Alternative Route Taken

by Castlefan6

Authors Note: Another What If based on the episode, A Deadly Game, what happened if Rick didn't return to the precinct after leaving and this was really their last case. What would each other's lives have looked like? The story starts with Canon dialog, courtesy of Dust Jackets Dot Com, then goes quickly and completely AU. The journey continues with a new Kate and Rick, hope you enjoy!

I don't own Castle; I use the characters for amusement purposes only, except the ones I create.


"Yeah, I called and told them I would be in the day after tomorrow, so I guess it's back to business as usual, I was hoping to maybe convince you to have lunch one day when you feel up to it, I mean not right away, but when or if you want to" Kate stumbled over her words,

That request earned her a death glare from Alexis, a shy smile from Alexis, and a look of what the hell from Martha. Those were bad enough but Rick's reply didn't leave her with much hope.

"We'll see Detective, I think I heard enough about the past few years, I don't want any more refreshers during that time period, but Mother has invited you to dinner when you can make it with your work schedule" He replied as Gina pulled him just a little tighter, sending the message loud and clear, whose turf she was stepping on.

"Thanks, I'll call and be sure to keep in touch, thanks again, I really appreciate you all allowing me to be part of this, plus paying, I mean are you sure I can't kick in my share"


Chapter 26

Castle's Residence

Lakeshore Drive, Hague New York

4 Years Later

Rick's POV

The next four years passed and brought many changes to the lives of not only Rick, but all concerned in his life. Shortly after he had been released from treatment, choosing not to remember the two years he spent at the NYPD, Martha returned for what would become her farewell tour of Broadway. Two weeks after the close of her play after a run of 9 months on Broadway, Martha passed away in her sleep, she was 78 years old.

Alexis had now graduated from Oxford and was living in the Loft with her husband, and young son, as she completed her Ph.D. in Early Childhood Development, and was about to release her first published book. She and Gina had grown even closer, and truly shared a Mother, Daughter relationship. The book only made the bond deeper as Gina became her daughter's editor, even though she was now the Managing Director of Black Pawn publishing.

Rick and Gina remained in the same status, loving each other, but not in love, at least not deep enough to try the marriage routine again. She had reunited with her childhood sweetheart from High School and with the blessing of Rick and Alexis both had pursued the relationship. Their wedding was held last year at Rick's new estate, aptly Rick's Paradise, actually the official name was Spanish that was close to the name, but actually stood for Lost Memories.

Gina was, is and would be forever in love with Rick, her new husband knew the history. He had his own history, spending 28 years in a marriage to the girl that broke him and Gina up so many years ago. Fate brought them back together at one of Rick's benefits for America's Wounded Veterans, and 11 months later Barry asked Rick for Gina's hand in marriage since her parents had been gone for years, Rick was the only family she had.


"Rick, I know you love Gina, God and everyone knows how much she loves you, but since we've started dating again, the old memories came back. I was a fool to let Marcy ever break us up, a bigger fool to stay married to her after not one but three affairs. I know she's going to need to know if you're OK with this, so I thought I would ask you first. I love her Rick, and I would like to marry her, as I should have so many years ago, I mean with your blessing."

"Barry, I wondered what the hell was taking you so long, as far as her loving me, yes we do love each other, but not deep enough to survive the marital ocean you will have to swim. I will ask you one question and this is important to me, "What would you do if your wife wanted you back, would you go back or would you honor your commitment to Gina?"

"You know how love can turn from one side of love to the other side of hate, I admired you and Gina for staying as close as you have, even without natural kids, I say that because believe me Alexis is every bit Gina's daughter. If you're asking me would I stay true to her, no matter what, the answer is yes, she was the love of my life that I let getaway." He said forlornly,

"I can relate to that, but never look back, and I'll just say this once, don't ever hurt her, physically, mentally or emotional or your body will never be found" Rick's eyes were stone cold as he said it, and Barry understood he had the means to and would keep the threat.

"Well I guess I better man up and go ask her, Thanks Rick and please know you'll always be welcome in our home, that is if she will say yes" as he left, shaking hands.


