AN: Hello! Just a random story idea I had for some time now and finally decided to write it. Let me know what you think and of course I don't own anything.

As for the cover art I think this might be from the RWBY manga, but I could be wrong. Feel free to let me know as I couldn't find a proper source.

Chapter 1: The Conjuring

Jaune had just finished unpacking in his apartment when he heard his scroll vibrate on the kitchen table. The apartment complex he lived in was within short walking distance and only slightly more expensive than the dorms Beacon had. While Jaune wasn't necessarily antisocial he liked the idea of not having a roommate and figured he would be meeting plenty of people from campus here anyway, since he could already tell he wasn't the only one who liked the idea of having a small place to themselves.

Sighing happily he was glad to be done moving in and now was just in time to enjoy the weekend before starting classes Monday. Glancing at the kitchen counter, he picked up his scroll.

"A text from an unknown number huh?" Jaune circled up his inbox and clicked on the message.

"When the clock strikes midnight chant the words down below three times. This spell is only effective for you. Do so and you'll meet those who keep watch over the damned. They will be bound to you for eternity."

Talk about being a dramatic and cryptic fucker. Seriously what was this shit?

After that warning was a paragraph of words Jaune was pretty sure weren't in his native tongue. Looking at the time he noticed it was also five to midnight.

Was this some kind of weird prank? A random chain letter?

Feeling dumb he decided he would try it just for the heck of it. After all, what did he have to lose?

Waiting patiently for Midnight Jaune recited the strange words three times and once he was done, he waited.

"Well, what was I expecting?" Placing his scroll back onto the kitchen counter he decided to go take a leak.

Upon entering the bathroom, he closed the door, of course he was the only one in the bathroom, but he still did it as a force of habit. He soon finished his business and went to the sink to wash his hands. It was in there in the bathroom mirror, he froze at what he saw.

A girl stood behind him. She looked to be about his age, maybe a year older? Her eyes glowed green with a red hue. The bathroom lights went off suddenly and the girl giggled. Lightning flashed outside the bathroom window that seemed to illuminate long shadowy wings attached to the girls back along with small red horns and a tail with a heart shaped tip. It seemed these things were only visible when lighting flashed because once the lights turned themselves on, they were no longer visible.

And why the fuck did someone install a window to the outside in the same place you'd take a shit?

Jaune stood there frozen in terror at the intruder, but his fright was hardly over yet as his bathroom door swung open widely.


Jaune jumped as another girl scared the living shit out of him.

Ah, shit! I have no way out. Did that spell really summon demons?

"I think you made him shit himself Melanie." The first girl stated. She looked a lot like the second girl but had shorter hair and was dressed in red and black.

"I don't smell anything Miltia." The second girl shrugged. She had long black hair and was dressed in all white.


The twin demons looked back at him.

"Um, you summoned us duh. Can't we have a little fun with how we go about getting to you?" The one known as Miltia asked before her eyes looked down. "Oh, your zipper is still down by the way."

Looking down he quickly zipped it up. "So…You two are actually demons!?"

"Yep. I guess we are your new roommates now. Nice place you got here." Melanie replied.

"Roommates? No way I'm letting two strangers just live here." The blond stated as he pushed passed Melanie and moved to the corner of the apartment in an effort to put distance between him and the intruders.

"I mean we are bound to you now. Didn't you read the message?" Milita stated walking out of the bathroom to stand side by side with what Jaune could guess was her twin sister.

"I am so confused…" Jaune muttered.

"Want to see a cool trick?" Miltia asked randomly. Before Jaune could answer she blinked, and her eyes were pure black orbs with not pupils before she blinked again and her eyes reverted back to normal.

"What the fuck?"

"Was that really necessary Miltia?"

She shrugged. "What? I always love to see how humans react when we do that. Jaune didn't freak out as much as I thought he would though…" She admitted disappointed.

"Okay, that's it! Give me one reason not to call the cops right now?" The blond asked.

"We can get you laid."

"Your scroll is over here."

The twins blurted out their responses at the same time.

Jaune's eye twitched. Only one of those was a good reason.

"And the cops would never believe two demons broke into my apartment…" He sighed realizing another important fact.

"Yep. We kind of got all these cool ass powers too." Melanie smirked before disappearing before his eyes and reappearing next to him, damn near giving him a heart attack again.

Miltia walked over to his couch and made herself at home on it. "Just relax and enjoy our company. Believe me, even Hell gets boring after a while and it's nice to be back up top again."

"But why? Why did I get the spell sent to me of all people anyway? I'm just an average Joe…Or Jaune in this case."

Melanie sighed. "Look, this is a lot for you to take in. For now, just relax and don't sweat the other stuff. For now, let's go out and do something fun? You're in college now and don't have class until Monday, so let's party!"

