The Dimensional Gap. A world of infinite space formed from a beautiful myriad of colours. An infinitely expansive space big enough that no creature could ever hope to fill. Like a gap however it was empty, or rather near empty. The Dimensional Gap had only one inhabitant, simply because only one being could even hope to survive in such a hostile environment.


This reclusive creature, born from infinity and personification of infinity was the only being strong enough to live in the Gap. As a Dragon God of Infinity, it had immeasurable and nearly endless power at it's beck and call. It was the apex predator, taking the number one spot as the strongest being in the world.

At least it was until the Universe birthed Naruto Uzumaki. A shinobi of an age long lost and the strongest person in the world. The man was a being who had pushed past whatever limits he had as a human and transcended all boundaries and limitations he had as a human.

He had lived a long fulfilling live as a father, husband and the greatest hero to ever live. A simple human who through drive and absolute determination was able to push past his limits and become a literal god. He was the only human who could ever truly claim to be pure of heart without a taint of evil in his body.

Ophis had found herself interested in the blond man's life. He was the only person with the ability to rouse emotions in even the most apathetic of individuals just like herself, Gaara being a prime example.

She found herself excited whenever she watched him fight. Happy when he triumphed over a new obstacle, and had even been stimulated when she watched him copulate with his lovers. He was the motivation that drove her to take her current form.

Ophis being a genderless shapeshifting being had the power to change her form at will regardless of race, age or gender. After analyzing Naruto's preferences she chose to take the appearance of that of a cute young girl with long black hair down to her hips and grey eyes. Her ears differ from a normal human's as they have pointed tips, although her long black hair makes this feature difficult to notice. Her dark grey eyes having reptilian slitted pupils.

The man Naruto Uzumaki had brought peace to his world and sought to defend it from all who dared to threaten it. He had conquered a race of beings she despite herself would cower away from. The Otsutsuki clan, a race of what she could only describe as beyond godlike aliens.

They possessed the powers to destroy planets and even galaxies if they all combined their powers.

The woman turned goddess Kaguya Otsutsuki had so much raw power that she had scared the Dragon God shitless by flexing her power when birthing her sons. Luckily for Ophis and the rest of the Universe the Otsutsuki were ignorant of other dimensions besides the ones they themselves created.

Ophis firmly believed that nothing in the Universe would be able to stand up to an Otsutsuki, until Naruto defeated her not once but TWICE, sealing her on the moon the first time with the help of his teammate and teacher and finally sealing her inside himself singlehandedly, wiping out countless other Otsutsuki during his lifetime.

When he died it brought sadness to her heart since she didn't want his tale to end, because she didn't want his tale to end. She was pleasantly surprised when his world's Shingami refused to take his soul out of respect for his power.

But apparently, it seemed Ophis had not been the only one watching the boy, quite a few gods had been interested in him as well. Unlike her, who preferred not to involve herself in the affairs of the world, they held no such restraints.

One such good was the Greek god of Death, Hades.

Hades having the greatest claim over the Naruto's soul since he was dead, attempted to devour his soul and gain his power. Attempt being the key word as no matter how hard he tried Naruto refused to truly die. Or rather he couldn't die. Even at the very doorstep of death his will was so strong that he simply wouldn't die. Not to say he was alive either, it was more or less like a prolonged sleep. His family all believed him to be dead and had buried his body.

Yet Hades, the Greek god of death and one of the strongest beings had been unable to devour his soul no matter what he tried, and she had found it amusing to watch the death god's frustration.

He had gone there personally as he couldn't entrust such power to his Grim Reapers, eager to receive the boon of immense power he would get from the boy. He was practically salivating from what he could do with such power. The sheer rage and disappointment he felt when the boy refused to die was palpable. However the good was nothing if not ambitious and he quickly branded Naruto as his avatar.

Since Hades could not gain the man's power the normal way, he decided to return the Uzumaki's soul back to the land of the living, lending him to god after god from various pantheons for favours, powerful artifacts or alliances. Hades allowed the boy to be reincarnated time after time by a different god to a different world than his own.

He had always been born from lowest of the dregs and had through had work, blood, sweat and tears risen to something beyond what was human.

No matter the adversity he faced from one life to the next he would always attain godhood like it was sewn into his very destiny. Naruto would triumph over every obstacle in his way, yet as soon as he reached the peak of his power, he would die to start another life.

He was never allowed the chance to bask in the rewards of his hard work. And with each life his drive would weaken and his motivations became twisted, demented even.

Strangely only Ophis seemed to care or even notice. Every other god was content to let the man suffer so long as they got him to do what they needed of him. After millions of years content to be confined to the Dimensional Gap, she decided to interfere in the lives of the mortals.

Her chance came when the boy died once more, this time a lot younger than he was supposed to. He was the youngest of his incarnations to die. She found him lying dead on a set of stairs, having died from blood loss after sustaining gunshot wounds.

She could safely say that of all the incarnations of the man, this was one of the more intelligent, yet also the most demented. This incarnation of the man had been a child with a god complex, the great hero had been reduced to something as pitiful as this. Dying a mere criminal in the eyes of the world.

This was the incarnation of what Ophis feared would happen. She could not allow Hades to hold any more influence over him, or the next time he was rebirthed, this world would end.

She collected his soul, every last fragment, every piece, every shard, all of it. That was a rather simple matter as opposed to the next part, removing Hades' brand. That put a slight drain on her powers but was still rather easy to do. After which she retreated to the Gap.

The world had grown reliant on Naruto though. Having him ripped away from her caused her to lash out violently. People were more easily prone to dark emotions. Hatred was allowed to fester and grow. The world was teetering just on the edge of balance. So when the devils and the angels went to war, nature grew vengeful and humanity was plunged back into the dark ages.

Meanwhile in the Gap, Ophis took the soul of Naruto Uzumaki and then infused it into herself. She, impregnated herself with his essence, in a manner of speaking.

Then she waited nearly a hundred years as he grew inside her, paying zero attention to what was going on outside the Gap.

When he was about to be born, Ophis felt a prescence lurking around the edges of her home, but kept out by the powerful wards. She decided it was unimportant and decided to let it be, focusing instead on her child.

She birthed him at the end of the Great War, as a being as powerful as herself, a Dragon God.

For the next millennia, she raised him as her son. Ophis trained him on how to use his powers having inherited her Infinity Power. She also taught him about his history and past llive, and also allowed him to watch the world and how humanity was coming along.

Naruto was just as fascinated in humans like she was with him and was interested in the way humans were developing. He felt a strong kinship with them after all he had been human through all his lives, and Ophis realized that he wished to be human once more. So she chose to grant him his wish and allowed him to be born amongst the humans once again.

Doing so however, cost her a vast amount of power and weakened the wards around the Gap gave way, allowing the beast roaming the edges free entry.

It had dark-red scales, a beige colored underside, and horn-tipped nose. Being a dragon, he was huge in size with bat-like wings, and sported canine teeth and sharp claws. He had several caudal spines around his face, with a large crystal-like horn protruding from the top of his head. Two fire-like tattoos can be seen on his chest, and flames radiate off various parts of his body.

This was Ignia, the fire Dragon God and son of the first fire Dragon King, Igneel. He bore a strong resemblance to his father and had even inherited his loud booming voice.

"Hahahaha, it's been a while Midget Dragon. Did you miss me?"

His rumbling voice reached to even the farthest ends of the Gap. He was strong, a lot stronger than she was and she could do nothing to remove him.

With a scowl, she came to hate the number ten just as much as her son did.

On the tenth of October Naruto was born once more as a human anf Ophis had lost her silence to the loud obnoxious Dragon God.