"I met someone" She said distractedly, staring at the wall in front of her.

"Well...you're always meeting people...it's what you do Chlo." She chuckled awkwardly not liking where this was heading. She sat up instantly and pulled the sheets up covering her body.

"Mmm yeah... but it's- it's not like that... I think...well I guess... I don't know maybe she may be the one?" Chloe rumbles as she felt her heart stop.


"You are asking me or telling me?" She blurted out bitterly.

This isn't happening.

"Why do you sound so upset?" She turned around to face Beca's bare back. The latter was trying to stay composed. She didn't want to give any feelings right away.

"How long?" The brunette asked while looking for her discarded clothes around her room still not facing the redhead girl.

"How long?" She asked back dumbly.

"Yes Chloe, how long have you known her? Have you been screwing her while screwing me?"

"Beca we... you know we aren't exclusive...this- you and me..." Beca turned around this time.


"We aren't exclusive but we were friends Chloe... we are supposed to respect each other. You should've told me! You can't go fucking people and not tell me! That's just fucking gross. The fuck is wrong with you?"

"I'm sorry but I felt it wasn't a big deal when I met her...but now..."

"Not a big deal she says...what about stds Chloe? Uh? Thought of that? Ever stopped and think of me for a sec? Of course not because who the fuck cares about Beca. Beca the disposable one. Beca the after thought. The fucking good friend who no one really cares about but is always fucking there!"

"I care about you ok?! How can you say that?!"

"Great way of showing it. Fucking great."

"You are blowing this way out of proportion Beca!" The redhead bite back.

"Oh am I? Am I being a lil bit too dramatic for you now? I guess that trait is only reserved for you. This is bullshit. I'm out." She said moving around her bed trying to think of stuff she needs but her mind was clouded. She wanted to run away.

"What do you want me to do? Talk to me please!" Chloe said urgently.

"Choose me! Why am I not enough for you? Why? What is so wrong with me that you don't want me, all of me? You found another woman Chloe...You told me you didn't want a relationship because I was a woman and didn't want to deal with your family or your friends about it...but it was because of me wasn't it?"


"I've had my heart broken by a lot of people...but you're the only one who managed to do it twice and I let it...I let it because I loved you. I let you fucked up my life because I loved you I fucking stayed in this fucking city for you. Because I loved you...I'm so stupid...no wonder people drop me like yesterday's paper...I'm an idiot."

"Beca please...let me explain,"

"What? What is there to explain? You used me, you've been using me all this time! and I, like the moron I am accepted it while you where looking for the perfect 'one'...am i way off? Your silence is a dead give away I'm right. So spare me. Have a good life."

Chloe plopped down on the mattress. Tears running through her face. What a mess she made

Beca moved quickly picking up her rucksack not giving Chloe a second glance. She slammed the door so hard a picture frame fell from the wall.

It was a picture of them at the beach in front of Chloe's parents house. It was from a year ago. It was taken the day before Beca asked Chloe to be her girlfriend. The day before Chloe had said no because they worked better as friends and she wasn't into girls like that and didn't want to deal with the issue even if they had already kissed and done other things. The day before Chloe Beale broke Beca's heart for the first time.

Two days after that picture was taken Beca disappeared for the rest of the summer. She didn't cut contact with anyone... but no one reached out either. She considered the girls from her Acapella team as friends...but she always felt like the odd one out. Sure they were grateful for the music she made...but that's about it. The only ones who apparently truly cared were Emily and Chloe.

And that's why she fell in love with her.

That's why she agreed upon returning to move in with Chloe in a shit hole apartment in New York. That's why she accepted Chloe's apology for what went down during the summer.

Because she loved her.

Now, she didn't know who to turn for solace... She was completely alone. No parents, no friends no nothing. No one to help her go back into the apartment to get her stuff. No one to hold her while she cries.

And she never cries. She can count the times in one hand. Her grandmas death. Her parents divorce. Her mother's death. Chloe breaking her heart...twice.

Time to move on.

She decided to crash at the studio. There's a couch and no one was schedule this particular weekend. She started planing her next move while walking. She didn't have time to waste. First thing come Monday she'll ask her boss for relocation the further away the better. Then, she'll wait until 10am when Chloe goes to the clinic to go back to the apartment and pack her things and move it to a hotel near the studio. Then is just waiting.


"You sure you want this?"

"I do...trust me."

"Ok...I'm sad to see you go, but you'll do great over there. I'll visit from time to time, maybe Christmas."

"I know you will. Thank you Theo. I'll make you proud, promise."

