Nick POV

Happy Easter once again and I hope you had great one. I also hope this story brings joy and light in this dark times.

Life has been great for Shutterbug and I and we're glad about that. We could have never imagined our lives being like this. For lives for foxes and vixens are hard for the most part due to stereotypes on foxes. Yet Shutterbug and I truly haven't to worry about that. For our business going off really well and never thought that would happen so early. For my father's tailoring business, it took some time to be truly successful due to him being a fox. If he was another mammal he would have been successful right away. I know my father is proud of his business and would always open one even if he knew the outcome. For he wants to show anyone can run a business and also everyone needs well-styled clothes.

I guess mammals really love art and photography and great art and photographs are hard to come by. So much so that Shutterbug was hired to be an event photographer at a spring fest and we're going to get big bucks because of her accepting the job. For it's a week long job. Shutterbug accepts jobs like that and this job she did for they paid for the train ticket and hotel room. Which really nice and I'm her helper. I know photography and I do have a certain skill at it but its Shutterbug and Serenity who truly do. So I will stick to my artwork. We got the call a few weeks ago and we're surprised for it was the mayor of Bunnyburrow who did. The mayor isn't a rabbit or hare for they stick to farming or being a florist. Also, it's true that they have a lot of kits. In the city, they have one litter of kits but here they can hundreds of kits. I couldn't imagine having that many kits and Shutterbug is the same. We do want kits just not hundreds of them. The highest record for Arctic vixens is twenty-five and that's a lot of kits for a predator. Shutterbug and I at least want two kits. For we don't want our future kit to grow up an only kit like me. Those there's nothing wrong with a life like that for I enjoyed it.

Currently Shutterbug and I are sitting under a weeping willow tree. Which are one of Shutterbug's favorite trees and I would agree with her. I love painting them as well. When we were younger we used to make swings out the branches. Taking a lunch break before doing more photography duty. It has been a lot of fun. It's a nice warm and clear day and the perfect day to be outside. For lunch, we had this wonderful chili, raspberries, blueberries, and fresh-baked cookies.

"I like Bunnyburrow a lot," Katheryn said

"I see that hasn't changed," I say playfully

Shutterbug looks over at me and playfully sticks out her tongue and I give her a smirk. If she liked being tickled this would be the perfect moment to do it. I respect her boundaries and Shutterbug does the same for me. It's the right thing to do. That's what Shutterbug has said after the first day. Bunnyburrow is a nice country town. It's also beautiful with all the flowers and trees. We got to see some of the start of farmers' fields. For we learned they always start with April or at least try to and May is the latest. Sometimes winter stays longer than it should. For seasons are natural here unlike most of Zootopia. For Tundratown is always cold and winter. This year winter ended as normally as it does. So no snow for us.

"Well with things like that I rarely change my mind," Katheryn said

That's true and once Shutterbug likes something she rarely changes her mind. In which can be good and bad. But with this, it's a good thing. Bunnyburrow is a nice farming town to live in. Foxes would have a harder time but they still have good lives here. We saw a fox having a bake stand and his name was Gideon Gray. His blueberry pie is to do die for and Shutterbug enjoyed his red velvet cupcake. Both of us enjoyed his chewy chocolate chip cookies. He told us he's going to culinary school and hopes to open a bakery. We told him he could do it and he told us he'll get a photograph and artwork once he's back in Zootopia. In which we told him we would visit his bakery whenever we visit Bunnyburrow. Gideon looks to be a nice fox and had some trouble in kithood. Katheryn figured he was a bully who changed his ways. For he did speak about owning up to his past mistakes to a few mammals in his life.

"Yes, that's you, Shutterbug." I say "The egg hunt going to be fun."

"It will be and those days were great," Katheryn said

This afternoon we're going to photograph the Easter Egg Hunt. Which is huge in Bunnyburrow and the largest egg hunt other than Rabbit Island in Japaw. Since it's so huge it's divided into groups and days too. So everyone has a fair chance at getting some eggs. For you can only do once and it's free of charge. Since the whole town supports the money and time so they can have it every year. Even in hard times, they managed to pull off it every year. It's the same for their firework shows and parades. So there's a strong sense of community here.

"They truly were," I say

I remember egg hunts we used to have when we were kits. Zootopia does have nice egg hunts and we always went. Always got a good amount of eggs and always having fun. Shutterbug being the great older sister she is let Kaia win when she was young. Then they had a friendly rivalry when she was older. This Easter we're going to hide one special egg for each other. May be too old for egg hunts but we're still doing Easter baskets. No one too old to have sweets, stuff animals, stickers, and activities. Shutterbug does love stickers and always is excited to get police stickers. We're going to cerebrate our Easter tonight after we get home.

