Hey! I am now taking suggestions for one-shots, so if you have any ideas just message me and I'll see what I can do!

"Do you remember what to say?" I ask Marinette over the phone. Her and Félix were preparing for a press interview I had pushed anonymously.

"Yes," Marinette assures me for the hundredth time. "Are you sure this is going to work? I mean, your father is evil but he's not an idiot. What if he sees through it?"

I hold my breath. That hadn't occurred to me before. I imagine Marinette alone in his lair, helpless as Hawkmoth laughs down at her. I shake the image from my head. I can't let that happen.

"It'll work," I say, mostly to myself.

"I hope so."

"Remember, Félix will put his arm around you. Try your best to look comfortable with it," I remind her.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," she tells me. I ask to speak with Félix, and she gives the phone to him.

"Hey," he says, and I can imagine the mischievous smile on his face.

"Do you remember what to say?" I asked him the same thing I had asked Marinette. He chuckled.

"Yes, Mom," he teases. "Why am I doing this again?"

"I've told you a million times!" I said, frustrated. He asked me to remind him again, and I took a deep breath before telling him. "Father threatened her fashion reputation. As soon as her business is more well known and adored, we can end this."

"Okay," he says, and I can practically hear him rolling his eyes. "Got to go, going live in a couple minutes."

I groan as I drop to the couch, my phone flying to the side. Plagg flies next to me, the stench of cheese accompanying him as always. The television is already on the channel the interview will be airing live, and I watch ad after ad anxiously.

After an eternity of nervous waiting, the show starts, an upclose shot of Nadja Chamak saying her usual opening line. The camera zooms out to show Marinette and Félix. Félix wears a smug smile and makes himself comfortable on the sofa. A flashback of him as a fourteen-year-old plays in my mind, and I wonder how it was possible for him to become the complete opposite of his teenage self.

Marinette is the opposite, spine stiff straight and small smile forced. Of course, nobody will find this suspicious. Marinette was always this way during interviews.

"Miss Dupain-Cheng," Nadja addresses her, "Can you explain the outburst from your former boyfriend at your family bakery?"

"Yes," she says, and a wave of guilt comes over me. I never once thought of how people would see Marinette after this. "He saw a picture posted online of Félix and I kissing. I admit it was wrong of me, and I hadn't intended for it to happen. But my feelings for Félix couldn't be denied any longer."

It was only until now that I realized that Marinette was an excellent liar. Sure, she had come up with plausible excuses during akuma attacks, but this was a whole new level.

Félix then took her hand and looked at her lovingly, and I can't deny I squirmed as I watched them. She met his eyes and smiled, before turning back to the reporter.

"This is the picture of you two?" Nadja asked, a picture displaying on a screen behind them. It was actually the most recent picture of Marinette and me, but they didn't know that. Both she and Félix nodded in affirmative, and the rest of the interview went by smoothly.

I gave a sigh of relief as Nadja declared the best of wishes for the both of them, and the interview ended.