Welcome! I'm so happy you've chosen to click on my story. I hope you'll stick around. Characters aren't my own.

Synopsis: A simple visit to the hospital has turned into a life-changing one for Bella. She left without an appendix but took home something she never thought was possible - a shot at forever. But it was never going to be easy to love Doctor Cullen. Rated M, lemons, Cannons, BXE.

Chapter One: Doctor Dreamy

At first, everything was blurry. Adjusting my eyes and trying to find a focal point in a white room, with bright lights isn't easy. Each time I blink I feel it get easier to see. Finally, a woman wearing green comes into focus. Her hair is back, and she wears a mask around her neck. She's possibly just removed it quickly from her face to check on me.

"Isabella, we need you to wake up now," she smiles down at me.

Confusion washes over me. I feel like I have a hangover.

"You're in the Seattle Harbour Hospital and you've just come out of surgery. You're in the recovery room. The anaesthesia should be wearing off now," she explains fiddling with the bed around me, "You were excellent."

"Did something happen to me?" I croak.

"Just your appendix," she chuckles, "but it won't give you any more problems."

Memories of the roaring pain in my side flashback. I was in the grocery store when pain suddenly tore through my body. I had pain in my side through the week but passed it off as nothing, using paracetamol to try to numb it.

"Did it burst?" I ask.

"Nope. It came close. It almost ruptured but the surgeon got to it in time. It might have been a more serious surgery had it been worse," she explains, "but you got to us in time. Next time you need to listen to your body a bit more. I'm going to take you back to your room now where you'll stay the night for observation. Your father is here waiting to see you. The doctor will come for his rounds tomorrow morning to check up on you and discharge you."

Everything she says makes sense, but I can't understand. I feel groggy as if the entire world has been flipped onto its side, but I'm standing upright. Really, it's me that's been thrown into chaos.

I must doze off again because when I open my eyes, I'm inside a different room and the woman isn't there anymore, instead my father. He watches his phone intently and I can hear a male calling out what sounds to be an NFL match. If I wasn't so out of it I'd probably roll my eyes. Sun streams into the room giving me a hint morning had already arrived.

He'd probably not even notice if I got up and walked out of the room. That theory is debunked instantly when I cough. Ouch.

"Bella," he sits up instantly putting his phone aside, "you're okay."

"You didn't have to come all the way into the city for an appendix," I smile weakly, "Is there water?"

My father has always carried an air of awkwardness along with him. He's brought it to the hospital with him. He clears his throat before standing. I watch him walk up the room.

His body moves as if he's taking up more space than he would like to. Even I struggle to believe he is the Forks chief of police, but perhaps he's intimidating to criminals. One time he busted my high school friend, Mike, loitering when he was 17. Mike said he was pretty damn scary. The closest I'd ever gotten to demon dad was when I turned off the Superbowl in the deciding minutes.

"I wanted to make sure you're okay. Besides could you imagine your mother's tongue lashing if I didn't," he moves to a sink in the corner, taking a small plastic cup stocked beside it.

When he hands it to me I can see just how tired he is. He probably had just finished work last night when the hospital contacted him.

"Thanks," I take the water.

He moves to help me sit the bed upwards so I can sit without hunching my body. I could feel where they had operated now.

"You told her?" I sigh.

"They called her first. She's your emergency contact. You should really consider changing it to me because I'm closer to you," he sits back down in his armchair again scratching his moustache.

"Dad if I remove mum from my emergency contact, she would never let it go," I say, "she already hates that I've moved here."

Making the decision to move to Seattle had been easy – I just made it seem difficult to my parents. A torn young adult is always easier to accept than a sure one I suppose. The thing is I wanted some change. My best friend Rosalie was here and when I applied for a job, I never thought I'd get, and then did, the answer was well and truly clear. I'd landed a gig with an advertising firm. I'd already agreed to move in with Rose before the job offer came.

After a few weeks, it seems I'd already need to ask for sick leave. Thanks, appendix!

"What about Rose?" I say.

"She's called about 20 times in the past hour. Once to tell us to let you know Lucy got kicked off the bachelor. She tried to make her way here. She said she'd come when visiting hours start but you'll probably be discharged anyway so I told her to wait there." he says.

"Lucy? Do you mean Lacy." I raise an eyebrow.