Rick had gone to lunch with Beckett a few times the first year, she did keep her promise and tried to stay in touch. Unfortunately, when Martha passed her biggest supporter was gone, and once Rick moved over 4 hours from the city, it became difficult for them to connect. She always attended the parties she was invited to, including a Memorial Day bash for the last three years.

They had forged a friendship, not much more, but at least they were friends. She wanted to introduce the fellow officers but was told no, the psychologist he was seeing didn't want the interference since Rick had been doing so well with the night terrors, and now both members of his support system were gone, Gina living about an hour away, and Alexis in the Loft.

He, well more Gina than he had indeed published the final novel in the Heat series, Extinguished Heat. Gina had reworked a manuscript that was 80 % complete she found on his computer; she wanted the series over as much as Rick. It was a tragic end to Rook and Nikki when Rook was killed almost immediately after being recalled to the US Military in Afghanistan, it took weeks to get official notice, and Nikki had just returned from a three-week vacation with her boyfriend when the final and positive ID was made by the ME for the city.

His body was buried with honors in Arlington National Cemetery, with the flag folded and presented to his God Daughter, the only family he had. Nikki observed the entire funeral service from a distance, not daring to show her face, she would retire from the NYPD the moment she returned and wasn't heard from again.

Rick was open to anything, he just wanted that series over with, and locked all of his notes, pictures, and memories from the last two years in a storage vault. He hadn't looked at any of the things in storage since he returned from his last mission or project as he called it.

He did pen a new series of novels, about two female detectives who had to work twice as hard as the men to overcome the stigma of a female cop. They developed a following, at first from young females, then it spread throughout his fan base. He didn't need the money, and donated all proceeds to women's movements across the nation to promote fair and equal pay as well as benefits and eliminate the sexual harassment that had gone on for years.

Rick enjoyed his new home, it was huge, and had another completely separate home on the property for guests. His grandson, Alex loved visiting and staying there since the home was designed for year-round use. The lakefront home included three separate boat launches and boathouses, with 215 feet of shoreline, an Olympic pool, and a complete gym. The last owner hated to go out and had built a 5-lane bowling alley in the basement of the additional 3-bedroom 2 bath 4 seasonal home on property. The property had spectacular views, privacy, and location, and was completely protected by a state-of-the-art security system.

He had met a lady close to his age, ironically at the same benefit that Gina was reunited with her high school flame, and they had gone out several times. Cathy, spelled with a C thank you was a neighbor come to find out, she lived three houses away, which in that neighborhood meant two miles. They both had been burned and were taking it slowly, nothing exclusive.

Beckett was supposed to drive up and spend the weekend, well the plans had been made five times, every time she canceled last minute. He hadn't heard from her in several months now, seemed she had hooked up with some surgeon on a motorcycle and was trying to build a relationship. He couldn't fault her, for that. He did notice that Cathy was sensitive about Beckett, but accepted Gina without any pushback.

He was busy setting up the drinks Cathy was coming over for pizza and beer in about an hour when he heard the house phone ring. That usually meant telephone solicitors, since few people had the number, even fewer had ever called it. He let it go to voicemail and was surprised by the message that was being left.

"Hi Rick, it's Kate, eh Beckett, look, I'm sorry I'm calling your house phone, it's the only one that I could dig up, my phone was damaged on a case a few months ago, and well I'm just now getting the phone records I requested for your new home.

"I'm sorry, I know I have canceled the last couple of weekends we were supposed to spend together, but well, I'm sorry. I was wondering if you had plans for this weekend or next? Call me if you get this, Thanks Bye"

Rick reached into his pocket and pulled his cell phone out pressing one of the three-speed dials he had programmed, he waited until the phone was answered on the second ring.

"Kate, Rick Castle returning your call, so you are still alive. The last I heard you were close to running off with some surgeon to a Doctors without Borders town, what happened?"

"Well, it's a long story, Rick, I was hoping we could catch up, in person over the weekend, that is if you and Cathy don't have anything planned."

"How do you know about Cathey Detective? The only people alive who know of her and I are Gina and Alexis, neither of which would tell you any details, so have you gone rouge again and investigated me off the books?"

