This oneshot it based on a prompt from DarveysLane on twitter for the DarveyVirus project: "based around 7.16 - when slow dancing Harvey says "did I tell you you look beautiful" "no but I know you thought it" flirting/slow dancing, heartfelt confession". I hope you like my take on the idea!

I never could've done this without my amazing beta and cheerleader AimeeValle! You are the best!


Once again Donna had made possible what most people would've thought was impossible. She had expected that Rachel and Mike would move up their wedding. It was obvious to everyone around them how much they just wanted to be with each other for the rest of their lives. When Rachel had told her about their decision she went to work on it immediately. She knew there was more behind moving up their wedding than just their love, she knew that, but she didn't push her friend to tell her. They all would find out soon enough.

Rachel asked Donna not to tell Harvey and Jessica, but she did anyway. She knew how important the puppy was for Harvey and vice-versa, even though Harvey would never admit that out loud. She knew that Harvey had to be at the wedding. It was a big moment in his friend's life and missing out on that would just be another thing on Harvey's never-ending list of important things he should've been a part of. Donna knew about all the missed opportunities and she knew he regretted not being there more for the people around him. She was Donna after all.

She also knows that Rachel and Mike's plan to leave for Seattle permanently will hit him like a truck.


Donna watches from a distance as Harvey walks up to Mike, who is getting a new drink at the bar. She can't hear what they are saying, but she doesn't need to. She can read his body language. The way his expression goes from excited to defeated. Sees how his shoulders slump down when Mike explains the plan he has for his new life with Rachel. Without Harvey.

"I gotta say, Mike, those were some beautiful vows. Especially the part about family," Harvey says approaching his friend. "Thanks, Harvey." The younger man turns to him with his glass in hand. "And I didn't get to say it before, but I am really glad you made it."

"Me too. But I should be the one who's saying thank you," he says nodding, trying to convince him to just take the compliment he is giving. "You saved the firm."

"Harvey," Mike tries to cut him off but Harvey continues. "And before you say anything, let me just say I was wrong. You're senior partner material. You are ready. And when you come back from your honeymoon-"

"We are not coming back, Harvey," he finally manages to interrupt his flow of speech. "Rachel and I were offered a chance to run a firm in Seattle." He knows he is crushing Harvey with this confession, but he just can't hold it in him anymore. Harvey needs to know even if the timing isn't ideal. But is there ever a good moment to tell your friend and mentor that you are moving to the other end of the country? That you are starting your own life and leaving him behind. "It's a... it's a place that only takes class action cases against Fortune 500 companies, and…"

Harvey lets out a deep breath, looking away from Mike. Unable to process what his friend has just told him.

"Well, we decided to go for it."

Harvey's thoughts start racing. Mike is leaving. Rachel too. They are leaving together. They are leaving him. Just like everyone else always had. He thought that since Mike had already left him once and come back that at least he would stay. But he isn't. Harvey can't let that happen. He needs to convince him to stay somehow.

"Mike-," he tries to get a word in.

"Harvey, when Donna came to me, told me the firm was in trouble, I did exactly what I told you I would, but I don't ever wanna have to make a choice like that again." Mike tries to make him understand that this is something he needs to do.

"You don't have to. If you wanna do more pro Bono cases-," Harvey tries to stop him from making, in his opinion, the wrong decision.

"That's not the point, Harvey, and you know it."

Harvey does know, but he doesn't want it to be real. He can't let it be real.

"This is who I am. It's who I've always been. It's time, Harvey. It's time."

Harvey just stares at him and a slight smile slowly spreads on his face as he moves his hand up to give his friend a handshake. He is proud of what his protege has achieved no matter how difficult losing him will be. He knows that, maybe even a year ago, he would've reacted differently, but the puppy had changed him over the years. For the better.

Mike looks down at the hand and just takes Harvey into a hug with a smile on his face. He appreciates how well Harvey seems to take it even though he knows there is probably a war of thoughts in his head right now. Harvey hugs him back.

