So let me tell you all something before I start writing this!
So if you don't know, bleach after almost 8 years (probably more) is finally going to initiate in it's final manga arc.Now I know for some we only dreamed of this or even begged for this.
Now I just wanna say why this actually brings an impact. We all know that one anime serious that never gets finished and we miss a whole lot more to it unless we read the manga.
For example...Hunter X Hunter, Kenichi Mightest Disciple, Soul Eater(It ended nicely in the anime,but the manga had so much more!) There's a tone of great series out their that ended to early in the animation stage.(The reason why most animes don't ever get a second season, or had to end abruptly.)
The thing about bleach is that it was my first anime I ever watched. I watched from beginning to end when it aired on Toonami when it still broadcasted on Adult swim.(Geez that makes me sound so old, but also does any remember old Toonami? Like it feels ancient now, but it was probably the only way to watch anime in those days!)
Ok I'm sounding way older than I am. So let's get to the real business.This is my first bleach fanfiction. I would feel bad if I butchered this ,but let's hope I didn't! This is also my little greedy obsession of genderbending all male characters to ship them with the protagonist.(I'm sorry,but also not)
Obviously we have our strawberry protecter, with many ,many,many, MANYYYYYY genderbent character.Though this being my first one about bleach. I am not going to do a harem fic!...Yet
So I decided I was gonna do one of my favorite bleach characters with the strawberry defender.
As always sit back, enjoy the mayhem and of course enjoy some fluff with your morning coffee.
I don't own anything.
The rain always came with some form of terrible memories. The day his mother died at the hands of Grand Fisher. The night he watched Rukia get taken away to the soul day Ginjo stole his powers and caused him to despair. The day he lost his powers (again) to the hands of Yhwach and found the complete truth of his lineage.
Needless to say the rain symbolized the darkest moments on his life, and they melded deep within his subconscious. His inner world was the same way whenever he felt the slightest slip of his will to falter.
Ichigo Kurosaki was everything in equivalence of a protector and savior. Though he was not impenetrable to human emotions. He knew he was brash and reckless ,but he wasn't in any way stupid or ignorant to his surroundings.
No, quite the opposite actually.
He wasn't incompetent to the feelings of others around. Deep down he knew that suppressing his true emotions were the best course of action for him and those around.
But sometimes...he wished that things would for once in his hectic life go the way that he had planned.
Today was suppose to be different. It was suppose to be his chance to actually take charge of his life the way he wanted it.
If only fate were less cruel to the one who protects the ones he loves.
The rain always felt like a stinging reminder of his own morality. The sign of failure, loss, despair and the thing he dreaded the most...helplessness.
He knelt there by the river as it was pelted by the downpour of the rain. His warm brown eyes having a dull look to them as the rain drenched his form. His naturally spiky orange locks clung to his face as he stared into nothing.
"Why is that...I always seem to lose in the end?"
His thoughts took him to earlier that day. It was much brighter with just a clouds drifting through the sky. It was his typical day placed in redundant routine.
Wake up by another failed attempt by goat-face. Eat breakfast with Yuzu and Karin, than afterwards head to school.
Though he had a much more enthusiastic energy about today. It was strange for the younger Kurosaki twins to see their brother eat breakfast with a smile and surprisingly not harm their dad...too much.
Even of it was a typical day, it was day he waited an entire month for.
It was a day Rukia would come by and visit Karakura Town, or rather more specifically visit Urahara's shop to see everyone.
He had been dying to see her for a while now. The thought of her bringing the brightest of grins to his face. So when he had left school and headed straight to Urahara's as soon as the final bell rung was not a surprise to anyone.
With the store in his line of sight a feeling of uneasiness welled in his stomach. Pushing it aside he entered the shop with excitement before he caught sight of something...odd.
There was immediate tension within the atmosphere. The moment he opened the door he swallowed the the thick lump in his throat as his eyes widened at the sight before him.
There crouching before the usual table was Urahara and Rukia, whom both held conflicting emotions on their faces. Thought that's not what made the feeling in his stomach plummet and a cold sweat etch the back of his neck.
There were two things that had caught his attentions, one being a silver band placed upon her lithe finger...the second the sight of a rather notice bump in her petite figure.
Like a deer caught in the head lights he shifted between the ring and the rather shocked eyes of Rukia as he stared at her.
"I-Ichigo..." She whispered softly, but fell upon deaf ears, like a drop of a hat he turned and ran as his feet could carry him. His body felt heavy and numb as his lungs inhaled oxygen at a alarming rate.
He didn't stop when his legs felt like hard lead, or when his sweat began to feel like acid clinging to his skin. He didn't even stop when the rain started his legs only carrying him to the one spot he truly knows best.
He knew he had to face her at some point, but accepting the truth was harder than facing it.
Especially when he...
"Ic-Ichigo-Kun?" A small light voice called out. He didn't bother to look up,but he felt a presence behind him.
The rain stopped flooding down above him as he looked up to see a small umbrella held above his head.
"You'll catch a cold this way you know?" The voice said again as he saw the person holding the umbrella.
"Hana...taro...?" Ichigo said slowly as the raven headed girl nodded with glee. She was dressed in a loose nlue bbn louse that hung to her petite form with a yellow cardigan over the top. Her soft blue eyes held concern as she looked down at the trenched form he was in.
"What are you doing here...?" He questioned slowly as Hanataro tilted her head slight.
"Oh! I c-came here with Rukia-chan." She stuttered slightly. Though upon saying the name she noticed he cringed slight at the mention of her.
"A-Are you alright?" She questioned softly kneeling next to him. Her inner healer showed as she noticed his complexion had become slightly paler than usual.
She had placed her free hand gently against his temple.
"Ah! Ichigo-kun your burning up!" She gasped in concern as Ichigo was still unresponsive to her words.
Taking a moment to gather her thoughts she wrapped an arm around his waist lifting him up from the ground.
"I'm g-gonna take you home...ok?" She questioned gently as she held onto him one arm around him and the other holding the umbrella.
Ichigo for his part didn't respond ,but he went with motion robotically as the rain became harsher the further they started walking towards his home.
So I would also like to mention this is a two shot story so here is the first part so far!
Thank you for reading and please review!