Chapter 4 Five

Five, had always hated his Father, felt that the man always held him back, especially when it came to Time Travel. Reginald had been setting goals for Five to achieve before he could time travel, despite meeting all of those goals, there would always be one more. When he asked his Father, he would always just say complete the goals and then you can. Five knew to force an answer, by asking him at a meal. A time which had never allowed talking, and never will allow talking in the mind of Five, so asking a question, catching him off guard might just work. As dinner began, Five could hear the record spinning, the sounds of a record detailing what to do to get off of a mountain with only a rope. Five scoffed knowing Reginald was never going to be in a situation where this would even come up, dinner began as a rather silent affair as it always did. Five quickly decided to go all in, deciding to do something that didn't allow failure. He took his knife and stabbed the table, and started to glare at his father.

Sir Reginald looked up from his meal, staring at his child with a face of silent rage. Five then spoke up and said, "I have a question about time travel!" Reginald was so angry at the boy for the reckless behavior he was showing.

"You know meals are silent times, your question can wait till after." said the man smuggly thinking as if no further action was required, and went back to eating. He was almost startled by when Five spoke again saying.

"When, am I going to get to Time Travel?" the rest of the members of the table trying to not show a response, knowing that would likely end in punishment for the group as a whole. That was except for number 7, who showed a vested interest in how the calculations had gone, wanting to see if they worked. Wanting to see some success in a field, any field just so she wouldn't be stuck out of the mission's the rest of her Family went on. Reginald now almost fuming out of his ears, put down his silverware and put his full attention on his least favorite child at the moment.

"I told you, once you master your short jumps, now drop it!" Five in response stood up out of his chair drawing further eire from the man, before jumping across the room, to where he would be standing right next to sir Reginald, a wide smile appearing on the kid's face.

"See I have mastered them, I can jump to any location I want to. Now let me Time Travel." The kid's anger started to almost seep into all his words while saying the second part. He then started to look at number 7, almost looking for approval to go further, before he saw any signal from his sister. A voice broke the silence, the voice now calmer trying to use reason, where anger and threats had not worked before.

"Time travel and Spacial Jumps are two completely different things and mastery of one does not make you ready to try the other. While a spacial jump is like getting up in the morning, and walking to the bathroom. A Time Jump is like traveling to the moon, you must know exactly what you are doing, and even then things go wrong, walking to the bathroom does not help you fly a spaceship. Does it number 5?" The words almost worked on the boy, making Five stop and think for a second, pondering the impact of the angolgey. Then the argument failed when Five realised the man was most likely pulling the words out of a hat. Five was so angry that he didn't notice number 7 shaking her head, saying not to try what he was about to do.

Five in a fit of anger ran out of the room to the front door, Reginald not even comprehending the action and shouting a line to get back here at him, until Five was long out of the house. Everyone remained seated, not getting up to chase after their sibling out of fear of punishment. Pogo walked into the room, as he heard the front door slam shut, wanting to ask what all the commotion was about, not saying anything when he saw the empty seat. The monkey almost asked if Sir Reginald wanted him to try and find the boy, but with a look Sir Reginald told him that the boy was gone.

Five was running down the street, finally free from that old man, he tried his powers, and it worked. The weather was different, the cars were all in different places, the people were different. So he tried again and it worked again, this time snow was falling from the sky, all pushed off the path, keeping up his light jog. He tried even harder this time, and suddenly everything had really changed, the streets looked different, they were older than they were before. Many of the buildings had new shops, Five knew he might have gone too far into the future. He tried to go back, but just like the formulas had said back at home, there was no way to get back in time, no way to travel back to a time to any time near when he had left. The boy decided to go back to the house, and just try to become part of the family again.

As Five approached the house, he began to pick up more speed. He began to see something that shook him to his core, the Umbrella, his childhood home, was destroyed. It was clear that this was not a planned destruction, and everything about it signalled to him that this had just happened. He could hear the distant wail of emergency vehicles, which also supported his feeling that this may have just happened. Five began to search the rubble, maybe for a cause of what had happened, maybe for a family member, he didn't know what exactly. He felt that he should search, it was the right thing. As he climbed over the many bricks and wooden supports that now littered the ground, he saw a man's arm sticking above the layers of rubble.

Five jumped over to him, thinking he may still be alive, after a quick check for a pulse, it was clear he wasn't. Five pushed the slieve up his arm, looking for the tattoo that all of them possessed. There was no tattoo, but there was a single handcuff attached to the arm, which was connected to something that was deeper in the rubble. Five began to try and get to it, desperate to discover anything about the destruction of the Umbrella. He found a briefcase attached to the otherside of the handcuffs, Five could hear voices, he reached into the pockets of the briefcase looking for the key, luckily for him, he found it. He heard the voices getting closer, he quickly uncuffed the briefcase, and jumped away.

