A New Tournament

Chapter 1: Prologue: An Unknown Return

Disclaimer: I do not own any of this. All rights reserved to the respective owners of Harry Potter and Stargate: SG1. If I did own any of it, it would have gone very differently.

Summary: A gift from the future provides a little bit of hope in a time of need. OP Harry, Ron and Hermione, but with a plausible background to support it. No bashing, even of disliked characters.


Premise: This story came about by a funny game my game group played a couple of years ago, and a certain amount of disgruntlement about a lot of HP fanfics out there. Basically, the whole 'Harry gets serious about his education' shtick so many stories have. As if you can change your entire mentality overnight. Or that you could suddenly become really good at something simply by reading about in a book. So, I wanted a story that gave a plausible reason why Harry would suddenly become much better than he was in canon, something none of the stories ever did.

The other half of the premise came about from a side game my group played while eating lunch on session. Take one item, spell or superpower from any game system that a GM for that game wouldn't think twice about allowing a low to moderate experienced character to have, then combine it with another item or spell from a different system that follows the same standards, and put into either of the systems or another setting of a similar type to make the most over powered character conceivable. This story is the result. The items come from GURPS Magic Items and Hero's Unlimited and adding them into Harry Potter.

The SG1 cross will be a slow burn intro that won't have a major affect until later in the story.

Let me know if you think this is worth continuing.


Another note. While Authors notes will in the future be at the end, this is important. I use ONLY the 7 main books as canon. If it wasn't in those books, I don't consider it canon. Likewise, the Fantastic Beast movies didn't happen. They're real stories told to children in England, but they are even less accurate to true events as the Harry Potter Adventure series that talks about Harry's supposed life before Hogwarts, i.e., they're complete bullshit. The original Fantastic Beasts book is what Newt published and Hogwarts uses as a textbook, the new version was published by his grandson after Newt died to cash in on the stories [that Newt despised]. Likewise, The Cursed Child isn't even close to canon, and will not be referenced at all. If for some reason I do bring them up, it'll be from some idiot with even less talent in divination then Trelawny making shit up to try and upset Harry.

In any discrepancies between the book and movies, the books will win. I saw in its entirety, only the 1st two movies, walked out of the 3rd, and have seen parts of the 4th and last movie on TV. As you might have guessed, not a fan of the disservice the movies made to the books and characters. While I do not have the books memorized and have my own interpretations of how they happened and why, be warned, if you can't reference a 'Fact' about the Harry Potter universe in those books, it's not canon and I will ignore it unless I like it.


Time was running out for Harry. They were beating down the door as he worked. Time was up, he couldn't grab everything and disapperate before they got in, and he didn't have any place to go if he did have time. The war with the Muggles that Voldemort had started years ago was finally over, the muggles have won. A pyretic victory to be sure, one that left three fourths of the population dead [surprisingly, Dumbledore's-Bluff to world leaders in the 60's hadn't been a bluff], but a victory none the less. Harry was the last wizard he knew of still alive. Neville was killed two weeks earlier; Lisa Turpin died a little over a year ago. She'd been the last witch.

About a month before that, they'd got word from the continent that the last enclave in Serbia was under attack. Harry didn't give them much of a chance. Ever since the aliens had landed, the war, which had been a stalemate that both sides by majority wanted to end, had gone from horrible for both sides to truly and epically bad for magicals. The Goa'uld overlords saw magicals as a serious threat to their rulership and had stepped up the pogrom against them. They even pulled 'The-Witch-Finder-General' out of the past, supposedly they were gods and could do that. Unfortunately, Harry recognized the muggle in question. Hopefully he was simply infected with a goa'uld. Harry hated the idea that Hermione's father would kill witches like that, but the war had gotten bad long before the pyramids descended.

The 3 of them had had a plan to go back in time, but the potion needed all of their memory's and they'd be unable to care for themselves for the 3 weeks it'd take to brew and required at least 2 people's memories to stabilize it. With that option out, a desperate Harry grabbed the last 2 batches of Felix Felicis, downed one and then pulled a memory at random from his head, trusting in the potions luck for the memory to be the best for his needs, dropped it into Dumbledore's old Pensive, and touched a rune on the side. One of several options for time travel they'd looked at, Pensive travel was the 2nd most limited [time turners being the most], but he was out of time and had no choice.

After touching the fluid with his finger, Harry found himself falling, not into the memory has had been the case in past uses of the pensive, but truly into the memory, to once again live through it. He new he had at most a month, but highly doubted General Granger would give him even 5 minutes of that. Harry quickly picked himself off the ground and looked around. He was in the third-floor corridor near where Fluffy used to be kept.

"Dobby!" Harry called obeying a prompt from the potion.

With a soft pop, the little House Elf appeared behind him. "Master Harry Potter sir, what do you need?" When Harry turned around, he saw Dobby start. "You're not Harry Potter sir, who are you?"

"Dobby" Harry said looking at him trying to shake off the nostalgia, "I don't have much time so listen. I AM Harry Potter, just not the one from this time. I'm a future version of him. I've come back to try and set things rii…" Harry broke off looking down at his stomach, blood welling up out of a wound he didn't have before. "I'm out of time Dobby, I need you to get this potion to the other me here." Harry told the Elf putting the potion bottle in his hand. "There's enough in there for 3 days of luck, but it'll disappear on the next full moon and return to the future. He's got until then to use it and fix the… …the futu… future."

Harry fell to the floor, bleeding from several more wounds. "Out of time dobby, please he…"

"…lp him." Harry looked around and saw General Granger himself standing over him, his men trashing the room around them.

"Well, well, well, Mister Potter has returned to consciousness. Don't get used to it. Normally I'd just a kill a little wizard like yourself, but you once were my daughter's friend, so I want to see the pain and misery in your eye as you die. The same pain and misery I felt when you and all the other little shitheaded wizards killed her." The General said, spinning a bloody knife in his hand, "I want to see you lose hope. But fortunately, I'm not foolish enough to not realize you've got tricks, so it'll still be quicker than you deserve yo…" The General broke off looking around, noticing that the colors were starting to fade.

Harry looked up and smiled, "I WIN!" General Granger quickly pulled a pistol and shot at Harry, motion slowing and finally stopping the bullet about an inch from Harry's head, hanging there for an eternity. Then, suddenly, Harry Potter, General Granger, all his men, the room around them and the entire world, indeed, the entire universe, ceased to be.