In the wide countryside of England, on the outskirts Ottery St Catchpole in Devon, there stood a house that looked like it might have been a large stone pigpen at one point. However, it now had extra rooms added here and there until it was several stories high and so crooked that only magic could hold it together. Four or five chimneys jutted out of the red roof and a lopsided sign stuck next to the entrance read, 'The Burrow'.

Inside one of the bedrooms in that house, on a fairly rickety old bed lay a young man who had only recently come of age. The moonlight shone through the window, on to his fairly scrawny body and a face that could be called above average at the least. He had a head of messy black hair that framed his face but somehow didn't seem to detract from his features. The most striking feature about him, was a lightning shaped scar on his forehead. One that he has had for all his life, one that he would really not like to remember the origin of.

That man, Harry Potter, was a famous wizard known throughout Britain as the 'Boy Who Lived'. Though the title could come off as rather confusing to the ignorant but he was a man who many had rallied behind. For he was the one who had broken the powers and chased away the dark lord, Lord Voldemort, at a tender age

Though it was not something he liked being famous for, famous before he could even walk or talk. Famous for a situation he had no control over and would frankly not want to have been a part of. However, he was, nonetheless, very famous.

With this fame, came many perks but they also came with many downsides. On one hand, he had a lot of people being nice to him just because of who he was and a lot of people willing to make concessions just because they wanted to get on his good side. On the other hand, however, there were people who wanted to hunt him for what he represented and kill him for what he was capable of.

The first and foremost on the list of people who would do anything they could to get their hands on Harry would be Lord Voldemort himself. The dark lord had bided his time and with the help of his trusted followers, who were known as death eaters, he had finally managed to rise back to power two years prior.

He made it his life's goal to hunt down Harry Potter and he was more than happy to kill anyone who got in the way. Sometimes, he would kill them even if they didn't get in the way though.

That is exactly what he attempted to do a few nights prior. Lord Voldemort, along with several of his death eaters, showed up at the doorstep of Harry's previous residence, the home of his muggle aunt and uncle. Though Harry and the other members of the Order of the Phoenix, the organisation that made it its goal to oppose Voldemort, knew that he would show up so they had 6 others disguise themselves as Harry with the help of some Polyjuice potion but nevertheless, there was a very vicious battle.

Alastor "Mad Eye" Moody, one of the prominent members of the order, a former Auror and a person who Harry respected greatly, died in the struggle. George Weasley, his best friend's older brother, lost an ear. Harry himself was injured in several places. However, none of those could compare to the heartrending pain and anguish Harry felt at losing his pet owl, Hedwig.

Hedwig had been his steadfast companion ever since he had turned 11, ever since he had found out he was actually a wizard. She had been the only one who had stuck by him no matter how bad the situation was, even when all of his other friends had seemingly abandoned him, she had always been there to support him.

Even in the battle recently, he had set Hedwig free, wanting her to get to safety because being by his side would no longer be safe. However, during the battle, as he was trying to get away from one of the death eaters, he found himself in a situation where he couldn't dodge or block a killing curse. Just as he felt his life flash before his eyes, waiting for the green flash to finally take his life, Hedwig flew out of the darkness and used her own body to block that curse.

Harry watched, aghast, as his faithful companion and beloved pet had the life snuffed out of her. Unable to do anything to help her, unable to do anything to save her. Only able to watch as in the final moments, she once again stood by his side. For the very last time, she supported him.

Harry lay in bed, tossing and turning as his mind played Hedwig's last moments, over and over again. The moment when the death eater had shot the killing curse with a victorious grin, believing himself to have won only to be thwarted by Hedwig.

His brow scrunched up into a frown and as the night drew on, his frown grew deeper and deeper until finally, Harry jolted upright and let out a pained gasp.


Tears formed in the corner of his eyes as he gripped the blankets and quietly sobbed. Unable to take the reality that Hedwig really wasn't in this world any more.

He had been fine when he released Hedwig, even knowing that he might never see her again but now…

Harry spent a long time sobbing and muttering Hedwig's name. Eventually, he felt that he needed to clear his head so he got up off his bed and made his way into the bathroom. He turned the tap on and stood under the cold water, letting it run over his body as it slowly took his mind off his sadness.

As he stood there, Harry started thinking about everything that had happened to him so far. Ever since he was a child, his entire life had been extremely painful. First he lost his parents, then he was forced to live with relatives who clearly hated him with the very fiber of their being.

As he turned 11 and found out that he was a wizard and that he might finally get away from that torturous life, he found out that his parents had been murdered by a dark wizard who, as he found out at the end of his first year at Hogwarts, was just biding his time to rise back to power and kill Harry. He then had to put up with all kinds of other plots and schemes.

Some aimed at him, some he was dragged into through no fault of his own and some which were just plain unnecessary and yet he was right in the center of them all.

He had had absolutely enough of it all. Why did he have to lose his loved ones? Was it just because some crackpot loony character who thought himself the dark lord found out about some stupid prophecy that may or may not ever come true?

Was it just because some homicidal maniac thought that he had to murder an infant so that he wouldn't become an enemy in the future? Did that insane maniac even think about these things before he decided to murder half the population of Britain?

Harry felt rage and hatred well up inside himself. He really wanted to find and kill every single one of the people who had hurt him and his loved ones. He wanted to give them a taste of what they had been doing to others, torture them until they would rather die than suffer through any more.

As Harry felt overcome with these new feelings, he felt like he could see an odd hallucination. He looked down and saw a small deformed figure curled up on the ground. When he took a closer look, he noticed that the figure looked quite similar to Voldemort. The likeness was uncanny and the only difference was that the figure on the ground looked to be rust coloured and curled up in a fetal position. Not to mention, it was only the size of a 4 or 5 year old child.

That Voldemort look-alike seemed to be alive but looked like it was in immense pain. The thought that it was in pain brought an odd sense of joy to Harry. He wanted to hurt it even more, make it suffer. Make him suffer.

"Everything you have done to me, I'll make sure to return it several fold!" yelled Harry, looking at the sorry figure on the floor. He reached his hands out and wanted to break an arm or both but the moment his hand touched the figure, Harry felt a jolt travel through his arm and soon felt himself blacking out.

"Ugh" Harry groaned, collapsing to the ground, unable to form any words.

Harry slowly opened his eyes and blearily looked around. He seemed to be in what looked like a blank white space however the more he looked at it, the more details became visible.

A floor suddenly appeared under his feet, walls materialised around him, forming a huge hall. A large glass dome appeared overhead, casting bright sunlight into the hall, illuminating the entire place. Benches, pillars and counters started appearing one by one until it looked extremely realistic.

Harry kept looking around until he noticed a place with a dark fog hanging around it. He could hear an odd cry coming from there. This sound made Harry feel rather uncomfortable. He looked down for a moment and realised that he was standing there naked.

Harry frowned and thought to clothe himself and suddenly a cloak appeared next to him so he grabbed it and quickly pulled it over his head.

Having clothed himself, Harry walked towards the dark fog to check what it was. Harry approached the fog and the cry of the creature in it became louder and louder and just as he was about to reach it, he heard soft footsteps behind him.

Thinking the worst, Harry slowly turned around towards the source of those footsteps only to freeze up.

The figure walking towards him was one of the last people he would expect to see here, or anywhere else for that matter. Not that he knew where exactly he was.

Harry stared dumbfounded as the figure approached him, standing just a few steps away from him, the figure opened its mouth.

"It really has been a while, Harry my boy"