"Party!? You two still just broke into my apartment and scared the shit out of me and now you want to party?"

"Actually, you invited us in by chanting that spell…" Miltia pointed out.

Jaune deadpanned. She did have a point…

"Okay, who sent me that spell anyway?" He asked finally having the courage to walk over and grab his scroll.

"Our boss. You'll meet him soon enough and he can introduce himself." The demon in white replied.

Jaune sighed. "I guess I'm not getting anything more out of you too… Fine you too can share the couch, I guess. I'm not going out to party with you either."


"What!? You're not going to let two fine ass girls like us at least share the bed with you?"

"Uh, no. I'm not. You're lucky I'm even letting you stay here at all. I don't want your demon aids" the blond admitted.

The twins scoffed.

"Demon aids? For your information we demons don't get diseases." Melanie replied joining her sister on his couch.

Like he was going to trust a demon to be truthful on something like that. "Right…Whatever you say. Well I'm going to bed. Good night!"


"You're just going to leave us sitting out here?!"

"Yep." He responded before closing his bedroom door.

Silence followed. It was all too much to take in and part of him was still terrified. He half expected the girls to materialize in front of him but as time passed it looked like they weren't going to. He still couldn't let his guard down and he doubted he would actually get any sleep tonight. What was he thinking letting two strange girls have the run of his new apartment like this?

Still it didn't seem like there was really anything he could do about it now. All he could hope for was they didn't trash the place, have a wild party, invite more demons, and kill him in his sleep…. If he did get any sleep of course.

Jaune was probably the most surprised mother fucker in the world right now. Not only did he manage to get some sleep, he wasn't killed in said sleep so maybe they weren't so bad after all? Still seemed like wishful thinking, but at least he made it okay for the first night he supposed.

The girl's eyes flickered open as they got up off the couch and stretched.

"So, demons actually sleep huh?" He asked.

"We don't have to, but we can. Seemed less boring this just sitting here and waiting for you to wake up." Melanie grumbled.

"I can't believe you didn't even fuck one of us." Miltia added.

Jaune rolled his eyes. "Sorry I don't put out like that. Would you honestly have let me if I wanted to?"

The girl in red shrugged. "Sure, why not? I mean why else would you summon and have us bound to you forever?"

"Well I honestly didn't think it would work and plus I didn't know it would be two female demons like you." He admitted.

"Yeah, well you should never try this kind of stuff just to see if it works. Could end up pretty bad for you. But what's done is done so you're stuck with us now mother fucker." Melanie grinned.

"Fair point…So does this mean you get my soul when I die?" The blond asked nervously.

"Na, we aren't really into the whole taking your soul thing anymore. But you will be stuck with us when you die…So I'll leave what that means to your imagination."

"I see…"

He really didn't.

The demon twins weren't the most informative. And it was true, it was his fault for something them in the first place even if he doubted the spell would work. So, now what? They did more than prove they had supernatural powers at this point.

"So, can we go into town and get breakfast? You don't have much in your fridge…" Milita asked as she pulled a comb from seemingly nowhere and started to comb her hair.

"So, demons eat now too?"

"We can, but don't have to. But we do miss eating in the human realm…it's been awhile since we were here."

"I guess. Would be easier if I had a car. I'm pretty broke right now." He watched Melanie get off the couch and sense what she was about to suggest. "And no, I don't do teleportation. That sounds freaky as hell, especially to a fragile human like me."

"We could get you a car…"

"I'd be interested if it was one that didn't belong to someone."

"I can make that work. Just give me like twenty minutes?" Miltia offered.

"Really?" Jaune wasn't sure if they were serious at first, but he had to admit he was curious.

"Yep. Be back ASAP." She winked and soon vanished into nothingness.

True to her word the crazy red demoness reappeared around twenty minutes later and seemed rather pleased with herself.

"I'm back." And before Jaune could even ask Miltia answered. "No, the car isn't stolen…It's in the parking garage."

Jaune sighed. "I can't believe this is actually happening…Can't wait to see what you picked out for me." The fact he could say that out loud and take this whole thing even remotely seriously weighed heavily on his sanity. After all he had just seen the girl vanish and materialize out of nowhere at will. Not to mention the shadow wings, horns, and tail that could apparently only be seen in the dark during lighting strikes.

This is fucking crazy...

The trio took turns in the shower and despite them offering to join him, he was perfectly happy showering by himself. Soon enough the trio made their way out of Jaunes apartment and down to the parking garage. Of course, if he really did have a car now, he wondered if he was going to have the parking fee added to his rent every month now.

Jaune cringed with disbelief when he saw it. Not only did Miltia manage to get him a car that was somehow not stolen from somewhere or someone…It was a 1970s customized white Cadillac.

"Really Milita? What do you think Jaune is? A pimp?" Melanie asked, raising an eyebrow.

