AN This was going to be a one shot, but it turned out to be something a lot longer, I will post an update on Thursday april 16th


I was thought to be dead by all of my siblings, but I was in a better place. I've been helping them from the shadows, and now that Dad's dead, it's time I reveal myself to them. The question is will they accept me with powers.

Vanya's return Part 1 how it all started

They always say that 1 is the loneliest number, I would argue it is number 7, me. While all of the siblings, the only people I have ever known, are superheroes. I am not special, I am a useless piece of flesh, as my father would put father takes every opportunity to insult me, and everything I do. I start to learn to play the violin, I am substandard at the instrument. If mother wasn't around I would be treated like a maid, which I am already treated like anyways.

Except it isn't anything like washing the dishes or taking out the trash, it is being the punching bag for my siblings learning their powers. Father needs a moving target to have number 2 practicing throw knives at me. If you need a person for number 3 to test her rumors on, that would be me also. Need someone to go into the tomb with number 4, that would be me, and that was probably the one that filled me with the most dread of all. This made my siblings not view me as an equal but a thing that is below them, I got the treatment of something, not someone.

The worst one was when I was treated as a hostage, with One, I would be 'rescued', but he wasn't gentle especially in the beginning. When in order to try to get me to safety, he tried to throw me through a window. The keyword being tried, I didn't make it out of the window, instead, I hit the wall with my head, and then landed on my left knee, bending it the wrong way. I have been taking pills to stop my brain from bleeding you ever since. Five and Six treated me alright, I even helped Five calculate how to time jump. An event that I started to view as a mistake not even a week later. When Five inevitably decided to try the power out, against father's wishes and got lost in the future. Which made me even sadder, as mother decided to name not even a week later, and Father blamed all on me. He had instructed me to help Five, but he decided that as a reward, I would be locked up for a month in the dungeon basement, a thing that made me far more frightened being locked than the Tomb with Klaus ever did. I couldn't even hear myself think in there, an event that was made all the worse when I got out and none of my siblings had really noticed I was gone. I decided that the Umbrella Academy was not for me, that day I was released, a plan formed in my head every second I was alone. The plan was to leave when there were the least people around to catch me, or more importantly, less of the annoying Media that was always outside our house. If I was caught, I feared the punishment, Father would probably lock me in the basement and throw away the key.

The day of my escape started early, with those damn alarms ringing, that called all the little superheroes to action, I knew that I couldn't even start to pack for 15 minutes after that, my siblings were never very punctual, a trait father hated with all his being. I heard the plane take off, and that's when I knew I could leave, I quickly packed all that I cared for from my room into a small suitcase, which was a few changes of clothes, a necklace my mother had given me before I was given away, a picture of all 7 of them together before figured out I didn't have powers, a picture which stung even more because it was the only one in the whole house of me, a couple of pages of sheet music that pogo had given me, my mask, and finally my violin and its bow. I would have packed more, but I didn't have anything else that I wanted to bring along with me, most of the things in my rather bare room, reminded me of Father, something I didn't want to bring with me. Before I jumped out of my window, I thought for a second about saying goodbye to Pogo but decided that he wouldn't even let me leave in the first place. I quickly descended the side of the building, a task that I had completed before, to leave the building with my siblings, on our occasional runs to the nearby donut shop. I thought about those trips, the only time they had included me in a task or even treated me like an equal. I still don't even know why they brought me along on those trips, maybe it was a small effort to be nice to their sister, or maybe it was so they had a scapegoat if caught. Whatever the reason, I had enjoyed those nights. As I walked out onto the street, I was greeted by a quiet street that was largely unpopulated.

You know how many people say that they hadn't even thought about what they would do once a task was complete, well yeah that was me, I didn't know where to go. I chose a direction and started walking, it felt great, time seemed to fly by, life was good, and then everything fell apart. I started to feel nervous, so I reached into my pocket for the pill bottle and felt just the rough lining of the pocket and an empty pill bottle. I performed a quick and impromptu search of my body, aka a quick pat-down. When the results turned up negative for my pills, it felt like my world was going to end. In my haste to leave, I had forgotten my pills, at this moment, I started to panic, my sane thoughts left me. I started to run back to the UA, hoping they hadn't returned, but if they had, I would accept the punishment. I felt I wasn't ready, I needed those pills, they were a part of me, just as much as my leg was part of me. It was at that moment fate dealt its hand, as I ran across the street to reach home as quickly as possible, a car intervened with my path. It wasn't like what everyone tells you, it wasn't painful, at first I didn't even know what happened at first. I was confused by the way the weight in my body was changing, that confusion left the second I hit the asphalt. The pain that I hadn't felt moments before came flooding in, I was in so much pain that it was hard to breathe, I had to focus on breathing, and not much else. I saw everyone rushing towards me, they took off my coat and started to apply pressure to the wound, but I was so tired that I didn't care, I closed my eyes, accepting whatever happened to me.