"Shut up, you already did. Now go get your stuff together so we can buy your ticket."


It was ten fifteen when she opened the door. Only bad memories came to mind. She payed and intern to help out with her stuff. She just needed the basics. Equipment, toiletries, clothes, her memory box with her mom and grandma's things, her save and a few records.

Anthony was behind her.

"What did you forget now?"

The unfamiliar voice cut through Beca's heart like a samurai sword.

"Oh! I thought..." the stranger stop herself.

"Whatever, excuse me" said Beca walking to her bedroom.

It was like she left it on Saturday. Except the bed was made. Her clothe were washed and folded.

The unfamiliar being approached them but stay at the door. "You are the roommate?"

Beca slammed the door at her face.

"Ok Tony, we have an hour to pack...let's go."

And so they did. They worked like clockwork. Bags packed, equipment secure, records and valuables in a box. Time to leave.

Tony started moving things outside the apartment while Beca checked for stuff she might've left in Chloe's room. She found a bunch of t-shirts and sweatshirts and a box of flash drives filled with her music. She took them with her.

"Hey hey what are you doing? That's Chloe's!" Argued the unfamiliar being.

"Not that is any of your business but these are all mine. So please shut up."

"What's your problem bitch?!"

"You are my problem!" Don't be petty Beca...do not be petty...Too late. "But before I go I have to ask...do you have any STDs I should be aware off? Because if there is...I will send you and Chloe my doctors bill."

That was petty...but she didn't care.

"What do you mean? What are you talking about?" Asked thisperson angrily.

She didn't know? What a shame...

Oh well.

"Ask Chloe." She winked.

She was out.

No more Chloe. No more stranger. No more heartbreak. No more suffering.


Chloe came home later that afternoon to find her apartment completely quiet.


That's her name.

She was shredding her coat walking past Beca's room when she stopped dead in her tracks.

She found Jenn. She was crying. She was holding what looked like two pieces of paper.

"Jenn baby, what are you doing in here?" Just then, Chloe realized the room was almost empty. Beca came back.

"Why didn't you tell me? Hell! Were you ever gonna tell me about her?" Jenn snapped.


"I... I didn't know how to...I ended things with her! For you! For us..." Chloe said remorseful.

"You fucking lied to me. You fucking lied to her. Who are you? God i thought you were different. I'm going home...this is for you...I will call you when I'm ready."

"Jenn come on! Please don't leave please not you too! Please!"

"This is all on you and your selfishness Chloe. This girl...you've destroyed her...I need time to think."

She moved past Chloe leaving the redhead crying her eyes out.

What was wrong with her? When did she become this person? When did she hurt people? She felt ugly. She felt despicable.

She looked down at Beca's bed...there were pictures of them together. They looked so happy...Beca look so beautiful and carefree. And so did she. So why couldn't Chloe commit to her? Why did she let herself fall for Jenn? Why, when she knew she loved Beca?

There was a note.

It was Beca's.

"I hope you get the help you need. And as much as I hate that woman and you, she doesn't deserve what you've put me through. Burn everything I left behind. I don't need it where I'm going."


The sobs didn't stopped that night.


Five years later.

The bellas post-Alice always managed to get together once a year. Usually, the reunions were in Atlanta but this time it was in LA, since most of them finally set some roots over there.

Every year Chloe would ask about Beca. But every year she got the same answer.

"We couldn't find her"

This year though, one particular Bella had enough.

They were all chatting at Aubrey's condo when Emily finally found her voice.

"What happened between you and Beca?" She said directly at Chloe startling her. Other eyes snapping between them like a ping pong match.

"What? Why do you think she disappeared because of me?" Chloe huffed.

"Oh... i don't know, because it happened before? And because you two were living together at the time?"

"What do you mean about before? Chloe, what is she talking about?" Aubrey intervene. Catching all the attention.

"Legacy, stop. She left. Why should we care? She didn't care about us." Amy said annoyed.

"What the hell are you talking about? She made us win like every time. She stood up to Aubrey for you guys. She went to jail because of you Amy! Yeah Beca told me. So this is what I don't get...she was happy with you...what made her leave Chloe?"

"Yeah...I'm with Em here... I feel guilty because I wasn't the friend I was supposed to be...but I do wonder what made her leave...like with no trace..." Stacie added.

Chloe's whole demeanor changed. She began crying. Pure guilt.

"Chloe? Talk to us?" Aubrey said softly.

And Chloe talked.

And talked.

And cried.

She cried a lot.

The bellas too.

