like see ya shaggy said
we're outta. here Scooby said
are they leaving us Elsa asked
they're getting some snacks scrappy said and ran after them
Wait we can't leave scrappy said
Why shaggy asked
one their dad's will be mad
two the girls need you
and three your still on a seven month contract scrappy said
oh boy shaggy said we're in for it now scoob shaggy said
.scrappy got some chip
shaggy got some hot dogs
and Scooby got out froze steak
that's frozen shaggy said
we'll just ask matches to melt it scrappy said
I thought you we're leaving us Winnie asked
we we're just getting snacks shaggy said
boys do you want to meet the other teacher's mrs grimwood asked
teachers shaggy and Scooby said in unsion