Once in a relatively safe location, Five began to search the other side pockets of the briefcase. He found a few things in the pockets, a slip of paper, and a couple newspapers. He read the slip of paper, it said "PERFORM TASK: KILL- VANYA HARGREEVES aka NÂș 7" Five thought, that's why the house was destroyed, someone tried to kill 7 and the rest of Umbrella must have been fighting to keep her alive. Five turned his attention to the newspaper and read the headline, "Reginald Hargreeves Dies!" he continued to read it, learning that "All four surviving children showed up to the funeral"

"I have six siblings! What happened to them? Was it me leaving that caused all of this?" said Five, thinking that umbrella academy only had 3 people with powers left. The umbrella was gone, he was in the future, and he was stuck there. Five decided that maybe he should check what's inside the main compartment in the briefcase, then there was a flash, and a fire extinguisher.

"FIVE?" said Allison, looking at Five who had just come out of the portal, fallen to the ground, stood up, and had begun to dust himself off.

"Oh I just thought he was because of the drugs. Glad to see you again." said Klaus shocked how one of the things he had thought was a hallucination was an actual real person, but not actually caring much about the reappearance.

"Great time for you to show up, Five! I have just got to say that, kid you have missed a lot!" Diego said he then signalled for them to go inside, Five followed them inside. Into the living room, where the painting of Five sat above the fireplace. Luther was still shocked that Five was back, he was at a loss for words to convey the happiness he was experiencing.

"Well, the first question, we should ask, is where has he been all this time?" said Diego, asking Five who was rather disinterested, more interested in getting some food, getting up to go to the Kitchen

Luther then suddenly said, "Hey Five, Diego asked you a question. I think you should answer it."

"Well you see I was time traveling. I just happened to stop here. You have names now? When did you get those?" said Five knowing full well, that they had names, and having guesses at which name matched with which face, but he didn't have the full story and he needed to know what the family had been up to.

"Mother gave us names, a few days after you left and a few days before vanya died." Luther said as his happiness was robbed from him instantly, as it always happened when someone ever brought up 6 or 7. Five turned towards him, away from the food he had made.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there, how did she die? Was it quick?" FIve said, sad about her death, but a part of him told him that she was still alive. He cared about information more than the death at the moment.

"Father never said how she died, he just ran off soon after you left."' said luther

"You never cared to ask. Wow One! You really are daddy's little soldier ." said Five, making a smug little face at his older brother.

"WE have names, Five! I am Luther, two is Diego, three is Allison, and four is Klaus. Six was Ben, and seven was Vanya. It's not that we didn't care-"

"Well then what was it then Luther, scared of losing Father's approval. I bet that you do know how Ben died."

"That was different, Five. Ben's death was-"

"Oh it's different when they have powers I see."

"Five, we were there when Ben died, we weren't for Vanya."

"Did you ever think that dear old Dad might have just faked her death?"

"Well, no-"

"See that's the problem with you Luther. You want to be our leader, but you were always too afraid to stick your head above the water with Dad. Never questioning him, trusting him past the breaking point for a normal sane human. Did you even see a body, or was it just Dad's words."

"No, but we saw her blood soaked jacket."

"That could be faked so easily. Just-"

Allison then cut Five off saying, "Five, drop it, she is dead, don't take your guilt out on Luther. He wasn't the only one who didn't ask, none of us did." The room sat in silence for a few minutes, everyone just sitting in the slump of what had just occurred. "I am going to go look for Vanya!"

"Five, SHE IS DEAD!" said Diego, he said trying to talk some sense into his much younger brother, Klaus just sitting on the couch looking outside towards a tree seeing a man standing next to it. Allison glaring at Diego thinking he was being insensitive, while Luther stood awkwardly in a corner. "Diego, everyone deals with death differently, he just learned that three people are dead, that minutes ago were still alive. I think he needs to do this."

"Like he actually cared that Dad is dead. He hated the old scumbag, just look at the way he left the Umbrella."

Luther then spoke saying "I think we need to also talk about Dad's death. I think he was murdered." Glaring at Diego, an action which was picked up by his siblings.

"You mean Murdered by one of us, Luther! Say what you really mean!" accused Diego, Allison nodding in agreement, suddenly Klaus's head whipped away from the window and back towards the conversation.

"Come on Luther, that's a low blow. Do you really think any of us could kill him? Oh you do. OH!"
Said Klaus, observing the face of his larger brother to answer the questions for him and not particularly liking the answer.

"Luther? How can you accuse any of us? He died of a heart attack, he was an old man. Heart attacks happen all the time to men of his age." said Allison confused and hurt by the lack of words coming out of her brother. Klaus stood up going to leave, almost joined by Diego, they had both had enough of their brother, for different reasons. Diego just hated how his brother acted all high and mighty, but wasn't any better than any of them. Diego knew that Luther had a high opinion of himself, because he was the closest to Dad, but it didn't mean much to the knife throwing superhero. Klaus was done with Ben, who had begun to yap in his ear again, just like he had everyday Klaus was sober. Klaus could never understand what Ben was saying, but he had his uses for Ben, using him as an alarm clock for drug use. When Ben would show up it meant it was time for drugs to show up as well.

Klaus walked out the building, sitting on the steps of the building waiting for Diego to leave, thinking about back when the family was whole.

AN Next chapter on Thursday, thanks for all the favs and follows. Got any questions, feel free to leave a review. Vanya will be in one of the upcoming chapters if you wanted to know about that. -Kate

Yes this chapter had five, thanks for the review Fnaf.