They were mad at Chloe but also at themselves. Emily left, she didn't want to deal with Chloe. She wanted her friend back. She kept trying to reach Beca but "we are not allowed to disclose our employees information" was all she got from the studio. She stayed in the music circuit just to keep tabs but it was like Beca Mitchell was gone. Puff. Vanished.

She stayed in her car no one knows for how long until someone tapped on her window.

It was Stacie.

"Are you ok?" The older brunet asked.

"No. No I'm not Stacie. I'm pissed and I'm sad. I feel like such a bad friend. How awful was I that Beca didn't tried calling me? How alone must've been for her Stace... She is alone. No family, no friends... I can't help but feel all this guilt."

"Hey no... we are all at fault here. Specially Chloe who made it seemed like Beca leaving was normal. God knows I'm pissed too. But I know Chloe loves her. Still does. She was just being an immature asshole."

"Yeah well... that immature asshole cost me a friend."

"Well...let's find her."

"I tried...trust me I tried a while back! I even stalked her old boss...that Theo guy. It was pointless."

"Yeah but you didn't have the resources back then...now you do because we are in this together ok? Let's find the hobbit." Emily wiped her face.

"Ok. Ok let's do it." The younger brunette nodded.

"Com'er" Stacie went on to hug her.


Aubrey went silent. She couldn't believe what went down between her best friend and Beca. Sure their relationship wasn't the greatest but Beca didn't deserve all that heartache.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before..." Chloe said shyly. They were alone now.

"I gotta be honest here Chloe...what you did was beyond fucked up. You played her like a cheap toy...what's up with that? Didn't you love her enough to respect her as a human being at least?"

"Of course I loved her. I do until this day. I...I can't explain what was wrong with me at the time. I was young immature. Stupid! You name it. And I'm so ashamed."

"Have you tried therapy?"


"Therapy Chloe. You clearly need to work on some issues you don't even know you have. You still don't know why you acted the way you did. If we ever find Beca you at least owe her an explanation. A good one."

"I will think about it...promise"

"That's all I ask." The blonde said with finality.


"Pick up pick up pick up!" Emily muttered.

"Gooo for Conrad!"

"It's me! I found her! I know where she is! She changed her name," Emily stressed.

"Hold up holdup. You did? How?" Stacie asked bewildered.

"I-I looked to throughout all the branches of Residual Heat, even the tiny studios with the tinniest affiliations...she's a producer in London. She's a big deal but there's no picture with her face. She's won like a shit ton of awards Stacie, she was under our noses."

"Beca Fuckin Mitchell...how?"

"You mean Michelle Bacet..."

"Oh damn. We are so damn stupid. She totes don't looked like a Michelle what in the hell.."

"Who cares, we gotta get our move on. Pack your bags we are going to London."

"On it! Mail you the deets. You are amazing Em..,truly." Stacie said with so much affection It made Emily blushed.

"Yeah well...just five years too late,"

"Hey...is better than nothing. I'll meet you at the airport when I sort things out. Bye love ya"

"You too,"

Emily felt the nerves set in. Fuck it, this is for Beca.



"I kinda feel bad we didn't tell the others..." Emily said walking down Green park to their destination in Picadilly with Half Moon Street.

"Is better this way Em...first of all, you don't owe anyone an explanation for what you do on your time. And two, this could go wrong in so many ways...so many. Is best to not get their hopes up. Besides shortcake might feel ambushed...is better this way."

"Thank you Stace...really I don't know what I would do without you..." Stacie smiled broadly at the younger brunette.

"Well, since we are here...you can treat me with a nice dinner with a view? Duck and Waffle or Sky Garden?"

Emily blushed. "Totally...you deserve that and more. Tomorrow?"

"Sounds like a plan...now let's get our acting on...I hope my degree in law makes this believable. Follow my lead." Stacie said approaching the building they were looking for.


Beca was at her desk going through some contracts. The only downside of being the boss was the paperwork. But it was nice and quiet. She made it. She actually made it without anyone's help. She felt proud but really lonely. She had a girlfriend now...but she wasn't feeling the relationship...well she hasn't felt anything since they started dating two years ago...but the company is welcome she guesses.

Her office phone rings.

"Yes, Beth?"

"Miss Bacet...there's two lovely ladies here asking for you...they are from...oh ok they are from Morgan&Conrad...they say is imperative they talk to you about some copyright issues...they say they sent papers but there's nothing here..."

"WHAT? Jesus... Let them in! Get legal on the phone quickly."

"You can go in" Beth whispered "I'm calling Newton right now."

