Hey Guys! Thanks for all the reviews/follows on my last Sorina fanfic. I think I'm going to keep that one as a one shot but this one will definitely be multi chapter! Hope you guys enjoy!

Credit to the original author

Set several years after Soma's graduation

Yukihira Soma entered Totsuki once again. Well, even though he was 25 now and had graduated several years ago, he had been invited by Erina to be a part time instructor at the academy. Now, even though Soma was quite busy running Yukihira diner during the week and also his new higher end restaurant named "Soma's gourmet restaurant" (he really had trouble thinking of a name), he found it hard to refuse a request from the Totsuki headmistress.

He was already very popular among the students, and this was just his first year as an instructor. Erina told him that they were short on staff recently due to many of the other alumnus opening their own restaurants, and since she was asking on short notice, he could teach whatever kind of class he wanted to.

Soma ended up creating a class called "Delicious dishes with everyday ingredients", and it was an immediate success. His classroom was always full and even some of the other teachers had come to watch his class, as he was able to create something really special every few weeks it seemed.

"And then you cook the eggs for this long, and then it should be about perfect."

Since it was a Friday, Soma was demonstrating how to do one of his favorite dishes, the Chicken egg tempura Don, and was serving it to his entire class. He always felt that these young chefs deserved a reward for working so hard during the week, so on Friday's he treated them to one of his specialties, so they had a chance to see what they were working for.

Soma had gotten so good at his cooking at this point that it was no challenge to serve 50 or even 100 of these dishes at their best in only a few minutes.

"That looks familiar." Erina said as she walked into the room "I'm impressed that you managed to gain the support of so many students in so little time, Yukihira"

"Oh, hey Erina. Yeah I was a little bit surprised too. Who would've thought there would be so many chefs like high school me." He smiled at her and rubbed the back of his head, a little surprised.

"I thought I told you to call me Nakiri-sensei or headmistress in front of the students!" She moved towards Soma a little bit, and started lightly poking his chest with her index finger, as if to get her point across more clear.

"Oh, you did? My bad, Nakiri-sensei." He gave his students a wink to let them know he was up to his usual antics of teasing Erina, which his class was familiar with as one of his favorite things to do.

One of the students who was eating the tempura don that Soma made earlier spoke up and asked. "Soma-sensei, I understand that this is a very good dish, one of the best dishes someone from my background has ever tasted. However, how will we know if this dish has the same effect on a gourmet food critic who is used to only being served top class dishes with the rarest ingredients?"

Soma walked away from Erina and towards the center of the class and responded:

"Well, I'm glad you asked, Shimada"

"Luckily, we have someone who I can prove that with right here." Soma grabbed Erina by the arm, and led her to a table he had in the front of the classroom and had her sit down, all these actions causing her much embarrassment in front of the students.

"As you all probably know, Erina here -" He received a glare from her and realized he needed to backpedal a bit. Though he was tempted to just continue as he would have. "I mean, Nakiri-sensei here has the god tongue, which means that she can taste any impurities in a dish. This means she literally has the highest standards, so if I can make her say that this dish is delicious, then this dish should be able to make anyone call it delicious"

"Hmph, as if I would ever call anything you make delicious. If I remember correctly I haven't called anything you made delicious and you've been serving me dishes for almost ten years now."

"Well, it's not like you refused any of them either." Soma had a smirk on his face, as he knew he had got her.

"Well, whatever, just make your dish. I just hope it's better than last time. I'm hungry."

That last part was an admission that she was actually looking forward to the dish a lot, a cue that Soma had picked up on and she was glad none of the students really picked up on it. It was still hard for her to be honest with him as she didn't want their relationship to change from what it was. Well, maybe she did want their relationship to go more in the romantic direction, but she was also content with where they were at as friends.

"One specialty, coming right up." Soma untied his headband from his arm and put it on his head, which let everyone in the room know he was getting serious. The students saw a different intensity from what they had ever seen before, and they were even more impressed by how skilled he was. After a few minutes, Soma was done, and he said

"One tempura egg don, for the princess."

