How is that even…?'' Shaking her head, Sunset walked towards the mare. ''Okay, let's make one thing clear, I am not here to make friends, I'm Sunset Shimmer and-''
Her hoof was grabbed roughly and shook up and down quickly, irritating her and causing her to glare at the mare.
''Well, howdy-doo, Miss Sunset, a pleasure meeting your acquaintance.'' The mare replied with a smile. ''I'm Applejack. We here at Sweet Apple Acres sure do like makin' new friends!''
''But I'm not here to make-''
Applejack let her go, Sunset's arm still shaking as the earth pony winked. ''So, what can I do you for?''
Spike snickered a bit as he grabbed Sunset's hoof and slowed it down to where she could safely place it on the ground.
''Well, before you interrupted me with your greetings and unnecessary friend talk, I was going to say that my assistant and I were here to oversee the Summer Sun Celebration and the first on the list was the food.'' Sunset raised an eyebrow at Applejack.. ''Which I am assuming you're running.''
Silence from the earth pony before she nodded and had a smile again. ''We sure as sugar are? Would you care to sample some?''
''I have better things to do than sampling, sorry.'' Sunset walked off, whispering to herself. ''Especially since there is something that could prove to be the opportunity to show how important I truly am to the Princess.''
''Sunset…'' Spike ran up to her. ''Come on, you need to at least try to open up just this once.''
''No!'' She snapped at him. ''I was given one goal. Get in, oversee the celebration, get out. And the sooner that's done, the sooner I can go back to Canterlot and go back to my life.''
The two continued to walk away from the farm as Applejack watched in confusion and slight irritation.
''Okay, Spike, what's next on the list?''
''Well, food's all taken care of.'' He looked at the list with a pencil in his grasp. ''Next is weather. There's supposed to be a Pegasus pony named Rainbow Dash clearing the clouds.''
Glaring at the clouds in the sky, Sunset scoffed. ''Is laziness one of her primary traits?''
A sudden crash knocked Sunset off of her hooves and into a puddle, causing a growl to come from her as a cyan pegasus looked at her, laughing embarrassingly. ''Uh, 'scuse me?''
She flew off and brought a cloud over the unicorn, jumping on it repeatedly as water dumped onto Sunset, soaking her mane and causing her to look up. Seeing this, Rainbow tapped her chin. ''Oops, I guess I overdid it.''
''You guess?''
''How about this?'' The pegasus grinned before flying around Sunset to make a tornado. ''My very own, patented rain-blow-dry! No, no, don't thank me.''
When the tornado vanished, Sunset's mane was spiked up, including a widow's peak. This caused both Rainbow and Spike to laugh as Sunset's horn glowed. ''You're Rainbow Dash, aren't you? I am Sunset Shimmer and I am here to ask why you're not clearing the skies!''
''I'm practicing.'' Rainbow sat back in the cloud, crossing her hooves and relaxing.
''For what, exactly?''
Getting up, she pointed at a sign behind her. ''The Wonderbolts!''
This caused Sunset to burst out laughing, causing both Rainbow and Spike to look at her in confusion. ''Oh please! The Wonderbolts would never accept you! You can't even clear the skies!''
''Oh yeah? I can do it in ten seconds flat!''
''You're bluffing.'' Sunset looked at her smugly. There was no way that she could clear the skies around the town in a mere ten seconds.
With a smirk, Rainbow flew around, kicking clouds and dispersing them at a speed which caught the unicorn off guard, Sunset not being able to track her as the cyan pegasus managed to dissipate the last cloud, landing on her hooves and looking at the stunned mare, whose jaw was hung out.
Rainbow laughed, flying up to her, ruffling her mane. ''You're such a laugh, Sunset Shimmer. Can't wait to hang out some more!''
The rainbow-maned mare flew off, leaving Sunset's jaw to be closed by Spike, who could barely hold in another laugh while touching her hair, causing her to swat at him, which he pulled away from.
''Let's just keep moving. This is getting worse every moment I'm here.''