Beca hanged up. But then the realization of one of the last names came crushing hard over her.

"No no no no no fuck!" She instantly got a headache. She turned around and bend down trying to steady herself. Her breathing was more and more erratic.

She felt the door open softly. She heard a sigh.

"Oh Becs...we are not here to sue you or kill you...well maybe the first one because my partner here had some PTSD with you disappearing like that. But cut the dramatics down a notch?"


"Becs... are you ok?"


Whats the point in holding back. She broke down right then and there. Emily being the beautiful baby giraffe she was, was next to Beca in a second with her hand on her back drawing calming circles. Whispering that everything was going to be ok.

Stacie approach them a bit later. She crunched down in front of beca, hands cupping her face. "Becs i need you to calm down and breath. Please. You are making Emily cry and I know you hated seeing that when we were younger. And so do I so don't make me hit you. Ok? Better?" Beca nodded rapidly.

"So-sorry What why...Why are you guys here? Is Chloe ok?"

"Actually...we don't know...we've distanced ourselves from her...she told us...everything. Last we heard she's in therapy. But we were more concerned about you Michelle..."

Beca took a deep breath..."Yeah that...ok ok I'm good... wanna seat on the couch?" Beca said reaching for a water bottle inside her tiny fridge. "Hum.. you guys want something to drink?"

"Yeah, alcohol but that can wait. We want to know how are you...and we want to apologize...I personally sucked as a friend, I know we weren't that close but you were the only one who didn't judged me and actually listened to my problems... so I am truly sorry for Not staying in contact with you. I didn't even know what was up with you and Chloe. I would've slap the shit out of her, god knows I want to now..." Stacie finished.

"I've made my peace I've always been a loner...it's fine Stace...I get it... you don't have to apologize,"

"Yes I do Beca! You deserved better! Don't settle for less please."

"She's right Becs...I'm soo ashamed of myself... You took me under your wing when I was a lame freshmen and shaped my fucking life. All because of you, and I repaid you by not being there...that's fucked up... and I too am really sorry You had to go through all that by yourself..." Emily said with such remorse.

Beca let out a huge sigh.

"I'll be honest...I didn't expect you two to barge in here in a million years...I thought I was a distant memory...but thank you... thank you for caring..."

"I feel like we are too late...how can we make it up to you?" Emily asked. Stacie grabbed her hand squeezing it.

"There's nothing to make up. My problem isn't with you guys...is with Chloe or was I don't even know...is been to damn long. Just showing up means the world to be honest...how do you find me though?"

"This one should become a private detective... she found you... and we were so dumb to not figure out one of the most brilliant producers in the world is basically an acronym of your name...But Michelle really? Who told you you look like a Michelle?" Stacie chuckled.

Beca laughed finally relaxing. "Theo..."

"Turtle man of course...,you know I went on like three dates just to get him to talk about where you where? Gross..." Emily shiver.

"What?! Oh my god! He didn't tell me!"

"Did you sleep with him?" Stacie asked concerned. Beca just raised an eyebrow throwing Stacie a smirk. Stacie just mouthed "fuck you" to Beca making the producer laugh.

"Ew no, like I said. Gross. I, well...I like ghosted him...so don't bring it up..." Emily giggled.

"Ok so that's settle...you guys wanna go to lunch?" Beca asked.

"Yeah! Is my first time in London! I'm excited!" Emily squealed.

"Lead the way Michelle..." Stacie laughed.

"Shut up Satan. I'm still Beca..."

The three girls stood up and Emily couldn't help but hug Beca. Stacie soon followed.

Beca relaxed for the first time in years. She had friends. Real friends.

"Ugh let's go nerds."


Los Ángeles

"Chloe, you've been coming here twice a week for the last two months and yet you seem still so close off. There's something inside you forbidding you to feel. You mentioned before something about your aunt Clarice..."

"I did?" The redhead asked frowning.

"Yes. You said and I quote "She was the kindest person I knew...but after one Christmas I don't remember what year...she never came back. Must've had and argument with my dad" do you remember what happened?"

She gulped. She did. She totally did. How the brain works...amazing.

"I...I was twelve? Maybe thirteen...it was Christmas Eve...I-I heard someone knocking at the door...I opened it and my aunt was there with the brightest smile...someone else was there with her, a friend I don't remember her name...but she looked nervous I think...everyone was on high spirits but then there was silence...my...my grandma told me to leave...grown up talk she said...then I heard my dad yelling...my mom trying to calm him down. The woman saying she'll leave...my aunt fighting back at my dad...saying-saying to get over it, that this is her life... my grandma said she was a disgrace...a pervert...oh my god" Chloe gasped. She remembered...she remembered everything. She knew her parents wouldn't take the news of her being gay with open arms...but she totally erased from her memory her aunt and what went down that Christmas. They behaved like monsters...the only one defending her aunt was her mom...but no one else cared. They casted her aside.

