Hello! So, as I'm currently stuck home in quarantine, I thought it might be fun to try to find something to occupy my time. Personally, I've always been interested in a female Harry Potter story, and I've been working on one for a bit now. It's my first time writing a long story, and I have plots planned out for all seven books, but for now, I'm starting with the first one. So, enjoy the story of Eve Potter.

Chapter 1

"Eve! Eve!" A young redhead laughed as a small toddler zoomed around on a tiny broom. Strong arms belonging to a man with messy black hair picked the child up and swung her around, making her laugh, a light, tiny sound.

"Eve Lily, the newest quidditch star," the man said, holding the child close. Her dark red hair fell into her face and she laughed again, swiping at the man.

"Dada down!" the girl laughed. Her dad squeezed her one more time before letting her down. The little girl ran away, giggling like a maniac.

"She's going to do great things," the man said to the young redhead. She smiled back up at him.

"Of course she will, we're raising her."

"Wake up!" came a scratchy voice. Someone was pounding on her door. "Get your lazy self out of bed! Now!"

"Damnit Petunia," Eve muttered, reaching up and turning on the little light that illuminated her room. She used 'room' in the loosest sense of the word. More like a closet with a makeshift bed and a couple of shelves for her clothes and books.

Books! Eve reached down and grabbed a leather journal. She flipped it open to a new page and thought hard, but the dream she had was already fading. She wrote down the few details she remembered before putting it back on the shelf. It had been a good dream, too. She thought so, at least. The hint of a man's smile was still ingrained in her mind, making her feel warm inside.

"What's taking you so long! Breakfast isn't going to make itself!" came Petunia's voice again.

"I'm coming!" Eve hollered back, hitting the door for good measures and praying that Petunia would just leave her alone.

The kitchen was, predictably, crowded with birthday presents. Dudley got everything he could ever ask for on his birthday. New bikes, gaming consoles, tvs. Eve couldn't remember the last time she'd even gotten a sock as a present.

"Eggs, bacon, toast. Now," Petunia barked.

"Fix your bangs," shouted Vernon, her insufferable uncle. "That atrocious thing on your head is showing.

Scowling, Eve pushed her poorly cut bangs back over the lightning scar on her forehead. Vernon grunted his approval, which only made her scowl more. Her aunt and uncle couldn't stand the sight of her, let alone that of the scar on her forehead. A reminder of when her parents were killed in a car crash and her Aunt and Uncle got stuck with her.

"Hurry up with that coffee, girl!" Vernon shouted. Always girl, like he couldn't muster saying her name.

"Why don't you get off your fat bum and get it yourself," Eve muttered under her breath, but she brought over the coffee all the same.

One of these days, she knew, she was going to make it out of this hell. Her thoughts wandered to the little bag of money she kept hidden under her pillow. Money she'd pilfered from the Versely's purses, a little at a time. A few years more, she'd be old enough to get a job, a few after and she could get a flat and finally leave this place. Maybe she'd even go to uni if she saved up enough.

Dudley was, of course, making a commotion over by his presents, but Eve didn't pay attention. It was the same every year. He didn't have enough presents. Or he wasn't happy with one. A spoiled little git, if there ever was one.

Eve dropped the platters of food on the table, grabbing a small plate for herself before heading back to her cupboard. Eating with the Dursleys was definitely the worst part of living with them. The constant jibes at her clothes ("don't you have anything that fits"), her hair ("what an unnatural color of red"), or, most often, her parents ("ignorant bastards, the lot of them") made her prefer to eat by herself.

Eve barely remembered anything about her parents. They died, back when she was barely a year old, in a car crash that had given her the scar on her head. Petunia, her mother's sister, and Vernon had taken her in after. Eve liked to think that the dreams she had, the young redheaded women and startling green eyes, matching Eve's own features, and the young man with the smile that warmed her heart, were memories of her parents. But she knew they weren't. Each dream had something strange in them. A flying broomstick, a magic wand, a dog changing into a man. Eve shook her head lightly. Of course, they weren't memories. Yet she wrote them down in her journal anyways, at least the ones she could remember.

"Eve Lila!" came Petunia's screech from the kitchen. "Get out here right now!"

"Lily," Eve muttered darkly under her breath, stretching as she got out of her cupboard. Petunia refused to ever say her middle name correctly, as if not saying it would help Petunia forget her similarly named sister. "What do you need, Petunia."

"What did you do?" Petunia spat out.

"What do you mean?" Eve responded, keeping her face neutral. She couldn't think of anything she'd done this time. More often than not, Eve was in trouble. She'd gotten into a fight at school or she'd managed to annoy one of her teachers. But this time, she couldn't think of anything she might have done.

"Ms. Figg can't take you today," Petunia spat. "Did you plan this or something?"

Eve scoffed. "Sure, because I can somehow manage to incapacitate Ms. Figg."

"Petunia, dear," Vernon coughed from behind his wife. "No matter if the girl did something or not, the fact is that the old hag can't take her."

Eve turned her scowl on Uncle Vernon. She liked Ms. Figg a great deal. The old lady was the only person who was ever nice to her. She let Eve hide in her house when Dudley and his gang were chasing her, let Eve go over and bake with her when she needed to get out of the Dursley's.

