A/N: Well hello there! Welcome to another failed oneshot that will have 12 chapters! Growing a little bored of Dramione, I've been branching out with my pairings and I've been loving Jamione and whatever the hell the ship name is for Sirius/Hermione. Since this was supposed to be a oneshot, I didn't want to get bogged down with time travel or bringing people back from the dead, so it's AU/AH. This was also originally supposed to be a threesome/triad fic, but it ended up being a multi because the idea I had to involve Harry was too good to pass up. THERE WILL NOT BE ANY INCEST (spoiler). If there can be a bajillion stories featuring Lucius/Hermione/Draco without it, I can definitely introduce this multi with a twist. There will be a HEA, but as for who it will be with, well, guess you'll just have to keep on reading ;)

Since I currently have two chapters left to write, I'll be updating every Saturday.

Fancasts are (imagine them a smidge older, but not much) Ben Barnes as Sirius and Garret Hedlund as James. Go look at pics, they will not disappoint.

Forever unbeta'd

FB group: madrose_writing


Tonight, it seemed, was a night of things Hermione had never done. Things she didn't even know she wanted to do until she was presented with the choice to do them.

For instance, she never went to the bar alone. Never did anything alone, really, but bars especially. She tried to avoid them even when she had someone to go with her. It was the blaring music, the lowered inhibitions, and the constant horny frat boys that insisted he was the answer to all her prayers. That didn't mean she didn't enjoy the occasional party, but bars were never her go-to place. But after walking up to her shared flat, hearing her roommate in the middle of a row with her boyfriend, Hermione decided it would be best to stay out for a bit longer.

The downside was that bars were the only thing open after a certain time. Being that it was a Friday night, Hermione decided it was best to drive as far as she could away from the college part of town. Just because she needed a place to chill for a few hours didn't mean she wanted to do so around people she might know or people that partied too hard because it was considered cool.

She managed to find a small pool hall in a not so busy part of town. In fact, she was so close to the suburbs that the current clientele was mostly comprised of middle-aged men and women just blowing off steam from a long work week. Not a frat boy in sight.

Which brought her to her second first for the evening.

While she sat at the bar nursing a bottle and picking at some chips, she cracked open one of the books she kept in her purse. After the first few rows between Cormac and Lavender, Hermione had learned the hard way to always keep some reading material in her bag. She had only gotten a few pages in when she got that feeling of being watched. It was easy to find the source; a pair at the end of the hall. They continued to steal glances at her even after she had rolled her eyes at the both of them.

But something about them had her shifting in her seat. And before she knew it, whether due to her curiosity or the boldness of the alcohol in her system, she slid from her seat and approached them. They introduced themselves and invited her to play a game or two with them. She accepted and before long, she was flirting with two strange men in a bar.

And when they invited her home with them, she accepted without hesitation; her third first for the night.

From what she had learned about them at the bar, the pair had been friends for ages. That they lived together in Sirius' house, one that he inherited when his parents passed. James had moved in once he and his wife had separated years ago. His revelation had spared her the awkward task of asking about the faded tan lines on his left hand that indicated a ring had once resided there.

Upon entering the rowhouse they shared, it was clear that they were bachelors. From Sirius' body language, Hermione wondered if he did anything other than pick up a girl from a bar; a thought that made her rethink her decision to come home with them. She didn't even know their last names. It was all so unlike her, but one smile from both of them as they held the door open for her had her shoving those thoughts away.

No sooner did the door close behind her did Hermione find herself pressed up against it. Sirius' hand wrapped lightly around her throat, his fingers pressing into her jaw to tilt her head up. His lips descended upon hers, taking advantage of her gasp to slide his tongue along hers. Her fingers clutched at his shirt, unsure if to push him away or pull him closer, but he pulled away before she could decide.

She barely had time to catch her breath before James took his place. Instead of her throat, his hand cupped her jaw. The moment his lips touched hers, his hand slid back to hold the back of her head, his fingers brushing through her curls. His kiss left her equally as breathless when he pulled away and she sagged back against the door.

She cleared her throat and stared at them both with wide eyes. "Bathroom?"

"Right this way, Kitten," Sirius said, his voice low. He led her down the hall with his hand resting on the small of her back. "We'll be in the living room through that arch over there," he said, pointing it out. "Take all the time you need."