"Well, I may have checked some other records when I was looking for your phone numbers, I'm sorry, but can we talk about this in person?"

"You still haven't told me what happened to you and Jacob the wonder doctor?"

"It was Josh," she mumbled,

"I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"I said his name was Josh, and really Rick, it's a long story, the end is he's in a different country by himself, he wasn't right for me, he wasn't what I am looking for."

"Well Cathy is coming over for the evening in a bit for pizza and beer"

"Ohh", he could hear the disappointment in her voice,

"Hang on a second Beckett, Cathy is beeping in" he placed the call on hold and answered Cathy's call.

"Rick, have you ordered the pizza yet? If not, I'm sorry I won't be able to make it, sorry for the short notice but my daughter and grandson just arrived from Boston for a few weeks"

"No Problem Cathy, enjoy your family time, we'll talk in a few weeks," and hung up,

"Beckett, you still there?"

"I'm here Rick, I should let you go to get ready for your date." She said disappointment in her voice

"It's not a date Kate and well, it's nothing now, she just canceled, so where are you now?"

"I'm around the corner from your house, may I come please," she asked,

"Sure, you were here for Gina's wedding so you know where to park, come on over,"

"I'll see you in ten minutes, and thanks Rick" She seemed relieved.


Ten minutes later the doorbell rang and as Rick answered the door, he could tell that Beckett wasn't her cool, calm collected self. He showed her in, and took her wrap,

"Hi Rick, thanks for seeing me on short notice, I mean no notice" she was stumbling over her words, not the confident lady who he had come to know.

"OK What's up? First, you don't go for a ride from the city, and wind up over four-hour drive later, what's going on Beckett."

"I came to see you, I found the letter I wrote to you and your response when I was cleaning out the storage locker that Dad kept all my stuff after he passed. Thank you for coming, by the way, I'm sorry I didn't get to speak to you more" she said,

"I understood Kate, your Dad seemed like a good man, and you came to Mother's service, it was the least I could do to support you in your time of loss. What letter are you talking about Kate?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's from the two-year period you lost memory of after your return from the project, the one that put you in a coma for almost two weeks, and scared us all half to death that you were going to die."

"Hey, you sound concerned, that was a long time ago, and I am fine. I only see the therapist once a quarter unless I have the dreams again, then I call and we talk. She's really good and usually, within a session or two I'm back to normal"

"She? Your therapist is a woman?" What does she look like, is she young? I bet she knows you" Kate came rushing out, the old jealousy showing full blast now.

Rick laughed, "Yes, she's a woman, about your age, yes she's attractive, but it's been strictly professional between Dr. Janice Oliver and me, nothing other than treatment, I think she's engaged, but I never bothered to look for a ring, she's not my type." He said,

"I'm sorry, that was out of line, I mean you made it clear to me when we got home to New York that you didn't want to re-visit the time we worked together, even the good times we had. Could I ask you, Rick, how did you finish Nikki Heat without the memories of us, especially with that ending? How could you kill Rook off? I expected it to be Nikki, and frankly, she deserved that and more, but why Rook?"

Rick handed her a glass of wine, one sip she knew it was her favorite, the kind that made her all tingly if she had too much. She hadn't had that wine since, well since the last time she had dinner with the Castles, God she had missed them, she had missed him.

"Well, I actually didn't write that ending, I guess I handed Gina an old manuscript I had been working on and told her to bring it to a close, I didn't want to go past the three-book contract. The ending I had was much worse, and that's all I'm going to say. Gina brought it down several notches but honored my wishes to end it in a way the series could never be brought back."

Kate looked out the window sadly, "Did you hate me that much Rick? I wouldn't blame you if you did, you can't remember how badly I hurt you, or how sorry I was when I realized just what a bitch I was.

"I know it sounds stupid but I cried when I read Rook died, to me it was you killing one of us, no more Caskett as you used to call us. It may have been a character in a book to many, but to me, it was the only way I could hang on to any part of you without investing anything of my own into a relationship, hell even a friendship."