"What happened to Ms. Figg?" Eve asked, but she was completely ignored.

"Well, Petunia, what are we going to do with her?"

"We can't take her with us and let her ruin Dudley's birthday celebrations."

"You could just leave me home," Eve offered up.

"And let you burn down the house," Vernon laughed.

"I won't burn down the house," Eve argued. "And if you won't take me with you, and you can't give me to Ms. Figg, it's not as if you have many options."

"What about your sister, Vernon?"

"She's away. What about your friend?"

"She hates the girl, there's no way she'd be willing to come stay."

Knowing where this was going, Dudley burst into noisy sobs.

"Oh, my little Diddikins! What's the matter!" Petunia crooned, wrapping her arms around the fat boy.

"I-I-I don't wa-want her t-t-t-to ruin my bir-birhtd-day!" Dudley wailed.

"Oh, mummy won't let her, mummy won't let her!" Petunia soothed him. "Vernon, we're not taking the girl with us."

"Well then what do you want to do!" Vernon practically yelled, his face turning purple.

"I guess we'll just have to leave her home," Petunia settled. Eve felt her face light up. A day without the Dursleys sounded amazing. She'd have the house to herself, be able to go on a run without Petunia complaining about the smell when she came home. She could use the nice bathroom to shower, use the television, it would be glorious.

"Fine," Vernon spat, "but some ground rules. No television, no eating our food. Stay out of the upstairs and out of our things. Keep this house spotless, and while you're at it, clean the garden, all the windows, and take out all the trash. If a single thing is out of place when we get back, you're going to be in that cupboard until you graduate. Are we clear?"

"Crystal," Eve said sweetly.

Two hours later, the Dursleys were pulling out of the driveway, leaving Eve alone in the silent house.

Humming to herself, Eve changed into leggings and her favorite t-shirt. She had found it in the attic of the Dursleys house ages ago, in a box with a few books and other clothes. A note on the top read James and Lily. Eve had opened it at once, pulling out all of her parent's old things that she could find. She was careful not to wear any of it around the Dursleys, lest they take it all away.

Emerging back into the kitchen, Eve filled up a bottle of water as a knock sounded at the front door.

"Coming!" she shouted, jogging lightly to pull it open. An old woman was standing at the doorstep, grey hair pulled back into a tight bun. Recognition dawned in the woman's eyes but was gone almost as quickly as it had appeared.

"Eve Potter?" the woman asked, her voice filled with curiosity.

"That's me," Eve said. "Can I help you?"

"You could start by inviting me in."

"Oh, erm, I guess come in?" Eve said, stepping to the side and allowing the women to glide into the entry hall. "I'm sorry but… who are you?"

The woman seemed to not hear her as she took a seat in the living room. "Are you going to offer me some tea?"

"Would you like some tea," Eve said through gritted teeth, becoming annoyed with the woman's antics.

"That would be splendid."

There goes my peaceful run, Eve thought, putting her water bottle down on the table.

"Now what can I do for you," Eve said minutes later, setting down two glasses of tea. The woman picked hers up and took a long sip.

"Miss Potter, my name is Minerva McGonagall." The woman set her cup down lightly on its saucer. "I'm a teacher at a school up in Scotland."

"Ok, and?" Eve said, pouring cream in sugar into her own cup of tea.

"And we'd like to offer you a spot at the school," Ms. Mcgonagall continued.

Eve snorted. "You want me at your school?"

"Yes," McGonagall said simply.

"I- what? Why me?" Eve stuttered. "It's not like I'm anything special. In fact, most teachers tend to not like me."

"Be that as it may, Miss Potter, my school is a bit different. We only accept witches and wizards."

Eve sat in silence, letting the words sink in, before bursting out in laughter. "Yeah, ok, sure. Who put you up to this? Was it Dudley? Whatever, it doesn't matter. You can leave now, Ms. McGonagall. Pleasure to meet you."

Eve stood up, but McGonalla stayed in her seat, same no-nonsense face. "Does it look like I was 'put up to this', Miss Potter?"

"I... well... I mean, there's no such thing as wizards."

"Miss Potter, can you seriously tell me that nothing strange has ever happened to you? Something you couldn't explain?"

Eve thought back to all the times where she'd gotten into trouble. The time she turned Makayla Seeker's hair bright pink when she and her posse of jerks were teasing Eve for her small, scrawny form. And the time when Ms. Bobber's desk caught on fire as she ridiculed Eve for talking back.

"Exactly," McGonagall said simply. She pulled out a parchment envelope and passed it to Eve. "This will explain it all."

Eve scanned the letter quickly. Hogwarts School For Witchcraft and Wizardry.

"This-this can't be real," Eve said shakily. "I… well, I can't be a wizard, can I?"

"Miss Potter, we've been over this. Now, you can either choose to come with me, or you could stay here and continue on with your life. Completely up to you." McGonagall stood up. "Thank you for the tea."

She began to walk towards the door. "Wait!" Eve shouted, vaulting to her feet. "I'm coming."

A twinkle appeared in McGonagall's eye. "You may want to grab some things for the day."