Harvey just stands there at the bar lost in his thoughts. He knows that it's good for Mike to leave town even though he is a member of the bar now, it's just safer. He also knows that this is who Mike has always been. The guy who wanted to help the ones that needed it instead of helping the rich to only get richer. They had always lived in different worlds.

Knowing all of this doesn't make it any easier for him to accept another person that had become so important to him over the years leaving too. His father. Jessica. And now Mike. He cares for the others at the firm. He has been working with Louis for almost a decade and they were even becoming friends, but it just wasn't the same. The only person he would have left now is Donna.

Donna. His secretary, turned friend, turned best friend...was that what they really are? Best friends? He takes a sip of the scotch he had ordered the minute Mike walked away. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath letting his thoughts flow freely. None of these words come close to describing what Donna is to him. How much she means to him. She is his everything. And he just… needs her. Now more than ever.

As if she could read his thoughts she walks up and stops right next to him. Their arms are lightly brushing against each other. It's enough for him to know that she is there. And that she always will be. At least he hopes so. He can't imagine his life without her by his side. Suddenly, it hits him. He doesn't just want her to be next to him at work and as his best friend, he wants to have her by his side in the morning when he wakes up with her in his arms placing a soft kiss in her fiery red hair as the sun is peeking through the curtains.

And he doesn't think he can wait much longer for this to be his reality. He needs to act on what he is feeling. He is finally ready to take that risk for what has been the truth inside his heart for so long now.

Her soft voice startles him out of his thoughts. He has always loved how her tone of voice gets to him, especially when she knows that something is off. It's the kind of comfort he always got from her whether he asked for it or not. It's like her voice is a fuzzy blanket around him that will protect him from the world for some time.


Harvey turns his head in her direction and offers her a soft smile. Her hazel eyes are looking right back at him asking if he is going to be okay. He will be, but he wants to be more than okay so he takes a first step into the direction of his happiness. He offers his hand for her to take and tilts his head towards the dance floor.

"What do you say?"

Donna is surprised by his suggestion, but takes his hand anyway. He grabs on tightly to her hand like he won't ever let go. And she doesn't want him to either. It feels good to hold his hand, even if they are just friends. After all this time where everything has been so complicated between them, when it should have been the easiest thing in the world, she appreciates the feeling of them finding a new normal together.

"I don't mind if I do."

She smiles back at him. They usually don't do things like this. Holding hands or even touching at all. And now they are about to dance at Rachel and Mike's wedding. It's new, but she thinks she likes this new them. It's exciting and stirs the butterflies in her stomach that she had buried deep down for a long time and even deeper after she had kissed him in her office. Donna gives him another smile before she pulls on his hand and leads him to the dance floor.

When she stops walking Harvey pulls her in. One hand lands on her lower back and the other intertwines his fingers with hers while her free hand is placed on his strong shoulder. He can't remember them ever being this close, physically, without it causing them some kind of emotional issue. But right now, it feels amazing.

They start swaying to the music and it's as if they have always been this way. Donna never knew that Harvey was a good dancer. It's one of the few things she didn't know about him. It had never been important. Of course Donna knows how to dance to but she just lets Harvey take the lead.

He lets her go and pulls her back in. Harvey twirls her around and the giggles she lets out are like music to his ears. He loves to see her this happy and especially now, because he knows that in this very moment, he is the one making her happy, making her laugh. He decides that he wants to make her laugh like that for the rest of their lives.

When the music gets slower Harvey pulls her body closer to his again. Their bodies are flush against each other. They move to the music in sync, as if they are one unit. Donna places her chin on his shoulder and takes in how warm his body feels against hers and recognizes his aftershave is still the same as it was years ago.