"I can't see how it's in mammal." Katheryn said, "For I read and heard all about it."

"Me too," I say "it would be nice to see the egg hunt in Rabbit island."

I'm the same way and it will be interesting to see in mammal. For seeing and hearing is different from seeing it yourself. Like the ball drop on New Year's Eve is different on watching on the TV and in mammal. Shutterbug and I have seen in mammals. Which is better seeing in live than on TV. Once we started dating we did the cliche and kissed. When we were young it was one of the rare times Shutterbug hugged.

"Someday in the future, we'll visit again," Katheryn said

"That we will," I say

Shutterbug and I did visit rabbit island and like its namesake its an island full of rabbits. It was fun to visit and they were friendlier towards foxes. Also, we did visit the fox village and of course its a village with only foxes. We were welcome and they were happy for our lovely marriage. For all species of foxes live there. Life is like what's in Zootopia there's harmony but still trouble. With that, it would be a great village to live in.

"We should get going," Katheryn said

"Yes, for its almost time," I say

Knowing that we have to get over to where the egg hunt is and it's a large field. Katheryn hates to be late and we don't want to be like. They like it that we're always earlier and that's how we try to make it be. But we can't control life and sometimes we have to be late. Getting up and together we pack up our stuff. We can stop by our hotel room and drop off our stuff. Then we can get our camera equipment and be ready for our next job. Of course, Shutterbug always has her favorite camera and second on paw.

"Alright, we're all set," Katheryn said

"Let's go, Shutterbug," I say

Holding out my left paw and Shutterbug takes it and we hold paws. I'm glad that she enjoys holding paws and its something we love to do together. We enjoy walks and I don't mind that Katheryn can be a slow walker for I accept her for who she is. I love it when she can see things that others can't and of course nothing that would be seen as crazy. Walking on the path and there are others out today. Only mammals who hate perfect weather would be inside. Shutterbug and I wouldn't waste stating indoors on a day like this. The only reason if we were sick and luckily for us that rarely happens. Shutterbug has never had a sick day and I only had a few.

"I know that the flower show was your favorite," I say playfully

Looking over at Shutterbug and she gives me a playfully cold look. I love that look and if looks could kill hers would do it. That would be the best death for me. It's always the quiet ones you have to look out for. I give her a smirk and then kiss her on the cheek moments later.

"One of these days I will surprise you," Katheryn said

"Well, that would the day the world stops spinning," I say playfully

Shutterbug laughs hard and I smile at that. Yes, she has surprised me but hasn't with what's her favorite. I always know what's her favorite. I loved our first kiss surprise and my wedding surprise. Shutterbug playfully sticks out her tongue and we both laugh at each other. Shutterbug may be predicable with her favorites but nothing wrong with that. I love that she still loves flowers and gets excited over them. One of the many things I love about her. We even got a flower as a keepsake.

One of the first things we will photograph is the flower show. Which happens every year and everyone enjoys it. Well unless you have allergies you wouldn't but that's not the case for me or Shutterbug. In which I'm glad for or it would be sad and most of all for Shutterbug for he loves flowers so much. We have no allergies so that's wonderful. The flower show well shows off flowers that others grew and there's a contest to see who has the best flower. Also, there's this flower test and you get a sweet prize for winning.

Walking around where the flower show is and it's in one of the flower areas. It's a nice gated area with lots of flowers. There are stands that you can buy flowers and goodies that look like flowers. Shutterbug and I have enjoyed some cookies. Having a camera in my paws and seeing that Shutterbug working hard already.

"Leave some for me," I say playfully

"Well, you better get to work," Katheryn said playfully

I laugh and she's right about that. Of course, its only been a few minutes since we got here. We're going to have a lot of photographs to sort and pick. But that's a lot of fun with Shutterbug and we can keep photographs as well. This going to help out our business a lot and it's going to be so great. So I get to work as well. Taking pictures and taking a lot for I don't have a skill like Shutterbug. She enjoys my photographs even when they can be terrible. Always keeps them in a special photo-book. Taking a picture of a flower stand and it has colorful flowers. So it's going to be a great picture and many are going to enjoy it.

As I work I look over at Shutterbug she's working hard like she always does. Also seeing that she's taking the test. I smile and that's a test she would love to take. For she always hated taking tests for Shutterbug hates being on a time limit for she hates the feeling of being rushed. Shutterbug likes taking time with things. I know she'll ace this flower quiz for she knows a lot about flowers.

