As I was watching Get Smart last night for the hundredth time, I suddenly realized how alike it is to the film, Spy, and I just had to write a crossover about it because I think Max and Susan would make great friends. I hope you enjoy it. I don't anticipate it being too long. I am using the film, not the tv show, for Get Smart, just fyi.

I've realized that this is my 100th story published, which I still can't believe I've written this much haha. I'm thankful to all my readers for sticking with me!

And now...happy reading!


Washington D.C.

Susan Cooper was feeling bored. She sat in her chair with crossed arms, listening to the person talking. It was the same thing, really. "I'm overweight and need help." It was why they were all there. Susan didn't even really know why she was there. She felt fine. She was happy with herself. It was the incessant prodding of her mother that finally drove her to attend. So really, she was here to appease her mother. She'd attend two meetings and quit.

She could do that.

"I'm Maxwell Smart," the next person said. "I'm here to get support while I lose this weight. I need to for my job and my health."

Susan looked over at this man, who was rather cute. She took in all of his features.

"Nice to meet you, Max," the leader smiled. Then she looked around. "Is that everyone?"

Susan shrank in her chair. She didn't want to speak. She didn't want any unnecessary attention on herself.

"You," the leader said, pointing right at Susan. "We haven't heard from you yet." The lady beamed at her. Susan resisted scowling back. She painted on a fake smile instead.

"Susan Cooper," she said. "Hi. I'm just here to see what all the fuss is about. I'm probably not going to stay don't get too attached to me." She gave a nervous laugh and stopped talking then. Thankfully, the leader moved on.

When it was time for coffee, Susan stood and poured a cup, wishing there was a donut or a cookie or something to go with it. Max sidled up beside her.

"Hi," he said.

"Hey," she smiled. "Nice introduction."

"You too," he replied.

"I'm really not going to stay," Susan blurted then as there was an awkward silence. "This isn't for me."

"I'm going to stick it out," Max said. "I'd love to see you stay too, so I can get to know you."

"I'm not into dating right now," Susan immediately replied.

"Oh, me neither," Max shook his head. "I just meant as friends."

"Okay," she said. "We can be buddies. I like that."

"Nice to meet you," Max said, holding out his hand. Susan shook it, and a friendship was born.


"Agent, do you have something you'd like to share?" the Chief asked. Susan peeked to see agent Rick Ford laughing at his cell phone, something humorous obviously on the screen. They were in a meeting with CONTROL as it had come across their desk that a man CONTROL was looking for had been sighted. Siegfried.

"I'm good," Ford responded. The scathing stare he was getting did not affect him at all.

"Carry on," Elaine Crocker said, giving Ford a glare too. He put his phone away.

"As I was saying," Chief said, carrying on. "Our analyst, Maxwell Smart, has been decoding chatter. We'll find Siegfried and his associates soon enough."

Max?! Susan jolted in her chair, twisting to see Max come into the boardroom just then. He was just as surprised to see her there.

"And you'll keep us in the know?" Elaine asked.

"I can't say for certain," Chief answered. "But rest assured, CONTROL has this. If we need assistance, we will let you know."

"Hey," Ford interrupted, annoyed. "We brought you this information. It's only fair we stay involved."

"We appreciate you giving us your intel, but we have a history with KAOS," Chief said. "It's better to stay with us."

Ford looked as though he was going to say something else, but Elaine's sharp look stopped him. Susan was still surprised to learn that Max was with CONTROL. As they ended the meeting and went their separate ways, she stopped to wait for him by the door.

"This is freaking awesome, you being with CONTROL," she said when he met up with her and they started walking. "I had no idea!"

"That's the idea," Max commented.

"We're both analysts! How cool is that?"

"I'm trying to become an agent. It's part of why I'm losing the weight," he explained. He had lost about 70 pounds at this point. Susan was down about 20, but she wasn't concerned about it the way Max was. She had only stayed in the weight loss group because of him.

"I've tried out," Susan admitted. "We'll see what happens. Who knows? We both might be agents in a year!"

"Here's hoping," Max smiled finally. They reached the entrance and had to go their separate ways.

"See you at coffee?" Susan asked.

"Yes. See you then."

She waved and got into the SUV beside Ford, who was back on his phone again. He complained the whole car ride back about CONTROL and how stupid they were to not accept the CIA's help. Susan tuned him out. She was thinking about how cool it would be to go to a shooting range with Max one day.


"Analysts like us, we're never going to get promoted to agents," Susan sighed. She stirred her coffee absently, looking out the window. "It's frustrating because I know I can do it."

"I know what you mean," Max agreed. He bit carefully into his tea biscuit. He was still watching his carbs. He had lost 150 pounds, and he was still careful with what he ate.

"I mean, I'm good with a gun," Susan went on. "You've seen me."

"I have," Max nodded. "You're very good with a gun." They had gone to the shooting range together quite often in the past year.

"And you! My God, you never miss," Susan said, pointing her finger at him. "They're wasting your talent, Maxie."

Max wiped the crumbs off his face and set the napkin on the table, smiling at her.

"I have faith," he said. "It will happen for us one day. I know it will."

"To faith," Susan said, holding up her coffee cup.

"To faith," Max replied, tapping his mug against hers. They both drank.

"Mm, Fang is still there," Susan said, swallowing her coffee. "He looks lonely. You gotta pick him up."

"I know," Max sighed. "One day. If I become an agent, though, I can't leave him alone, and I can't take him with me."

"You can leave him with me," Susan promised. She loved puppies.

"I'll think about it," Max said. "But I probably will just let that dream die."

Susan said nothing else as they finished up their coffee. Sometimes there wasn't anything else to say.

A Few Weeks Later

Susan reached for her phone as it rang. She groaned, still half asleep, as her hand finally connected with it.

"Yea?" she said.

"I'm an agent!" Max shouted in her ear. Susan yanked the phone away, wincing from the shriek. Then she sat up boltright after his words sank in.

"You're what?!"

"I'm an agent! Agent 86! I'm going on my first mission! I'm pretending to be married to Agent 99. We're getting ready to board the plane," Max was whispering loudly now.

"Where are you going?"

"Russia," he answered. "I can't say anymore."

"O-Okay. Good luck!" Susan called just as he hung up. She slumped back into her pillows. Max was an agent. She tried to feel happy for him, but she felt a bit of pity for herself on top of it. What if she never became an agent? What if she was stuck in her position forever? She couldn't bear to think of it. She rolled over and tried to fall back asleep, but it was hard to do now that she was thinking of Max heading off to some grand adventure.

Then her alarm went off. She opened one eye to stare at it.

"Oh come on," she complained. It wasn't the middle of the night after all. It was morning, and she had to get up to go to work.

She'd give anything to trade with Max right now.