They disowned her.

"It's ok Chloe. Our brain tend to block hurtful memories and events. It's a defense mechanism...but deep down you know something is wrong with your parents. That's why you were never honest about yourself, this is huge progress. You've cracked your own code. I'm proud of you"

"But my aunt...i-i never asked about her...she was so young back then she was in college...she was the baby of the family...everyone loved her but then they tossed her in seconds...how is that possible? How can a mother or a brother do that?! Why did i stayed quiet?"

"You were young. You depended on your parents. From what you've told me, you father's opinion matters and all throughout your life without you knowing he's shaped your path. You loved music but then went on to try vet school because he said being a music teacher wasn't enough. When you became a vet he, using your words, mocked you because you were a fake doctor. So five years ago when all went downhill with Beca and Jenn you took your father's words and enrolled in medical school and now you're starting your residency... you've spent your whole life pleasing your father. When will it stop?"

"I don't know... the only thing keeping me alive is the hospital...i know you think it was all my dad but i really really like it... i am the oldest one there but i feel like i belong... but you are right...he's a shadow constantly hovering...and I'm a coward incapable of telling him off! Im almost 34 years old goddamit!" She cries.

"What are you going to do about it? What do you feel needs to be done for you to move on and let all this go?"

"I wanna see my aunt...i want to come out to my parents no matter what happens. I owe it to myself and Beca. Even if she's not in my life anymore"

"Ok. I think you are on the right track... I'll see you next week."

"Thank you Rose. Thank you."



"So what happened to spark this 'woman hunt'?" Beca chuckled.

Emily sighed. "I confronted Chloe...it's been five years and i only got the courage now...im sorry Becs"

"Hey! Its ok its not your fault. I am actually grateful you came looking for me...you both. I've been lying to myself, repeating over and over that im ok, that I'm a loner but in reality im just lonely... i don't have a family. Theo is my only friend...i have a girlfriend but it's not going great...she's just company..."

"We know it's not completely our fault but we are sorry anyways. We were fooled by Chloe for so many years...it's ridiculous"

Beca began playing with the loose logo on her beer.

"What did she said happened?" Asked trying to be nonchalant.

The taller girls looked at each other. They had agreed on telling Beca everything because chances were Beca didn't want Chloe even after talking.

"She told us everything...what happened that summer...what happened after. She talked about this Jenn girl leaving her because she lied to her too. About how stubborn and nasty she was becoming without even noticing. How she hurt you without much thought and how embarrassed she was about it because...well because she loved you more than anything..."

Beca just nodded.

"We can stop," stacie added.

"No, please...continue,"

"She... she said it was never gonna work because she knew deep down her dad wouldn't have like the idea...then i asked about Jenn...she said her parents were never gonna meet her...but they knew you and her mom made a few comments that set alarm bells in her mind and she had to do something...she lied when she said Jenn was the one...it's you. And don't get me wrong i still want to beat the shit out of her but she really loves you...it's pretty is insane" finished Stacie.

"She really does Becs... it doesn't matter anymore but you should know...it was all fear and possibly denial" Said Emily.

Beca had a knot in her throat. She was feeling kind of dizzy.

"Thank you guys...really"

"Just so you know...all the bellas are with you...they miss you. Aubrey went off like she was crazy mad for a sec there." The younger brunette added.

"Woah really?"

"Yes Becs, we miss you! we all do. So whenever you find yourself in LA, call us...we are all there except for Amy, she still leaves in Little Rock" Stacie said reaching over to take Becas hand.

"Classic Ames," Beca blinked a few tears "thank you guys so much"

"We love you Becs. We are your sisters for life."

"You are. Thank you."


Los Ángeles.

Chloe pressed all the buttons on the front of the building...she didn't want to be rejected so soon. She heard a buzz and pushed the door open quickly.

"403...404...405 this is it...ok. Breath Chloe. You can do this."

She knocked.

A tall auburn hair woman with fair complexion and a lot of freckles opened the door.

"Can i hel- Chloe?!" She gasped.

"Clarice?" Chloe asked with a shaky voice.

The older woman pulled her in for a hug that Chloe reciprocated instantly.

