I'm not going to lie, this story was made because I was bored and I wanted to see how creative I could really get while sitting at home. Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoy it!

I don't own any characters in the Percy Jackson universe which is rightfully owned by Rick Riodan. However, the Greek gods and/or other mythological figures are used in my own imagination and well you can't claim copyright on history.


After I managed to retrieve the master bolt and return it to Zeus myself, Annabeth and Grover we went to Olympus, I figured it was such a spectacular place. The gods with their big mighty thrones. Shoot, if you told me maybe even a couple of months back would I have imagined that the Greek gods existed on mount Olympus that floats right above the empire state building, I would have laughed straight at your face. However, I'm here and currently in the room where all 12 olympian gods are supposed to reside. Well, 13 technically because I don't wish to disrespect lady Hestia.

"Perseus Jackson, rise!" Boomed the voice of Zeus, king of the Olympian gods. "Tell me all that has happened on your quest"

Damn, a lot of things had happened. I've traveled across the entire country of America. I've fought Medusa and that was very, VERY scary. Then we've traveled on a traveling zoo to Sin City (las vegas), got into some very weird hotel that gave us flowers, basically made us REALLY high and we played games. Even got bit by Chimera honestly which hurt like hell. Bribed the ferryman at the entrance to the underworld, almost got smite by Hades, figured out what was going on, fought Ares and I actually won. Speaking of Ares I don't see him here. Probably crying like a baby about that nasty stab wound I gave him. But what really bothered me is what Luke told me.

I reiterated to the council what had happened. "But Lord Zeus, what bothers me the most, is what Luke said. He told me that he served Kronos. But if I'm not wrong didn't you cut him up into like a gazillion pieces and throw him into Tartarus? But I remember when I came across the pit was this ancient and powerful presence. It spoke some language in a deep and evil voice. If he's just chunks of flesh, how has he gotten the consciousness to speak and influence even people like Luke?"

Speaking of Luke I turn to face his father Hermes. He looks so distraught. Of course, what would you expect? A father who just saw his son become evil worshiping one of his family's worst enemies.

"Nephew, for now, I would like you to forget about that matter. This isn't something that you can do about it. Leave the matter to the council." Zeus stated finally.


"I said NO. Don't push your luck. Yes, I am grateful that you managed to retrieve my bolt, but you are in no position to argue with me. Frankly, your existence should be enough reason for me to smite you where you stand."

Damn who knew he was so uptight? Dude needs to chill out.

"Brother that's enough. You are in no position to be threatening my son. After all, you did make the same mistake as I have. Look how that ended up as well"

That was really unexpected. My dad defended me and he kinda fired shots. Ouch.

Zeus looked seriously pissed. I mean I could feel the power just radiating off him. I see literal sparks and small flows of electricity all over his body. And the way he looked at me, I think I have an idea of just who he might take his anger out on.


"Alright, that's enough, father. You can blame him for being born rather than the father who made this boy be born unto this world."

I don't know what made me stick up to this… this male. Yet something made me somewhat respect what he had done. After all, he was pinned the blame for stealing one of the strongest weapons in existence before he even knew that he was. I knew vaguely of his household situations with his step-father. And the fact that the day this all started he had lost his mother right in front of his eyes.

"This male here has shown that he is just capable of being a very useful hero and an asset to Olympus. Why not give him and his companions a chance, father."

I caught Perseus staring at me as if this was his first time seeing a goddess. The audacity of this... Boy to be staring at me like that. I should just gouge his eyes out.

"Who is that?" I heard him whisper to Annabeth. Right at that moment, I got mad as well. Seriously who can't recognize someone on the olympian council? What has Chiron taught his students? He better not be leaving me out of the curriculum.

"I am the goddess of the hunt, moon, chastity, childbirth, and nature. Don't you ever dare forget that. You make your female companion and your teacher look bad." I answered bitterly.

"All right then, the meeting is adjourned…" I could tell my father was really pissed. I mean uncle just kinda went perhaps a couple of steps too far. Males and their stupid grudges I don't understand.


