Next Time, You're Going With Me

Wolverine prowled the grounds, angry with Christa as well as himself. What on earth possessed her to take off like that? How could she just go an' disrespect Chuck after all he had done for her? And how had she managed to vanish, without a trace?

Logan punched a nearby wall, making a nice fist size dent in the metal molding.

"It just doesn't make sense." He growled.

Beast listened to Logan's sudden outburst. Getting up he moved to open the balcony window, pausing to breath in the cool night air. Going back to his king size bed he looked at a picture of him and Christa taken at Christmas. She had her arms wrapped around his neck as he gave her a piggyback ride (a reward from winning a game of chess against him). She had a huge grin on her face.

"I'm an idiot, and don't deny it."

Hank turned, seeing a very disheveled Christa on his balcony. She raised her hand, sighing deeply.

"Before you start, I just want to say that I'm sorry. I behaved irrationally and irresponsive. But hey, it only took me two days to figure it out this time."

She finished, giving her innocent grin. Standing, slowly putting the picture down, he moved toward her.

Her eyes widened as she suddenly remembered something.

"I brought you this."

Beast took the flower, " Ah, a Piperia unalascensis."

Christa raised an eyebrow, "Uh.. Do you always have to be scientific? It's just an Orchid."

"My apologizes." He laughed, setting it down on a nearby table.

Tentively, she reached out to touch his face, instinctively withdrawing at the last second.

"Allow me."

Smiling kindly, Hank reached out and gently cupped her face in his hands, she watched him, terrified.

"You... I didn't frikazy you! I can touch you!"

Letting out a whoop of joy she grabbed him in a hug.

"IcantouchIcantouchIcantouch!!" She yelled happily, as Beast swung her around.

Finally she stopped as something dawned on her. She grinned up at Hank.

"And that means that I can do this!"

Before he could question her, Christa leaned in and kissed him. The lights in the room dimmed then returned to normal when they finished.

"How do you like that." She grinned.

Hank grinned back, "That was..electrifying."

She punched his arm, "From scientific to corny." She laughed.

Before he could reply she grinned up at him nastily, "Wanna see how long this 'no-frying' thing lasts?"

'I'm afraid that will have to wait.' A voice in her head informed her.

"Hi Charles," Christa groaned, "How much trouble am I in for?"

She paused, listening, then turned to Hank. "I'm to meet him in his office. How long do you think I'll get?"

"With Logan, it's hard to tell."

Groaning, she made her way to Xavier's study. Inside, by the fireplace was Charles; on the coach was a very angry Logan.

"Lemme guess, sorry won't cut it this time?" Logan growled, "Shutting up." She muttered.

"Christa, have a seat."

Once seated as far from the adamantium wielding Canadian as possible, Xavier began.

"Now, I understand that you are an adult who has the right to make her own choices. And I understand that the last few days have been rough." Thinking she was in the clear, she allowed herself a small glimmer of hope that she would get off clean. "And I, personally can't think of a punishment. But, I am your guardian, and you did run away, and since you seemed to have greatly upset Logan, I have decided to allow him to handle your punishment."

Christa ducked her head meekly and looked at the glowering Wolverine.

"I'll leave you two alone." And with that, Xavier left.


Standing, Wolverine brought out his claws.

"First, you clean the Xjet," One claw gone, "Second, after you clean and wax the jet, you clean the danger room." Another claw gone. "Third, you will have bathroom duties for a month." He then started on his fingers.

-Thirteen fingers and claws later-

"And that's just for starters. So go and get some rest, it's 2am and you've got a busy day."

"Jeez, next time I leave, remind me to take you with me." She mumbled before leaving.

Flopping on her bed she couldn't help but smile, no matter what torture Logan dealt her, she wouldn't let it faze her. Tonight was the best night of her life; she was genuinely in love with someone who loved her back and she could touch him. Absolutely nothing could go wrong.