She closed the door softly behind her and took more time than she really needed. It only took a few minutes to relive herself and wash her hands; the rest of the time was spent staring at herself in the mirror wondering if she was actually going to go through with this. She would be lying if she said she hadn't been intrigued by the idea of two men at the same time. It wasn't necessarily a fantasy of hers, but she'd heard enough praise about it from some of her more forward friends to pique her curiosity.

Pulling her bottom lip between her teeth, she sent a quick text to Lavender, telling her that she was crashing with a friend and not to worry if she didn't come home. She didn't wait for a response before muting her phone and tossing it back into her purse. With one last look at herself and a deep breath, she left the bathroom.

Sirius was sitting on a chaise when she crossed the threshold into the living room while James was pouring what she was sure wasn't his first drink since their arrival. He offered her a glass and she accepted, choosing to stand rather than sit down. James handed her a glass and she drank half of it before pressing the glass to her lips.

"Do you two do this often?" she asked, swirling the remaining liquid in her glass with a flick of her wrist.

"Pick up women?" Sirius asked, a glimmer in his black eyes.

"Pick up the same woman." She eyed the two of them. "Are you together and just branch out every now and then, or...?"

They both chuckled and shook their heads. "This isn't the first time we've seen someone we've both been unable to pass up on," James said, taking a slow drink from his glass.

"And to answer your question, Kitten, we are not an item. We just want what we want." He got up and made his way over to her, reaching out to tuck some curls behind her ear, his fingers brushing against her jaw, making her shiver. "And right now, what we want is you."

"But only if you want us," James added. "We don't want you to regret anything, love."

She nodded and her lashes fluttered against her cheeks as Sirius' fingers trailed down her neck. "Usually I don't do anything without truly thinking about it first," she said, her voice on the raspy side. She opened her eyes and stared at Sirius. "But you're making it hard to think about anything."

His grin was downright sinful as he closed the distance between them. Slowly, he let his fingers ghost down her forearm until they circled around her wrist. A whimper tore past her lips as he guided her hand to cup his arousal through the seat of his black denim. His breath warmed her skin as his lips grazed the shell of her ear when he spoke. "I'm not the only one making things hard, Kitten."

By some miracle, her glass didn't break when it slipped from her fingers as her other hand dove into Sirius' hair. Her other hand massaged him through his jeans as his lips sucked at the sensitive flesh at the edge of her jaw beneath her ear. He groaned as she pulled away from him long enough to drop to her knees before him. A blush crept its way up her neck and onto her face at the way his eyes darkened. She wasn't usually so forward, but it was just one more thing in a night full of firsts.

She held his gaze as she brought her hands to the fly of his jeans. His fingers thread through her curls as she tugged his clothes away from his hips. She wet her lips as he sprang free, his cock already hard and weeping for her as she wrapped her hand around his shaft. As she gave him a few leisurely strokes, she slid her gaze over to James. He was watching them intently while he sipped on the remainder of his drink. She only looked away when he set the empty glass down and took the few steps forward to join them.

She relinquished her hold on Sirius in favor of turning towards James. She repeated her earlier actions with him, pulling his free from his trousers as well. After another blush and a smirk, she leaned in and wrapped her lips around James' cock. The groan she pulled from him made her moan around him. As she worked her mouth and hand in tandem to please him, her other hand reached out to reclaim her earlier hold on Sirius. She closed her eyes then, enjoying the rush of power that this position brought.

Fingers wrapped around her hair and tugged, the slight pain adding to the moment as she bobbed her head back and forth. She pulled back to take a deep breath and in a split second, she decided to turn her head, taking Sirius into her mouth and using her hand on James. Unlike James, Sirius bucked his hips and hit the back of her throat. She sputtered a little from the action, drool seeping past her lips, but she breathed through her nose and kept going.

"Fuck," he hissed from above her, rolling his hips again. "Keep that up, Kitten, and I'll be coming down your throat." She hummed around him, her thighs clamping together at the image he painted. He took her head in both his hands as he drew back, the head of his cock on her lips. "Is that what you want?"

She nodded as she caught her breath, her gaze finding his. "Yes."

He shuddered from above her and gave her that smirk she was beginning to think was a signature part of his look. "Open up," he demanded, his voice a silken purr. Her lips parted to obey and she moaned as he slid along her tongue until he was hitting the back of her throat. She placed her hands on his thighs as he gripped her head and began to fuck her mouth, a slew of curses tumbling past his lips in the process.

Distracted as she was, she hadn't noticed that James had knelt behind her. She hadn't felt him push her skirt up to her hips or slide her knickers down her thighs. She only noticed when his hand slid along her backside and through her nether lips. She jumped and moaned around Sirius' cock, the action allowing him to sink even deeper down her throat.