Erina blushed a bit at this, and once the dish was set in front of her she dug in immediately when it was nice and hot. After a few bites, she easily knew that this dish had surpassed all of the tempura dons he had done before, and was even good enough to be rated in his top 3 dishes.

"He must have worked really hard at this. It's about as perfect as a human could make it" She thought to herself.

On the outside, she gave away no emotion, not because she couldn't but because she was desperately trying to avoid giving Soma any material to tease her with, as she knew that would inevitably come if she did anything really. Instead, she sat silently, and ate the entire dish very quickly, but still dignified. Once she put the bowl down, Soma went up to her and nudged her with his elbow and said, so only she could hear:

"Erina, how was it? Was it delicious?"

She replied in an equally soft tone, so only he could hear.

"It was… really good"

He now looked towards his class and gave them the thumbs up. He spoke up now, so the rest of them could hear.

"So Nakiri-sensei, would you like to tell the class what you just told me about what you thought about my dish."

He was smirking triumphantly as if he had won or something. However, though she admitted defeat to him personally, she sure as wasn't going to let the students know what she actually thought. She could just imagine all kinds of rumors going around the school like wildfire. Even if she perhaps would want some of those to be true.

Erina cleared her throat, and announced the verdict

"It was passable. Certainly good enough to be served in a high class restaurant but not nearly good enough for everyone to say that it is delicious."

Soma's smirk on his face turned into a frown, but then returned to a smile almost immediately.

"And that, class, shows you that there are some stubborn critics out there who have trouble saying how they actually feel. However, you shouldn't let this discourage you, you should instead use this as motivation to do even better next time!"

He smiled at his class and then to her. Some of the people started cheering for him even.

She tried to look at him with a look of indifference but as hard as she tried a small smile formed on her face. He got her again! She was always impressed by Soma, and his skills with people and how to turn situations around always impressed her. He even managed to get her liking him, something she would have never thought possible after their first meeting.

"Well, it seems like you are doing a good job as an instructor here, Yukihira. I am proud of you. However, as much as I would like to stay here and interact with the Totsuki community all day, I have important matters to attend to, so if you'll excuse me."

Erina got up and was heading for the door, but the dish had more of an effect on her then she initially realized. All of the sudden, she became weak in the knees, and started falling forwards. Luckily, Soma rushed over there and was able to catch her in time, to prevent any damage.

"Alright kids, well I guess class is concluded for today. It's about that time anyways. As you can see, I also have some matters to attend to myself" He smiled, referencing the Nakiri princess in his arms with the last part.

Soma exited through a backdoor carrying Erina to her office. She appeared to be sleeping now as if she was awake she probably would have been telling him to put her down, because it would be indecent to be seen like that, or something. However sleeping Erina made no such comments. Soma did however take the least busy route to her office out of consideration for her.

It was lucky that Soma had a key to Erina's office, he was in fact one of very few people who had one because as absurd as it sounds he helped her with her work sometimes, and she didn't mind giving him one anyways so he could drop by whenever he wanted to. This was however one of the first times he was using it as he was a really busy man with his restaurant and diner.

Once he got in, he laid Erina on the couch that was there, and decided to look at her schedule to see if she had anything scheduled for later that day. He really hoped that she didn't but she was to attend a meeting with the new elite 10 council, and also had a few taste testing appointments. It was a bummer that Hisako wasn't around as she had been busy working on opening her own restaurant in the past few weeks. He scratched his head thinking about what to do, and looked at the clock. He saw that the taste testing appointments were really soon, so he called the numbers on them and had them rescheduled for a later day. He also called the current first seat, Yuhara Gengyo, who he knew personally as he was a member of his class.

"Hey Gengyo, you guys had an elite 10 council meeting today right?"

"Yeah Soma-sensei. Do you want to attend or something?"

"Well maybe, but can you guys hold it a few hours later? From what you saw in class today my dish was so good it knocked Erina out. Literally. She's been sleeping for 30 minutes now."