"Oh my god Peachy, you are here! I thought i was never gonna see you again! Come on in!" She grabbed Chloes hand pulling her inside the apartment. It was beautiful and cozy. Full of photographs. Photographs of her aunts family...she recognized the girl from christmas.

"You remember Terry?" Chloe nodded "we got married in 2015 we were together for a long time before that...well you know...what brings you here Peachy?"

"It's been so long since i heard that name" Chloe said wiping a tear "im sorry. Im sorry for what they did to you. What they said... im so sorry"

"Oh honey. You don't have to apologize because of the others, in fact you shouldn't. That was between your father my mother and I. I am sorry though you had to listen to those awful things."

"Those words changed my life for the worse...and i didn't know it at the time. i blocked that day because i lost you but deep down i knew something awful happened. Thanks to my therapist i know why some aspects in my life don't work too well...and my healing journey starts with you. My family. My best friend since i could talk."

"I loved been there for you when we were little. The way you followed me around...i was so young when you were born that i felt like you were my little sister instead of my niece. I've missed you so much Peachy."

"Me too Clar. There's so much i wan to tell you..."

"Let me grab a bottle of wine... Terry and Grace will be coming later. Grace has soccer practice"

"Grace?" Chloe asked confused.

"My daughter. Chloe Grace Beale-Silvers, she's fourteen. We had her before we got married 'officially'"

"Oh my god! Tell me you didn't name her after the actress!" Chloe giggled.

"Hell no. We didn't knew that girl existed...but well... she answers to both names but separately, never together" Clarice laughed. "At school she's Grace, here she's Chloe."

"Thank you"

"Shush. Now tell me whats been going on,"

"Ooff...where do we start? Oh well, for starters I am a lesbian too," Chloe chuckled. It was liberating.

Clarice laughed and hugged her niece. "I'm guessing you haven't told your dad?"

"Ding ding ding"



It was the night after they met with Beca. Emily true to her words made a reservation for one of the restaurants in Sky Garden...She really wanted to treat Stacie. Not just for her company and support during this time but, because she really liked the girl. She always has. Honestly, she knew her chances were zero to non, because hello! Stacie is smart, super tall, super funny, super pretty supe-


Emily came down from her cloud. And smiled shyly.

"Where did you go just then." Stacie asked tenderly.

"I was just thinking about how lucky we are to have found Beca and...hmm and well...shit, sorry...it's just...why is this so hard!" She then look up the ceiling to gather her thoughts. She felt a hand on top of hers. Warm and soft...she looked down immediately to find Stacie looking at her with so much...care? Love?

Yeah, right.

"Hey, i like you too," Stacie said confidently.

Emily's eyes grew ten times bigger. How? what?

"You do?" She said with a trembling voice.

"Of course I do, who wouldn't? You are sexy as hell with that innocent thing going on...you are beautiful in every way...and so damn talented and smart...it's really a turn on," Stacie finished with a wink.

Bluntness. Stacie's trademark.

"Holy cow...wow...I...i Yeah i like you...I really do...and I have for a long time...phew... feels good to say it out loud." Stacie smirked.

"Imagine all the new things you're gonna say out loud from now on..." The older brunette added seductively.

Emily choked. Is this really happening?

"What do you say...let's get out of here?" Stacie took the lead seeing Emily all shocked.

"Uhm, Yes" She said a little loudly. "Yes, let's get going... CHECK PLEASE!"

Stacie just laughed very amused.



Chloe felt like half the weight had been lifted. Reconnecting with her aunt, meeting Terry and her niece was eye opening to say the least. She wasn't scared anymore. She has enough strength to talk to her dad no matter what the outcome will be. She doesn't care anymore... she is her own person. She has a career, well two, she is doing good for herself, she's made amends with her Bella's... except for three. But soon enough. First things first.

She wasn't nervous, but she wanted this to be over. She knocked three times. She could just go in, it's her house or was...but she did not want to startle her mother.

"Chlo! My baby is home!" Katherine Beale said wrapping her arms around her daughter. "It's been so long!" She released her but stayed at arms length. "Gorgeous as always!"

"Hey mom," She said stepping out of the embrace. "Is dad home?"

"Yes, he is upstairs...honey where are your bags?" Katherine said looking around.

"Back at my hotel. I'm not staying here I just want to talk to you guys. It's important."

It was like the realization of what her daughter was planing down in her. "Chloe..."

"No mom. Enough is enough. We need to talk...Dad! Dad! Come down!"

"Chloe Beale, you know I love you no matter what but I don't think is necessary to do this to your father!"