"You'll ace that test and win a sweet prize," I say

Taking a picture of kits enjoying looking at some roses. Even those cliched Shutterbug loves getting roses for me and I enjoy giving them to her. With her love of flowers, she would enjoy and love any flower I would give her. Taking another picture of an older jackrabbit couple and I hope Shutterbug and I live to be that old. For we know that we will always love each other until our dying breath. I can't imagine another love life and I know Shutterbug the same.

"You two are married aren't you?"

Seeing that the wife is talking to me and she's still holding her husband's paw. Both seem to be around my grandparent's age. They have the same love as I see the couple before me. That kind of love is hard to find. Knowing that I have it like they do and so do my parents. Shutterbug's parents too but we rarely think good of them.

"Yes, she's my talented lovely wife," I say happily

Shutterbug now happily turning in her test and she never got like that with school tests. For Shutterbug turning in a test never made her happy even know she knew she did fairly. Shutterbug just never liked tests like that and I can understand why. I never could understand how it feels to fail those important tests. Shutterbug always knew she would score low and that made her feel stupid. One of the few things I don't like about her is when she calls herself stupid and she's the palm of her paws to hit her forehead. Of course she never really hurts herself but I always try stopping her if she does it. I can't love everything about her for no one is perfect. I know she feels the same way about me with my bad habit of hiding how I feel. For she knows expressing how you feel is better than hiding it and she did have trouble with that when she was younger. We all have flaws for we're not perfect.

"We could tell you two remind us of our younger days." He said

"Yes you two do and it's wonderful." She said

"Well, I'm glad to hear that," I say "We know our love will last forever and we hope that we get grow old together as we did growing up."

Even before falling in love, we made a promise that we would always be in each other lives no matter what. Of course, that's when we were young and naive about life. Even after finding out about the hardships of life, we decided to keep that promise. So far is still keeping true and we hope it stays that way.

"So you found true love." He said

"Yes, we did," I say

"Well, I'm sure you two will." She said

"Thank you and I hope you two have many more years together," I say

"Thank you, young sir." They said

Smiling and they smile back at me and I head off. Taking a picture of mammals enjoying looking at flowers. I know Shutterbug and I discovered true love. That we're each other soulmates and always will be. Rather it's romantic or in friendship for we believe you can have a soulmate in friendship. Shutterbug and I believe in soulmates.

"For the first time, we have a tie as long as we can remember."

Mrs. Fields is the leader for the flower show and she's European rabbit and the most common rabbit in Bunnyburrow. Normally she's a florist but she's part of the planning community. We have spoken to her and she told us that. She's nice and isn't to bad about foxes. Seeing that shocks everyone and there are whispers about it. I guess whoever won hasn't had any trouble winning in the past. Knowing that Shutterbug tied with him or her. I would guess him for I see a very shocked Arctic hare. He seems to be the same age as my mother and I know he's a bigot. I have seen his family for their florist. So that would make him Mr. Gardener and it makes sense why he would be always on top.

"Who has such knowledge that he or she could tie with me?!" Mr. Gardener questioned

"I have that such knowledge," Katheryn said

Shutterbug speaks loudly and clearly in which she rarely does for she the quiet type. Rarely raises her voice and I rarely see it. I have a smile on my face her self confidence has changed so much and I'm glad about that. Mr. Gardener is shocked and I see a hateful look. Yep, he's a bigot and that's no surprise.

"How could you know such knowledge?" Mr. Gardener asked

"I love nature and could have been a florist if I wasn't a photographer," Katheryn said proudly

Shutterbug standing her ground and staring at Mr. Gardener. Even those she still hates eye contact with strangers. When she stands up for what she loves and she sees as right Shutterbug not bother by eye contact. Both of us know that has to do with bravery. We were told as long as we do our duty we can join in on the fun.

"Alright tie for the tiebreaker." Mrs. Fields said, "You have to solve this question. I am a flower that only grows and blossoms at night. A rare sight indeed and valuable. I can grow up to four large flowers and one small flower. In which I can glow. So what I'm I?"

"Nocte Lux or commonly known as Midnight light. Belongs to the kingdom of Plantae and the family of Orchidaceae." Katheryn said

I clap and I know that Shutterbug right after all that's her favorite flower. Everyone stunned by her quick answer and I see Shutter has a smile on her face. It only took her a few seconds to figure it out. For Shutterbug totally confident in nature and it would be the same for photography.

"We have a winner Katheryn." Mrs. Fields said

Everyone claps and cheers for her and that makes Shutterbug happy. Those Mr. Gardener not happy at all and looks he's a sore loser when it comes to losing to a vixen. Not going to let him ruin this moment and I take a few pictures.