"Yeah that works, I'll move it back until 9pm on the condition that you come. I may need you to convince our headmistress to go along with some of our new ideas, and I'm pretty sure you're the only one in the world that has the power to convince her."

"Haha, it's a promise. I'll see you tonight, Gengyo."

"See you tonight, Soma-sensei"

Soma hung up and sat down in a chair across from Erina. He actually felt tired, something which despite all of the work he did was a feeling he did not feel often. He thought it was probably because that was the first time in a while where he went all out in a dish trying to impress someone. And he really did want to impress her, a lot. But nonetheless he was happy as that was the highest she had ever praised one of his dishes.

After another hour and a half, Erina opened her eyes, and immediately sat up on the couch

"Soma? What are you doing here?"

"Oh, well, my dish was so good that it caused you to go all weak in the knees and then you passed out and have been asleep for the past two hours. I carried you back to your office so no one else would see your sleeping face because I was sure you wouldn't like that."

"Well, thank you, Soma. I guess… I owe you one" she was blushing saying this as she didn't often owe people anything, and he was probably the only one show owed anything too more than once.

Soma went over to her and ruffled her hair.

"Don't worry about it. Just was doing my part as your friend, Erina."

He flashed her a smile and she was entranced by it for a little while, until she realized what time it was.

"My tastings!" She jumped up from the couch but Soma grabbed her arm, preventing her from running over to her desk frantically.

"I took care of those already. I saw your schedule and made your tasting for another time. Everyone understood once I told them I was an instructor of Totsuki. As for the elite 10 meeting, you were going to attend today, I called the first seat who I am personal friends with and asked him if he could make it a few hours later, which he did. Well now I have to go to the meeting now as part of the deal but that doesn't really bother me. It sounds fun to meet the other top chefs of Totsuki I haven't met yet."

He let go of her arm and she sat on the couch with him instead of running to her desk.

"Well, thank you for that. I guess giving you a key to my office was a good idea after all. However, you can stop by every now and then just to chat you know!" she had a pout on her face which let him know that she was lonely sometimes and really wanted him to come by during those time.

"Ok, I promise. I'll stop by after school on every Friday, at least. And you know I don't break my promises"

"Oh I know you don't. You made a silly offhand promise ten years ago and are still trying to fulfill it." She looked at him smug, knowing that she now had the upper hand.

Soma shot back quickly with

"That's because you're so stubborn Erina! Surely at least four or five of the dishes I have served you have been good enough for you to call delicious at this point."

In reality, most of the dishes he made ever since the age of twenty were delicious in her mind, but she wouldn't let him know that yet. Besides, she liked knowing that he would cook for her. She didn't want him to stop all of the sudden if she called one of his dishes delicious.

"Well, I encourage you to keep trying Soma, I will say you have improved though."

Soma blushed a tiny bit and said

"Uh, thanks. It's nice to hear that from you especially."

She smiled at him genuinely which really warmed up his heart.

"Well, it's almost 8, the elite 10 meeting is now at 9 so I think I'd better get going. I'm really hungry after all, I haven't eaten anything since my class."

"You could have just used my kitchen here."

Soma looked at her surprised, not trying to hide anything.

"Oh, I thought that this one was special to you or something, like only members of the Nakiri family can use it or something."

"Well, that was the case, but you can use it now, I'm giving you permission."

Erina was hoping that Soma would use this as a chance to cook for her whenever he stopped by her office, which would now be at least once a week.

"Well, thanks, I guess I'll start making something then."

"But not today"


"I said you can use this kitchen but not today. I'll be making a dish for you today, as a thanks." And to impress you, she thought.

Soma looked at her with wide eyes, but then had the biggest smile possible appeared on his face. It wasn't often that he had a dish cooked by Erina, and this would be the first time she cooked one solely for him in a few months. It was safe to say that his taste buds were waiting in anticipation ever since she said those words. After the initial surprise wore off, more of the normal Soma personality emerged. He knew exactly who he needed to say in order to get her to perform at her best.

"Try to get me to say delicious, Erina"

"Oh I will"

Next time: Erina cooks for Soma!