Chapter Twenty Eight: Only Mine
Edward's POV

I tickle Will's belly, his fat little legs kick up excited.

"You're stealing my thunder," I say.

Rose has dropped him off in his little suit an hour ago. She went to Bella's Dad's house to get ready. We decided the wedding would be held in Forks. The scenery was beautiful and her father was here. It was Bella's home and perhaps one day ours too. A small house with a back yard, kids just like Will running around in it.

"You've seen her this morning. I bet she looks beautiful huh," I let him take hold of my hand.

He coos at me kicking out his legs. I laugh leaning down to pick him up into my arms.

"How sweet," Carlisle comes in smiling, holding a small brown box.

"I try," I joke, bouncing Will.

He grabs onto my hair and tries to bring it to his mouth. I laugh prying it from his grip, replacing it with a rattle Emmett had equipped him with.

"You would make a great Dad too. Perhaps we'll be bouncing your little one soon enough," Carlisle straightens Will's suit jacket around my arm, "you'd be a better one than me."

"I wouldn't try to turn off my son's life support," I can't look at him.

For the past six months we'd skirted around the topic. We simply smiled and nodded but the dust hadn't settled. He'd apologised but we hadn't had a blatant talk like this.

"I didn't try to turn it off for the sake of it. The doctors ran tests and there wasn't enough activity to believe life would return," he says.

"I know. I looked over the charts," I nod, "but that aside you should have known I was still in there."

"I should have. I'm sorry I didn't. I love you, son and I'm beyond proud of the man you are," Carlisle puts a hand on my shoulder, "it's going to take time to heal and repair this. But I want you to know I'm here and I'm going to give it everything."

"I appreciate that Dad. I will too," I nod, "do you have any words of wisdom. What's the key to a successful marriage."

"The answer I want to give will make you cringe. I'm your parent," he laughs, "but I guess it's what they all say - don't go to sleep angry, always be honest and make sure you remind her daily how much you love her."

"That fact you danced around having sex with my mum," I laugh.

"These are for you," he rattles the box.

He takes Will from me tickling his grandson's chin smiling, before watching me open the box. Inside are cufflinks, Cullen engraved on them.

"I wore them on my wedding day," he smiles, "I think it might be something for good luck. There's also a matching bracelet under that cushion. That's for Bella. Your mother and I agreed passing them on would be nice."

I pull back the piece of foam and surely enough a silver chain with the word Cullen is sitting there. I grin.

"Thanks dad," I nod.

"Maybe you could give them to your son," he shrugs.

Nodding I snuggle back tears and lean in to pull him close. My nephew shakes his rattle between us as we embrace, having the most loving father son moment we'd had in years.

"Alrighty. Let's go get your bride," he pats my shoulder, fighting back his own proud tears.

My mouth went dry when I saw her. All in white, her beauty was beyond compare. She smiled up at me through the ceremony as I tackled back tears. When we kissed I kept it classy in front of her parents - it was her that pushed the tongue into my mouth. My Bella. The confidence that had grown on her was incredible.

As we danced our first dance I held her right against me, moving slowly to the music. Her head rests against my chest, my cheek on her hair.

"I love you," I whisper, "I'm so happy to finally call you my wife."

"I'm happy to finally be your wife," she looks up at me, "I can't wait for the little things. I can't wait to get a new license, to sign forms, to change my name on social media."

She is just adorable.

"I can't wait for big things. A home, kids," I kiss her deeply.

Pushing this girl away had been so stupid. At the beginning if I had known this is what caving would have led to I would have let go instantly. Life didn't have to revolve around one thing. It could include several things. Important things.

"My father gave me something to give you," he says.

"Oh yeah," she smiles up at me.

"He gave me cufflinks, but he gave me the matching bracelet for you," I explain.

Reaching into my pocket I pull out the piece of jewellery. Her eyes widen and inspect it as I slide it onto her wrist.

"They wore them on their wedding day," I say.

"How thoughtful," she smiles, "I think this is a peace offering. He wants to make things right with you."

"He is. I'm willing to let him," I nod.

"You're perfect," she kisses me.

"You're mine," I pull her back as she pulls away kissing her.

Only mine.

Thank you so much for reading! I enjoyed writing this. It was so fun. I do hope you'll leave me a review.