So I was inspired by my brain to do a story where Dracula takes care of a gravely sick Agatha. Enemies blossoming to romance, well, you'll see! I present to you, the first chapter! -Jen

Curiosity was such an interesting concept. The way the mind worked, how it processed. It was part of the reason he'd let her go. Sure, her blood would've easily opened new doors. New worlds. But something deep within him held back. So he let her flee, watching as she disappeared from the remains of St. Mary's Convent in Budapest. Leading poor, sweet, innocent Mina away from the dangerous monster. He chuckled, amused, she certainly was a fascinating one, that Agatha Van Helsing.

So he returned to his castle, making it into the darkness just as dawn broke. Life went on. Morning to night, day to day, week to week, and soon, the headstrong, witty nun slipped from his thoughts. He had more important things to think about-England, the Demeter. It wasn't until he journeyed a small town, rather distant from his home, that it hit him. The familiar, sweet smell. A fragrance he knew. A taste he recognized. But something was off. Like an invasive species choking out its host. Sickness.

Inquisitive, he decided to investigate. It was not long until he found himself in front of a brick building that looked in need of repair. He took a step forward, somewhat hesitant at first. He knocked once. Twice. Finally, the door creaked open, the heavy scent of disease thick in the air. A hospital of sorts. If one dared to even call it that. How peculiar. His gaze finally fell on an older man, exhaustion and confusion evident on his ancient features.

"Good evening, sir," he began slowly. "Might I ask your business this time of night?"

"I should ask you the same," the count smiled. "Count Dracula. What, if I may inquire, is this place?"

"An infirmary," the man replied. "Unfortunately, all of our beds are full. Scarlet Fever has been unforgiving and-"

"If I might be so bold and ask if I can enter," Dracula interrupted. "I believe you are currently caring for a friend of mine."

"I'm afraid it's not wise to do so," the stranger countered. "The illness is very infectious and-"

"Please," the vampire smiled. "My health is no concern. What is important is that I see to my friend and their condition. It's of the utmost importance so I implore you again," his tone firmer. "Allow me to enter this establishment."

The man seemed to hesitate before slowly nodding his head. Confidently, he strode past the man, noting the various bed pans that lay piled up by a nearby wall. When he entered the main room, he was met by quite a pathetic sight. Eight beds. Eight people. Eight various stages of suffering. It wasn't until his eyes landed on the last cot that he finally saw what he came searching for. Or who, for that matter.

Agatha Van Helsing. He could almost feel the heat of her fever radiating off of her body. Her face was red, the distinguished rash spread across her visible form. It was evident she had no idea that he was standing mere feet from her. Lungs struggling to pull oxygen from the air, the occasional moan escaping from her chapped lips. Weak. Vulnerable. Enticing.

He found himself by her side, fingers gently touching her burning neck. She shifted slightly, but did not shy away. Still delirious. Pulse faint, but there. Blood still rushing through her veins. The corners of his lips twitched into a smile at a new thought. An experiment of sorts. How odd would it be if he took her back to his castle? Kept her for observation there? It'd been awhile since he challenged himself with anything.

"You're right," Dracula finally said, hearing the man approach from behind. "I do see you are rather busy, and low staffed at that. Allow me to take her off your hands. I am capable of caring for her myself."

"Sir," he began. "I really don't think that that's-"

"I wasn't exactly asking," the count said, his tone suddenly darker. "We'll be out of your way momentarily." Carefully, he slid his arms underneath the nun's body, scooping her up with ease. "Thank you for your work. If I wasn't so...concerned about my companion, I might inquire more about your medical abilities," he smirked. "Another day perhaps."

He pushed past the man, making his way out of the clinic. The moon was still high in the sky, the stars bright. Perfect. He'd return home in no time, the sun a far threat. His eyes flickered down to Agatha, the woman shifting slightly in his arms.

"We're going to have a lot of fun," he smiled. "You and I."

Fire. That's what it felt like. A smokeless inferno blazing within her, the flames relentless. Trapped. Cornered. Fighting for her life. Agatha tried to focus, tried to grasp onto the thin strands of sanity that held her precariously to existence. Everything around her was crumbling down and she could do nothing to stop it.

Mina. What had become of the girl. That was her name right? She struggled to remember. Her traveling companion. After they left the convent, both had wasted no time to leave Budapest. Or they tried. It was one fateful morning she arose from her slumber, choking from a coughing fit. Hot from a fever. The other woman comforted her, but fear was evident in her voice. Mina. She didn't deserve to die. Not after everything she'd gone to. With what strength she had, Agatha was forced to part ways. Alone. Lost. Dying.

The water burned going down her swollen throat, cutting through like a knife. Someone had found her and brought her into town. Took her to the hospital. She was tired. So exhausted that her mind struggled to focus. The disease was ruthless and soon she was forced to give into its demands.

Hallucinations. Lying visions that danced in her mind. Reality was a thing of the past. It was for that reason when, one moment, in her weakened state, she managed to force her eyes open. She blinked blearily, trying to take in her surroundings. A figure stood before her. A tall, looming man. She squinted, blinked, and alarm found her. Fear. Anger. Confusion. His smile was wide, expression one of amusement and pleasure.

"Count Dracula?"

I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. I promise the others will be longer! Reviews/Comments/Kudos are greatly loved and appreciated! Until next time! Stay safe and healthy! -Jen