We didn't get a Midnight Light for those are rare and expensive flowers. Only experienced florists or gardeners would be trusted to grow the flower. So I'm a no go but Shutterbug would be trusted and she would make it grow. Instead, we got Easter Lilies for its was close to Easter. My Easter lily still alive after a few days. I will keep it alive and show Shutterbug I can have a green thumb. She promised that she won't take care of my Easter Lily for I'm doing it all on my own. Knowing Shutter wants to see it happen as well.

"I'm surprised that you're flower still alive you couldn't keep a daisy alive," Katheryn said playfully

"I was just a little kit," I say

"Recently couldn't keep a tulip alive," Katheryn said playfully

"You wound, me, Shutterbug," I say

Shutterbug looks over at me and smiles so I give her my smirk. Still holding each other paw and we kiss each other the lips moments later. In which is a wonderful kiss and our all kisses feel like that. Still walking together and I see that the hotel is in view. It's an average but good hotel and there's a pool. So we have lots of fun after work. Shutterbug loves to swim and is a strong swimmer. Most Autistics are drawn to the water especially kits so Shutterbug learned how to swim at an early age. Shutterbug told me it's because of its stimuli for her. Shutterbug loves how light reflects and the smell of water. Yet water can be dangerous to Autistic's and those who wander off sometimes are found in water for they drowned. I always fear that for Shutterbug even the best swimmers can drown. Another lifetime she could have had a future as Olympian swimmer, We used to pretend we were part of the Olympics and had fake medals. Also could have done it for archery.

"That I did Artem," Katheryn said

"I enjoyed the dance the most so far," I say

"I had a good feeling about that." Katheryn said, "That was a lot of fun."

There was a dance last night and it was a lot of fun. Shutterbug and I still love to dance. Even those its been forever since we been in ballet. I blame her parents on that those we try to not think about them. For mammals like them, you cut them out of your life. So that's what Shutterbug did and she feels great. The dance was a lot of fun for Shutterbug and me.

Shutterbug and I are at this large open field and it's a flat area. It's close by where they would have Carrot days. Back in the day they used to keep their harvested crops here and there was a large building. Until it burned down and it was never rebuilt. For they decided it was best to be kept as it was before a great open area. We could be photographers for that event for this going well. Many love the photographs we have taken and they love Shutterbug's photographs the most. After all, she's the one who's the photographer.

Of course, since its the spring fest the area would be decorated with flowers. It's nicely decorated as well and a perfect place for an outdoor dance. There are so many different flowers and it's so colorful. Tall wood pillars have flower garlands and look so life-like. In front is like a waterfall of flowers. Shutterbug always has fun going through them and I can understand why. There are lanterns that will light the way once the day turns into night.

"It's a beautiful place to have a dance," Katheryn said

"I agree with you, Shutterbug," I say

Shutterbug has a huge smile on her face. Taking pictures before anyone gets here and we got here early those not too early. In a few minutes, everyone will arrive and the musicians will come first. It makes sense for they have to get their music ready and they're locals. That would be the best kind of music and Shutterbug's favorite would be the violin. I would agree with her for the violin is so lovely.

"We get to have more great photographs," Katheryn said happily

"Also hear wonderful music," I say

"That's so true," Katheryn said happily

Shutterbug begins to skip ahead and she does that when she's really happy. Seeing that always makes me smile and happy. So I follow right behind her and we head close to the stand. Like Shutterbug said we're going to get great photographs Knowing that they will be happy to be a part of it. We can see there are preys and predators. Along with being young and old and they're happy to see us. They talk about Shutterbug beating Mr. Gardener and that hasn't happened since Mrs. Reeds did it years ago. Normally Shutterbug hates being put in the spotlight but she only enjoys it when talking about something she loves.

After talking we start to take pictures and they're enjoying it. Shutterbug and I are getting great pictures that everyone will enjoy. We also take pictures as mammals start to come to the dance. Once again predators and preys young and old come. For dancing is for any age and anyone can dance. Even when it's terrible you still can dance. My mother is a great dancer and while my father is a terrible one but both enjoy dancing together.

Shutterbug currently photographing a rabbit close our age. She's wearing a purple flowery dress and he has violet eyes. It also has a purple flower on her left ear and looks like purple her favorite color. It does suit her well. Shutterbug dances with her to get great shots. I would break my bones or camera if I did that. I'm not as flexible as Shutterbug but still fit.

Taking pictures of other dancers and see that they're having fun. There are other photographers around and together we're making sure we get every shot possible. They're going to have a lot of great pictures this year. We have met them and they have been nice to us. They enjoy Shutterbug's photographs and my artwork. We have enjoyed the photographs that they took.

"That's going to be a nice one," I say

I managed to get this sweet picture of dancers. I got to use my imagination to get the perfect shot and I can understand what Shutterbug sees when she does photography. I get the same way when I'm doing art. Knowing that Skye is the same way when she does art and music. It's a wonderful view to have if you're creative. Walking around and taking more pictures. Knowing that will going to have plenty of them. I head over to Shutterbug.

