A/N: And now for the bar scene I wanted to distance from Ch. 2 in fear of overfill.

Blaine had told them to wait in the parking lot while he brought fake IDs to get them in. Sebastian seemed really excited; Kurt assumed it was because he got to hang out with his old friend, so he didn't spoil the mood by bringing up how Blaine acted.

A blue Prius pulled up beside them and Blaine emerged. He held out two plastic cards, both with slightly photoshopped pictures of Kurt and Sebastian, to make them look older. Kurt wanted to say something about the acquisition of said pictures, as his was from the Dalton rager and Sebastian's had to be from last year's yearbook.

"Ready?" Blaine was clearly eyeing Kurt but he kept his attention on Sebastian, who, praise above, wrapped his arm around his shoulder.

Sebastian squeezed Kurt gently. "You sure you're okay with this?" He whispered. "We don't have to go in if you don't want to."

"No, it's— It's fine. Let's have a good time." The things he did for Sebastian. He'd do anything for him. Even put up with unwanted advances from a Hobbit.

The music was loud but not deafening as many movies would depict a bar. The melody of "Supermodel (You Better Work)" played as Kurt and Sebastian couldn't help but take it all in. Blaine was on standby, gaze focused on Kurt's ass.

"Never would I ever have expected either of you in a place like this," a familiar voice spoke, making Kurt spin around in alarm. Louis stood there, a small smirk on his lips. "Man, I thought I knew all your secrets, Kurt, but this is simply mind-blowing."

With an eye roll, Kurt passed the smaller male with a slight shoulder bump. "The same could be said for you. What are you doing here? Done pretending to be straight?" Louis spluttered; Kurt was good for comebacks but the particularly savage ones always caught him off guard.

Sebastian loved that Louis had appointed himself Kurt's BFF (no complaints from Kurt) and the way they showed it was always amusing. "I will have you know that I broke up with her!" The bickering continued all the way to the bar.

"Kurt's a really great guy, huh?" Blaine knew Sebastian would do practically anything for him, especially since they were each other's first kiss. Sebastian only nodded. "What's your poison these days, Seb?"

Much of the evening went by without much incident. Blaine had to get rid of Louis. The guy stuck by Kurt all night, only going to take a leak when Sebastian was safely nearby. It was like he knew what Blaine was trying to do, and Blaine sure as hell wasn't going to let that squeaky little shit stop him. Fortunately, the entertainment was about to begin and surely Blaine could draw Louis' attention away from Kurt.

"And now, making her debut lead performance, Lady Zsa Zsa LaCreme!"

"Look inside

Look inside your tiny mind

Now look a bit harder

'Cause we're so uninspired

So sick and tired of all the hatred you harbor"

The stage curtains opened to reveal a young drag queen with a backing chorus.

"So you say

It's not okay to be gay

Well, I think you're just evil

You're just some racist who can't tie my laces

Your point of view is medieval"

Blaine watched Louis become absorbed in the performance, and Sebastian was on his fourth drink. If there was a time to strike, it was now. He repositioned himself between Kurt and Sebastian, the latter was chatting up a regular while Kurt sat, arms crossed.

"Hey, angel." If looks could kill... "You should be up there, voice like yours."

"Fuck you, fuck you

Fuck you very, very much

'Cause we hate what you do

And we hate your whole crew

So please don't stay in touch"

Kurt suddenly had an idea and he turned to Blaine, getting well within his personal space.

"Fuck you, fuck you

Fuck you very, very much

'Cause your words don't translate

And it's getting quite late

So please don't stay in touch."

The look on the Warbler's face was all the answer Kurt needed, and if he didn't move quick, a very bad display of one-sided affection was going to happen. "C'mon, Seb." He took his boyfriend by the arm and started pulling him towards the exit, ignoring his whining.

Sebastian yanked his arm away as soon as they made it to the parking lot. "What the hell? What's your deal?" He stumbled a little, vision a little blurry from the alcohol. After a moment, he changed his tone. "Kurt? A-are you okay?"

Kurt wasn't sure if he could tell Sebastian—especially in his current state—what Blaine was trying to do. If anything, Seb, as loving as he was, could also be extremely unreasonable. He might accuse him of not letting him have friends.

"It was getting warm in there, that's all." Kurt opened the back door for Sebastian, who collapsed on the seat. "I'm glad you had fun." He pulled a quilt over his boyfriend and moved to kiss his forehead when Sebastian grabbed him and planted a rough but clearly passionate one on his lips. "Seb—"

"Kurt, I want you. Right now. Please." Kurt had to pry himself from Sebastian, whose noises were not in the least bit alluring. "We've been together seven months and you haven't put out—"

Kurt successfully pulled away and pushed Sebastian's lingering foot into the car before shutting the door. "You've been drinking so I'll let that slide. Now we're going home and I don't want to hear anything else about it."

Sebastian was silent the whole ride home.

Featured song:

-Fuck You [Lily Allen]