"This isn't about him. Not everything is about him! This is about me and my feelings and Clarice! I know you know better...I know you defended her back then! And I'm actually not expecting you to do that for me this time around. I honestly don't care about your opinion or his...this is my life...and I will live it the way I want to. Dad!"

"Chloe think about it please..." her mom begged.

"Chloe? What's with all the yelling?" Howard came down huffing... he hated being interrupted while watching football. "What brings the prodigal daughter home?"

"Have a seat both of you, it's time to listen..."

"What on earth? Are you pregnant? Goddamit Chloe! You just started your career! How irresponsible you have to be?!"

Chloe's blood was boiling. What in the lords name was wrong with him!?

"Howard, let her speak..." Kate surrendered.

"Yes dad, enough. I'm not pregnant, I'm just gay." She firmly stated. There's no going back.

"What did you just said young lady?" He said pushing himself to the edge of the couch. Anger rising.

"I am a lesbian who also happens to be your daughter. And i hope you can deal with it!"

"Deal with it? You come to my home and disrespect me and your mother and i have to just deal with it!? The hell you are gay! That's just some LA bullshit I'm sure! I told you Katherine! She should've stayed in Georgia!"

Katherine Beale just stayed quiet.

"I was gay there too dad! I was gay here I was just a scared kid who didn't want to be thrown onto the streets like aunt Clarice! You kicked her out of our family! You are a monster!"

"Don't you raise your voice in my house Chloe! That woman brought it upon herself! She's a deviant! She's a sinner! There's no room for those people here!"

"Those people? Really Howard? Your little sister came home looking for your approval and you and grandma disowned her! You were supposed to protect her! That 'woman' is a fucking professional with a great life, and amazing wife and a incredible and beautiful daughter! So watch your mouth when you talk about her! She is my family! She's been more welcoming in two months than you my entire life! And I'm fucking sick of it. I hate always doing what you wanted. But enough is enough. I'm done with this family."

"Get the hell out of my house you ungrateful little bitch! This isn't your house anymore!" Howard Beale yelled.

"GLADLY!" Chloe yelled back. She grabbed her purse and turn to face her mother.

"Guess you are ok with him tossing me... at least you tried to defend Clarice back then..."

Katherine did look guilty. Guilty and sad...Her whole world crashing in front of her.

"Get out of here! That's the last warning!" Howard fumed.

"Goodbye mom. Fuck you Howard."

She opened the door and seconds later slammed it shut on her way to the car. She sat down with a huge sigh. She started crying...and then she laughed...




On Stacie and Emily's last day Beca asked them to keep in touch. That she will do the effort of going to the states sooner rather than later. She just needed some time to sort some things.

She congratulated them on their new "whatever this is, is really cool you guys". She was happy for her friends...and they thanked her because if it weren't for her, it would've taken a bit longer. They say their goodbyes at the airport with the promise of seeing her more often.

She didn't want to move back. But she did wanted to break things up with Lucy. She was a great girl...but Beca was being selfish. Lucy deserved better.

And so she did. It wasn't great but wasn't awful either. Lucy understood and they parted ways.

Beca felt a sense of calmness after that she didn't expect.

Her friends came looking for her. Chloe came clean to them. People cared.

They came for her.

This is the happiest Becas been in a while...


9 months later. Los Ángeles.

The girls were ecstatic! Stacie and Emily shared the news of their engagement during the bellas reunion.

"Way to live up the whole u- haul thing guys" Cynthia Rose chuckled.

"When you know you know!" Stacie said clinging to her fiancée. Kissing her softly on the cheek. Emily returns the gesture with a peck on the lips.

"Gosh, you are so darn cute!" Ashley said.

"We have a couple of people to thank actually..." Emily's said looking at Chloe. "If it weren't for you and your idiotic ways, I would've never have the guts to tell her how I felt. But since we were abroad in a lovely city...I don't know it just happened."

"I'm glad, I but I'm also sorry for everything guys...Emily I know I hurt you...if I had known what i know now...things..."

"Hey Chlo, it's ok. We are really happy for you. What you did? Getting your life back on track, living how you wanna live...going against your dad...I'm really proud." Emily said squeezing the redhead girl knee.

"Thank you..." Chloe sniffled.

"Oh my god how many lesbians are in these group?! So many tears! So much talking!" Fat Amy exclaimed "it's time to live! Let's be happy our ginger is back being herself! Let's be happy that we know Beca is alive! Let's just be happy for this gorgeous tall couple who's getting hitched! This is a celebration!"

The doorbell rang as soon as fat Amy finished her speech.