"May I have a dance with you a lovely photographer?" I ask

"Yes, you may," Katheryn said

I do a bow while holding my paw out and that makes Shutterbug laugh. She takes my paw and we're drawn in close. The music is lively and I have been tapping to it. Shutterbug too for that's what she does. Shutterbug and I dance together and to our own beat.

"We still got it," I say

"Well, of course, all thanks to me," Katheryn said playfully

"I can say no to that right answer," I say playfully

Both of us laugh and Shutterbug having a bit of fun. Both of us are the same skill of dancing and it has always been like that. Both of us would remember the times that we tried to beat each other. We always had a blast doing that. I pull Shutterbug as the song comes to an end and kiss her.

"That was a lot of fun," Katheryn said

"Yes, it was," I say "its time for another line day."

"Hurrah and that's going to be lots of fun!" Katheryn said

They're going to be a break before they start up again. They don't want the musicians to be overworked. There are snacks and drinks to enjoy. I may have been enjoying blueberries too much and can't help myself they're so good. They're the best tasting blueberries I have ever tasted. Of course, they would most fresh since they just came from a farm. Fresh blueberries are the best blueberries.

"It's going to be a lot of fun." I say "I think it would be middle school that we had did our last line dance."

"That would be true," Katheryn said

Remembering that we used to have a dance unit in gym class. That unit was always fun and we both looked forward to it. For dancing, it was fun for us. Knowing that many of our classmates didn't feel the same way about dancing. Shutterbug always enjoyed dancing even when her parents stopped her from doing ballet. There was no way to stop her from dancing they just stopped her from becoming a professional dancer.

Seeing that everyone starting to get into the right position so we'll do the same. Holding out my paw and Shutterbug takes it. We head over to a free spot and we're going to dance next to a cougar and elk. It does take long for everyone to get into position. A few minutes later the music starts to play and moments later we begin to dance. At first, it isn't in sync but after a few minutes, everyone dancing almost becomes sync. Those Shutterbug and my dancing are in total sync. Together we dance the night away.

Seeing that we're in front of the hotel and time just flew away as we walked and talked. It's almost time to get ready for the Easter Egg Hunt. We just got to put our picnic stuff away and I have to get the camera I'm using. Together we head inside the hotel and we're on the ground floor and close to where we can have breakfast. So Shutterbug and I were almost always the first ones having breakfast. Making sure that we enjoyed it for we barely got breakfast like that.

"First take care of flowers then off to our final photography shot," Katheryn said

"An excellent plan like always," I say

Taking out our card key and unlock our room. Everything is packed up and ready to go. Shutterbug and I going to catch the train shortly after the Easter Egg Hunt. We're going to turn our work in and then we're going be paid. It's going to be great check that will help out a lot. Shutterbug and I will make sure it will be of use. So far money is going well and if we ever have a rainy day this check will be a good use for a day like that. Together we pack away the picnic stuff and head over to our flowers. Which stands in the window still to get some sunlight.

"Look my flower still alive," I say

"A true surprise," Katheryn said

"You wound me, Shutterbug," I say

We laugh and a few minutes later we kiss on the lips. Shutterbug head to the small fridge and takes out a cold water bottle. Heading back to the Easter Lilies and waters hers and then paws it to me. Having a smirk on her face and I give her mine. Giving the right the amount of water and Shutterbug slow claps for me.

"I am the grand gardener," I say

"Forget the keyword the killer grand gardener," Katheryn said

"You wound me, Shutterbug," I say

"Of course and it's lots of fun," Katheryn said

Shutterbug gives me her smirk and she laughs. I playfully stick out my tongue at her and both of us laugh moments later. Walking over to her and she kisses me on my left cheek. I return the kiss on her right cheek. Grabbing the camera that was on the nightstand and wearing it like a necklace.

"Alright, we're ready to go," I say

"Yes, we are," Katheryn said

Taking her paw once again and together we head out of the hotel. Seeing that young kits are gathering over to the Grand park in which the Easter Egg Hunt takes place. We saw a park that we would have really enjoyed as kits and we may have a little fun at the park when there weren't kits around. Got weird looks but nothing came to it. For we weren't bothering anyone or talking and playing with kits we don't know. Together we head over to the park and join the other photographers.

"This going to be so much fun," Katheryn said happily

"I agree with fully," I say

When they said this Easter Egg Hunt is big and lots of fun its the truth. For Shutterbug and I have seen many happy kits. Seeing lots of colorful eggs and hidden in great places. It would have been lots of fun to do an Easter egg hunt here. Together the both of us haven gotten great pictures. So many eggs and to many to count. Those Zootopia Easter egg hunts were lots of fun and challenging too. There were a lot of happy kits too and we sure were. Shutterbug and I used to get a lot of eggs.