"Sir Reginald, there is a matter that is in dire need of being addressed," said Pogo, with a face of desperation mixed, with fear.

"What is it, Pogo? I think we should all listen to this matter," said Luther, feeling important, but what his words really mean were, everyone here deserves to hear it, meaning Vanya didn't need to hear it. Although the words were not being said the rest of the UA agreed with him.

"I am sorry Master Luther, but this can only be told to Sir Reginald. If he chooses to tell you then so be it." Pogo said, looking determined to get along with their Father, an unusual event for the children, Pogo is usually not known for keeping secrets, especially not from the kids.

"Number One, this is a talk for adults only, you can go get ready for your lesson later today. The mission is over," said Sir Reginald, a stern look on his face, full of disapproval for Number One's comment, he would punish Number One, but they had just done very well on a mission. He would let him off just this one time. As the children ran off to their rooms, Sir Reginald noticed that something had changed with the house, he didn't care enough to try and figure it out. He entered his study and sat down, wrote in his book for a few minutes about how the mission had gone. Once finished he signaled for Pogo to enter, with a wave, and the Monkey Butler entered. "What did you want to talk about, what was

so dire?"

"Miss Vanya is gone sir, she is nowhere in the house, I even checked the basement. Grace went to go find her to give her breakfast about 30 minutes after you left, and she couldn't find Miss Vanya anywhere. That's when she asked me to help. Miss Vanya's violin and all of her clothing are no longer in her room, it is my belief she ran away." said Pogo, with a somber mood to him, which was rarely seen by anyone.

"Did Number 7 bring her pills?" said Sir Reginald, not even looking up from his book, clearly not shaken after the disappearance of the second child in less than a season. Pogo didn't answer immediately, causing Sir Reginald to raise his head from the book. Now with some anger at the lack of answer, he repeated his question. This time receiving an answer from the clearly shaken monkey, "Well, no Miss Vanya did not bring all of the pills with her, she might have brought some from her current bottle."

"Well that is not the best thing that could have happened, but she will be found, we will start looking tomorrow." said sir Reginald, before a knock was heard at the door, and Pogo ran towards it. "I bet that is her right now, I thought she would have returned sooner, good thing I am not a betting man."

Pogo reached the door and composed himself for a few seconds before opening the door. He wasn't prepared for the sight that was on the other side of the door, as Pogo opened the door, he began to say "Welcome home Miss Vanya.", but all that he was able to say half of it before realizing what the man in front of him was carrying, he stopped and started to cry. Pogo would never tell the others, but secretly Miss Vanya was his favorite, they had grown rather close while the others were out on a mission. When Sir Reginald heard the door open, he began to walk towards it, ready to punish number 7 for leaving the umbrella without a mission, but instead of number 7 standing in the doorway, a man was holding a bloody coat, that bore their emblem. Pogo then asked with tears filling his eyes, "How did it happen?"

"She ran out into the middle of the street and was hit by a taxi going full speed. She was barely alive when she hit the pavement." said the man in a very somber tone.

"May I ask, where is the body?" said sir Reginald, not much about caring for the girl, but instead out needing to know that she was gone, he couldn't have number 7 running around alone out there.

"Well, that's the thing, her body, it just kinda disappeared. I don't know what happened." said the man, as Pogo took the bloody coat off the man, and then Sir Reginald dismissed him, and closed the door.

"Pogo get the children together, I have an announcement for them!" Said Reginald, with all the pep you would expect from a man who had just won a million dollars, not lost a child.

AN This chapter is only 2k long, but the rest of the chapters will be around 3k long. Next chapter up in 2 days early morning Central time Zone, if that matters go you. I have already got about 15k written for this story, and got more plan out. It will only be around around 30k length if that matters to you. Have a good one -Kate