Her thoughts wander back to that special night. It never should've happened because you can never go back to the way it was before. They were proof of that. They tried to pretend like nothing had changed after he had visited her that night. They'd made use of the whipped cream in her hand and the strawberries that were waiting for them in her bedroom. But something had changed. Everything had changed. Even though it had been a mistake, Donna hadn't regretted it and she knew she would never change a single thing about that night. It had brought them to where they are now and she is happy with it. Mostly.

She enjoys being this close to him and he does too. It's what he needs in this moment. Just her. The hand on her back slowly caresses over her spine, which sends shivers through her whole body. Harvey notices the effect he has on her and smiles to himself.

He leans closer to her himself so his mouth is right next to her ear. "Did I tell you you look beautiful," Harvey whispers. She can feel his breath on her skin and combined with the words coming out of his mouth, her heart stops for a slight second. Something is off. Their new normal feels like more. This is not just them being them.

Donna takes her head from his shoulder and leans back a bit so she can look into his eyes. She doesn't want to show him just how insecure what is happening makes her so she tries a sassy comeback.

"No, but I knew it anyway."

He chuckles. Donna isn't the only one in this relationship, who has learned over the years to read the other, when words don't tell the whole story. Harvey knows her too. And he knows that this compliment shook her. He feels like this is his chance to take another step. He's not sure how she will react or if it will turn out the way he hopes, but he's already come this far. As long as he has his courage he is going to use it.

"Donna… what do you say we go for some fresh air?"

She looks at him with a baffled expression. What the hell was he up to? He had the advantage; which put her on the defensive, nonetheless, she agrees.

Harvey takes her hand and walks with her outside to the terrace.

Outside it's completely dark, except for the light of the moon and the stars. Donna shivers slightly when they step out. It's not that cold but her dress is thin and reveals a lot of skin that is now exposed to the fresh breeze. The nervous feeling in her gut isn't it making it any better. Goosebumps spread all over her body.

Harvey notices her shiver and takes off his jacket and offers it to her. She turns with her back to him and he helps her put it on. She slips her arms into the sleeves and is immediately hit by the warmth the jacket provides her and the smell of him that exudes from it. She feels his hand brush down her arm before he takes her hand again and tucks on it so she would turn around to him again. She takes a deep breath and turns to face him.

Harvey smiles a shy smile at her. He holds both her hands in his. He is scared that she could react differently from what he hopes for and that everything will shatter into pieces. But he knows this might be his only chance to see if the dreams that are haunting him at night from being with her could finally turn into reality.

He looks up to her and gets lost in her hazel eyes. They just look at each other and it's like the world around them is on halt. They don't hear the music from the wedding anymore. The only sound that can be heard is their uneven breathing. Harvey thinks she might even be able to hear his heart beating in his chest like crazy. He takes a deep breath and starts speaking.

"Donna- I never just looked at you that way. I've always looked at you this way. You have always been so much more than just that. I just wasn't ready to risk it...but I am now."

Donna looks at him with a puzzled expression. "What are you saying, Harvey?"

"I am saying that I finally opened my eyes. I am ready to be the man you've always deserved, Donna. I just hope that you feel the same way I do. I've never felt this connected to a person in my life. And it's definitely more than just friends who've known each other for 12 years and spent almost every waking hour of every day together. It's so much more than that." He closes his eyes to gather his thoughts. He needs to do this right and he knows he only gets this one chance now that he is already so far into his confession. He looks at where their hands are connected when he continues to speak.

"I feel like you are a part of me even when you are not physically there. You were there with me when I made up with my mother. I never could've done that without you. You can say a million times that I was the one who went to her in the end and made the final decision, yet without you it never would've come to that point. I thought back to the words you once said about me fighting only for what's in my head and never for what was in my heart. And that day my heart told me to follow your advice and go there to talk to my mother. I will never be able to tell you how thankful I am that you kept pushing me, Donna. You are my compass. Every time I have to make a decision, no matter how big or small, you are there to guide me." His view moves back to her face, wanting to see her reaction to his words.