"Alright, there should be a few eggs over here."

Shutterbug and I hear a familiar voice and we know who he is. It makes sense why he would be here for most of his family lives in Bunnyburrow. Snapping a picture of kit getting another egg for his collection and he runs off to get the next one. Looking over to see Demetrius Underwood and he's a Yarkand hare. His family runs an orchard farm and he runs the one in Zootopia. His farm is in the Meadowland district and our favorite place to get apples and some yummy cider. Demetrius gave us a nice present for Christmas and we did the same for him. Demetrius isn't like other hares and rabbits he likes us and we like him.

"Hello, Demetrius have you found your lucky doe yet?" I ask

Demetrius is two years younger than us and is a single buck. Which is uncommon for a rabbit and hare for they're married around their late teens so they can start their families. Demetrius got the looks and personality but hasn't found his soulmate. He's tall with a slender built that has muscles. After all farm work would keep you fit and have good built. His fur is sandy brown with grayish-black stripes and having white ventral pelage. Finally, his eyes are this light hazel. He's wearing a blue shirt and black pants. His tie is an Easter theme and it's colorful eggs. His niece looks to be only four is wearing an Easter Rabbit dress.

"Hello, Nick and Katheryn it's nice to see you." Demetrius said, "Look around but don't go too far."

"Alright, uncle Demetrius."

It's so cute when little kits can't pronounce names. The way she says it is so adorable and remember when Shutterbug and were like that. Watching her hunt for eggs and I take some pictures as she does. Demetrius heads over to me and I see he's carrying the eggs she has so far. Lucky girl got a good amount so far.

"I'm sure the way find eggs you'll find the right doe." I say "Isn't that right Shutterbug?!"

"You staying in that hole by yourself!" Shutterbug said

"You wound me, Shutterbug," I say

Shutterbug laughs and is taking pictures of the rabbit doe from before. Seeing that she's with younger family members as well and makes sense that she does. Seeing that's enjoying her time with her family and also makes sense. Shutterbug or I haven't seen a rabbit or hare family that isn't close. But we know happens for nothing perfect. She's wearing an Easter outfit as well and it has a purple theme to it. Demetrius looking over at them and has a smile on his face. Then he looks over at his niece who's grabbing some eggs like other kits.

"Katheryn is wise unlike you," Demetrius said playfully, "I could make your favorite rank disappear."

"Like the lucky doe in your life," I say

"Oh, you got me there." Demetrius said, "I have dated but there has been no spark."

Demetrius laughs and he's got a nice laugh as well. In which someone would enjoy laughing with him. We're messing with each other and I know he enjoys it a lot. Shutterbug and I know about that for he has told us about it. Demetrius finds it nice to talk to someone about his love life that won't be judgmental about it. One of the negative things about rabbits and hares. They stand by you have married young and if not you will be doomed to be forever alone. He'll find his doe and have his soulmate as I do. Everyone has as soulmate that they have to find and we know he'll find his.

"That's another apple on the house," I say

Demetrius lets out a laugh and I take another picture of kits having lots of fun. Demetrius isn't like that and it was worth a shot. Those he does give apples to the homeless. Remembering the fun times I had egg hunting. How Shutterbug and I used to trade eggs if we liked it. We always got around the same amount of eggs but never the same amount. For that would have been freaky if that happened. Speaking of Shutterbug I look over at her and smile. Seeing that she's having a lot of fun and has the biggest smile on her face.

"Not a chance," Demetrius said, "I hope I'm lucky as you two."

"Figures and you will be." I say "Sometimes love is closer than you think."

"Well, you can be wise," Demetrius said

"Now you got me," I say

Both of us laugh and it feels nice to laugh. Seeing that his niece is coming back and skips over to us. Seeing that she has a smile on her face and I take out the camera. Waiting for the right moment and take a few pictures. Knowing that would of them will be great and Shutterbug would enjoy a lot. She heads over to Demetrius' right side and I know why. Not truly bother by it and Demetrius told me how he was and how he changed. Saying it was stupid to believe that all foxes were shifty and untrustworthy that's not possible. Also that we're not all red so coming from the devil impossible too. Seeing that Shutterbug is close by and I wave over at her and she waves back. Still having the biggest smile on her face.

"No need to worry most of our family is wrong about foxes. Nick and his wife Katheryn are really nice and you would love them." Demetrius said, "Nick this my niece Sally. Katheryn is a talented photographer."