"Do I look like I know," he waves his hand dismissively.

"Bella," a nurse walks into the room beaming, "you're awake. I'm Joanne."

I smile at her hoping I don't look as exhausted as I feel.

"How are you feeling this morning, Sunshine. You look great," she checks a drip I didn't even notice attached to my arm.

"My stomach hurts," I say.

"Well cutting you open will do that. Can you rate the pain on a scale of one to ten?" she asks.

"About a four," I say, "It's just tender."

"Doctor Cullen was right behind me," she looks over her shoulder confused, "He will prescribe some medication and provide you with a doctor's note."

The man in question walks in laughing at someone in the corridor. He's way too good looking to be helping people who look like me currently. No makeup, hair matted. I cannot actually deal with the fact a man possibly crafted by Zeus himself from some type of rich stone has entered the room when I look like a billy goat.

His rich copper hair is untamed, he looks tired possibly after a long shift. But it doesn't detract from the strong form that he's carrying with incredible posture. Even under his scrubs and white coat, I can tell he's fit. How on earth do women at this hospital get work done?

"Isabella," he smiles, "you look to be recovering well. I'm Doctor Edward Cullen, the surgeon responsible for snipping you open."

"Thank you," Charlie says suddenly, "you saved her."

"It's just appendicitis. Nothing I've not dealt with before," he raises a hand taking my chart from the nurse, "Do you mind if I look and redress the wounds?"

That means he needs to pull my hospital gown up. Did I shave? Wait oh no. How mortifying. This hot guy has to look at my ugly ass, cut up stomach. Swallow me, ground.

"I'll go get coffee," Charlie points to the door awkwardly.

"It won't be ten minutes, sir," Doctor Cullen smiles.

"Take your time, Doctor," he walks out without a second glance opening his football app as he goes.

"Glad to see he's happy to leave me alone with a man who's undressing me," I say.

He laughs, but I can tell it's just to be polite. Good going Bella – making yourself look like a total creepy fool in front of the sexy hot doctor. Before I can make it worse, I let him pull back my covers carefully around the drip in my arm. He covers my crotch are using the covers, protecting my modesty. Not even an inch of my southern region is exposed - which I good cause underwear would hurt right now.

"We can take that drip out momentarily. It was to keep you going after the surgery," he smiles untying my robe at the side closest to him, "My hands may be cold."

He's not wrong. I pull back slightly as his skin meets mine, but it's not just from the chill. The contact is sensational. Then it stings as he begins to peel away the bandage covering where he cut.

"Is there just like a massive, ugly gash on my stomach?" I ask unable to look.

"It was keyhole so not like Freddy Krueger slashed you up. You may scar," he doesn't look at me as he speaks, he's focused on the task.

The nurse looks over his shoulder interested.

"It's healing nicely," he says, "I'm happy with that."

"I can dress it again," Joanne smiles.

I pray for him to say no. He's probably got better things to attend to but I want him to keep treating me.

"It's fine," He waves her off, "Isabella is my last patient."

Fuck yes!

"Bella," I correct.

I don't know why I'm correcting him to refer to me by my nickname. It sort of just happened.

"Bella," he smiles up at me properly this time almost blinding me.

He speaks my name in a tone that makes me feel as if he is testing the word out in his mouth. It makes my heart flutter slightly and I hang onto hope he'll say it again.

"I'm going to recommend a specialist who you can see in two weeks and they'll check on it. The stitches are dissolvable," he explains.

"Thank you," I say as he puts a new bandage on my stomach.

"The nurse will give you some bandages to take home. Redress it once more tomorrow. Simply put the bandage on. After that just be careful," he says, "if you knock it, bleed or are in pain come back."

"So, I get to go home," I smile.

"As long as you rest," he begins to refasten my gown.

Before I can say something his pager interrupts, irritating us both.

"Guess going home is going to take a little while longer. Enjoy it for the both of us, Bella," he covers me with the blanket again and pats my hand, "feel better soon."

"Thank you for helping me," I say.

"My pleasure," he throws me another heart-stopping smiles before racing from the room.

"One day he'll give some young woman a heart attack with that smile," Joanne shakes her head.

"He just did," I mutter.

Thanks for reading. I have fun plans for this.

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