Harvey can see that she is startled by his words and how openly he is talking. He even thinks he can see how her brain is working intensely trying to process what is happening. He knows this is a lot for her to process but he needs to go on. He is not finished yet.

"But that's not all. You follow me into my dreams at night and most of the time it's just us cuddling on the couch at your apartment or me bringing you breakfast in bed at my condo. Just us being together." He smiles at the thought. "I can't deny that it's sometimes more than just that, but the dreams I remember the most are the ones when I just hold you in my arms placing soft kisses in your hair or all over your face. And then when I wake up in the morning and you are not laying next to me or preparing coffee in the kitchen it feels like someone is slowly putting needles in my heart to finally wake me up and get me to tell you how I feel about you."

He can see the first tears forming in her eyes. He sees it as a sign that he is doing the right thing. Because, looking into her eyes, he can see no sign that she is about to run from him.

Donna feels completely disorientated. She doesn't feel like she is still there just outside of Rachel and Mike's wedding. She can't focus on anything else but the words coming out of Harvey's mouth. Words she never believed she would hear.

"You changed me, Donna. A lot. I can finally see clearly what I should've known for years and years, but I just couldn't access it."


"I love you, Donna. I always have." He takes another step closer to her. There isn't much space left between them, but still enough that if she doesn't want this she could step away from him in a second.

"Are you sure, Harvey?" she asks him with a shaky voice. Her eyes are glossy as she tries to focus on him while at the same time trying to blink the tears away that are threatening to spill over any second.

"I've never been this sure of anything in my life. I love you so much!" he says, now more sure of himself.

They both just stand there. Neither one of them is sure what to do now. Harvey is afraid that he just made everything worse than it ever was before. He closes his eyes. He can't witness her walking away from him. It would break his heart even more. How could he do that. Just run her over with his feelings without really considering that she could've moved on after their last kiss. She had told him she didn't feel anything when she had kissed him. Why was he always such an idiot? Maybe, he never should've been so honest.

His train of thoughts is stopped when he feels her lips on his. He freezes for a second before his arms wrap around her waist pulling her closer to him and he kisses her back. Her arms snake around his head and she is playing with the short hair at the base of his neck. Harvey angles his head so he can deepen the kiss. Her lips are softly moving against his, savoring the moment.

Harvey brushes his tongue against her bottom lip requesting her to open her mouth for him and she does. Their tongues are shyly moving against each other testing the waters. Donna sighs into the kiss pulling his head closer to her by the back of his head. The kiss is getting more urgent with every passing second.

Harvey isn't sure why he ever doubted this could work because right in this moment everything seems perfect.

They pull away when they both need to breathe, looking at each other with smiles on their faces.

"That felt…"

"Amazing," Harvey interrupts Donna.

She offers him a smile that soon turns into a frown. Donna takes a step back from him and lets her hands drop from his shoulders.

"Harvey- I am not sure if what we are doing here is right. I have been waiting for so long to hear words like this from you. But since then so much has happened between us. I kissed you and broke up another relationship of yours that could have been something real. And it doesn't matter that she was your ex-therapist and that I couldn't stand her being in your life. I was the reason you had to end it. And now you are standing here in front of me saying all these beautiful words and I just feel like maybe we've missed our moment," Donna says with tears streaming down her face.

Harvey closes the distance between them again and places one hand on her shoulder while the other wipes away the tears that are still flowing down her cheeks. Donna sniffles. He moves his hand under her chin to make her look up at him.

"Donna- none of that matters anymore. And we didn't miss our moment because this, right here, is our moment." He takes her face in both his hands and lays another kiss on her lips. "I don't believe you didn't feel anything when you kissed me in your office, and I most certainly don't believe you aren't feeling something right now."

