It was a cloudy day in Surrey, England, on the day of Dudley Dursley's birthday, yet despite the weather, the family was making their way to a new restaurant that had opened up in town. Though the restaurant was new, it had already garnered quite the reputation, and kids all around wanted to be taken there by their parents. This is where Dudley had chosen to spend his birthday, and what Dudley wanted he got.
In the Dursley family's small blue car, Dudley had been complaining loudly for the past five minutes about the length of the car ride, much to the dismay of the other passengers.
"Mummy, why aren't we there yet? I thought it wouldn't take long! Mummy!" Dudley Dursley whined.
Now, I believe a slight description of the Dursley family is due before we continue our story. Dudley Dursley was an average height child with an extreme weight problem, let us just say he was wider than he was tall. He had short blonde hair and small, piggish blue eyes. His face slightly resembled that of a whale, and he sadly took firmly after his father, in looks and disposition. Vernon Dursley was the patriarch of this abhorrent family, and he, like his son, had an egregious weight problem. Due to this, he had an exceptionally high blood pressure, leading his complexion always to carry a reddish hue. Vernon also had blonde hair and blue eyes, but his face bore a resemblance to a walrus more than a whale. Lastly, we have the matriarch, Petunia Dursley nee Evans. There was nothing particularly remarkable about Petunia except the exceptional length of her neck, giving her a striking likeness to a giraffe. She too had blonde hair and blue eyes like her family, but her hair had a slight reddish tinge, leaning more toward strawberry blonde but not quite as pretty.
Now that we have a description of our characters, we may continue. Petunia tried to calm her son so that her eardrums may be spared the incessant whining.
"Don't you worry Sweetums, we shall be arriving soon!" She simpered to the backseat.
As Vernon drove over an unusually large pothole, a sharp gasp could be heard from the floorboard in the backseat. The effect this noise had on the occupants of the car was immediate. Vernons already dark complexion darkened to a maroon shade while his wife bore a more sour look upon her face than its usual expression. Then Dudley's foot shot out and rammed into a shaking ball in the floorboard across from him, causing the ball to make an even louder sound of pain. This was the last straw for Vernon, who promptly reached back and slammed his fist upon the head of the small figure.
"If I hear one more noise out of you Freak, I will make sure you will not be able to make another noise again!" The large man hissed, spraying spittle across the dashboard of the car.
The tiny ball in the floorboard nodded its head rapidly, hoping to avoid further punishment. Now, it seems that we have neglected to introduce you to the true focus of our story, Harry Potter. Harry Potter was an unusually small child for his age, that age being five years old, and had unruly raven hair that seemed to defy gravity. His eyes were a shade of green that put even the most striking emeralds to shame. The clothes he wore were many sizes too large and had clearly been worn to rags before being given to Harry to wear. The reason young Harry is sitting in the floorboard of the Dursley's car is that the Dursley's hated anything unnatural, and Harry, well, he was quite possibly the most unnatural person you might encounter. This is due to many reasons, but the only one we're going to focus on right now is his ability to wield magic, not that he is aware of this ability yet. This remarkable power is what gives Harry the ability to become the person that defeats an unimaginable evil in the future, but we'll get to that later.
The Dursley's pull into the parking lot of their destination and take in the sight before them. The restaurant, despite its recent opening, looked slightly rundown and had a faded sign carrying the words "Fredbear's Family Diner" in large red letters. While its exterior was less than extraordinary, the place was teeming with children and their parents. As Vernon and Petunia were filled with dread, Dudley began to shriek loudly in excitement in the backseat. The family unloaded from the car and headed for the doors. Before Harry could enter Vernon, pulled him aside, and told him to wait outside till they were ready to leave.
So Harry sat outside and watched as Dudleyran to join his friends at a table in the corner reserved for Dudley's party. Behind the table was a door that said "Parts and Services," and not far from the table was a stage with a golden bear and bunny dancing to music that he could barely hear through the glass. Harry watched as the children ate cake and screamed when they had to wait too long between pieces. He watched as the giant golden bear struggled to keep up with the demand. As Harry watched, with tears streaming down his face, the roar of an engine echoed loudly behind him. Harry turned to see a large purple car pulling up to the curb beside him; the windows tinted too dark for him to see the driver. The car stopped as the door slowly opened, and a black shoe descended to the pavement, followed by a purple pantleg.
Hellooooo my lovely readers! Welcome to the new and improved version of Harry's Strings! I am terribly sorry for leaving you all hanging for so long, but I have had a great many things happen in my life, and anytime I tried to sit down to write anything, I have been plagued by writers' block. But, I have recently had some help getting through that, and I will be returning to my writing! Yet I have looked at my previous version of this story and decided that I hated the way I wrote it, so I am trying to make a better version of that story for you all. I would also like to note that I am not following a specific set version of the timeline. I am mixing a bunch of different theories together to make my own timeline of events for this story's purposes. If it ever gets confusing, feel free to shoot me a message or drop a comment and I'll do my best to explain! Let me know what you think in the comments, and I will see you next week with the next chapter! Pinky promise! (^-^)
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P.S. Shoutout to Mossstardaughterofbluestar and the guest Libra Chaos for letting me know about the formatting issue! Thank you!
~ Allure Crimson ~