After the meeting, there was a small celebration of some sort. I didn't really know what to do so I stuck with Grover and Annabeth but I found myself wandering off onto what seemed like a balcony of some sort. I was surprised to see the view. It was beautiful. The sky was clear, fading into night and I could clearly see some stars coming into view. Stars are something you could rarely see in a place like Manhattan. We've got so much air, light, noise pollution. Probably every other kind of pollution too. I don't know, but you get the gist. Manhattan isn't a great place if you're looking for trees and stuff. Unless you go to Central Park but that's irrelevant. I heard steps behind me and when I turned I saw my dad. He was wearing this very loud pink shirt with blue swim trunks. For one of the strongest Greek gods out there he sure didn't look the part.

"I see you came to see the stars, Percy." He said softly. "May I ask which is your favorite and why?"

I took a moment to decide. I mean for a first impression it was pretty lousy. There wasn't a "thank you" or a "sorry for not visiting for 12 years or your life." Even though it was a lousy attempt better than no attempt I guess.

"Uh, I like Hercules."

"Any reason why, my son?"

"He had a pretty shitty life. It kinda really sucked and it makes me reflect and see what kind of person I wish I don't become…"

"So you don't admire him as a heroic figure but rather as a figure to reflect upon. Pretty wise answer for my son." He took a deep breath, then sighed. "Listen, son, I know you're probably mad at me for never being a part of your life and never acknowledging your existence, but Percy you must understand that there are ancient laws set in place. If you've read the stories of ancient heroes that Chiron had taught you, you should know that every time a god or goddess has interacted too much with a hero upon their early life, they have died a horribly tragic death."

I hate to admit it but he certainly had a point. I started to mentally list them. Jason and Hera. Bellerophon and Athena. Hyacinth with not 1 but 2 gods.

"I understand dad. It's fine, but since we're here right now why don't we talk a bit. Like seriously what's wrong with that lady back there. She's so uptight and snappy."

"He, well that's Artemis for you. She's one of the three vestal virgin goddesses. She also leads the hunt which is basically a group of females that swore off males and go around hunting animals and monsters." He replied to me with a chuckle. He then leaned in a bit and whispered: "4 millennia without dick can make anyone get up-tight, don't you think."

Seriously, no matter how much you could hate your dad when he makes jokes like that it kinda gets hard to continue being mad.

"Well, it seems you have quite the fan club wishing to talk to you." He said suddenly while glancing back. "I'm proud of you… my son."

I could tell from the glint in his eyes he was serious. I felt so loved and needed even though I've only met my dad for a couple of hours. I saw him leave and the first god to come up to me was none other than my uncle, Hades. He really sort of just stared me down. I felt the tension build as if it were a small room even though I was out in the open.

"I guess I was wrong about you… nephew." He started with a sparkle in his eye as if he meant the exact opposite. "However I am a man of my word. No harm has been brought to your mother. You will see her in your home safe and sound. I look forward to seeing you again"

Damn speaking about scary. Sure Zeus may be scary and my dad too, but something about Hades just felt sort of sinister. It seemed as if darkness was bright compared to him. The figures woven into his robe seemed to reach out, asking me to free them. Regardless next to see me was Hermes.

"I'm here to apologize for my son. Luke was never like that. I don't understand where I've gone wrong. I, I, I…"

Next thing I knew, Hermes was a sobbing mess. It hit me that despite all the kids Hermes might have had that he really cared for and loved Luke. Honestly, this made me hate Luke even more. How could a son hurt his own family like that?

*Line break*

Soon we were told to return to camp and as Grover, Annabeth, and I rode the elevator back down to the mortal world, I had one thought on my mind. For what reason even I couldn't explain.

"Artemis, huh…"

End of chapter one. If there is any soul even bothering to read this, please review. After all, this is my first attempt and to grow as a writer I am gonna need some ideas and encouragement. These stories wouldn't exist with the readers after all!

Edit: My discord tag is respeck my crippin'#0999. Add me to chat, give ideas or join my server. just don't talk about my story in my server.