Donna looks up to him with her eyes still teary. A slight chuckle escapes her mouth and a smile appears on her face. She doesn't know why but the whole situation seems so unreal to her. This time it's her who takes his hands in hers. "I lied. I did feel something when I kissed you. But it was just too much for me. All the feelings I had bottled up for so long were right under the surface again. And even though you were still with her, I still didn't regret it. It felt magical to be so close to you again after a decade of trying to avoid any physical contact. I felt like I was coming home yet knew it wasn't my right to feel that way. I felt so guilty."

"Donna. Stop. Your feelings are always valid. And as I said before I felt it too. You weren't the only one," he stops her with his soft deep voice.

Her eyes are now fixed on his. Getting lost in the warm brown.

"I love you, Harvey."

Harvey just wraps his arms around her, holding her close to his chest. Her arms snake around him too and they are holding on to each other for dear life. Neither of them had imagined their moment to be like this. It wasn't the magical moment out of the movies or even how it would be for a typical couple but they aren't typical. They never were. This was so... them.

Donna's head lays on Harvey's shoulder and she nuzzles her nose into his neck. Taking in the smell that is just so Harvey. She squeezes him and slowly starts moving her nose against his neck. She can feel Harvey shiver in her arms. She smiles slightly at the thought that she is able to make his body react with such a simple touch. She wets her lips and then starts to carefully place kisses on his neck before progressing to more sucking than kissing. She can hear Harvey hum and feels the vibrations on her lips.

Donna pulls away from him and leans back in his arms so she can look at him. There are no words exchanged between them. The whole conversation consists just of them looking into each other's eyes.

Harvey leans in and lets his lips softly brush against hers again. Her hands frame his face while his hands move down her body until he grabs her ass tightly, causing Donna to squeal. Harvey chuckles into the kiss and presses her thin frame closer to him. Even though they seem to have sorted everything out he still feels the need to make sure that she is not going anywhere.

The kiss becomes more urgent and needy and Harvey knows that if they don't stop soon, he will just take her right there on the terrace. It wouldn't be the best place for their first time in twelve years but he wouldn't be against just making her his right there. Donna's hands caress through his hair as their tongues get reacquainted. Harvey lets out a moan when one of her hands moves down his body and cups his arousal through his pants.

"Donna-" he tries to get her to stop her ministrations but it's difficult for him to form a proper sentence when his brain seems to have shut down completely. She just continues to stroke him, not caring that anyone who looks out from the ballroom can see them.

The vibration and ring of Harvey phone finally make them break away from each other before they can go too far. Harvey takes his phone out of the pocket of his jacket that Donna is still wearing. He sees that he has a text from Mike, and he opens it.

M: Where did you and Donna disappear to? Did I really forget to make sure that you don't *cough* Donna at the wedding?

Harvey chuckles before he lets go of Donna and slightly turns away from her to answer Mike. Donna stands behind him with her arms around his torso placing sucking kisses to his neck while looking over Harvey's shoulder to read the conversation he and Mike are having.

H: I'll talk to you tomorrow, Mike. I have more important issues to deal with right now.

He smiles and puts the phone in the front pocket of his pants. He turns back around to her and puts his arms around her firmly. She looks at him with a teasing smile.

"So I am an issue for you?" she teases.

"You never were and never will be. The issue right now is that I am not sure I am going to be able to hold back showing you how much I love you until we are home." He looks at her sheepishly.

Donna shakes her head and laughs at the look he is giving her. "You did it for twelve years. You can do it fifteen minutes longer."

Donna takes his hand in hers and pulls him back into the building where she catches a glimpse of Rachel looking at her. She turns her head to her friend and gives her a smile that explains everything before walking to the coat closet to get their jackets. Their friends will understand if they go now. She knows they will want to know every detail in the morning, but she couldn't care less in this very moment, with Harvey next to her on the way to her apartment.


Halfway to Donna's apartment Harvey reaches over to her, takes her face in his hands, and pulls her into a kiss. Now that he's felt her lips again, he just can't hold back.