"I trust you uncle Demetrius and I'm sorry Nick and Katheryn," Sally said, "I like meeting you."

"It's nice to meet you." Katheryn said, "It's nice meeting you Sally."

"I feel the same and it's alright we understand," I say "We all learn the wrong things and have to learn it the hard way. Isn't that right Demetrius."

"Yes, that's very true." Demetrius said, "We should get going and get going so you get more eggs. I'll see you two around."

"Yes to eggs and see you two," Sally said

"Goodbye." Katheryn and I say

Demetrius holds Sally paw and they head off to get some more eggs. Shutterbug quick and snaps some great photographs and I know that. She heads over to me and we watch them. Sally points to an egg that she missed and Demetrius carries her to get into. Seeing that it a nice blue eye with white rabbits. Both of them have smiles on their faces and they walk out of sight. I see her look and now what's going on."

"I want to be a mother and I know we can always be parents. But what if I can never do it, Nick?" Katheryn asked, "I don't want you to go away if I can't do it."

"Katheryn I know you can do it and I will always way." I say "I would never go away. We can make our marriage work without going to the next step. For our love is really Katheryn."

"Sorry that I doubted you with that." Katheryn said, "I know you never go away and yes our love is really Nick."

"There's nothing to be sorry for," I say "I love for you the way you are Katheryn and never want you to ever force yourself to do something your not ready for don't like."

I rarely call Shutterbug by her real name after she grew to love Shutterbug. If she had fur hair she would have the most beautiful curly fur hair. Knowing that she would let me brush it out of her eyes. I can tell she's having a hard time. She holds out her paws and I pull her in for a hug. I don't need the next step to be in love and happy with or marriage. I won't seek it out because she can't do it. Knowing her parents put that into her mind if you don't do it your loved one will have affair and leave because they're not happy or loved. Marriages can last without it. We hug for a few minutes and she breaks free. Taking a few deep breathes and does her camera motion to calm herself down.

"Thank you Artem and I love you for who you are Nick," Katheryn said, "and I never want you to stop trying to be a grand gardener."

"Thank you, Shutterbug, and let's keep on going," I say

"You're welcome Artem," Katheryn said, "Of course I'm right behind you."

Shutterbug once again has a smile on her face and does a skip. I have my biggest smile as well and ready to skip as well. There's my lovely and happy Shutterbug. No matter what I will accept her and know she's the same way with me. If we're sad we will be there for each other and cheer each other up. Once again we hold each other paws and we walk off together. Taking more photographs of the Easter Egg Hunt of 2014.

We're in mayor Grover office and its a nice office. He's a fan of plants and flowers and he has a green thumb. Also there's pictures of Bunnyburrow and events that they have. There are large bookshelves and large window to get nice view and sunlight. Shutterbug and I got to see the mayors and assistant mayors offices on school trip in middle school. Knowing that's where Dawn going to work someday and is going to be a great mayor. We be voting for her for sure and not just because she's a good friend of ours. We'll be voting for we know that she'll do great things as mayor. His desk is finely made and can't tell what tree is front. Having an older computer but still works well. Lots of paperwork that's well organized. He has lot of pens and some are the fancy ones. There's some boxes behind his office.

Mayor Grover is a male Red deer and in his late thirties and has a family of his own. Not knowing much about him other than he's friendly and very hard working. One of the few mammals that doesn't have any bigotry against foxes. He heard about our business and knew we had to be hired. Shutterbug and I know he won't be disappointed. He has dark red brown fur and brown eyes. Wearing this nice suit red Easter eggs tie. I wonder how its like to have antlers and hooves. Knowing for sure it must be a chore to put on clothes and walking in door sometimes. Dawn told us about her life and how hooves feel to her. But I still wonder about it.

"I went through all the Easter egg hunt photographs and got the best ones." Katheryn said

"Wow that was fast." Mr. Grover said

"She works fast photography," I say "for she has great eye for photographs and also she only had go through mine the most."

"That's what I heard," Mr. Grover said

"I love hearing that." Katheryn said, "I loved your photography."

"I know you do." I say

Mr. Grover takes the flash drive from Shutter an it has flowers on it and Shutterbug had it for years. Katheryn does work fast and did every day after we were done. So that made the job faster. Shutterbug photographs are always close to perfect so she doesn't need to go through and edit them as much. But I saw a lot of my photographs were good but I many bad ones. I know she was telling the truth and I'm glad to hear that. Well I learned and will get better but not Shutterbug. It's the same for her and art. It only take Mr. Grover to get all the pictures and place them them in file. Knowing that the pictures will be in the paper, videos, and slideshows.

"I knew you'll be up for the task," Mr. Grover said, "If alright if you I Bunnyburrow would be honored if you remain permanent photographers for our events."

