April 21st 2016 2:30 PM:

(It's been a few weeks since Owen & Izzy got back together & Izzy moving into his apartment, they've never went on a date before. Owen is about to ask Izzy on their first date, let's find out now.)

Owen & Izzy's apartment:

(Izzy was playing a bunch of Minecraft on the Xbox One, until Owen showed up.)

"Hey Izzy?"

"Not now Owen. I'm playing Minecraft, give me a few minutes, ok?" Izzy asked

"Ok.." Owen sighed as he walked away

10 minutes later..

At the bedroom:

(Owen was seen laying in the bed waiting for Izzy, until she showed up.)

"Ok, I'm done playing Big O. What is it anyway?" Izzy asked

"Uh.. I was wondering... If we like to go on a date?" Owen asked nervously

"Sure! Why not?" Izzy replied

"Oh! Ok! Let me know when you're ready." Owen said

"Sure thing big guy."

6:40 PM:

(Owen was seen waiting for Izzy in the living room, he is wearing a black tuxedo with a black bow-tie. Then he knocks twice on the door to check on Izzy.)

"Hey Iz, are you-"

"Nope! Not yet!" Izzy said

35 seconds later..

"Ok Owen! I'm ready!" Izzy said

"Ok Iz!" Owen replied

(Then Izzy opened the door, & Owen looked at her speechless. Izzy was dressed in a long light blue evening dress. when she looked at him, she blushed a bit.)

"Wow.. Uh.." Owen said nervously

"What do you think?" Izzy asked

"You look.. Uh...amazing!" Owen said nervously

"Thanks." Izzy giggled

"By the way, I thought you were gonna wear a green dress for our date, what happened to it?" Owen asked

"My other green dresses were too big. So I thought this dress would be good for it." Izzy explained

"Ok then." Owen replied

"By the way, you look cool in that tuxedo." Izzy said

"Thanks." Owen chuckled

(They both looked at each other & blushed a bit for 20 seconds.)

"So, what do you want to do first?" Owen asked

"How about the movies?" Izzy asked

"I'll take that as a yes." Owen replied

"Ok! Take my hand." Izzy said

(Then Owen hold's Izzy's hand as they both leave their apartment.)

At the car:

(Owen was driving the car, while Izzy was looking at her Youtube videos from the past.)

"Hey Izzy?"


"What kind of stuff you went crazy with besides the egg salad video?" Owen asked

"Oh! Uh.. I made this last month, take a look!" Izzy said

(Then Izzy shows him the video about her being like HowToBasic again.)

"Hi! I'm Izzy, today I'm gonna show you to make some spaghetti & meatballs." Izzy said on the video

(Izzy pours the sauce all over the bowl, making a huge mess all over it. Then she squishes the meat with her bare hands & feet then pours & rubs it. Then she smashes a bunch of eggs & puts it on the bowl & throwing the others all over the wall. Then she gets a package of spaghetti out, breaks a bunch of them & shoves them in the bowl. And she finally gets a carton of milk & pours it all over the bowl. Making a huge mess in the kitchen.)

"That's how you make some spaghetti & meatballs! Subscribe! E-Scope out! BOOM BOOM!" Izzy yelled at the video as it ended

(Owen was shocked about it while Izzy was cackling hysterically.)

"How did you do that?" Owen asked

"Because I'm a huge fan of HowToBasic! I was obsessed with that user back then, & I wanted to be like him." Izzy explained

"Ok.." Owen muttered awkwardly

"I don't know which movies are playing.." Izzy said to herself

(Then Owen looks at his phone, & looks at the schedule.)

"How about Batman V Superman?" He asked

"Sure! I love superhero movies!" Izzy exclaimed happily

"I agree!" Owen replied

(Then the car parked to the movie & they both got out of the car.)

2 hours later..

(They both left the cinema's together.)

"What do you think of it?" Owen asked

"It was really good! But disappointing at the end, but It was soooo good!" Izzy exclaimed

"I agree Iz."

(Izzy smiled at him happily.)

"So, what now?" Owen asked

"Wanna eat somewhere?" Izzy asked

"Sure." Owen replied

(Then they both got in the car to a restaurant.)

To be continued..