They are both so distracted with each other that they don't notice anything that is happening around them until the cab driver nudges Harvey's shoulder.

"Sir, we are at your destination," the driver says with a slightly annoyed tone.

Donna and Harvey pull away from each other. After he pays for their ride, giving the guy a huge tip, they stumble out of the car and over to Donna's building.

As soon as the doors of the elevator close Harvey has Donna pushed up against the wall. Their lips are fused together. He grinds his hips into her to show her what she does to him just by being next to him. How simply the thought of what they are about to do makes him hard for her.

Somehow they make it out of the elevator and inside of Donna's apartment. They are finally alone and have the freedom to do what they both have been craving for so long.

Their jackets are abandoned on the floor at the front door. They stumble along her corridor, hands roaming each other's bodies.

On the way to her bedroom, more clothes are shed leaving a path in their wake.

Arriving in her bedroom Donna is left in only her panties while Harvey is still wearing his dress pants. They pull away, out of breath, and take a step back from to take a long look at the other. Harvey lets his eyes wander from her face to her now naked lips, and along her neck where he can see some faint bruises from him sucking on her soft skin relentlessly. His eyes continue, down to her breast. He hasn't seen them in twelve years and his gaze is fixed on them taking in how full and well-formed her breasts are. He can't pull his gaze away now studying her nipples.

Donna feels his stare and slowly crosses her arms in front of her chest. It's not like she isn't comfortable with the way she looks. She always kept up her yoga practice and knows she is good in shape. It's just a bit overwhelming to her. It's Harvey after all. She has been waiting for this moment for so long that now that it's here, it makes her more nervous than she ever thought it would.

Harvey reaches for her chin and makes her look up to him.

"You look beautiful, Donna. There is no need to hide anything from me. Remember, it's not like I haven't seen you before," he teases her which makes her chuckle lightly, "...and I can tell you with all honesty that you look even more gorgeous now than back in the day." The smile on his face is genuine and convincing. Donna loosens her grip and lets her arms fall back to her sides again.

Moments later his hands are on her breasts squeezing them.


"What you didn't want me to just stare at them the whole time. So I figured I should do other things with them?" He smirks and leans in to place a kiss on her pouty lips.

Donna takes advantage of the fact that he's distracted with the kiss and slowly kneading her breasts to push his hands away from her. She steps back from him and looks up and down his body.

He is surprised at her move and smirks when he sees her scanning his body now. Her face looks like she is trying to figure out if something about him has changed or as if she is thinking of what to do next.

"Like what you see?" Harvey asks her since she is still just looking at him a few minutes later.

"I do. But take those pants off. I want to see the whole picture," she commands. Now she is the one smirking.

He opens the button, pulls down the zipper, lets his pants fall down to the ground. He steps out of them and kicks them to the side. His boxers outline his hard erection.

Donna's view moves down and she bites her lip when she sees how hard he is just for her. She can't wait to feel him again. She steps forward and takes his face in her hands and connects their lips in a passionate kiss. They both love to tease each other but she can't hold back anymore. She needs to feel him now.

His hands are all over her body caressing every inch of soft skin he can reach. Her hands are around his shoulders, holding him close to her while their tongues are fighting a battle. His hands are on her ass while he kisses down her neck and moves them to her bed.

Her calves touch the mattress and he pushes her into the cushions. Harvey looks down at her laying on the bed right in front of him. He leans over her and pulls her panties down her long legs. Laying down between her spread legs Harvey looks up at Donna who is smirking at him.

"Are you going to show me now how much you love me, Harvey?" she whispers teasingly.

"Oh, you can count on it!" he breathes out before diving between her thighs where she needs him the most, sucking on her delicate lips.


Donna wakes up from the weight that is laying on her chest. She squints trying to adjust to the light that is sneaking through the curtains. It's early and the sun is just rising. A look to her right tells her that this time Harvey didn't leave. He is fast asleep with his arm draped over her. She smiles at that.

