The Emperor In the Big City

Pairing: Hakuno (Female) x Nero

Genre: Friendship/Romance

Disclaimer: I do not own the Fate series or any of its characters.

Author's Note: About time I made some adaptions of Fate/Extra anime. XD Now, this is just my opinion about it. No need to bring in mean comments. But I'm kinda disappointed in this one because of one thing: reincarnation. Meaning, Hakuno-chan to Hakuno-kun. I just…don't like it.

A-anyways, this is probably my first adaption to the anime. Enjoy!

Hakuno Kishinami is still a bit confused on what's going on around her. It has been about a few days since she came to this unknown world and summoned a being known as Saber. At least that's what the girl told her to call her. She will tell her Hakuno-chan her true name eventually. While relaxing in the bath one day, Saber explained to her everything there is to know about this world: what the Holy Grail War is, how Hakuno-chan is one of the 128 masters to participate in it and try to win the war to receive the Grail that grants any wish and the works. It's a lot to take in, but in due time, she will understand.

By the time they got out of the bath, they come to a transporter that will take them to the battlefield. To battle the masters and servants that will stand in their way. Saber is super confident about this though. Hakuno-chan is not so sure if she can be this confident, even though Saber has told her she's a strong servant. Once this ride has stopped, the two start to exit and then…Saber stops abruptly at the scenery before her.

It's a big, big city, full of bright lights, loud music and lively crowds all around her. Saber stands there, stunned.

"What in the world is all this?" she exclaims.

She can hear the music fill the air around her and the lights from every building and streets are so bright. She walks over toward the railing to look at the great view.

"This is all wrong!" she says. "That's not what I anticipated at all!"

Hakuno-chan tilts her head in confusion. "Is…that a bad thing?" she asks softly.

Saber turns around, shaking her head. "No way! This is great!" She twirls around like a ballerina. "What a great way to transport to! A very lively place filled with millions of people! Surely, there will be an area where we can fight! To kill or be killed! Right~?"

The soft-spoken brunette shrugs.

Saber moves around, waving her arms happily. "This is a city, I tell ya! A great big one with festivals that are so lively~! Ohhhh…~!" She spins around again. "Umu~! I love it! It sparks my interest so greatly!"

Hakuno-chan just stares at her, stunned. Saber happily points in random directions.

"This one here! And there! I want to see it all~!" she cries and trots toward the railing again and sees a blimp flying over her. She then turns around. "Umu~! Praetor!"

"U-ummm…what's with that name?" Hakuno-chan raises an eyebrow.

"Ehehe~! Something wrong?" Saber says in a teasing manner. She straightens herself up and gestures toward herself. "Feel free to play me like an instrument. However you like~!"

The soft-spoken brunette gives a small smile. This girl seems very….interesting in a way. Her upbeat personality and confidence soothes her a bit…and it makes her happy. This servant of hers can be quite useful.


The two later sit in a cafeteria where there are a few people. Hakuno-chan is having her drink while Saber enjoys her meal.

"As I said before, servants are powerful beings," she explains. "That being said, we must maintain are physical form by consuming resources."

"You mean…electricity?" Hakuno-chan asks.

"Magical power." Saber corrects her. "What that means is your power."

The soft-spoken brunette furrows her eyebrows and bites her lip. She has magical power inside her? And she has to give it to her on some occasions?

"What's the matter?" Saber frowns. "Why do you look so angry?"

"Don't worry. It has nothing to do with you," Hakuno-chan replies.

The blonde finishes her last bite and takes her hands in hers. "Think about this: Sleeping beauty. She is under a great spell. The only way to break it is something special. A power that no evil can match against."

Hakuno-chan blushes as the answer immediately comes to her. "Y-you mean…!"

"Umu~! You're on the right track~!" Saber nods with a happy smile.

The brunette gasps, cupping a hand to her mouth. Is she hearing things or is it absolutely true? If she were to transfer her magic to Saber from time to time via kiss then…

"H-hold on just a minute!" Hakuno-chan says. "My first kiss would be with a girl! Even though you're my servant…even if you are someone based on ancient history….you're still a…"

"Doesn't matter to me~" Saber chuckles. "No matter who the master and servant is, a kiss is a kiss~! There's no denying that."

Hakuno-chan slightly turns away, still blushing. This isn't what she expected at all.

"One question…if my magical power runs out…" she starts.

"Do not worry," Saber says. "It will replenish every night. When you rest up, it will be fully restored. At least that's what I've heard."

Hakuno-chan sighs in relief. She won't fade out or anything if that happens. Saber chuckles and stands up from her chair.

"Alright, I think that's enough talk." The blonde takes a few steps forward, turns around and extends her hand. "We must to find our opponent. That's our main objective…as Master and Servant. I know we can do it, Praetor. We must believe in ourselves~"

Hakuno-chan stares at her strong servant for a minute. And then…she gives a gentle smile, nods and grips her hand.

"You're right. Let's go…Saber~" Hakuno-chan says.

The brunette may not know anything about her servant at first, but when the time comes, Hakuno-chan will surely be by her side for as long as it takes to survive.