Rick looked out the window, at the floor, then back and directly into her eyes, and spoke in a tone Kate had never heard, almost like tears were flowing off each word. "I remember Kate, I remember every minute, Deming, the lie, you're not a cop Castle, and watching you two get your freak on in the stairwells, it became too much, so I left.

"The project I went to, was important, and if I'm being honest, I would do the same thing all over again. When I woke up from the coma, I was surprised to see you with Gina and Alexis, especially the way I left the precinct.

"I didn't remember the letter, or the hurt, not at first, not until we got home to New York, and Gina and I were talking about why she was so adamant about giving you an opportunity to get reacquainted, and she told me that my first two Nikki Heat books were nothing more than disguised love letters to my muse, one Detective Kate Beckett. She knew you loved me back then, and had written letters of apology and waited months for a response.

"I didn't believe her, so she and I read the first two books together, a little each night, and slowly it came back. Gina picked up on it first, she asked me once, who was I kissing her or you, and I had to think, it was her, but your thoughts crept into my mind more and more."

"Is that why Gina and you broke up Rick, did I cause that as well?" Kate asked

Rick smiled a sad smile, "No, Gina became the mother to Alexis, hell she still is, but I couldn't open all the way, as much as I loved her, I wasn't in love with her, and she knew it. When we did the benefit, well karma finally smiled on her and gave her back her first love, with the blessings of Alexis and I both."

"So, you've remembered for how long, almost 3 ½ years now, wait, you gave the loft to Alexis and purchased this home about that time, was that why? Did you have to get so far away from me that you could try to forget again?"

Rick looked down to the floor, Kate knew she had hit a nerve of truth, he wanted away from her so he wouldn't have to hear anything about the NYPD or her ever again. God this place was his retreat, what he didn't have, he couldn't use.

"How did you act like just a friend, when I was going on and on about some pompous ass doctor, hell half of what I said was bullshit. I only started dating him because he was gone so much, and I didn't have to work at a relationship.

"He saw through it and told me whomever I was in love with to go try and work things out, so that's why I'm here. It took me two months to get your phone information after my old phone was damaged in a takedown on a case, that and to work up the courage to be rejected in case you and Cathy had developed something real."

Rick laughed, "Cathy is a date night partner, nothing romantic Kate. It was funny she knew I loved Gina, still do, she was aware of you both and was fine with Gina but would go nuts when she heard your name. Apparently, I talk more about you than I realize."

Kate looked up her eyes brighter with hope for the first time, "Really Rick? I hope it wasn't all the bad stuff, I mean I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am, I told you I loved you when you were in the coma, and once again when I knew Gina had won, but it never changed, I love you, Richard Castle, I will forever"

Rick crossed the room and gently lifted her into his arms, his kiss was like the cooling water on a woman who was parched from the desert, so gentle, so sweet.

"Do you really mean that Kate? I mean, I can't take it again if you break my heart, I almost died and I didn't care the first time"

She broke down in tears, "Rick, I promise you, whatever you want, just tell me how I can prove it, to you, I love you and I'm not leaving not now, that I know you remember it all, and still love me, you do love me don't you Rick?"

He laughed, as he kissed her tears away, "I love you, Kate Beckett, I've always loved you even when I tried not to, and I want you to move in with me, today." He pulled back expecting her to say it was too far from her job and was floored when she whispered,

"OK, just try and drive me off" she kissed him again, this time years of love and emotion poured into her kiss.

"What about your job, Kate, your Mom's case?" Rick asked,

"What about them Babe? I don't think I need to work to pay the bills, and Mom will get justice, if not by me by someone. I wasted too many years I could have been with you; I'm not wasting another minute."

"Kate?" Rick asked between kisses, "don't leave, let the movers move your stuff, or let me go back to the city with you in a few days, I just need to believe this is happening,"

"OK, but Rick? I need you to do something for me?"

"Anything Kate, you know that just ask?"

"Take me to bed, I want to make love to you" as she captured his lips, in the first of many passionate kisses that would follow.

The End.

A/N This was a bit of the role reversal of I don't remember and for the guest reviewers that had it all written, remember it isn't over till it's over and I write THE END. It was part of the story plot but I will never promise Caskett ending in any of my stories anymore, the hate mail comes regardless of what I write.