"Quick, everyone, into the club room!" Monika yelled.

The girls' rapid footsteps echoed down the halls. The entire school was tainted in a deep shade of red. The walls pulsated and contorted into different geometric shapes. Whatever was chasing after the girls was jetting fast, bouncing off the vibrant walls with ease. The school itself became a barren wasteland devoid of students and teachers. Outside of the building all of the windows had been shattered.

"It's gaining on us!" Natsuki remarked.

"I wish Anthy was here," Yuri sighs, "if she didn't decide to face off against that beast, she would've deleted them a long time ago."

Ako darted on the twisting floors, managing to avoid some obstructions. "We're almost to the literature club!"

The black and white girl was correct. The entrance to the door of the literature club was within their grasp. The floors may be writhing and shifting, but if they kept their footing, they should make it. Natsuki turned to look at her lover and smiled. "We're almost there, dear."

Yuri's mouth formed an O as if she were about to comment. Before she could, her left foot hit a bump in the floor and to her lover's horror and bewilderment, she crashed onto the floor with an ungraceful thud. Yuri moaned in pain. "It's my knee...I bruised it." The walls merged into the ground and lifted the purple-haired girl in the air, propelling her backward.

"YURI!" Natsuki screamed in disbelief.

Yuri was sprawled on her back recoiling in pain. "Natsuki, you have to escape without me."

Tears sweltered in Natsuki's eyes. "No! Not after everything we've been through, you can't give up now!"

Yuri started to cry as well. "I'm badly hurt...I'll just slow you guys down. It's okay."

Natsuki shook her head violently in refusal. "My life was nothing but misery before I met you at the literature club. My father...everyone ostracizing me and seeing me weird for my obsession with manga and... other things...Yuri, you lighten up my world! I don't want to lose you now! Please stand up!"

Yuri tried to get up, but the tremors in the ground forced her back down. The creature was now advancing towards them faster than before. "Forget me, Natsuki! If you won't do it for me, do it for us!"

Natsuki looked at her other club members then back at Yuri. She did this a few times that felt like an eternity. Her thoughts were being drowned out by the quaking noise and Yuri's vocal insistence. Natsuki grabbed the sides of her temples in anguish. "Why do I have to choose like this!?"

With that, she ran towards Yuri. Ako stopped momentarily to see what was happening. "Wait, Natsuki!"

She wanted to say more. She had to say more. She didn't want to lose anyone else today. But Monika grabbed her only arm for she had lost her metallic arm in the fighting. "We don't have much time," Monika said solemnly, "it pains me, but Natsuki made her decision."

"B-but..." Ako stammered. Monika dashed to the door and bent down to bite the handle of the door. Her teeth grasped the handle tightly giving Monika a slight toothache from them grinding on the handle to open it counterclockwise. She couldn't help but pray to whatever forces out there in the universe to give her this small bit of strength to do this one simple task. With the door opened, Monika tossed Ako into the room and slammed the door.

Natsuki somehow made it to Yuri and placed herself on top of her girlfriend. Yuri was still hurting slightly but feeling the warmth of Natsuki's body did remedy some of it. Tears were streaming down her face. "That was quite an immature thing to do, Natsuki."

Natsuki cried as well. Her tears fell on Yuri's chest soaking it. "Hey, you know me, Yuri, I am a child after all.

The two shared a deep, passionate kiss with each other breaking it a few moments to breathe. Natsuki's lips still tasted like cupcakes. Yuri's were a sweet lavender scent. Their chaser towered over the couple and chuckled. "That would be sweet, but I already sacrificed my ties a long time ago."

Natsuki looked up to see the attacker. They remained in a stable motion despite the walls and floors collapsing in on themselves. In fact, Natsuki could've sworn that whoever it was, they were levitating in the air. The attacker was radiating a red energy and was gathering into a violent ball of dark power. Natsuki grit her teeth.

"You'll never get away with this!"

"That's what they all say."

Ako paced back and forth when she stopped in her tracks to hear several blasts and sizzling. Ako whimpered to herself knowing what happened but she could not even dare to imagine the immense pain Yuri and Natsuki were put looked over at Monika. Monika was putting on a straight face, or at least a visual of it. She heard everything as well, but she had to be strong in their memory. Now they had to barricade the door to keep the attacker at bay.

Ako was grabbing whatever wasn't glued down to the ground and blockading the door with it. Desks, chairs, boxes. Whatever was readily available, Ako made use of. "That won't hold them for long, Monika, so hurry!"

Monika had her laptop in hand and activated it. "I'm hurrying, I'm hurrying!"

Bang. Bang. Bang.

Red energy illuminated through the cracks of the door. Ako responded by throwing in her body weight to slow down the attacker's thrashing. She shoved her hands firmly on the door and pressed her feet on the ground. "Grrr...can't hold on much longer!"

"It's finishing loading, Ako, just hold on a little longer," Monika said reassuringly.

Ako's sweat moistened her hands, making them slippery. Her arms were chafing and on the verge of failure. "I have to do this for all the girls."

The banging on the door became louder and more forceful. The desks and chairs were giving way. The red energy shined brightly, overtaking the room. Monika became unnerved by it, but she pressed on. "Just one more and...there! Ako, I got into the command panel!"

Her tone of triumph fell flat from the lack of a response. "Ako?" Monika said "Ako?"

She turned to look at the door and nearly panicked. Ako was gone; evaporated. The door was now hanging on its single hinge alongside the charred chairs and desks. But worse of all, she was now alone in the club room with Ako's killer.

"I-it's you," Monika remarked. She shielded her laptop despite being petrified.

"After I have destroyed all of the other alternate realities, you of all people should've known that I would come for this reality next."

Monika narrowed her eyes in disgust. "There is one universe that I know you haven't destroyed."

The attacker laughed. "Dimension C-2293? The one where you live a happy little life as if none of your sins ever happened?"

Monika bowed her head in shame. "That dimension's Monika has a copy of the laptop I use. I already sent it to her. You'll never win because of teamwork."

She looked at the clock on the wall, but reading it was difficult due to the walls twisting and turning and fading away. "99% of the game is deleted."

The attacker smiled. "Everything you have ever done dies with you. I don't care if you sent a version of yourself the message because you no longer exist."

In a flash, the attacker was gone leaving Monika with the world crumbling around her. She collapsed on the ground writhing in agony. Looking down at her hands, she could see that the flesh on them was being eroded away. Before long, she would be completely deleted. More open wounds erupted throughout her body and unravels from the data being eradicated. With her gaze faltering, Monika felt her only solace would be that she'd be with her dimension's Sayori.

"I just hope she gets the message ASAP."