Yukihira never wanted to be at this party. He was never the person to like such events, where people dress up with fancy suits and then have a bragging contest towards other patrons.

Souma's kind of parties were the "Drink till you collapse from Ryoko's "Rice Juice" and then sing along with songs and maybe do some stupid stuff." But yeah, the only reason Souma attended this party was because he had to.

Being the first seat of the Elite Ten sucked. Also, Erina would whoop his ass when the moment she knew he bailed out on her.

Do I even look good at this suit and tie?

Formalities sucked, I had to shake hands and smile to people I don't know and care about before reaching the food is. But from the looks of it, it is a worthy trade.

These looks delicious.

The Explosive Cordon Bleu lives up to its name, having the spiciness buried on the white sauce. How did it not turn red?

After tasting different kinds of food and having my fill, time to drink something.

Where was the other Elites when you need them? Why do they need the first seat anyway? Wonder if someone not named Nakiri Erina would notice if I sneaked out?

"Enjoying yourself?" A hand grabs the goblet I'm holding. "You looked like you could use some company."

Nakiri Erina.

I wouldn't even attend this if it weren't for her. Hell, the only reason I haven't had a chance to decline is because I can't say no to her. I love her too much to do that.

Not that she knows...


Erina finished my champagne, then asked me a question. "Shall we dance?"

Right when she asked, the lights dimmed, and the music increased in volume. What impeccable timing. Probably she knew it beforehand.

Taking her offered hand, he replied with a "Why not?"

A minute after dancing in the middle of the crowd, Souma whispers on her ears. "You know, I don't fit in parties like this, why bring me here in the first place?"

Erina just laughed at his misfortune. "Not like I had a choice Yukihira-kun, you're the First Seat, you need to be here."

"Well as long as you're here, I don't mind it at all." Erina hid her blushing face by burying her face in his chest. 'I don't mind it at all.'

After a few more minutes, Erina proposed an idea. "Want to escape from here?"

"Never thought I'd hear that from you."

"We're not needed here anymore either." The two walked to their seats.

"You sure? They'd go ballistic if they found out the headmistress of Totsuki is missing."

"They won't mind, I'm Nakiri Erina. Besides, Grandpa is here to cover for me." So that's why she wanted to bail out here. Erina then drags me towards the exit. "So..."

"Your place or mine?"

A/N: Hewwo! Here's sum quick drabble to liven up our locked up days. Stay safe everyone!