"I'll get it!" Aubrey said jumping from her seat.

They weren't expecting anyone else... and it was kind of late... she looked through the peephole. She gasped. She opened the door to a older version of the Beca she once knew. Still short, still beautiful but less make up, brighter hair.

She just pulled her into a hug. Beca didn't put up any resistance. She reciprocated just as hard.

"I'm sorry I left..."

"Shut up, I don't care" Aubrey said between sobs. "I've missed you hobbit"

"I've missed you too General."

They pulled apart and smiled at each other. They both wiped the tears running down their faces. They heard the girls calling Aubrey.

"Come on, time to face the music"

"I'm ready."

They walked through the house into the patio where the other girls were. Aubrey pulling Beca.

"Girls," the blonde announced. Nine heads turned towards them. A few gasps were heard. "Christmas came early"


They all cheered and run to embrace the tiny brunette. She was the last person they would expect to show up..,it's been six years.

Chloe left the patio quietly...she didn't want to ruin the moment and she was getting emotional. All of this was her fault. Six years. She stole six years from the girls. They forgave her...but nothing could change the fact that she screwed up.

She could still hear the girls talking loudly and happily. She smiled. She bowed her head down, her arms stretched on the counter. She knew she had to face Beca soon but she needed to relax first.

Deep breaths.


That voice. She's been dreaming about that voice since forever. She broke. All she could muster was "I'm so sorry. So sorry."

She felt a hand on her back trying to soothe her. That made her cry even more.

"Shhh, it's ok Chlo. It's ok. Come on, look at me"

Chloe couldn't.

"Come on red. Look at me" Beca said gently. Chloe raised her head and stood straight facing the girl of her dreams. Literal dreams.

"Beca..." She was about to crack again. She bit her lip. Making Beca smile.

"Stop. Let me talk first?" Chloe nodded. "You broke my heart." Tears were falling again from the redheads eyes "Stop," Beca chuckled "is ok. Don't cry. Enough of that." The redhead nodded again "good. As I was saying. You broke my heart. But It has been six years Chloe. And as much as wanted to forget you...don't cry. I couldn't. I tried... I tried so hard but it was impossible. I love you too much. I honestly thought that was it, that I had to live my life loving someone who didn't love me back. But then two of those nerds out there tracked me down, and I realized my live was boring and lonely still. I missed them...I missed you! You are the love of my life. And I forgive you. I forgive you because I rather live my life knowing I can call you any time just as friends, than go back to being reclusive. I just want you in my life. The title doesn't matter anymore."

"I love you Beca,"

"I know you do nerd. I love you too."

"No no! Beca I love you. Like I'm in love with you and I've been in love with you since forever and I am so ashamed because I hurt you instead of dealing with my feelings and my demons. You were collateral damage to my stupid actions and repression's. I love you so much...and I'm probably super late and way too soon but I want to be with you. Only you. Life without you is fucking horrible. I've been through a lot to get to this point. To accept myself and my love for you. I had to cut people out of my life just to breath again...and I'm ready to live...I'm ready to be yours, all of me if you'll have me..."

Beca pulled Chloe for a hug. Feeling her body close brought a lot of happy memories. They way their bodies fit...the way Chloe's body feels...she had no doubt she wanted to try again... even if it fails. She wanted to try.

Beca pulled back just inches. She look right into Chloe's blue eyes. "Tell me..."

"I love you so much it hurts"

Beca closed her eyes like she needed to for those words to stay tattooed in her brain. She let out a deep sigh.

When she opened her eyes all she could see was Chloe's love for her. It was settle.

Beca pulled her again but this time their lips met. It was like their first kiss all over again. Emotional, passionate but full of love this time. Chloe pulled her even closer. She wasn't gonna let go this time. She'll be damn before it happens.

They pulled apart and heard cheering outside. The Bellas were pressed against the glass door waiting.

Both girls chuckled. But resumed their make out session.

"Come on Chloe! Let the girl breath!" Amy yelled.

"Never" she whispered over Becas lips. Beca chased her again.

"No really guys! Come on! You have the rest of your lives!" Stacie said.

Beca rolled her eyes but smiled when she looked at Chloe. "We do, don't we?"

"What?" Chloe smiled pecking Becas lips.

"The rest of our lives..."

"Yeah...yeah we do. I love you"

"I love you too." Beca pulled alway but intertwined their fingers, "we have to talk though, don't you agree?"

"Totally! There's a lot to talk about. But can we kiss until then"


Both girls laughed.

"To be continued?" Be a asked.


The end.