Donna turns around, trying not to wake him up, and positions her head on her hand so she can watch him sleep for a little while. She just doesn't want their bubble to burst just yet. That fact that he stayed tells her that he did mean what he had told her last night but it still scares the shit out of her that he could wake up and change his mind.

But something deep inside of her tells her that he won't, yet you can never be sure with him. Harvey looks so peaceful. It's a complete contrast to last night. They weren't peaceful at all. Donna had stopped counting the times he had made her come. It had felt amazing. It was like he still knew every single detail from years ago how to drive her crazy. The spot between her neck and her shoulder that he had sucked without mercy. How his hands caressed her breasts and how he had sucked on her nipples until she was whimpering for more. The moment when he had finally thrust into her felt even better than she'd remembered. The way he filled her completely, nearly made her come without him even moving. It was perfect.

Donna is so deep in her thoughts that she doesn't notice that Harvey is awake and smiling at her.

"Good morning, Beautiful," he says with his raspy morning voice.

Donna looks at him with the surprise visible on her face. She gives him a smile.

"Morning, Handsome."

They smile at each other like stupid idiots in love. Their lips meet moments later in a sweet kiss.

"This is definitely the best morning I have had in a long while. What do you say you take a shower and I make us some breakfast?" Harvey offers.

"I would really like that. But don't set my kitchen on fire!" she laughs before pecking his lips again and slipping out of bed. She turns her head and sees him staring at her. "Stop staring!" she giggles. "You already saw all of me last night. It's nothing new and if you behave I'ill maybe allow you to see it again later today." A smirk is plastered across her face.

"It's not like you could resist me, now that you have me." Harvey matches her teasing tone.

"You may be right about that." She considers with a smile. "Now get to the kitchen. I am starving so have breakfast ready when I come out," she sasses back at him before disappearing into the direction of her bathroom.

Harvey groans, but gets out of bed anyway. He puts on his boxers that somehow landed on the other end of the room and heads to the kitchen to prepare them something to eat.

Half an hour later Donna walks into the living room to the smell of pancakes. She hears Harvey moving around stuff in the kitchen before he walks out with two plates with pancakes and syrup. He places them on the round table and heads back to get the coffee he had prepared. Harvey smiles when he sees Donna standing in the middle of the room just looking at him with the biggest smile.

"Come here before the pancakes get cold!"

Harvey and Donna sit down next to each other and Donna intertwines their hands. They eat quietly until they hear Harveys phone chirps, announcing a new message. Seconds later Donna's phone makes the same sound. They look at each other and start laughing knowing exactly from who these texts are from.

Donna stands up without letting go of Harvey's hand so she pulls him with her and they both pick up their phones from the floor at the entrance of Donna's apartment. Walking back to the table they unlock their phones and smile at the messages.

R: Call me as soon as possible! I want to know everything! And I mean everything! I am so happy for you, Donna!

M: Guess I forgot to make sure you didn't *cough* Donna at the wedding...It's about time, dumb ass!

Their heads turn to each other and they lean in for a kiss before answering their friends messages.

D: Thank you, Rachel. I will tell you everything before you leave but right now I'm a little busy...?

H: Mike. Very funny, shithead. Now leave us alone.

Later they sit on the couch, Donna snug in Harvey's arms while he holds her close to him. "If someone would've told me yesterday morning that today I would be sitting here with you listening to you tell me that you love me, I would've laughed in their face. This is so much more than I ever could've imagined."

"Yet here we are," Harvey says, placing a kiss on her head. "And I want to be this close to you for the rest of my life. I love you, Donna."

"I love you too, Harvey."

Love doesn't always go the most conventional way, and it may appear different for every person, but one thing that always stays the same: It changes your definition of home. It's not simply a place anymore. It's the person next to you that softly whispers nonsense in your ear to make you laugh and holds you close at night with an I love you falling from their lips.