EVoNet Forward

Chapter 0


A long Time ago in the Universe…

There had always been a war of race and or ideals, hidden in the shadows of societies that were as old as time itself. They were societies that were so advanced that most races throughout existence would never understand their concepts, their existence, yet at least, maybe not for billions of years, if they lasted that long as most races were a fleeting blip on the radar of existence, dead to war or natural disaster.

Even for the most advanced species there were wars of 'good' versus 'evil'. Evil hid in many forms, from good intentions, to idiocy, or even an ideology that made no sense because for the most part the people where in complete agreement, or the favourite of the selfish, greed and hate, and it could be interpreted in many different ways besides. One man's saint could be another man's sinner. One man may not see the evils another commits as evil but some greater purpose unable to understand why others would fight against him with cries of freedom in their heart.

The universe was vast and fraught with inconsistencies. Life was selfish, but intelligent life was another thing altogether. The fight to survive fraught with another fight to grow, to have more than the person next to you, so that you could rub it in their faces.

They chose not to have a name when they chose to leave their people for a new, everlasting kind of freedom, away from fools with dreams of being gods, 'dark' or 'light'. Those who would interfere to rule, and those who would step back and let it happen, taking a vow to not interfere.

They became something new, and so they chose to let fate guide them in their own independently eternal selfishness, and perhaps damnation. They flew through space frozen within time, using technologies greater than any ever conceived. They were searching for a new home to call their own so they could become a new species and find a new peace for their own beliefs when something went wrong, and they flew off course in their mighty ship the size of cities.

Their ship didn't have hyperdrive capabilities because they were not permitted to leave with a jump engine from their previous home, and previous people. So they made do with cryogenic stasis and slept through their trip with their computers flying the ship looking for a planet to be their new home. But when their navigation computer failed, they drifted through vast and unknown space. The ships remaining computers could only do one thing so that the people on-board survived, or at least most of them as they calculated risks and knew not all would survive as power systems would fail, and the computers would make choices to shut down certain areas, and kill members of the crew so that others would survive the remaining journey, home.

The ships computers scanned the vast reaches of space, looking for an available planet with an atmosphere that could support its passengers, not necessarily at that time, but for when the ship eventually arrived. It spotted one within a grid of unusual space time anomalies. It used the last piece of power within the engines, just to push the ship in that direction, but it would take thousands of years to reach the planet, so all non-important functions of the ship shut down and waited until the ship closed in on the small young planet.

Approaching the planet many centuries later, the ships main computers tried to restart but they were too low on power, and they could only observe as the monumental, city sized ship hit the planet's atmosphere without warning or engines to slow it's decent. The sky exploded in a roaring inferno as the ship shattered into the planet, ripping through the sky with boom after boom.

The inhabitants of the world were mere reptiles of primitive and wild behaviours, deemed non intelligent, but that did not mean that they deserved what happened to them. The ship hit the planet with the force of a million mega tons of explosive power, and the world would seem to die in a nuclear winter. The ship had radiated the planet and bombarded it with genetic samples from a multitude of other worlds as non-important sections of the ship containing those samples were left exposed to high levels of damage to protect as much of the life on-board as the ships emergency computers could from the impact.

Eventually the poison would sap away and dissipate, and life returned from underground. It had taken several hundred thousand years. But life returned in full and flourished upon the surface of a vibrant blue world, and the skies were clear of ash in the clouds. However, new creatures rose from the new world to walk outside, and one of those creatures was homo sapiens in its most primitive forms.

However, the builders of the ship wouldn't wake for a few million years, by then humans had conquered the world, and spread over every continent like a plague. However, when the builders woke, they saw something remarkable; something they had tried to find their whole lives. Some of the humans had powers. They hid amongst the normal humans, but they could do remarkable things, primitive, and unrefined, but still remarkable. They called it magic, and in some respects it was, and it was beautiful, and brilliant; they saw it, and realised their crash landing was the remarkable creation of a new subspecies, THE MAGE, but what was more remarkable was that all humans had the potential to awake those genes.

It would be around fifteen thousand years until the calendar would reset to zero, and many great civilizations had already come and gone, some of the older greater than the new, but they all fell to greed or stupidity as all great empires did once they got too uppity. The builders had watched for so long, keeping to themselves.

There were only several thousand ancient people left alive to wake on the wreckage of their ship and over time rather than observe and stay away they slowly started dwindling down, and went native as the tau'ri, (a name they would soon get from a new threat to their race and freedom) were so similar physically and biologically to them. They found love and or companionship in each other at first, staying in tight nit groups hidden away. Then they started getting closer to Terrans; their children wanted to be more human and they gave up their technologies to be with their human companions, to not pollute humanities evolution.

They had managed to have two more generations including half-breeds before 'they' came 7000-something-BC. The parasites. They had plagued other worlds and conquered them. The beasts soon landed on the new world and claimed it for themselves, but the tau'ri despised them, and fought always, no matter how much like gods they might have been to them, and the builders without their technology couldn't do anything to protect their world but guide the people in rebellion.

The parasites started taking human hosts and the world grew complacent with their gods for a short while, and then, the builders descendants struck rebellion into the heart of man, and pleaded with magic, and mage would have become gods if they had not seen the horrors such lies brought upon the people. The parasites fled the earth through the gate of the stars. They knew what the gate was and though they didn't know how it got on the earth they buried it as the builders descendants still knew what it was from legends and how to stop the parasites using it to get back with a larger army than before.

However, the parasites had used the gate many times before, and took humans to populate other worlds. Those worlds, and other people they had no choice but to abandon. Then life carried on into a new reset of date, and a new religion would sweep Terra with a mage who used her powers to free her people. But over time the truth were lost in lies, and even the builders ceased to be as they went completely native and their history was lost, they had families, and their families had families. Tau'ri genetics took over, and their DNA was watered down, but it would always be there, in every human, waiting to evolve once more, to become more.

Terra became something different compared with the worlds of other humans whether oppressed or otherwise. It became so very diverse, and full of life, hope, and dreams, and though they wouldn't know it for years, the Tau'ri would stand as a bridge to reunite its people and welcome them home.

Young Harry Potter woke up with a start. He had been having some freaky dreams, even for a mage, but they only put awesome ideas in his ten-year-old head.

To Be Continued…

Authors Note: Hi all, I hope you're all doing well and not being too bored. Thanks for reading, and if you desire Favourite, Follow, and review.

The other day I updated my story, EVoNet. That was a bit of an experiment from a pacing and 'temporal' pacing since the chapters and scenes were out of order and here and there. It was written like that so I could just write what I wanted and how I wanted, and I just had to make sure the chapters were titled with dates. So the story was a mix of the past, present, and future, whatever I felt like writing at the time, and the story has been fairly popular I suppose, but I have gotten quite a bit of feedback – you know, bluh bluh bluh, I don't like the flashback way – I really like the story but I wish it went forward in time rather than this back and forth way – and you know. It has been a long time since I started EVoNet, and quite – yes – yes, I agree. It can probably get confusing, and in the way I wrote it I have noticed many story and plot errors that were much too obvious and in need to fixing.

Therefore, since I have tons of free time and I really liked writing this story, as the title suggests, this is EVoNet reworked with fixes and adjustments, and chronologically ordered in a Forward manner. I've been working on the chapters for the past three or four days non-stop, so I should be able to get the chapters out fairly quickly, and I will have chapter 1, 2, and 3 out by the end of the day as most of my chapters are finished, but I will be going over each chapter again to try my best to fix the smaller errors.

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day… or night… or evening… or…?