I'm glad that he saw our skill in photography and Shutterbug most of all. Shutterbug's flashdrive lays on his desk and near us. Shutterbug and I are shocked by his question. Sure we imagined that something like that would happen. We had a lot of fun and hoped we would get more career events like this. I hope to get an art one for Kami and I someday and Katheryn will be cheering us on along with Serenity. Everyone will be so happy to hear that news and our business will still go strong.

"We would be honored too." Katheryn said

"Great and we're looking forward to more pictures from your business and artwork if ever comes to it." Mr. Grover said, "He's your check and I hope it worth it and you enjoyed your time."

"We're looking forward to it as well," Katheryn said, "It's not about the money for us, but enjoying what we love."

"We do and I think the same way." I say

Shutterbug and I can't wait to enjoy more photography events like the Spring Fest. For we did have a lot of fun. Bunnyburrow is enjoyable place to visit and we would get to see Gideon again. Mr. Grover paws me the check and we can't believe how much money we got. Carefully and making sure that I place the check in the right place. Shutterbug makes sure that I do as well so it doesn't get lost or stolen. Tomorrow we will put into our business account.

"It's nice hearing that," Mr. Grover said, "Oh we have leftover candy. So if you want we can deliver to you."

"Oh can we have all the sour jellybeans!?" Katheryn said happily Shutterbug if possible would jump to the ceiling when she's really happy. That would explain the boxes behind him and its good know that candy won't go to waste. Zootopia makes sure that food waste is very little and that has changed a lot in over the years. Shutterbug can have her outburst still with certain things. Many think she's rude when she does it and Shutterbug can't help it. She loves sour candy so much and jelly beans. "I'm sorry about that."

"No need we'll send the sour ones," Mr. Grover said, "and would that be yes for the rest?"

"Meeps for him and sour jellybeans for me." Katheryn said, "Yes, for the rest too."

"I love Meeps and she hates them." I say

It was easy to tell that Shutterbugs them with the tone of her voice. So I'll enjoy Meeps by myself and she'll enjoy her sour candy. Those I do like sour candy and I'll her enjoy her sour jellybeans for she loves them so much. The only way she loves Meeps is the art contest and stuff animals.

"I love them as well." Mr. Grover said, "Take what you and we'll ship the rest to you."

Katheryn doesn't need to be told twice and she skips over to the box candy. Having the biggest smile on her face. I love her so much and I know she loves me so much as well. A few minutes later she returns with bags of sour jellyjeans and Meeps for me. Shutterbug already enjoying her jellybeans.

"Thank you for the candy," Katheryn and I say

"You're welcome and see you two at our next event." Mr. Grover said

"Until next time." I say

Holding Shutterbug's paw and we head out together. It's still early evening and we'll be back home latest evening. Later dinner for us but still good time wise. There's some stars out and we saw millions of them. We got great photographs of the stars and moon. This year weren't not going to cook. For my parents and her parent in laws are going to do that. Before we do we're going to do Easter for ourselves ourselves.

"Ready for our Easter?" I ask

"Of course I I am." Katheryn said, "You're going to enjoy your basket and egg."

"Same for you." I say

I know I'm going to enjoy my Easter basket and going to get another Meep stuff animal. Shutterbug going to enjoy hers and cute little fox with rabbit ears. Going to enjoy the candy we gave each other. Then our little egg hunt. I hide her very special flower one at our business and where her cameras are. I know she hide my special art egg at our apartment and at special spot. Both are going to be great photograph moments. I'm going to love Shutterbug happy face and she's going to love mine. As we walk to the hotel and back to the train we talk about our past Easters and egg hunts. Holding my Easter Lily on the ride home and can't wait for our first Easter has husband and wife.

Author Note, Once again I enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoyed reading it. I hope this feel good story brings a good time in hard times like this. I know the world will get through it. Took a bit longer so I decided to make spring with Easter egg hunt. I believe that Rabbit Island would still exist in Zootopia universe and they would have the largest egg hunt. Same for Fox village and in Zootopia it would be close to heaven in Zootopia universe instead of hell on earth for foxes in ours. For foxes shouldn't live like that. Both places are in Japan or Japaw in Zootopia universe. Yes Midnight Light in this story but you will see blossom first FTB*evil laugh* For their dance imagine whatever you want. I was picture the dancing in Tangled/KH3. Of course you'll know the doe with purple eyes and wearing purple. Like Demetrius will end up with Judy obviously and I ready decided how they meet. That will be mini story but that's just one so far for them. Once again I love jellybeans and sour candy so much. Also hate Meeps but love the art contest and stuff animals. So until next time readers.