A/N: Inspired by Ella Fitzgeralds's "These Foolish Things". CCS and characters are by CLAMP.




Blue-gray eyes stared at the wall, looking but not really seeing. It would be the last day of school today, and he knew his friends would have planned an excursion of sorts, maybe a picnic. He badly wanted to take a peek. However, watching her would make things even more difficult than it already is.

He tried looking in on her once. It was supposed to be quick, just something to tide him over till the next time. But he was not prepared for the sudden onslaught of emotions seeing her again would bring. It left a dull ache in his chest, that never seemed to go away. He hadn't tried again.

These things are dear to me, they seem to bring you near to me.

He looked down at the open box on his lap. There were letters, neatly tied in a lavender ribbon. It also held an assortment of movie and concert tickets, a few hair clips, sheets of music and a handful of hastily written notes, mostly on torn notebook paper. It took not just a bit of cunning to collect them. Tomoyo could be very perceptive and he didn't want her to know he had been collecting these. She would've guess. But she wouldn't know.

Wait for me.

He never gave her an explanation. She never asked questions, either. She just trusted in what she felt, in what they had. And she said she would wait for him. That had to be enough for now. Someday, duty will end and their paths will cross again. And when it does, he will never let go.