"That's it, love," James breathed from behind her as he coated his finger in her slick before pressing it into her core. "See if you can take a little more."

She tried her best to relax her throat and her fingers flexed their hold on Sirius as he pushed forward a little more. His hips jerked when it worked and both men cursed loudly when her nose touched his skin. As if to reward her, James added a second finger and increased the pace of his ministrations.

Hermione continued to force air through her nose as Sirius also picked up the pace of his thrusts. From her general experience with sex, she knew it wouldn't be long before he came. Typically, she wasn't one to bring her partner off with her mouth, let alone swallow, but going with her theme of the night, she was determined to succeed.

James' hand cupped her breast and teased her pert nipple through the fabric of her clothes. His voice was soft near her ear as he spoke, the words bringing her closer to her own release. "He's so close, love. Be a good girl and swallow him down." His teeth grazed the flesh of her lobe and she moaned, earning another round of curses from Sirius. "If you do, I'll bend you over the arm of the couch and fuck you senseless."

Sirius slammed into the back of her throat with a harsh grunt and he tightened his hold on her head. There was a moment of shock as the first spurt of his release hit, but she was able to recover quickly and swallow around his cock. She managed to get most of it down, but some of it leaked past her lips, dribbling down her chin and landing on her chest. Without a care in the world, Sirius hauled her to her feet and slanted his mouth over hers, the remnants of his release flavoring their kiss; some of which transferred from her skin to his.

True to his word, James tore her away from Sirius and bent her over the arm of the couch. She wasn't even aware that she had stepped out of her knickers, but when she didn't trip over them, she figured that must have been the case. In the span of a few short seconds, James was lining himself up and making her cry out for him when he seated himself inside of her.

She gripped whatever part of the couch she could reach as James set a brutal pace of fucking her from behind. He had already gotten her halfway to her breaking point before joining their bodies and when his hand slipped between them to rub at her clit, she knew she wouldn't last. Already, her inner walls were clutching at him, trying to draw him deeper into her body. And when she came, she felt it from the top of her head to the tips of her toes.

James came with a grunt and she could feel him pulsing as he emptied himself inside of her. He collapsed at her back a moment later and they panted for air. When he did pull away, he guided her to the front of the couch and then helped her sit. Only, instead of letting her sit next to him, he pulled her down into his lap with her back to his front. And before she could do anything but whimper, Sirius was kneeling in front of them, pushing her thighs up until James could hook his arms beneath her knees, leaving her wide open to Sirius.

Weakly, she reached down in an attempt to push him away, but her protest quickly turned into a moan as his tongue swept through her sodden folds. Her entire body trembled as she tried her best to squirm away, but James only spread her open more and Sirius chuckled as he lapped up her and James' combined release as it dripped out of her.

"Be a good girl, love Let him clean you up," James whispered, a hint of amusement in his voice. "We want to hear you come again. You can do that for us, can't you?"

She nodded and murmured what was meant to be an agreement, but turned out to be nothing more than garbled nonsense turned to moans. And when her squirming turned to riding Sirius' face as he continued to feast upon her core, James loosened his hold ever so slightly. Before she knew it, she was crying out for both of them, but Sirius didn't stop there. Instead, he sucked her clit between his lips and increased his assault with his tongue until she was coming a third time.

In a daze, Hermione barely registered that they moved her to the couch cushion. Even after she came back to reality, she was nothing more than a boneless mess as she sat between the two of them. Her thighs were inexplicably wet from the three of them and there was still Sirius' release on her chin and chest. Her hair was a right mess, but she was thoroughly fucked and sated.

And none of them were even fully undressed yet.

After some time to regroup, James was the first one to his feet. He extended a hand to Hermione, one that she took right away and followed him upstairs to a bedroom. Sirius was close at her heels and once they were behind the closed door, their clothes soon found the floor. Hermione spent the rest of her night dividing her time between the two of them; worshiping their bodies each in turn just as much as they worshiped hers.

But in the morning, when she woke tangled in the sheets between them, she made the decision to slip away without waking them. Without divulging last names or exchanging numbers, she was able to put the night behind her as a fond memory to look back on. She ordered herself a Lyft as she cleaned up and redressed and as the car pulled away from the rowhouse to take her back to her own vehicle, she promised herself she wouldn't regret a single moment she'd spent wrapped up between the two of them.