The red demoness crossed her arms. "What? I like it."

Jaune rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Just give me the keys."

She handed him the keys with a satisfied smirk. Never trust a demon to get you something the saying went, and he really should have listened. There is always a catch.

"Shotgun!" Melanie yelled.

"Ah, no! You're in the back." Jaune replied.

Milita stuck her tongue out at her sister only to be told off by Jaune as well.

"You too. I don't trust ether of you to be riding next to me." He remarked before getting into the driver's seat.

"Lame." The twins scoffed before getting into the car.

As they took off down the road towards town Jaune found the car drove a lot smoother than what he had anticipated but it still took a bit of getting used to. The last twelve hours had been the strangest moments of his life and he hadn't eaten anything since the following afternoon. He wasn't too happy about magically having two extra bodies in his small apartment now and made him wonder now what the point of not getting a dorm was. At least these two were attractive and had decent personalities as far as demons were concerned anyway.

Every time Jaune looked into the rear-view mirror, he saw the twins doing something stupid and obscene. It started with just making dumb faces, but eventually Melanie flashed him, and he had very mixed feelings about that.

"I swear to God I will drive this car off the bridge."

"You'd be the only one to get hurt and probably die." Melanie countered unphased.

"Come now dear sister. I suppose we shouldn't distract him so much while he is driving…Despite how much fun it is." Miltia giggled.

"I guess. But his face when he saw my tits." Melanie laughed. "I bet that was the first time the poor guy's ever seen some boob in person."

Jaune flushed. "It is not! I'll have you know I'm not a virgin ether thank you very much."

The twin's eyes lit up.

"Oh? Do tell."

"Yeah, spill the juicy details."

"No!" He replied as he parked at the restaurant. "It's a bit too personal to share with a couple of girls I just met."

"Oh, come on Jaune. You can't tell us that and then not give us anything else." Melanie complained as they got out of the car.

"You're the one who brought it up. I'm not obligated to go any further with the likes of you." Jaune deflected.

"Lame." The twins muttered in unison.

Despite Jaune's best efforts and the initial shock from everything he was starting to get the feeling this was going to be a very long eternity with them.

Ruby had just started her shift at the restaurant she worked at part time. And although the morning shift sucked it was still the most convenient. She had even gone to bed early the previous night so after she got out of work today, she would get ready to party tonight. Having Sundays off was always the best.

She quickly spotted a familiar face along with two other unfamiliar faces. They appeared to be twins or at the very least sisters who looked a lot alike. They were gorgeous. Seemed like Jaune had been making new friends pretty quickly…

"Hey Jaune." Ruby greeted. "Can I take your order?"

"Oh, hey Ruby. I didn't know you worked here…" The blond greeted back.

"Yep. Just started not too long ago for a part time job. I see you've been busy yourself." She smiled at the two girls politely. "New friends of yours?" Ruby inquired innocently.

Jaune started to answer. "They are- "but one of the twins quickly cut him off.

"We are his sub and dom."

Jaune looked like he was going to strangle the girl.

"Sub and dom!? What the fuck?" He asked the twin in red.

"Oh, I'm sorry master, please forgive me for speaking out of turn. Please don't punish me too hard when we get back daddy." She replied.

The twin in white sighed. "Yeah, Jaune is always so rough with her and in turn he loves it when I get rough with him. It's a great relationship we got going on. You have no idea how hard it is to find a good switch."

Jaune looked like he wanted to kill someone as his face was turning red.

"Ruby please ignore them. They love to cause chaos and misunderstanding in my life, it seems like… They are just friends of mine." The blonde explained before gesturing to the short haired girl in red. "This is Miltia." And gesturing to the long haired girl in white. "And this is her twin sister Melanie"

"Uh, nice to meet you both. I'm Ruby. Glad to see Jaune is finally starting to make some new friends." She smiled nervously. The two definitely seemed pretty comfortable with Jaune.

"So, Ruby do you know who Jaune lost his virginity too?" Milita asked randomly. "Was it you!? You're a hottie so I could see it. You're definitely my type if I swung that way."

Ruby wasn't sure what Milita meant by that complement but quickly flustered a bit at her question. "Ahhh…. It's not my place to answer that I don't think."

Jaune placed his hand over his face. "You know what Ruby? Could you please give us a few minutes? I don't think we are ready to order just yet."

"Sure thing." Ruby smiled and walked away to go wait on another table.

"Oh, Jaune don't punish me too hard here. We are in public… Jaune you're being so rough with me…" Ruby heard Milita moan from behind her. Blushing she couldn't help but wonder if these two really were trouble or not.

"Shut the hell up Milita. People are starting to stare and get the wrong idea!"

AN: Thanks for reading and remember kids, don't do magic spells from strangers. Probably doesn't end well.