fel: i had this realization that i never posted this on my ff acount along with my ao3 and was blown away by the fact this is in the misc section and the state ff... i just don't even know. i love ff but also am consistently confused by it

"Have you heard the news of what happened in the Lanling Jin Sect?"

"No! What happened? You must tell!"

"One of the senior disciples was caught stealing-hoarding- and blackmailing the wife of another senior."

"What disgrace! Have they decided on his punishment?"

"They have decided to add a new peacock to the gardens."

It was a spectacle and an act of benevolence to watch peacock be added into the garden Wei Ying had been told when he was eleven. That the most important thing for him to do at this moment was to take heed of the lesson they were imparting. That they were being merciful by doing this by still allowing you to be of use. That the person would still be beneficial to the cultivators for generations and it was an honor to give you this chance of redemption.

This is what happens if you slight us.

Wei Ying never liked the garden before he understood why there were always so many birds wandering around but he liked it even less now. It reminded him too much of the Yunmeng dogs. The Peacock was dressed up finely with more pageantry than the disciple likely ever thought he could have dripped in jewels and bright fabrics. If you didn't know better you'd say it was for a wedding or something somehow grander than that. Jin Guangshan smiled so warmly in a way that sent shivers down his spine as the Peacock was offered his last meal and words. As they ate people were to politely offer their condolences on joining the garden and all Wei Ying could focus on was the way the man's hands shook as he tried to bite into the food.

The smile was so forced and hard. Tears clear on the corners of his eyes. It was all so long and drawn out just for what was essentially an execution but the show was about power. The other sects would get to gawk and witness something the leaders really only got to do so rarely. It made Wei Ying's stomach turn as a red vermillion peony-shaped mark was stamped onto the Peacock's head.

"May you become noble in this next life."

And then the man screamed. He screamed so loudly and painfully. A sound of the bones in his body shattering echoed into the crowd as the Peacock's limbs bent and tangled unnaturally. He all but tore the clothes off his words begging for mercy as his neck stretched like it was made of dough. That mark glowed so brightly all the while feathers broke across his skin in bloodied blisters and his teeth fell to the floor. Eyes wide and black as he slammed his head against the ground viciously as if it would help as his fingers gripped his flopping neck.

"Please." Wei Ying had heard from his lips as his fingers withered away to red stumps and feathers sprout forth. "Please!" As those lips stretched and the hair fell from his head in giant clumps.

"Please!" It was the loudest cry he made but it was distorted as his body shrank further in on itself. The snot and tears dripping down that mostly formed beak as looked up at the sect leader for the last time, "I'm innocent." It was croaked out so softly like the final gasp of breath and finally, the pain took him and he collapsed only to rise elegantly a moment later.

The blood and horror witnessed melted away to reveal a beautiful peacock with shinning feathers and bright colors that spoke of fine breeding and care. Nevermind the feathers on the floor or the discarded clothes and jewelry covered in bile and blood. The vermillion mark sat shining on its forehead and the eyes… Well, that was supposed to fade with time.

"To plead innocent? What rubbish!"

"Had its conscience been clear the transformation would have been painless."

"Its screams were all but poof of guilt."

"At least it was not so disgraceful as to turn into a peahen." A murmur of chorus agreed and Wei Ying couldn't help but swallow in fear at some of the threats Madam Yu had made when he misbehaved. They guided the bird prodding with a long pole every time it looked to run until it reached the garden proper. The ostentation judges the peacock and he looks back before he's shoved into the gilded cage they're kept in. Such a large cage and yet so confined.

The awe of the crowd is palpable as the plant around them blooms larger and more vivid with a wash of Qi. Koi Tower is strengthened, and the people congratulated the sect leader for the boon and the redemption of a soul.

The words that brought the most fear to Wei Ying's chest were when someone said they hoped something similar happened in their clan soon.

"I want a new steed to break in. I've been bored as of late."

"I'd like to expand our flowerbeds as well."

"There is nothing in the world like the fine metal of a cultivator's sin for our swords."

They spoke hushed voices and were all far older than anyone he knew in Lotus Pier, but their grins spoke volumes. Wei Ying ended up running into his sister's arms after the event telling her how scary and terrible it was as she stroked his hair and promised him it be fine. "What if I do something bad and Uncle turns me into a dog?"

He remembered how when he first met Jiang Cheng and his puppies were taken away his new brother had yelled that he should replace his pet.

"You're just a stray we picked up off the street. You won't even notice the difference."

Wei Ying hated and feared dogs and the idea that he could be one. That he'd be no different than the filthy monsters that hurt him- he'd thrown himself on Jiang Cheng's feet and sobbed begging for anything but that till snot started dripping out of his nose. Of course, Jiang Cheng didn't have the power, yet, to do that sort of thing to him and Jiang Fengmian assured him he was loved but that never stopped Jiang Cheng from making the threat until he realized how severe the mere thought got to Wei Ying.

"A-Xian, you know better. We would never let that happen. You're family." Jiang Yanli's words were sweet but then he thought of the hunting hounds Yunmeng was known so well for. He would think about how they all seemed a bit too smart under all that fur and fang.

How one time he swore he recognized one by the way it barked at him. It made me think of the one servant lady who bemoaned his pranks.

How much human remained under that misshaped skin? He'd heard that humanity faded with time till it really was just a beast under there living essentially immortal. The spell- curse, really- didn't let people die. You just lived from that moment on as an animal until something else killed you or were returned to being human. He was told at a certain point what would return would never be a man all the same.

No, eventually the dog wakes up and realizes it's just a dog. Even if you put it back in its old skin it doesn't remember how to wear it.

That poor peacock in the garden.

He had so many questions whenever someone would mention the spell and its use in their society, but he dreaded the answers more. So he nodded and swallowed whenever he would hear them mention how it let them serve a better purpose. Yes, one as batteries or weapons.

"A-Xian is a good boy. You'd have to do something truly horrid to merit that."

Right. He was a good child. A prodigy. Well behaved enough to only need regular scolding and never anything so cruel.

Wei Ying was going to grow up to be a good person who'd stand by Jiang Cheng's side forever. He promised and it stayed that way. He would never be so disgusting as to warrant spending his life as a dog. No! Never would Wei Ying be a dog.

Now, rabbits were a different matter altogether.